The Farmer Wants A Wife AU Season 14 Episode 16

  • 4 months ago
The Farmer Wants A Wife AU Season 14 Episode 16
00:00:00 (helicopter whirring)
00:00:01 - Previously on Farmer Wants a Wife.
00:00:04 The final dates landed.
00:00:06 - We're ready.
00:00:07 - With the ladies' last chance to make an impression.
00:00:11 - Daisy and Todd have a good connection,
00:00:13 but the next 24 hours, she doesn't matter.
00:00:16 - Oh my God.
00:00:17 - I just can't stop smiling.
00:00:19 - Before emotional farm farewells.
00:00:23 - I don't think I am the person for Claire.
00:00:25 - Left the farmers with their final ladies.
00:00:28 (dramatic music)
00:00:30 But it was the end of the road for Farmer Bert.
00:00:34 - It's become harder and harder for me.
00:00:37 And at this point, I don't think that I can really
00:00:40 keep going in this experience.
00:00:42 - Sending all three of his ladies home.
00:00:46 Tonight.
00:00:48 - I'm gonna miss this place.
00:00:50 - The farm stays come to an end.
00:00:52 - Really grown fond of being here.
00:00:54 - Off we go.
00:00:55 - Before our farmers and their ladies
00:00:58 leave for the big smoke.
00:01:00 - Oh wow.
00:01:01 - Can't believe that we're here.
00:01:02 - Good to be back together again.
00:01:03 - It is.
00:01:04 - Cheers.
00:01:05 - For one last get together.
00:01:07 - Welcome to the Farmer Wants a Wife black tie event.
00:01:10 - Where truth is served up at dinner.
00:01:14 - Honesty is important to me.
00:01:16 - I want to have everything out on the table.
00:01:19 - Bring it on.
00:01:21 - I think that the claws are gonna come out tonight.
00:01:22 - Causing tension at the table.
00:01:25 - I just don't like being lied to.
00:01:27 It's just not very respectful of me or to Grace,
00:01:30 to be honest.
00:01:31 - And one lady.
00:01:33 - I need to have the courage to tell him
00:01:35 exactly how I feel.
00:01:37 - I was completely blindsided by it.
00:01:40 With no idea that there was anything wrong.
00:01:43 - We'll go home.
00:01:44 - Maybe my connection with Todd
00:01:46 wasn't as strong as what I thought.
00:01:49 (dramatic music)
00:01:51 ♪ Have you ever felt like nobody was there ♪
00:02:02 - I think love is the thing that's missing from the farm.
00:02:05 ♪ Have you ever felt forgotten ♪
00:02:08 - I've always hoped that the person I love
00:02:10 would want to be here and experience it with me.
00:02:13 Just knowing that no matter what,
00:02:15 that person will be by your side.
00:02:17 ♪ Even when the dark comes crashing through ♪
00:02:20 ♪ When you need a friend to carry you ♪
00:02:22 - Coming in to the end of this now,
00:02:24 I am starting to see a future that I want.
00:02:26 ♪ You will be found ♪
00:02:28 - And now I am one step closer
00:02:30 to potentially finding a wife.
00:02:32 ♪ You will be found ♪
00:02:36 - I want someone to be there with me
00:02:37 for the rest of my life.
00:02:39 ♪ Don't let the sun come screaming in ♪
00:02:43 - I'm getting close to finding my happy way of after.
00:02:46 ♪ Lift your hand and look around ♪
00:02:48 - And my future wife.
00:02:50 - It's pretty exciting.
00:02:51 ♪ You will be found ♪
00:02:54 - It's the ladies' last day on the farm.
00:03:04 And our farmers are one step closer
00:03:08 to their biggest decision yet on the road to love.
00:03:15 - I'll wash your drop.
00:03:17 - Yeah.
00:03:17 - Last morning on the farm,
00:03:19 I'm excited in a sense.
00:03:22 Don't mind going to the city and,
00:03:24 yeah, put my glad rags on.
00:03:26 It means one step closer to finding love.
00:03:30 - I feel a bit sad leaving the farm
00:03:32 'cause we've been here for a while
00:03:33 and this is kind of where everything started.
00:03:36 - Yeah.
00:03:37 - But I'm also looking forward to,
00:03:40 you know, venturing outside of the farm
00:03:43 and seeing what else there is.
00:03:46 - I'm feeling great about both Keeley and Sarah.
00:03:50 Sarah and I have had a connection
00:03:53 very early on in all of this.
00:03:55 She has a really great way of making me feel
00:03:58 comfortable and happy and we have a lot in common,
00:04:01 which makes things quite easy in a lot of ways.
00:04:04 She's a farm girl.
00:04:06 She obviously has a passion for the land
00:04:08 and for being on the farm.
00:04:09 But yeah, sometimes you can sort of
00:04:12 go back inside her shell a bit
00:04:14 and then she doesn't sort of let me in.
00:04:16 - I'm good.
00:04:17 I, yeah, I'm good.
00:04:21 I mean, I feel like...
00:04:23 - I want someone who can confide in me.
00:04:37 That could honestly be a deciding factor.
00:04:41 - It's a bit of a complicated situation that we're in,
00:04:45 but how are you feeling in terms of you and I at the moment?
00:04:50 - Yeah, I think, you know, obviously,
00:04:54 very attracted to you and very...
00:04:55 - You're choking up there, Joe.
00:05:02 - I do really like you,
00:05:05 so it sort of helps that we are quite compatible as well.
00:05:09 (gentle music)
00:05:11 - The main thing I like about Keeley
00:05:14 is just the way she lights up a room,
00:05:16 the way she is always, it's fun, bubbly.
00:05:19 There's definitely chemistry between me and Keeley.
00:05:24 Keeley's someone who likes the adventure and stuff,
00:05:32 but I wonder if this will be enough for her.
00:05:36 And I wonder, will she get bored?
00:05:39 - Joe has the potential to be
00:05:43 a pretty important person in my life.
00:05:46 He definitely made me feel comfortable
00:05:47 to be open and honest with him.
00:05:49 It is a bit nerve-wracking because
00:05:53 I think that he has built a connection with both of us.
00:05:57 ♪ Well, I feel like a storm is on its way ♪
00:06:03 ♪ My stars are turning gray ♪
00:06:05 ♪ And all that I can face is... ♪
00:06:08 - Do you want to feed the little baby?
00:06:09 - I'll feed the little baby girl.
00:06:11 Little Coco.
00:06:11 I'm gonna miss her.
00:06:12 - Oh, there you go.
00:06:13 She's a good, good stater. - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:06:14 You settle down, girl.
00:06:15 - I like the enthusiasm.
00:06:16 - I know, I like it too.
00:06:17 - Yeah, I've got two amazing ladies left,
00:06:20 Sophie and Anna.
00:06:22 They're obviously great girls and I like them both.
00:06:24 How could you not fall in love with them, really?
00:06:26 It's just hard for people to move away from their families
00:06:28 and move into a remote area.
00:06:30 It's a big commitment, living out here,
00:06:32 where it's so isolated.
00:06:34 But at the end of the day,
00:06:35 I'm here to find someone to bring over to the farm
00:06:37 and marry and fall in love with.
00:06:39 - I think I might miss Coco more than I'll miss you.
00:06:41 - I find that hard to believe.
00:06:42 (laughing)
00:06:43 That's a lie.
00:06:44 Don't kid yourself.
00:06:45 - That is a lie.
00:06:46 - My connection with Sophie is very deep at the moment.
00:06:48 She's a really kind and caring person.
00:06:50 Really considerate and we just really,
00:06:52 I don't know, you get each other, I suppose.
00:06:53 It feels like we've known each other for years in a way.
00:06:57 She's definitely someone I could say
00:06:58 she's like my best friend.
00:06:59 - When's her horns gonna come through?
00:07:00 - I suppose they haven't come through.
00:07:01 Yeah, they're starting to come through, Phil.
00:07:03 She's let me know how serious she was about me
00:07:05 and how serious she was about the farm.
00:07:08 - I'm not gonna hold back.
00:07:10 I'm not afraid to kind of be vulnerable.
00:07:11 You know, how I'm feeling about things
00:07:14 because yeah, at the end of the day,
00:07:15 I think if I just don't go all in, I'll regret it.
00:07:19 I can see a future out here.
00:07:21 Moving to Condo or like out here
00:07:23 doesn't scare me or anything.
00:07:25 - I think it's good that she's got the confidence.
00:07:27 But then Anna's right up there as well.
00:07:30 - Me and Anna get a very deep connection.
00:07:31 We always sort of have.
00:07:33 - Your home is so much more of a home
00:07:35 when you fill it with kids and laughter and noise
00:07:38 and fun and things like that.
00:07:40 And I wanna be with someone that wants that with me.
00:07:43 - She's someone who really wants to have the big family
00:07:46 and embrace the farm life, which appeals to me a lot.
00:07:50 I think Anna is still struggling to open up to me.
00:07:53 I'm definitely open up to her,
00:07:54 but at this point in time,
00:07:55 it's something she really needs to do, I think.
00:07:58 (gentle music)
00:08:00 - I've had a really, really good time out here
00:08:02 and I really love getting to know you
00:08:04 and being on the farm and seeing what you're all about
00:08:07 and what you're passionate about.
00:08:08 And just, yeah, like every day I spend with you
00:08:11 and the more time I spend with you,
00:08:12 I just get to know you better.
00:08:13 And I just like you more, surprisingly.
00:08:17 (laughing)
00:08:19 - Dustin and Sophie have a really, really strong connection.
00:08:26 It's sort of hard not to compare your connection
00:08:29 with theirs.
00:08:31 And one thing I've really struggled with the most
00:08:34 in this experience is trying to show Dustin
00:08:36 that I'm really interested in him.
00:08:38 So I do feel like I need to have the courage
00:08:42 to tell him that.
00:08:43 (rooster crowing)
00:08:49 - Come on, Parnies.
00:08:51 Come on.
00:08:52 - Late comer to the experience, Farmer Todd,
00:08:56 has three ladies vying for a place on the farm
00:08:59 and in his heart.
00:09:01 - Look at him. - There you go, he's coming.
00:09:04 - I do have three lovely ladies here.
00:09:06 There's gentle, caring, grace.
00:09:08 Jacinta is a bit more forward, a bit more outgoing.
00:09:12 - You make me really happy.
00:09:13 - We recently had a 24 hour date.
00:09:16 And then there's Daisy.
00:09:20 We've had a strong connection from the start.
00:09:22 The further I go, the harder it gets.
00:09:24 I definitely, definitely would love to spend
00:09:27 as much time with you as I can.
00:09:29 - Grace is definitely more softly spoken
00:09:32 than the other ladies.
00:09:34 I like her nurturing side, her calmness.
00:09:37 She's really sweet and kind and caring.
00:09:39 You're very easy to get along with, very fun as well.
00:09:42 Like once you come out of your shell.
00:09:44 - Yeah, I told you at the beginning
00:09:46 there was a different side to me.
00:09:48 Just takes a bit that you make me feel so seen,
00:09:51 so understood.
00:09:53 I feel like there's a very deep understanding between us.
00:09:56 You know, it's not always spoken,
00:09:58 but just a glance and you feel that spark
00:10:01 and it's pretty cool.
00:10:02 Todd is a very special person.
00:10:05 He has such beautiful morals.
00:10:08 He's one of a kind.
00:10:09 - Yeah, I mean, I do like Grace a lot.
00:10:22 Grace is a completely different person
00:10:25 to my previous relationships.
00:10:28 - Can't believe we're already packing.
00:10:30 It feels like we only just unpacked.
00:10:33 - Excited for the city though?
00:10:35 - Yeah, but I am gonna miss it here.
00:10:37 I do care so much about Todd.
00:10:43 I want the best for him and Daisy, unfortunately,
00:10:46 has been love bombing Todd by being quite possessive
00:10:51 and trying to get more time with him.
00:10:53 I feel like I'm preparing myself to raise these things.
00:10:58 I am worried for Todd and Todd's future
00:11:03 'cause I do want him to find the best person for him.
00:11:08 - Before our farmers head to the ladies' hometowns
00:11:17 to meet their families,
00:11:19 there's a night of glamor to enjoy in the city
00:11:22 at our Black Tie evening.
00:11:24 - I'm gonna miss this place.
00:11:27 Put myself out there so much
00:11:31 and been trying to find my person
00:11:33 and to think that I may be really close to finding that
00:11:36 with Dustin, which is pretty surreal.
00:11:38 - Goodbye. - Bye Todd.
00:11:39 - Off we go.
00:11:42 I don't know if I can drag this, let's do it.
00:11:45 Don't forget the door.
00:11:48 Well, say goodbye.
00:11:49 We're off.
00:11:52 - It's a pretty surreal feeling
00:11:53 that it could potentially be the last time
00:11:57 that I'm here on the farm.
00:11:59 Once we leave, there's only gonna be one of us coming back.
00:12:05 Bye.
00:12:08 I'll see you house.
00:12:10 - Coming up.
00:12:17 - So every day you get to get all dressed up.
00:12:20 - An evening under city lights.
00:12:23 - Tonight is the night to lay it all on the table.
00:12:26 - Shines a spotlight on the truth.
00:12:29 - I'm not gonna say that it's gonna be
00:12:32 sunshine and lollipops.
00:12:34 Yeah.
00:12:36 It's gonna be tough.
00:12:37 - And tensions flare.
00:12:39 - She wants to play the game like that,
00:12:41 then that's on her.
00:12:43 - Being lied to about it, to my face.
00:12:46 Pretty hurtful.
00:12:47 - To drive us boys in Sydney for the night, hey?
00:13:03 - Yeah, there's a fair few differences
00:13:06 between driving around Gondar and driving around the city.
00:13:08 There's about 50 million more cars.
00:13:11 - Our farmers have hit the big smoke
00:13:16 ahead of a glitzy black tie dinner.
00:13:19 - I haven't been to a black tie dinner or anything before.
00:13:22 I got dressed in a tux from my year 12 formal, that was it.
00:13:27 - Actually, I went to a wedding at the opera house, mate.
00:13:32 - Really?
00:13:33 - Yeah.
00:13:34 - That would cost some.
00:13:35 - Oof, all the cutlery was like gold plated.
00:13:37 I don't know if it was real gold,
00:13:39 but I took some home just in case.
00:13:41 (laughing)
00:13:43 - I can't believe that we're here.
00:13:48 - Top two in Sydney.
00:13:51 - Oh wow.
00:13:52 - The ladies are also in town
00:13:54 and looking forward to catching up with each other
00:13:57 before they meet their farmers.
00:13:59 - It's nice to be in Sydney.
00:14:00 It's nice to be like a little bit dressed up
00:14:02 and I'm really excited to see the other girls.
00:14:05 - Hello.
00:14:06 - Hello.
00:14:07 - Hi.
00:14:08 - Good to see you.
00:14:10 - Hi.
00:14:11 - Hi.
00:14:12 - It's nice to meet you.
00:14:14 - Oh my gosh.
00:14:15 - Brand new guys.
00:14:15 - Yeah.
00:14:16 ♪ I made you look, said I made you look ♪
00:14:21 - Dirty.
00:14:23 - Just gotta get a trim up.
00:14:24 - Yeah, fresh cuts.
00:14:25 - Our farmers are taking the opportunity to spruce up
00:14:30 before their big night on the town.
00:14:32 - You guys looking forward to getting the Gladrags on?
00:14:38 - Yeah, I'm looking forward, don't do it very often.
00:14:41 (upbeat music)
00:14:43 - I'd have to do this more often.
00:14:45 - Yeah, I'm pretty keen just to have a bit of a chat
00:14:47 with the other farmers
00:14:48 'cause yeah, there is no one else to talk to.
00:14:50 No one else has sort of been through this.
00:14:51 Like we've gone through it all together.
00:14:53 Cheers fellas.
00:14:54 - Yeah, cheers.
00:14:55 - Good to be back together again.
00:14:59 - It is.
00:15:00 - So how's everything going on your farm, Joe?
00:15:02 - I've got Sarah and Keely left.
00:15:03 Sarah and I, right back from the start, I like Sarah.
00:15:09 Like she just stood out.
00:15:12 Like that sort of hasn't changed.
00:15:14 And then Keely, she's the kind of person
00:15:16 you walk out of a room
00:15:17 and you automatically feel better for seeing her.
00:15:20 It's really refreshing to be around.
00:15:22 - At the moment, all I know is my connection with Joe.
00:15:27 I know it's really strong.
00:15:28 He is, yeah, he's a great guy.
00:15:31 - Sarah and I actually get along really, really well.
00:15:33 I know that Joe has a good connection with Sarah
00:15:36 but I also feel like he has a good connection with me.
00:15:38 - Yeah.
00:15:39 So you've only got two ladies left.
00:15:41 How are you going with, I guess, both of them?
00:15:44 - I'm pretty lucky to have the two girls I got.
00:15:46 They're great ladies, I think.
00:15:47 But both of them good down to earth girls.
00:15:49 Anne is someone, yeah, she's very similar to me.
00:15:52 We want the same things in life.
00:15:53 She really wants to have a family and kids
00:15:56 and raise them on a farm.
00:15:57 And pretty much she ticks every box.
00:15:59 It's very natural, Sophie.
00:16:02 We've hit it off from the start.
00:16:03 I know we can get along.
00:16:05 But now they're both great girls.
00:16:06 I'm gonna have a tough time picking.
00:16:08 - Yeah, Sophie's very good at going
00:16:11 and getting what she wants.
00:16:12 I think she's very comfortable at being like affectionate
00:16:16 and getting the front seat in the car
00:16:18 when someone gets to drive with him.
00:16:20 Yeah, it does make it sort of tricky.
00:16:23 - Todd, you've sort of come in midway
00:16:25 and you've had a bit of an accelerated experience.
00:16:28 How's it all going for you and your ladies?
00:16:30 You got any connections there?
00:16:32 - Yes, from the start when I took Daisy home
00:16:35 for the 24 hour date.
00:16:37 - That's an omen.
00:16:38 - I'm gonna sign there.
00:16:40 - That's an omen if ever all that was.
00:16:43 - I guess I sort of felt the connection with Daisy
00:16:46 from the start to getting to know her.
00:16:47 She's pretty easy to talk to.
00:16:49 I guess my sort of reservations and concerns with Daisy
00:16:53 came up in my friends and family meet.
00:16:56 Yeah.
00:16:59 - Right.
00:17:00 - She has very similar characteristics
00:17:02 and similar to one of my previous partners.
00:17:06 And so they're worried that it'll end the same way.
00:17:10 Like it was a bit tough to hear.
00:17:12 - What about your other ladies?
00:17:14 - Grace, we sort of started off slow.
00:17:16 She's pretty shy, but once we got her by herself,
00:17:19 this, I guess, cheeky little fun side to her come out,
00:17:23 we've only gotten closer and stronger.
00:17:26 And Jacinta, we sort of didn't have much time
00:17:29 to spend together at all.
00:17:30 Towards the end, we got a date and got to talking a bit more
00:17:33 so we've grown a bit closer too,
00:17:34 which hasn't helped all this decision on that.
00:17:38 I guess I got a bit of feeling for all of them.
00:17:40 It's just trying to figure out which one the most.
00:17:43 - Yeah, that's a struggle.
00:17:44 - How's the dynamic been with the three of you?
00:17:48 - Three?
00:17:49 - Yeah.
00:17:50 - All us ladies had like a pretty good agreement
00:17:53 that we would all be really respectful of one another.
00:17:57 Unfortunately, Daisy hasn't.
00:18:01 - Yeah, she's just sort of snuck off
00:18:03 in the middle of the night.
00:18:05 - Okay.
00:18:06 - There was a girl code that we would be open
00:18:08 and honest and respectful.
00:18:10 However, she's been spending extra time with farmer Todd.
00:18:14 So, you know, that's really heartbreaking for me.
00:18:16 - Have you been able to like find time
00:18:20 to kind of like poli-massage?
00:18:22 - Yeah.
00:18:24 - Do they know that, the other girls?
00:18:26 - Well, I had a bit of drama start
00:18:31 because I snuck into his room for a bit of a cuddle.
00:18:35 They were in the kitchen and yeah, copped it pretty bad
00:18:40 and I'm expecting to cop it again.
00:18:42 - So it like kills me.
00:18:44 Like it really like hurts me that, you know,
00:18:46 there is that dishonesty.
00:18:48 - And you've been able to talk to her about it yet
00:18:50 or you haven't been able to fully chat to her about it yet.
00:18:54 And if she wants to play the game like that,
00:18:56 then that's on her.
00:19:00 I'd love to just have a chat with Daisy.
00:19:03 I think there'll probably be a conversation at the table
00:19:06 that probably needs to be had.
00:19:08 It's gonna be interesting that.
00:19:11 - Yeah, look, I have been pretty straightforward.
00:19:15 I'm not afraid to admit my feelings for him.
00:19:19 It's been great.
00:19:20 Very, very much in love with this man.
00:19:24 - Oh my God, Tom, that is me, Tom.
00:19:27 - Very, very much in love.
00:19:29 - Oh my God.
00:19:30 - Yeah, it's crazy.
00:19:32 It's just getting through this little speed hump
00:19:36 and yeah, it's like it upsets me
00:19:39 that I have upset other people,
00:19:43 but I think that we knew that it would get to this.
00:19:46 Yeah, it's never ever my intention to upset anyone,
00:19:49 but at the end of the day, I'm here for that man.
00:19:51 Obviously they are aware of my connection
00:19:55 and I think that there may be a little bit of,
00:19:58 you know, jealousy or intimidation there.
00:20:00 So I think that the claws are gonna come out tonight.
00:20:03 (dramatic music)
00:20:06 (upbeat music)
00:20:08 - Feeling good actually.
00:20:23 It's not every day you get to get all dressed up
00:20:25 and head out in the big city.
00:20:27 And I'm excited to see what's in store for us tonight.
00:20:34 It would be very cool if I could walk away with someone
00:20:36 at the end of this experience.
00:20:38 - This is our last event.
00:20:44 This is the last time me and the girls
00:20:45 are gonna be together,
00:20:47 but I think it's gonna be fun.
00:20:49 - Let's have a go at this show.
00:20:56 - She's flash, I think.
00:20:58 - She's flash, all right.
00:21:00 (dramatic music)
00:21:03 - Oh yeah.
00:21:06 - How are we feeling boys?
00:21:08 - Like a fish out of water, I give you the tip.
00:21:10 - Cheers.
00:21:10 - I'll tell you what, you look the part, mate.
00:21:12 - You do?
00:21:13 - Yeah. - About yourself.
00:21:14 - It's not about us tonight, is it?
00:21:16 - That's exactly right, it's not about us.
00:21:18 - I reckon the girls are gonna be dressed to impress.
00:21:20 - Oh yeah. - Oh, probably.
00:21:21 - They'll show us up.
00:21:22 (upbeat music)
00:21:25 (upbeat music)
00:21:27 (upbeat music)
00:21:30 (upbeat music)
00:21:32 (upbeat music)
00:21:35 (upbeat music)
00:21:38 (upbeat music)
00:21:40 (upbeat music)
00:21:43 (upbeat music)
00:21:45 (upbeat music)
00:21:48 - Good start.
00:21:49 - Holy dooly.
00:21:53 (upbeat music)
00:21:55 - The ladies, they'd knock your socks off today.
00:21:57 (upbeat music)
00:22:00 - You know, Erin and Sophie, nothing short of gorgeous,
00:22:03 that's for sure.
00:22:04 (laughing)
00:22:06 - Oh wow.
00:22:08 (upbeat music)
00:22:11 - You look gorgeous.
00:22:15 - Oh, the ladies look absolutely gorgeous,
00:22:17 every single one of them are stunning.
00:22:18 - Thank you.
00:22:19 (laughing)
00:22:21 - Did you scrub up all right too?
00:22:23 (laughing)
00:22:24 - I'm very happy to see Todd, very happy.
00:22:27 He looks very dapper tonight.
00:22:29 - We all scrub up all right, huh?
00:22:30 (laughing)
00:22:32 - Woo!
00:22:33 You've even got the fancy waiter shirt.
00:22:35 - Thank you.
00:22:36 - Cheers, team.
00:22:38 - Yeah, here's to you.
00:22:39 - Yeah.
00:22:40 - You should've been in Sydney.
00:22:42 - Cheers to the big smoke.
00:22:44 - How was your boys' catch up?
00:22:47 - We went to the barber shop.
00:22:48 (gasping)
00:22:50 - Yeah, Joe looks pretty incredible.
00:22:52 Yeah, he definitely scrubs up all right.
00:22:56 - Oh, Les.
00:22:58 - Oh, did you actually, I didn't even notice
00:23:00 'cause it's still quite long.
00:23:01 - Yeah, you got the buns off.
00:23:02 - I was just gonna say, what did they do to you?
00:23:03 - I've never been to a barber shop before in my life.
00:23:06 - Hello.
00:23:07 - Hello.
00:23:08 - Oh, Nat.
00:23:09 - How are we?
00:23:10 - Oh, hi.
00:23:12 - I barely recognized you all.
00:23:13 (laughing)
00:23:14 First of all, ladies, you deserve the most attention.
00:23:18 You look absolutely stunning.
00:23:20 - Don't they just?
00:23:21 - They definitely do.
00:23:23 Good to be back in the heels?
00:23:24 No?
00:23:26 (laughing)
00:23:28 The farmers, I'm speechless.
00:23:29 Dustin, what would the locals say in Condobolin
00:23:32 if you rocked around in that?
00:23:33 - I don't know.
00:23:34 (laughing)
00:23:35 - Best dressed in town.
00:23:37 Where's Joe?
00:23:38 - G'day.
00:23:39 - Why are you hiding from me?
00:23:40 - Oh, just.
00:23:41 - Ladies, what do we think?
00:23:42 Does he scrub up all right?
00:23:43 - He looks awesome.
00:23:44 - What about you, Todd?
00:23:46 The last time I saw you, you were just meeting
00:23:49 the ladies for the first time.
00:23:51 - Sure was.
00:23:51 - Was it fun?
00:23:52 - Oh, I spent a hell of a time.
00:23:53 - Really?
00:23:54 Oh, that's good to hear.
00:23:56 Well, everyone, welcome to the Farmer Wants a Wife
00:23:59 Black Tie event.
00:24:00 Ladies, tonight is a chance to celebrate
00:24:03 the end of your farmstays and ask some important questions
00:24:07 before you introduce your farmer to your family.
00:24:10 (laughing)
00:24:11 Well, honesty is on the menu,
00:24:13 so if you have any lingering concerns or questions,
00:24:16 tonight is the night to lay it all on the table.
00:24:19 - It's our last event altogether
00:24:23 before we go to homestays, so yeah,
00:24:26 there'll definitely be some things come up for sure.
00:24:29 - Now, Farmer Todd, tonight is especially important to you
00:24:35 because you will decide which two ladies
00:24:38 you would like to move forward with.
00:24:40 Which means one lady's journey ends tonight.
00:24:45 (dramatic music)
00:24:48 - I was hoping it'd be, you know,
00:24:56 just a nice, enjoyable evening,
00:24:58 but knowing I have a big decision to make,
00:25:01 stress is probably starting to creep in a bit.
00:25:03 - Unfortunately, one of us has to go home
00:25:06 and I think that does make me a little bit anxious.
00:25:09 (dramatic music)
00:25:12 - Come on, girls, we're over here.
00:25:30 - There's more to this evening than glitz and glamour.
00:25:33 - Look how funky these chairs are.
00:25:35 - It's a chance for our farmers to seek clarity.
00:25:39 Helping them choose a path that could decide their future.
00:25:43 - Three ladies going into this black tyre van.
00:25:47 I mean, there's probably still questions to be asked
00:25:49 and the ladies probably have questions for me.
00:25:52 Makes me a bit nervous.
00:25:53 - More than one set of colour.
00:25:55 - Outside in.
00:25:58 - Thank you.
00:26:02 - How's this look, eh?
00:26:05 - This looks amazing.
00:26:07 - Thank you.
00:26:08 (gentle music)
00:26:10 - What do you call this, darl?
00:26:12 - Rest house.
00:26:13 (laughing)
00:26:15 - What a treat, hey?
00:26:16 - I can't believe we're here.
00:26:17 - I know.
00:26:18 - It's been quite a while.
00:26:19 - Yeah, like if you stop and look around.
00:26:21 - It's just beautiful.
00:26:22 - I was coming back to it.
00:26:24 - Yeah, you can't see the view.
00:26:26 - I'm aware.
00:26:27 - You are the view.
00:26:28 - Oh, thank you.
00:26:29 - Cheers, now.
00:26:30 - Not a bad view here, I can say.
00:26:35 - All right, I want to make a toast
00:26:38 while we're all here and gathered around.
00:26:40 It's really great to see everyone here.
00:26:42 The boys that aren't here that have found love already,
00:26:45 we'll raise a glass to them.
00:26:47 And to the rest of us and our love journey,
00:26:51 we're one more step closer to that.
00:26:53 So, cheers everybody.
00:26:55 - Cheers.
00:26:56 - Cheers.
00:26:56 (glasses clinking)
00:26:59 - Please have a good afternoon with the girls.
00:27:05 - Yeah, we did.
00:27:06 - Mm.
00:27:07 - I feel like we just got heaps of glass from Todd's farm.
00:27:10 - I think this decision for him is gonna be very hard.
00:27:13 - Yeah, it will be interesting to see what happens there.
00:27:14 - It will be interesting.
00:27:15 - Mm.
00:27:16 - I think there's gonna be a lot of drama
00:27:18 at their table tonight.
00:27:19 - Take the rabbit food off the top.
00:27:23 - I'm feeling a bit nervous.
00:27:27 - It's a bit of a bombshell that Nat's dropped on us there.
00:27:32 Sending a lady home tonight, not an easy thing to do.
00:27:34 At the same time, I'm in this experience wholeheartedly
00:27:37 to see it through to the end and try and find someone.
00:27:41 - We definitely feel for you, I think.
00:27:43 But we trust you to do what's right for you and yeah.
00:27:49 - Have to work it out, I guess.
00:27:50 - Yeah.
00:27:51 - You will.
00:27:53 You know, it's uncomfortable,
00:27:58 but everything has to be put out on the line tonight
00:28:01 and then he can make a really good decision.
00:28:03 (dramatic music)
00:28:06 - What do you reckon of the city lights here?
00:28:16 - It's pretty at night.
00:28:18 - Yeah, it's funny how stressful in the day
00:28:20 trying to get through the city.
00:28:22 - Yeah.
00:28:24 There's not too much traffic in Bombala, so yeah.
00:28:26 (laughing)
00:28:28 - Is there even traffic lights in Bombala?
00:28:31 - Nope.
00:28:32 (laughing)
00:28:34 - So you reckon there's more at home on the farm
00:28:37 than in the city?
00:28:39 - No doubt about it.
00:28:42 - City life is not for me.
00:28:44 - Tonight, it's all about honesty and transparency
00:28:47 and about who we are and how we're feeling
00:28:49 and what we eventually want to achieve
00:28:52 at the end of all this and what our future could hold.
00:28:55 - It is a bit weird to think that this is it,
00:28:57 we're not going back to the farm.
00:28:59 - How does that make you feel?
00:29:01 - Sad.
00:29:02 - Sad?
00:29:03 - Yeah.
00:29:04 Yeah, definitely gonna miss it.
00:29:07 Definitely started to feel like home.
00:29:09 - What do you reckon you will miss about it?
00:29:12 - All the things that made me happy about it were simple.
00:29:17 Just like being able to wake up in the morning
00:29:21 and look out the window and just be the sheep.
00:29:24 - My concern with Keeley is does she actually see herself
00:29:29 on the farm and does she actually truly believe
00:29:31 that this isn't just one chapter
00:29:33 in the rest of Keeley's life
00:29:35 or is this the end of the book?
00:29:37 Obviously having a lot of fun on the farm
00:29:40 and at the moment and everything's new and exciting
00:29:45 and different to what you've ever done, I guess.
00:29:48 Would this just be another adventure
00:29:53 that you might get bored of once the gloss has come off it?
00:29:58 (laughs)
00:30:00 - No, definitely not.
00:30:06 - You don't seem like someone who likes
00:30:09 when things slow down and things get repetitive.
00:30:13 I'm not gonna say that it's gonna be sunshine and lollipops.
00:30:19 Yeah, it's gonna be tough.
00:30:22 - I think life's what you make of it.
00:30:28 I think you've sort of shown me a life
00:30:31 that I haven't ever really tried before
00:30:35 and I've kind of realized
00:30:36 that I actually really, really enjoy it.
00:30:38 The more time I spend with him,
00:30:42 the more I can like that future
00:30:43 and what that would look like.
00:30:45 I am definitely ready for that next phase of my life
00:30:49 and I do think it is quite realistic for me.
00:30:52 I guess I have the ability to kind of pick up work anywhere.
00:30:56 I've worked in so many different things.
00:30:58 I've always wanted to be a teacher.
00:31:03 So doing my Masters of Teaching
00:31:05 is something that I do wanna do.
00:31:07 - I love that you have a goal.
00:31:09 That's one thing that's big with me,
00:31:12 that you have something you want to achieve.
00:31:16 You know, I've got goals as well.
00:31:18 - We're going into a decision
00:31:21 where it's gonna affect the course of where your life goes.
00:31:27 And so I definitely don't take that decision lightly.
00:31:31 - I'm pretty sure of the feelings that I have.
00:31:36 I'm hoping that it's not over for Joe and I.
00:31:39 (upbeat music)
00:31:41 ♪ I wanna hold you when I'm lost or blown away ♪
00:31:53 ♪ When I'm lying cold ♪
00:31:55 (laughing)
00:31:57 - Our Black Tie evening is underway.
00:32:03 And it's the last chance for everyone
00:32:06 to ask the important questions.
00:32:09 - How about we get an inside dog?
00:32:14 - Hang on, what's the point of it?
00:32:15 What's its role?
00:32:17 - Cuddles.
00:32:18 - It's so useful.
00:32:20 - Oh man, it just, it needs a purpose.
00:32:23 - It's cuddles, not a good purpose.
00:32:24 - I hate useless things.
00:32:27 - It's so real.
00:32:28 (laughing)
00:32:31 - Um.
00:32:32 Finally getting to where we're getting
00:32:37 to the business end, which is good.
00:32:40 - It's crazy to think that we are here,
00:32:42 like right at the end now.
00:32:44 And I think we're both excited in a way to be near the end
00:32:47 and finally have some answers.
00:32:50 - It just feels so much more real
00:32:51 and the potential stakes are a lot higher.
00:32:57 - Yeah, I really wanna be the one that Dustin chooses.
00:33:01 But my mind is like, stop doing this
00:33:04 because you're gonna get hurt.
00:33:06 I think the main thing I've struggled with
00:33:15 is how to show someone that you're really interested in them
00:33:18 and that you really want them with,
00:33:20 yeah, with other people around and how to go about that.
00:33:25 Are you intimidated by my relationship with Dustin?
00:33:28 - I can definitely see that you guys have
00:33:35 a very strong connection and like,
00:33:37 lots of strong feelings for each other.
00:33:39 And I think, yeah, it is always hard to see
00:33:43 somebody that you like, like someone else.
00:33:46 It is hard to compare what you're getting from him
00:33:50 and what she's getting from him.
00:33:52 - Yeah, it's a hard situation and dynamic, I think,
00:33:55 to navigate.
00:33:55 And I think everyone has tried to be really mindful,
00:34:00 but you are, at the same time,
00:34:04 trying to build that connection with someone.
00:34:07 And we're all being here to find love.
00:34:10 - Soph's pretty good at sort of going for what she wants,
00:34:14 putting herself out there.
00:34:16 I think I'm most scared of him maybe doubting how I feel.
00:34:21 Like I know I have been stepping back,
00:34:24 holding back emotion.
00:34:25 Being in this experience,
00:34:31 when you see it being someone else,
00:34:33 like when you're favoring Soph,
00:34:35 it is really, really hard for anyone else to get in there.
00:34:38 I need to give it my all,
00:34:43 not be afraid of letting him know how I feel.
00:34:53 - Anything you're nervous about?
00:34:54 - See how we go.
00:34:57 - I do think there are gonna be some tough discussions
00:35:04 had tonight that may not be the most comfortable.
00:35:07 We are at the pointy end of this experience
00:35:09 and one lady is going home tonight.
00:35:12 It's time to get serious.
00:35:13 Is it fair to say that you have a type
00:35:17 and do you think this is necessarily a good thing or bad?
00:35:22 - Yeah, so it has been pointed out by friends and family
00:35:25 that I do have a type.
00:35:27 I guess it's just a personal preference thing.
00:35:32 Whether it's good or bad,
00:35:35 sort of I guess yet to be seen.
00:35:39 Obviously my last relationship didn't work.
00:35:41 Whether that was just a timing thing
00:35:45 'cause we were together for like six years.
00:35:47 We did move and buy a place together.
00:35:50 So I mean, I was all in in that
00:35:52 and it just sort of, I guess fell apart.
00:35:56 I guess I've learned from previous experiences
00:36:03 and have had a bit of a type in the past.
00:36:07 It's not necessarily exactly what I'm looking for.
00:36:10 - Yeah.
00:36:11 - For the future.
00:36:11 I don't wanna just go through another failed relationship.
00:36:15 I do, yeah, I guess want my next relationship
00:36:18 to be my last.
00:36:19 - I guess I'm more curious what you think your type is.
00:36:23 We're all so different that it's very hard to gauge,
00:36:27 but I'm intrigued to what you think your type is.
00:36:31 - I guess, yeah, so previously my type's been, yeah,
00:36:35 I guess a fairly independent sort of outgoing girl.
00:36:39 I guess, yeah, a bit forward,
00:36:41 a bit sort of out there at some points.
00:36:44 But I mean, yeah, it's still very,
00:36:47 I guess loving and caring towards me.
00:36:50 At least that's what I've found for the most part anyway.
00:36:53 - Can I ask you how you're feeling hearing that?
00:36:56 Because I know that you're more introverted
00:37:01 and quiet and sort of more reserved.
00:37:06 (sighs)
00:37:08 (dramatic music)
00:37:12 - It's very difficult to say.
00:37:13 I mean, yeah, it doesn't bode well, I guess.
00:37:18 But I'm also not the same person as others.
00:37:21 And sure, I'm not the most outgoing lady out there,
00:37:25 but at the same time, I have other qualities,
00:37:28 I'm sure just as valuable.
00:37:30 You know, people do change.
00:37:32 You don't like everyone for the same reasons.
00:37:34 I feel like that'd be very boring
00:37:36 if everyone you dated was exactly the same.
00:37:39 - Yeah.
00:37:39 - Same.
00:37:42 Just depends at the end of the day what Todd wants.
00:37:44 - Yeah.
00:37:45 - Yeah.
00:37:46 We are seeing each other as competition.
00:37:50 I do have strong feelings for Todd
00:37:51 and I am willing to fight for it.
00:37:54 (dramatic music)
00:37:56 (upbeat music)
00:38:07 (upbeat music)
00:38:10 - Tonight is about having honest conversations
00:38:17 that will help our farmers decide who is right for them.
00:38:21 - In order to be strong as a couple,
00:38:25 you need to have honesty there.
00:38:26 - Honest communication's always been pretty key to me.
00:38:30 That's what I'm looking for in a partnership.
00:38:33 One thing that I would say with you and Akeli
00:38:37 is that I think maybe
00:38:40 you would go along with everything that I wanted to do
00:38:46 and maybe not put me in my place when I needed to be.
00:38:52 - Okay.
00:38:53 Interesting.
00:38:55 - I feel like sometimes I get carried away in my own head.
00:39:01 And I think you'd be in the clouds with me.
00:39:04 I don't hate it.
00:39:06 Don't get me wrong.
00:39:09 But I think we're very similar.
00:39:12 Obviously my biggest thing is communication.
00:39:18 And I feel like I've tried really hard to be open,
00:39:25 to be honest, to communicate everything.
00:39:28 And I know I don't get it right all the time.
00:39:30 - Yeah.
00:39:31 - But that is something that is,
00:39:39 I'd rather someone just say something to me.
00:39:43 And it could be not what I want to hear,
00:39:47 but it's what I need to hear, is what I mean.
00:39:49 That is my genuine concern with us.
00:39:51 Do you think sometimes maybe you say everything's sweet,
00:39:57 but then it's not?
00:40:00 And I know it's not.
00:40:01 - Yeah.
00:40:02 - And then you still don't tell me what's wrong?
00:40:06 - I think sometimes in situations,
00:40:09 I can get really overwhelmed.
00:40:10 And I think sometimes you mistaken that.
00:40:12 Speak up.
00:40:16 - I've definitely felt it before.
00:40:24 - When?
00:40:24 - I mean, there's moments where you're really good with me
00:40:30 and then you just say you're fine and shut off.
00:40:33 And then you say you're fine again,
00:40:36 but don't actually tell me what actually happened.
00:40:39 - I am someone who needs to process how I'm feeling.
00:40:43 And sometimes it's not always necessary
00:40:46 to drag you through the trenches
00:40:49 when it might be a me issue.
00:40:50 - That's not a good way to do anything
00:40:53 'cause it just builds up over time.
00:40:55 And if I don't know there's anything wrong,
00:40:59 there's no way I can fix it.
00:41:01 You don't think I need to know.
00:41:03 It gets at me and it makes me feel
00:41:06 like I've done something wrong.
00:41:08 And then I just have no idea what I've done.
00:41:11 And then I feel lost.
00:41:13 - Yeah, I think that's a bit of baggage for me
00:41:18 because in my previous relationship,
00:41:22 he told me I was too harsh on him with communicating things.
00:41:28 And that he didn't need to know everything.
00:41:30 So it kind of taught me a bad habit
00:41:32 in trying to filter through things
00:41:35 and what he needed to know.
00:41:37 And I feel like that's taught me a bad habit
00:41:40 and it's transferred over.
00:41:42 So that's something that I will work on.
00:41:46 - I'm trying to be the best version of myself.
00:41:50 And sometimes I just didn't feel like
00:41:53 I wanted to drag him down with me.
00:41:55 But I think it's kind of been to my detriment.
00:41:57 I don't think I realized how much he was spiraling internally
00:42:01 about little moments like that.
00:42:02 - And so my last relationship,
00:42:07 I thought everything was completely fine.
00:42:10 And no one ever told me there was anything wrong.
00:42:13 - Yeah.
00:42:14 - And then she left me.
00:42:17 - I understand.
00:42:19 - Out of the blue.
00:42:21 And I was completely blindsided by it.
00:42:24 - Yeah.
00:42:25 - With no idea that there was anything wrong.
00:42:28 - Tonight, farmer Todd must send one lady home.
00:42:37 And trust is a key factor in his decision.
00:42:40 - Well, I like to think that the lady's been honest with me
00:42:46 throughout the whole thing.
00:42:47 'Cause I've been honest with them.
00:42:49 - Todd has a really big decision to make.
00:42:55 He wants to ride off into the sunset with the right person.
00:42:58 So I think putting everything on the table
00:43:01 as hard as that is, is really important for Todd.
00:43:06 - If you are not the one that Todd picks in the end,
00:43:09 who do you think is more suited to Todd
00:43:11 out of Daisy and myself?
00:43:12 - Like, obviously you both have amazing connections
00:43:20 with Todd.
00:43:20 I see the way you look at Grace.
00:43:24 And, you know, I can 100% see, you know, why you would.
00:43:29 You know, Grace is an amazing woman.
00:43:32 And I feel like you look at her with so much love
00:43:35 and so much care and admiration for Grace.
00:43:39 I feel like you have a very beautiful love
00:43:43 and softness with Grace.
00:43:47 And I don't see that same look when he looks at you.
00:43:54 It's a different look.
00:43:55 I don't, I can't pinpoint what that look is,
00:43:59 but it's just different.
00:44:01 It's just different.
00:44:03 But that's how I see it.
00:44:05 - Can I ask what makes you think Grace is more suited to me?
00:44:10 - If you are truly here for an everlasting love.
00:44:16 Like, I'd marry the woman.
00:44:20 And I know she would always stand by you.
00:44:23 Always.
00:44:24 And it wouldn't be fleeting.
00:44:28 And it would be true.
00:44:29 And that's not to say that, you know,
00:44:33 I don't know Daisy as well, you know, and I don't know.
00:44:36 But I feel like the upbringing that you two share
00:44:41 is very similar.
00:44:42 The interest that you both share is very similar.
00:44:46 The families are very similar.
00:44:49 I feel like you have probably more in common.
00:44:53 And that's what makes things last.
00:44:57 And I just don't know.
00:45:03 - Just, you know, listed off all these things about Grace
00:45:09 and then couldn't even give a reason why I wasn't suited.
00:45:13 - Well, thank you for your honesty.
00:45:18 - You said honest, right?
00:45:21 - Mm, and honest hurts.
00:45:23 It sucks.
00:45:25 It's a bit of a kick in the guts.
00:45:28 Yeah, it's not a nice feeling.
00:45:30 - I don't know what connection that he's got with Grace.
00:45:32 Maybe my connection with Todd isn't as strong
00:45:35 as what I thought.
00:45:36 You just never know.
00:45:39 (upbeat music)
00:45:42 - As the night comes to an end,
00:45:56 time is running out for our ladies to tell the farmers
00:46:00 how they really feel.
00:46:05 - Yeah, I clearly do like you a lot, Dustin.
00:46:09 A lot more than like.
00:46:10 Yeah, I feel really strongly about you.
00:46:13 And yeah, I feel like we have had quite a special connection
00:46:18 from the start and yeah, probably something
00:46:20 that I haven't really had with anyone before.
00:46:22 And yeah, it's awkward talking about
00:46:27 in front of other people.
00:46:30 Of course I have strong feelings about you.
00:46:34 They're really strong.
00:46:35 And yeah, I can see a future with you, 100%.
00:46:40 Yeah.
00:46:41 - Yeah.
00:46:42 That's very nice, thank you.
00:46:43 - Yeah, I think so.
00:46:44 He finds it much easier than I do
00:46:46 to go after what she's looking for.
00:46:48 So I'm really scared that I haven't chased him hard enough,
00:46:53 fought for him hard enough.
00:46:54 I think I probably have regrets about stepping back,
00:47:00 you know, allowing other people to form
00:47:03 really strong connections with you.
00:47:05 It probably wasn't the right thing to do in hindsight.
00:47:07 I'd wish that I did put myself first a little bit more
00:47:11 because I think it probably has potentially made you feel
00:47:14 like I'm not as interested as I am.
00:47:17 It's hard to, yeah, sort of let yourself keep falling
00:47:22 in love with this person when you just truly feel
00:47:25 like heartbreak is, yeah, what's gonna happen to you.
00:47:27 (dramatic music)
00:47:30 - With the farewell looming on Todd's table,
00:47:37 Jacinta is looking for clarity from Daisy.
00:47:40 - Daisy has been holding Todd's hand
00:47:44 and being all over him and flaunting it.
00:47:46 But there's a time and a place.
00:47:48 Why have you been love bombing Todd?
00:47:53 - Yeah, I think that-
00:47:56 - Love bombing.
00:47:57 - Overcrowding you, telling you about my feelings,
00:48:02 stealing your way all the time.
00:48:04 - Sorry, I just didn't-
00:48:07 - Do you think it's one-sided?
00:48:09 Do you both believe that it's one-sided?
00:48:13 - I don't know.
00:48:14 - Again, I try not to be too over the top
00:48:18 in front of you girls.
00:48:19 Anything that I try and, you know,
00:48:22 anytime that I try and get with Todd,
00:48:24 I try and get away from you girls.
00:48:26 So it's not always in your face.
00:48:29 - You know, us girls came into this
00:48:32 and said we're gonna be respectful.
00:48:34 Unfortunately, Daisy's continuing to push that envelope.
00:48:38 Have you been open and honest about your time with Todd?
00:48:43 - Yeah.
00:48:45 I did sneak out one morning and, you know,
00:48:56 I miss him when I'm not around him.
00:48:57 So I try and take every opportunity that I can
00:48:59 to be with him.
00:49:01 - She is quite possessive of him
00:49:05 and I just don't think that's fair.
00:49:09 - Obviously Jacinta and I had words the other morning.
00:49:14 - What do you mean?
00:49:18 - So I went to get the vacuum cleaner
00:49:25 to seal up my bags and I snuck in
00:49:30 for a cuddle in the morning.
00:49:34 I've apologized for that,
00:49:38 but the opportunity was there and I took it.
00:49:42 Not the most well-liked person at the moment
00:49:49 by the other girls, but not here to make friends.
00:49:52 - With that, was the issue that it happened
00:49:55 or that it wasn't talked about or?
00:49:59 - The issue is that when confronted, Daisy denied it
00:50:05 and we had a girl code to begin with
00:50:10 and then to wake up to someone sneaking back into bed
00:50:16 before our 24 hour date
00:50:22 and then being lied to about it, to my face, to our faces,
00:50:27 was pretty hurtful.
00:50:28 - Honestly, I didn't even think about your date.
00:50:32 - And that was the issue.
00:50:35 It's just not very respectful of girl code
00:50:40 or of me or to Grace, to be honest.
00:50:51 - The fact of the fact is we denied it and that hurt me
00:50:56 because we both knew the truth.
00:50:58 - I think that there's a misconception that, you know,
00:51:02 I've been doing it on the regular and up to no good.
00:51:07 When that's not true.
00:51:10 I just felt tonight there wasn't any love at all
00:51:17 on that table.
00:51:19 I definitely feel attacked, pretty heartbreaking.
00:51:23 - Someone's going home tonight.
00:51:38 Todd may see Daisy in a different light when he's with her.
00:51:48 He hasn't got the full story and, you know,
00:51:50 asking those questions, you know,
00:51:52 might give him some clarity as well.
00:51:54 He deserves to know the truth about everything.
00:51:58 Yes or no, do you feel like the girl code has been broken?
00:52:03 And if yes, did you break it?
00:52:16 - I think it's very subjective of how you look at it.
00:52:20 And from you girls' point of view,
00:52:25 yeah, it looks like I've done the wrong thing.
00:52:31 And I've admitted to those faults
00:52:36 and I apologize to you for those.
00:52:38 At the same time, we're all in the same situation.
00:52:46 And I've been pretty open with like how much time
00:52:51 that I've spent with Todd from the very get-go,
00:52:58 you know, was.
00:52:59 - Now, now you have.
00:53:01 - Yeah.
00:53:05 I just know how I feel and the connection that I've gotten.
00:53:16 I'm not gonna apologize for the time that I've had
00:53:18 and the time that I get.
00:53:20 And that's why we're here at the end of the day
00:53:22 is to build that connection and yeah.
00:53:25 - I think that Justina's angry.
00:53:29 She feels disrespected.
00:53:33 But some of the nasty comments that are coming back,
00:53:37 yeah, it's not very warranted.
00:53:38 And I think that she used tonight as a platform
00:53:41 to drag me down a little bit.
00:53:43 You know, I have a clear conscience.
00:53:45 I have apologized to her for upsetting her
00:53:47 and I thought that was it.
00:53:48 And her true colors kind of came out tonight, I guess.
00:53:51 I didn't intend to hurt or upset any of you.
00:53:59 And I think in a situation like this,
00:54:04 where we all have our different connections,
00:54:09 you know, you find the time that you can
00:54:14 and you find the time that is there.
00:54:16 And yeah.
00:54:24 - It wasn't the fact that you did it.
00:54:27 It was the dishonesty and that's what hurt me the most.
00:54:31 I'm all about honesty and that's, yeah.
00:54:37 I just don't like being lied to.
00:54:40 (dramatic music)
00:54:42 - Sorry.
00:54:45 Please.
00:54:47 - It's hard.
00:54:59 You know, the truth hurts and you know,
00:55:01 she's got to face that today, unfortunately.
00:55:04 - They think that I don't respect them
00:55:07 and they think that I don't respect you.
00:55:09 And that's so far from the truth.
00:55:16 - It really broke my heart that they felt the need to,
00:55:28 to do that.
00:55:30 (sobbing)
00:55:32 - Not all that's got us is just the good ones.
00:55:43 - It's hard to know exactly what is gonna happen.
00:55:49 Todd could completely rewind and get into his head
00:55:51 and feelings could change in a heartbeat.
00:55:53 (sobbing)
00:55:55 - Up next, farmer Todd makes a heartbreaking decision.
00:56:06 - That's the lady that's leaving today.
00:56:11 (dramatic music)
00:56:14 (dramatic music)
00:56:17 - Tonight, tackling tough questions
00:56:27 has been difficult, but necessary.
00:56:30 - Feel like I've got to know these ladies really well
00:56:36 and I liked what I learnt.
00:56:40 Understatement of the year to say
00:56:41 that I've got a tough decision ahead of me.
00:56:44 (dramatic music)
00:56:46 - For farmer Dustin, some things have been left unsaid.
00:56:50 - Not good.
00:56:52 - I think the only thing that is unresolved
00:56:55 in tonight is Anna.
00:56:57 It is a bit confusing because I don't know
00:57:00 where she stands now.
00:57:01 - And farmer Todd must decide which lady he will farewell.
00:57:07 - Tonight has been pretty uncomfortable
00:57:12 and made me look like a bad person.
00:57:15 I could be the next one to go home.
00:57:17 - I'd like to thank all you ladies
00:57:22 for putting yourselves out there
00:57:24 and picking me and to, I guess, get to know.
00:57:27 Grace, you've grown as the longer you've been here,
00:57:34 really come out of your shell.
00:57:36 And I've really, I guess I've loved seeing that happen
00:57:41 with you, you being so comfortable around me
00:57:45 to be able to do that.
00:57:47 - I know that Todd and I have got a strong connection
00:57:49 and there are some feelings there both ways.
00:57:53 - The sinner, he's such a forward, open person
00:58:00 with an infectious smile.
00:58:02 I don't think getting to know you,
00:58:03 it's just been such an amazing adventure.
00:58:06 I've really, really enjoyed it.
00:58:08 I've been pretty open and honest and vulnerable.
00:58:11 I think Daisy isn't the right fit for Todd,
00:58:16 but he only knows what's good for him
00:58:18 at the end of the day.
00:58:19 - Daisy, I mean, loved getting to know you too.
00:58:24 It's been such a, such good fun.
00:58:28 - Obviously I wouldn't be standing there at the end
00:58:33 with the man I love.
00:58:36 (upbeat music)
00:58:38 - That's the lady that's leaving today.
00:58:51 I probably just felt a bit more of a connection
00:58:57 to the other ladies.
00:58:59 Yeah, I mean, it's hard.
00:59:04 - And so with that, I'm sorry to send her.
00:59:07 - Yeah.
00:59:08 That's okay.
00:59:11 Don't feel bad at all.
00:59:13 We just haven't had the time
00:59:14 and we spoke about that before.
00:59:17 So it's totally fine.
00:59:20 Don't feel bad.
00:59:22 Walking away, knowing that I was true to myself
00:59:33 and I was honest and probably more vulnerable
00:59:36 than I ever thought I would be.
00:59:37 So no regrets.
00:59:39 - You're beautiful, you're amazing.
00:59:44 You're the love.
00:59:45 - You too.
00:59:45 You know, I do wish him well.
00:59:53 I do hope that he does find the love of his life
00:59:56 and you know, I will too.
00:59:58 You're an amazing man.
00:59:59 - It was amazing getting to know you too.
01:00:00 And I'm sorry it couldn't work out.
01:00:03 You're amazing.
01:00:05 - You will find the love of your life, I know it.
01:00:11 You know it.
01:00:12 - Have a safe trip.
01:00:16 Look after yourself.
01:00:18 - Will do.
01:00:19 - Bye. - Bye.
01:00:22 - These nights are never easy,
01:00:26 but I'm still very hopeful I'll find love.
01:00:29 Still got two lovely ladies here
01:00:31 I can see a future with, with either of them.
01:00:33 It's gonna be one of the most difficult decisions
01:00:37 I've ever had to make.
01:00:38 - Next time,
01:00:47 Farmer Todd and Farmer Dustin face the families.
01:00:53 - And you're sitting in my seat.
01:00:54 - Oh yeah, he's always a little bit nervous.
01:00:57 He had to meet some of his parents.
01:00:58 - Do you see yourself having a future with Sophie?
01:01:00 - Two girls now and you've got to make a decision.
01:01:04 I don't want to be left with a mess.
01:01:07 - And the biggest decision of their lives.
01:01:11 - I'm that lucky to have two wonderful girls,
01:01:13 but it also makes it very hard when it comes to deciding.
01:01:17 Just got to go with my heart.
01:01:18 - It's been probably one of the most difficult decisions
01:01:23 I've ever had to make.
01:01:24 I'm sort of tearing myself in two.
01:01:28 (dramatic music)
01:01:30 (dramatic music)
01:01:33 (explosion)
