My Big Fat Fabulous Life Season 12 Episode 2

  • 2 months ago
My Big Fat Fabulous Life Season 12 Episode 2


00:00Previously on My Big Fat Fabulous Life.
00:04I had a baby.
00:05I have a little girl named Genevieve.
00:08Ryan and Cody kept telling me
00:10that they have a friend named Kenny
00:12that they think I would be good with.
00:15Hi, how are you?
00:18Good, how you doing?
00:19I'm good.
00:20So are you like, you're looking to like,
00:22do you want to get married?
00:23Do you want kids?
00:25Yeah, I always said I have four kids.
00:27Well, you need to be looking for a woman younger than me.
00:29I know that.
00:30Don't eat too much.
00:31You gotta save some space for Thanksgiving dinner.
00:35My nephew, Ryan, and his girlfriend, Lizzie,
00:37live in Kentucky, and they have invited us
00:40to celebrate Thanksgiving at their house.
00:42What the f*** was that?
00:45It was eggs.
00:46They got thrown at the house.
00:47That's on the doorbell cam.
00:48It's hate mail that someone dropped off
00:51before they egged my house.
00:52F*** you, fat bitch.
00:54It's scary how invested people are into hating me.
00:58Did Angie mention to you that she said that
01:25one of their traditions is that Ryan hunts the turkey?
01:31No, I did not hear this.
01:33What are you talking about?
01:35She said that Ryan, like the turkey we're going to eat,
01:38Ryan has hunted it.
01:39Oh, my God.
01:40Well, this is going to be a good opportunity
01:41to get to enjoy a holiday with Angie and her family.
01:47Just about a year ago, we found out
01:49that my dad had fathered a daughter in his 20s
01:51who was placed for adoption, and through DNA sites,
01:54their family found our family.
01:56So now our family has grown so much,
01:58and it has been a wild ride since then.
02:00Angie and most of the family live in Alabama,
02:03but for Thanksgiving, they like to spend it in Kentucky
02:06with her son, Ryan.
02:07And we haven't seen everyone since the summer,
02:10so I'm really excited and a little anxious to be reunited.
02:14I don't think six months ago, I mean,
02:16I would have hoped that we could have holidays together,
02:19but I don't think I would have assumed
02:22that we would have gotten invited, you know?
02:24I'm really excited to be spending Thanksgiving
02:26with my Alabama family,
02:28especially after the hate mail fiasco of last week.
02:31It feels good to just spend the holidays
02:33with people who love you and who you love
02:36and get a lot of that, like, relaxation and bonding time in,
02:39so I'm thrilled.
02:43It's honey.
02:44They coming? They coming?
02:46I see them.
02:47What? I think I see them, Maddie.
02:50Who's that?
02:52Oh, my God! Look at Maddie!
02:54Hey, y'all!
02:55She looks bigger!
03:00Hey, Maddie!
03:06What's good?
03:08Are you Uncle Whitney's baby?
03:10Yes, you are.
03:12There must be something about DNA
03:13because it really does feel like we've known each other
03:17for much longer.
03:18I don't know. Just how do you feel
03:20that instantly comfortable with people
03:22you've not even known for a year?
03:24She's so pretty!
03:26What's up, my girl?
03:27What's good? Good to see you, man.
03:28I'm gonna give him.
03:31I am obsessed with my great niece, Maddie,
03:34and she loves me.
03:36You see Great Daddy Glenn?
03:40Look, I am in my divine feminine, okay?
03:44My body knows something is going on,
03:47and I am a baby and child magnet.
03:49I am Mother Earth.
03:53Have you seen these birthing hips?
03:55Don't talk to me.
03:56Her little socks are cute.
03:59You're a fashionista, girl.
04:01I'm wearing an airport sweatshirt, and look at you.
04:05That didn't fit, so I had to cut it off.
04:08That's actually really cute.
04:09I know. That's Edge Holder.
04:10Isn't that cute?
04:11I thought you bought it like that.
04:12No, I just cut.
04:13Well, this is like, you know, back in the day,
04:15like in dance class and stuff,
04:16we would always wear, like, cut-off sweat stuff,
04:18so I just cut it off.
04:19Okay, because that's super cute.
04:21I thought you bought it like that.
04:23I thought you did too.
04:24They told me to cut it.
04:25It's like a 4XL,
04:26but it didn't really get past here,
04:27so I was like ...
04:28Y'all want to sit down?
04:29This is the first formal Thanksgiving without BAMS.
04:31I'm so thankful that we've got this new family
04:33to celebrate it with.
04:35It's still painful not having BAMS with us,
04:37but it's a brighter and happier time.
04:40So do we have anything planned for this afternoon?
04:42I have hired a photographer to come take some pictures
04:45of everyone for a family picture.
04:48When is that?
04:52But I'm in Airport, Kentucky, cut-off.
04:54It doesn't matter. We're all casual.
04:56What about Jamie and Eve?
04:57I know. Believe me, she rang me a new one last night
05:01when I explained to her
05:03that I could not get a photographer on Thanksgiving day
05:05because she can't get here until tonight.
05:09But that's okay because we're going to do family pictures
05:11at the wedding.
05:12Okay, that's right.
05:13She has a whole ass wedding coming up.
05:15Jamie and Heath's wedding is in a few months,
05:17and I'm excited because not only am I invited,
05:21but when we were on our trip in Switzerland,
05:22Jamie actually asked me to walk down the aisle
05:25with the family.
05:27The photographers will be here probably around 3.30, so...
05:30My buddy Adam, he has an arcade down the street.
05:33It's pretty nice.
05:34So I don't know if you want to come with us,
05:36but we're going to do some ax throwing and mini bowling.
05:40I'm scared to throw an ax.
05:41That makes me, I don't know that I want to do that.
05:43Make sure it goes forward.
05:46Let's go on in to the party.
05:48Damn people.
05:49What's going on?
05:52What's up?
05:52Good morning, enjoying the party?
05:53Got your surprise with me?
05:56All right, bro.
05:56Good to see you.
05:57Good to see you.
05:58How are you?
06:00Everybody knows Kenny.
06:01Hi, Kenny.
06:02Famous Kenny.
06:03Not everybody.
06:06Hi, Kenny.
06:07Hey, how are you?
06:08Nice to meet you in person.
06:09You too.
06:10How are you?
06:11All right?
06:12Yeah, I'm good.
06:12Good, good.
06:13I have never seen Kenny in the flesh.
06:15I didn't even know he lived in Kentucky,
06:17so I definitely wasn't expecting to see him today.
06:19The only time that I've seen him
06:21was during our virtual date six months ago
06:23from my living room.
06:24How long have you been single?
06:26Well, 42 years.
06:29Never been married is what I mean.
06:30I don't know, maybe it's just not God's plan
06:32or however you want to say it.
06:34Not meant to be.
06:35Yeah, I kind of feel the same about myself, I guess.
06:38But I have three cats and a dog, so.
06:42Do you like animals?
06:43I've got a little baby flying squirrel.
06:49Oh my God.
06:52I personally feel that Ryan,
06:55I think it's well-intentioned,
06:56but I think he's trying a little too hard.
06:58I wish I'd had a little bit of a heads up.
07:01Oh man, I got this squirrel in my pocket,
07:03that's gonna be nuts.
07:03Squirrel in your pocket?
07:06Do you have the squirrel?
07:06Yeah, I brought it.
07:07She's in your pocket?
07:10Oh sweetie.
07:11Come on.
07:12Oh, the tail is soft.
07:14Since like June or July.
07:16Hi baby girl.
07:18Hi baby.
07:19Yeah, there's no pets in here, there's no pets.
07:21I will welcome any type of mammal,
07:23but now if we're talking,
07:24now a cat or a dog, obviously love,
07:26but it gets into something more special
07:28when it's a squirrel, it's a beaver, it's a marmot,
07:30it's a parrot. Something unusual.
07:31It's something and it just really gives
07:35spontaneity, excitement, fur, you know?
07:38You're a little marsupial.
07:39I was just about to say it.
07:46Oh my gosh, okay, hold on, wait.
07:49It's like a hamster with a long tail.
07:51How do I do it?
07:52It might bite you, let it sniff.
07:53Oh, she's gonna bite me?
07:54Let her sniff you.
07:55Why do I want her to bite me?
07:56Sniff you.
07:57Yeah, no.
07:57Because if she bites me, I'm gonna throw up.
07:58That's all right, she's glad.
08:00Hey girl, hey girl.
08:02Hey, hey girl.
08:03Just kind of cup her like.
08:04Oh, it's very intimate.
08:05Oh, she's, oh, I think she's not happy.
08:06She gonna sniff you.
08:08Oh, she's, oh, she's didn't like you.
08:10She wouldn't ride that bikini like.
08:11I know, and I don't even treat her like I should, like.
08:16You've admitted that you don't treat her like you should.
08:19So no hopes for a human woman, is there?
08:22No, no, no, no way.
08:24Yeah, that's true.
08:25Oh dear God.
08:27I mean, Kenny's got a good end to, you know,
08:29is that a squirrel in your pocket
08:30or are you just happy to see me?
08:31I mean, you know, it's pretty good, I think.
08:35I think it's a good,
08:37it's an A game move.
08:38Oh, oh, oh my, okay.
08:40Woo boy.
08:41Oh my God.
08:42Kenny, I think this is the best pickup line you could have.
08:45Women love animals, you know?
08:47That's crazy, that's crazy.
08:49Yeah, walk around with three or four of them.
08:52Some people might think it's strange to bring one squirrel,
08:56but for me as a pet lover,
08:57it's just extra points in my book.
08:59And I'd probably be showing more outward enthusiasm
09:02if I weren't still so in love with the French man,
09:04but I am intrigued.
09:06I do want to get to know Kenny better.
09:08And one day I would definitely like to hold his squirrel.
09:13I think she likes me.
09:14I think she does too.
09:22You pretty, you got a cute little outfit on.
09:26You like to take pictures?
09:29Oh, I got lipstick in your hair.
09:31Hi, how are you?
09:33Are you the photographer?
09:34Yes, ma'am.
09:34Hi, I'm Whitney.
09:37Nice to meet you.
09:38Nice to meet you, I'm Bree.
09:38All right, y'all.
09:39I mean, she's on the clock.
09:40Okay, okay, okay.
09:41All right, let's go.
09:42All right, here, you go to Pawpaw.
09:43Let's take the first picture with my parents.
09:46Okay, y'all come on up here.
09:47Shannon, you're holding up the mic?
09:48No, no, no, go ahead, I'll stand in the back.
09:50All right, I'm gonna say three, two, one,
09:51we're gonna smile, okay?
09:52Yeah, we'll say pumpkin.
09:56Or roll tide.
09:58Roll tide?
09:59Y'all say roll tide.
10:00Yeah, we say roll tide.
10:01Three, two, one, roll tide.
10:03Roll tide.
10:06Okay, so we took the group.
10:07What the heck?
10:09What are you doing?
10:11Good gracious.
10:12What in the world?
10:13I caught this.
10:13No, stop it, you didn't.
10:15That's real or that's paper mache?
10:17He was real about 15 years ago.
10:20He was real.
10:21He's still real.
10:23No, no, no.
10:24Who is that?
10:26He was buried a couple weeks ago.
10:29I am not a hunter.
10:30I have never killed an animal with my own hands.
10:33Well, there was that one hamster
10:35and my dad brought her back to life by blow drying her.
10:39Other than that, I've never killed like a mammal before.
10:42It's like mechanical.
10:44I thought bows were like.
10:45Hey, this is how we take photos in Kentucky.
10:49If you can't hold both, give me one.
10:51I want the big one.
10:52Hell yeah, girl, get it.
10:55Oh my God.
10:57Oh my God.
10:58Just drape it, drape it.
11:00There you go.
11:01Here you go, Glenn.
11:02Who's holding the marlin?
11:04Oh, you are.
11:04I'll hold the marlin.
11:06I got it here.
11:07Are you sure?
11:07Who wants to hold the marlin?
11:08I want to hold the marlin.
11:09Hold on, let me get it.
11:12Okay, I got it.
11:13It's not heavy.
11:14I got it.
11:16Wait, get pick up.
11:17Somebody got to pick up the end.
11:18I'm honestly a huge fan of taxidermied animals.
11:21It's always been a dream of mine to taxidermy Henchy
11:23when he does cross over the rainbow bridge,
11:26but I've never displayed anything taxidermied
11:30and I have never seen a fish this big.
11:33I only know like five kinds of fish.
11:35Trout, tuna fish, swordfish, blowfish, catfish.
11:41I know that one.
11:43Get her done.
11:43Y'all ready?
11:46That's an awesome picture.
11:49We have done it.
11:50Are we done?
11:51I kind of want to, can I hold him?
11:54Can you pat him?
11:54Let me see him.
11:56She's patting him.
11:57He loves you.
11:58He loves you.
12:00Here, here, here.
12:01Let me take your glass.
12:02Okay, well, maybe it will.
12:04No, it's not.
12:04It won't.
12:05There you go.
12:06Oh, yeah.
12:07You're ready for the wood.
12:08Like you're ready to go rob a bank, Ms. Glenn.
12:09Well, let's go.
12:12Being with Angie and her family
12:14has brought out the youthful side in me.
12:17I feel like I'm a little goofy and silly as a granddaddy
12:21and I'm getting in touch with that side of me.
12:23Is this our Kentucky baptism?
12:26You've done it now?
12:27All right, Katie, come in here.
12:29You need to be in this picture too.
12:30Let's go.
12:36Well, no, I was thinking maybe,
12:37can I get a single with big boy here?
12:38What's his name?
12:39Big boy.
12:40You name him.
12:44He's Chester.
12:46You know, I'm going to be honest.
12:47I wish I thought this taxidermy was weirder than I do.
12:50I'm actually kind of all for it.
12:52I'm gonna do it.
12:58What's funny is I'm getting him like.
13:01We got the picture of the dolphin.
13:03Now she's kissing the fish.
13:05Y'all are taking a picture together.
13:07All right, come here.
13:08This can also double as engagement photos, I guess.
13:10Yeah, yeah, definitely.
13:15No, no, no.
13:16You gotta say yes, no.
13:18Katie, we've not even done a proper date.
13:21So you're gonna say no?
13:22No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
13:27So you're gonna say no?
13:29I have been known to move at a pretty fast pace before,
13:33but I've never proposed before a first date.
13:38So if Kenny wants to just back this thing up,
13:40flip it and reverse it and ask me on a date, I'll go.
13:45Let me see a pic.
13:48Oh my God, Kenny, we look kind of cute.
13:51Thank you so much.
13:52These will be treasured for years and years to come.
13:56If we're not counting the French guy,
13:58I haven't kissed anyone in over four years.
14:01I really was certain that Kenny was not it for me.
14:07And now I'm Confucian.
14:26So this is my buddy, Adam's arcade.
14:28He's got a little bit of everything.
14:31I'm about to whoop up on y'all.
14:37I got mini bowling.
14:39All right.
14:40I got some X-Tone.
14:44You're about to turn 40, Whitney.
14:46So, I mean, it might throw your rotator cuff out, but.
14:49I don't think he's gonna say that.
14:49My rotator cuff.
14:50Well, you can put a little Icy Hot on there.
14:52My rotator cuff is fine.
14:53Okay, okay, okay.
14:55Cody and Ryan and Ryan's girlfriend, Lizzie,
14:58invited my brother and I out
14:59for kind of like a kids' night out thing.
15:02And I think there's ax throwing.
15:04Now, I normally don't engage in entertainment
15:06that may result in a severed appendage,
15:09but I am willing to try.
15:11And if I'm bad at it,
15:14y'all can find me doing something else.
15:18Who's on two teams?
15:19Y'all gonna make captains and pick or what?
15:21I'm watching.
15:22No, you're not.
15:23No, you're not watching.
15:24I'm just watching.
15:25I promise you it's a lot easier than you think.
15:28Hey, so Kenny is coming.
15:30He ain't here yet, but he's coming.
15:31So it's gonna be me, Lizzie, Hunter, and Cody.
15:34And when Kenny gets here, it's gonna be Kenny and Whitney.
15:38You know why.
15:39No, I don't know.
15:40You know why.
15:42He doesn't even like me.
15:43Oh, yeah, he does.
15:44He likes you.
15:45He talks about you all the time.
15:46No, he doesn't.
15:47What does he say?
15:50What doesn't he say?
15:51Yeah, exactly.
15:51Stop it.
15:52No, he, ew, I don't blame you.
15:53I don't wanna tell, I was a little sick.
15:54I love that country accent.
15:55I know you do.
15:57Don't plan, what does he say?
15:58He's talking about you and all the squirrels
16:00y'all gonna have in the future.
16:02Oh, okay, yeah, that makes sense.
16:03A little squirrel farm.
16:07I know that Ryan is just being, like,
16:10helpful and encouraging, but I'm almost 40, you know?
16:13I've had a lot of experience with men.
16:15I'm very clear on what I like and what I don't like.
16:18And Kenny's best quality can't just be that he's single.
16:22You know?
16:23I'm sure he has more to offer than that,
16:25but I just don't know about it yet.
16:27Like, I did come for the flying squirrel,
16:30but I wanna stay for something more.
16:33Let's throw some axes.
16:36Go ahead and throw one.
16:38It's not that scary.
16:39It's not, I don't, I don't wanna be behind him.
16:40Then you shouldn't be behind him.
16:43Is that supposed to happen?
16:44That doesn't happen very often.
16:45That's it.
16:46That's it.
16:47Like when you, like a step, and then throw.
16:50All right, who's next?
16:51Whitney, come on.
16:52My arms are weak.
16:53No, my arms are weak.
16:54Come on, Whitney.
16:55You got this.
16:56You got it, Whitney.
16:56You got it.
16:57If it's bad, we'll fix it.
16:59I'm scared.
16:59You got this.
17:05What did I do?
17:06You hit the wrong end.
17:10Why am I so bad at this?
17:13I'm kidding.
17:14I'm kidding.
17:14I'm kidding.
17:19Can he show you how to throw that ax?
17:21I may have never been worse at anything in my life
17:24than I am at the ax throwing,
17:26which is saying something.
17:28And of course, Kenny walks in just in time
17:30to see me fail.
17:38Let me show you how to throw this thing.
17:40You're boring, guys.
17:42He's bored.
17:43Let me show you how to do it.
17:44I want to see Ryan hit the scoreboard like that.
17:46Right, I know.
17:49That was like so hard, like fierce.
17:52I know, I gotta throw hard like that.
17:53Watch out.
17:59Oh yeah, kid, let's see what you got.
18:00It's all in the wrist.
18:02Oh my God, here goes Kenny.
18:06Dang, dude.
18:06He imaginated it wrong.
18:08You under-rotated.
18:09I thought you played baseball.
18:10He's gonna swing it.
18:12Oh my God!
18:14Is Kenny worse than me?
18:15I give up.
18:16I give up.
18:16It's going sideways.
18:17It's okay, I did that too.
18:19It's okay.
18:19It's okay.
18:20It's okay.
18:21Have you left-handed too?
18:23Me too!
18:24Okay, no, you need one more try.
18:25That's what happens when you're 40.
18:28Work it out, work it out.
18:29There you go, Cody.
18:30Warm it up.
18:30All right, get back in the game.
18:33Yeah, nice!
18:34Nice, Cody.
18:35Look at the wrist.
18:36It's right here?
18:38It's sideways.
18:42There you go.
18:43Good job!
18:44Come on, let's go.
18:45Let's go!
18:45That's a stride, baby.
18:46Let's go.
18:47All right, I'm gonna try.
18:48Me and Kenny, for y'all's sake,
18:50we're gonna set it out.
18:51Y'all, we'll be right-
18:52Damn, after one throw?
18:54You're gonna leave us?
18:55I've never been so bad at anything in my life.
18:58Come on, Hunter!
19:00No pressure.
19:01Take the lead.
19:02Let's go.
19:04That's okay.
19:05You're about to break up, Vinny.
19:07Oh, nice!
19:08Strong look.
19:09It's a little hard.
19:12What is that?
19:14That's for you.
19:16Thank you.
19:17You spend money on this?
19:18Oh, thousands.
19:20Hundreds of thousands.
19:21Look, y'all, Kenny got me a ring.
19:25What's next?
19:26It's official.
19:27Such a gentleman.
19:28Oh, Ken!
19:30So, this is not the first time
19:32that a man has given you a ring.
19:35It's not even the second.
19:36You have a collection now?
19:37You would think that I would have a collection,
19:40but the ocean took the last engagement ring
19:42from me, and then the one before that,
19:43when I was moving, I accidentally threw it away.
19:46I will have to say that this ring that Kenny has given me
19:49does not quite measure up.
19:51He's such a romantic.
19:52Ew, if I was ever gonna get a ring,
19:53it better not look like that.
19:55There you go.
19:56Thank you.
19:57Let's see, what are these?
19:58Baby bottle watermelon.
20:00What's your flavor?
20:03Is this a nipple?
20:05You know, I'm kind of hesitating
20:07whether to suck on this or not.
20:08How do you even do it?
20:09Couldn't get any of the candy in there.
20:10You can tell I don't have kids.
20:12I'm like, is this a nipple?
20:15So, would you ever like to have kids?
20:20I always thought I did,
20:21but I always just thought I'd have more time,
20:25and even now I kind of think like,
20:26oh yeah, like in 10 years, you know,
20:28but that's the same thing I thought when I was 20.
20:29When you were 20, yeah, same year.
20:31I don't know, just feel like sometimes
20:32it's not meant to be, or maybe it is.
20:34I mean, I'm gonna be 40 in April.
20:36How old are you, 42?
20:39Good news, hitting 40 is just wonderful.
20:42All I know is I have to get a mammogram.
20:45I didn't have to get that, but.
20:47Well, right, right.
20:48When I hit 40, my back said, that's enough,
20:50and that's when it really went south.
20:52Played a lot of sports, though, a lot of them.
20:54What'd you play?
20:55I knew I was getting a college scholarship
20:57in 10th grade to play golf.
20:58You got a, really?
20:59Yeah, but I played for three years in college.
21:01So, you're a college athlete?
21:05Scholarship, that's impressive.
21:08Other things got in the way.
21:09Like what, women?
21:10Women's won.
21:13Partying, definitely, that's number one, baby.
21:16How long you been single now, like, last relationship?
21:20Well, my last relationship was very unconventional, so.
21:23Aren't they all?
21:24Well, no, this one was like,
21:25we're the guy that lived in France.
21:29And we saw each other two or three times a year,
21:33and then I just got back.
21:34I was in France, like, for five weeks,
21:36and every day I was like, I'm so in love with him.
21:38But I know, like, for me, I'm like, I gotta move on,
21:40because I'll just be single forever if I don't move on.
21:45So I finally just, yeah, we said bye.
21:48We both cried.
21:52Even though I'm definitely not over the Frenchman at all,
21:56I know that I'm not getting any younger,
21:59and finding a partner is a priority for me.
22:02It's something that I want.
22:04I'm definitely ready to date, but I don't go out,
22:07I don't drink anymore, I don't like,
22:10I just am kind of like, I feel like I'm too old now.
22:12Same here, yeah.
22:13I'll go out with the young girls from work or whatever,
22:15and it's like, what am I doing here?
22:17And it's strange to be the old, old dude, you know?
22:21And you've got a squirrel in your pocket the whole time.
22:23Oh, no, no, no, I only, no, that's wrong.
22:28That's wrong.
22:30You know, there is something about Kenny
22:34that I didn't pick up on at first.
22:35I feel that there's more to him,
22:40and that maybe he's smarter than I would have ever thought,
22:44and maybe more interesting than I would have ever thought.
22:46I think if he asks me out on a real date,
22:52I think I would go.
22:54Honestly, if we're not counting the French guy,
22:58I haven't kissed anyone in over four years.
23:01All right.
23:02What is that?
23:02Come here.
23:06There we go.
23:09Now it's been like five seconds.
23:11Five seconds, okay.
23:14Kissing Kenny is gentle,
23:17and it's been so long since I've kissed anyone
23:21but the French man.
23:21I am definitely surprised by the fact
23:26that I don't hate it.
23:28And I feel like he made me blush a little bit,
23:30which is not easy to do.
23:31Oh, no, ew, that's fine.
23:36I got two turkeys in my backyard.
23:38We don't have nothing to cook right now,
23:40but we're about to take care of that.
23:41Angie did warn me
23:42about the Thanksgiving turkey hunt tradition.
23:46Is that it right there?
23:48One, two, three, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
23:57You look so good, daddy.
23:58That was a good Thanksgiving choice.
24:00Those are nice pants.
24:01A nice sweater.
24:02I am still not sure what the kiss was about last night.
24:07I don't know how I feel about it.
24:09Today is Thanksgiving.
24:10He's also coming today.
24:12And I'm thinking about things
24:13that I need to be thankful for,
24:14and I just, I can't decide
24:18if I'm gonna be thankful for him or not.
24:22I don't know.
24:22I don't know.
24:23I don't know.
24:24I don't know.
24:25If kissing Kenny is on that list or not.
24:29Happy Thanksgiving.
24:30Happy Thanksgiving.
24:30Hey, what's up?
24:31Hey, big news.
24:32Big news.
24:33What's up, man?
24:34What's up?
24:35Both of y'all, come here.
24:36Yeah, yeah, yeah.
24:37Because we gotta hurry up.
24:37We gotta hurry up.
24:38We gotta go.
24:39We gotta go.
24:40Where y'all going?
24:41I got a camera in my backyard,
24:42which it sends alerts to my phone when I get a deer.
24:45But this time I just got two turkeys,
24:46and they're about in my backyard.
24:48We don't have nothing to cook right now,
24:50but we're about to take care of that.
24:52Here, so put this on.
24:53We'll do nothing to slow you down.
24:54Angie did warn me
24:55about the Thanksgiving turkey hunt tradition.
24:59I kind of thought that was pre-Thanksgiving.
25:02I didn't know that it was like a morning of type of event,
25:06or that I was gonna have to be involved
25:08because I'm not dressed to be out in the woods.
25:13This is a Kentucky baptism.
25:14It's a family experience.
25:15He's been scouting this thing for like a month now.
25:19Oh, you like, you stalk it?
25:20Yeah, it has a female out there right now.
25:22It's stalking the female right now.
25:24They're about to have a sacred union,
25:25and you're about to shoot them to death?
25:26We don't cook store-bought turkey around here.
25:28We get it.
25:30Put this on.
25:31I've never shot anything before,
25:33but if I'm gonna eat it, then perfect.
25:36Well, you guys have fun.
25:38Happy hunting.
25:39You ain't gonna go with us?
25:41Oh, he just wants to eat the turkey.
25:43You better tell him to shoot it then.
25:43I'm gonna wait on the results.
25:44Yes, sir.
25:45Come on, we gotta go.
25:46We gotta go.
25:47If I got the right makeup and the right costume going on.
25:50And you definitely have the right thing going on.
25:52When in Rome.
25:52When in Kentucky.
25:54I didn't know I was into this stuff either,
25:55but you know, I'm gonna give it a chance.
25:57We learn new things every day.
26:01I don't see anything.
26:02If you're with me, I swear to God.
26:05I think they can smell fear.
26:07And probably the cologne from Hunter.
26:10There's two of them.
26:11Two of them?
26:12We got a tom and a hen, and he's got a big beard.
26:14And he's got the red.
26:17I thought you weren't supposed to wear orange
26:19while you're hunting.
26:20Come on, you need orange, otherwise he shoots you.
26:23Look, you gotta get down.
26:27There you go.
26:33I don't see anything.
26:35Wait, I think I see it.
26:37Is that it right there?
26:39I see them.
26:40Which one's the male?
26:41The bigger one.
26:42Oh my God.
26:44You gotta get real low.
26:47One, two, three.
26:50Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
26:53Hunter, back up.
26:56You didn't have backup.
26:57And you had me up.
26:59You had me actually believing.
27:01I just was like, ooh.
27:03I thought this whole thing seemed a little fishy.
27:08I wish that I could sit here in front of God and everybody
27:11and be like, oh no, it's fake.
27:13But honestly, I was, I didn't really realize it.
27:19I'm gonna be honest with you.
27:21But I'm glad now that I know that it is fake
27:22because I do want to sink my teeth into that turkey,
27:25but I do not want to have to witness the slaughter.
27:30Look at you, you were really,
27:32look, you wanted to do it, didn't you?
27:35I kind of did, yeah.
27:36I can tell.
27:37I just realized that Hunter doesn't even have an arrow.
27:40What did you think you were gonna do?
27:43I don't know.
27:44There is turkey in the house, right?
27:50I mean, is this stuff gonna come off my face or?
27:52I don't, I don't know.
28:11Wait, wait, wait.
28:12Are you doing it?
28:18I've never had fried turkeys.
28:20Smells good.
28:21The smell is amazing.
28:23I'm glad the men in the family know how to do the frying.
28:25And I'm surprised he's done a good job.
28:28Well, I trust him because I saw him with,
28:29you know, the crawfish and all that.
28:32Oh, hello.
28:34What's up?
28:35About time you showed up, huh?
28:36Better late than never.
28:37Happy Thanksgiving.
28:39That turkey smells so good.
28:41It does, it really does.
28:43Where is Kenny?
28:44Was it a pupa?
28:45I don't know.
28:46I seen you and Kenny last night.
28:48Whitney and Kenny, they end up doing the tonsil hockey
28:51besides the ax throwing.
28:52Tonsil hockey?
28:53There was air hockey at the place and tonsil hockey.
28:56Yeah, I seen it.
28:57That's disgusting and it wasn't, there was no tongs.
28:59You and Kenny kissed.
29:01There was, yes.
29:02But there was no tongue.
29:04You promise?
29:05Ew, dad, yes.
29:07I was totally caught off guard.
29:09I can see it now.
29:10She was totally caught off guard.
29:11No, I was totally caught off guard.
29:14So basically, I need to start calling Kenny Uncle Kenny.
29:17Oh gosh.
29:18I am thankful that my family is invested
29:22and concerned about my love life.
29:25But this thing with Kenny is in its infancy
29:28and I'm cautiously optimistic that we might go on a date
29:31and have a nice time and that's it for now, you know?
29:35Well, I honestly, I don't even feel right
29:37about meeting someone until Hunter meets someone, so.
29:41When's that gonna happen, Hunter?
29:43Well, I actually have met someone.
29:46Okay, Hunter has not had a date in 20 years.
29:49What is happening?
29:49I've had many dates.
29:51Yeah, I mean, I need a date
29:54that's maybe leading to something.
29:56Nothing special.
29:57So I've met somebody online that I've been talking to
30:01for a little over a year.
30:03We met on social media and she's pretty cool,
30:07but it's been super casual.
30:08So I haven't thought to tell my family about her
30:11and I haven't met her yet,
30:12but sometimes you just feel it.
30:15I'm a little excited and a little nervous too,
30:17but she's pretty cool.
30:18So we'll see how it goes.
30:21I need a background check.
30:22I need to make sure this girl's not crazy cuckoo.
30:24They did the background check on me, let me tell you.
30:26Hunter has an apartment in Atlanta
30:29where he lives like part-time when he's working down there.
30:32So it is entirely possible
30:34that he has a whole love life down there
30:36that I don't know anything about.
30:38I'm bringing her to the premiere.
30:40When's the premiere?
30:41Next week.
30:41The premiere is next week.
30:43And what's this movie about?
30:44He's been in like so many movies recently.
30:46This is a suspense kind of horror film.
30:50I've wanted to be an actor as long as I can remember.
30:53And I did my first children's theater play
30:55when I was eight years old.
30:57And then after college, I moved to New York City
30:59because I got a job in an off-Broadway show.
31:01And I've been acting and surviving
31:05as a struggling artist ever since.
31:07I've seen the trailer, but it kind of looks scary.
31:10That's why I'm like...
31:11I wanna know if it's true.
31:12Well, the premiere's in Atlanta
31:13and you're invited, of course.
31:15I'll be there.
31:16Who else will be there?
31:17Oh, I'm definitely coming.
31:18I wouldn't miss that for anything.
31:20Angie told me she's coming.
31:22I've been doing off-off-Broadway,
31:25off-Broadway, TV, indie films.
31:30But this is my first lead role in a feature film.
31:35I'm just gonna check on this turkey.
31:37Well, before it blows up, I'm gonna go get warm.
31:40I'm gonna go help mom do some stuff in the kitchen.
31:42All right.
31:44We did your bachelorette.
31:46Well, I want another one.
31:47And then we...
31:48Wait, you want another what?
31:49I want another bachelorette party.
31:50The first bachelorette party was a doozy.
31:53And I'm not sure that I'm recovered from that one.
32:01Oh, that smells good.
32:10I like this part.
32:12What is that part?
32:13No, that's mine.
32:13Give me half.
32:14I want a taste.
32:16Thanksgiving this year is definitely different,
32:18adjusting to holidays without my mom.
32:21But thank God.
32:22I mean, we have this huge family to spend it with.
32:28Uncle Kenny!
32:30Hi, how are you?
32:31Good, how are you?
32:33Y'all, we're ready to eat!
32:34All right, thank you.
32:38Oh, that's good.
32:40Am I supposed to tuck you in here?
32:46Did you see that nice flower arrangement
32:48that Angie got for Babs?
32:50Yes, I did.
32:51It's beautiful.
32:52Thank you so much.
32:53We really appreciate it.
32:54This is our first Thanksgiving actually without mom,
32:56so thank you.
32:58I know, I've seen that.
32:59I was like, that's sweet.
33:00You guys are always very thoughtful,
33:03and I don't want to speak for everybody,
33:06but I think I can speak for everybody
33:07when I say that we are thrilled to be here
33:10and to be included.
33:11And, you know, even since we first met,
33:14all the things that we've been included,
33:16and everything for your wedding that you've, I'm sorry,
33:19everything that you've invited me to,
33:20and you really just helped make our family so much bigger.
33:25And I just know that we're really appreciative
33:26and we're so happy to be here.
33:28So, thank you.
33:32Happy Thanksgiving.
33:33Family, everyone.
33:34Happy Thanksgiving.
33:38What'd you do?
33:39Grief is definitely unpredictable,
33:41and I feel like it just pops up in different ways
33:45when you least expect it.
33:46But one really positive thing about this, you know,
33:51last year that my mom hasn't been with us
33:54is that they've helped fill some gaps and create new bonds.
34:01It kind of feels like they just formed a safety net.
34:05It looks great.
34:09Like we were falling and they just came right underneath us
34:13is how it feels.
34:16And the food is delicious.
34:18Ryan, amazing.
34:19Thank you.
34:20Yes, everybody.
34:21Stuffing is delicious.
34:24And Lizzy's mom did all these pies
34:26and they look really good.
34:27You guys are sweet.
34:28I love Lizzy's mama
34:30because she's doing my flowers for the wedding.
34:32Is she?
34:34How nice.
34:35Okay, we did your bachelorette.
34:37So at the bachelorette weekend in Alabama,
34:39I was so scared because I was like, okay,
34:41Jamie's 15 years younger than me.
34:43Angie and Heath's mom are like 15 years older than me.
34:46I was like, I'm just going to be this weird,
34:47like who am I going to fit in with?
34:49And I'll tell you what, it really played out.
34:51Like I was just 30 years older than everybody.
34:55Heath's mom was partying, Jamie was partying,
34:59Angie was partying, and I was just-
35:01No, Angie was me and Liz.
35:03Angie, you were partying.
35:05Well, I want another one.
35:06And then we did, wait, you want another what?
35:09I want another bachelorette party.
35:12I thought your bachelorette was your one.
35:14I attended the first bachelorette weekend
35:16down in Gulf Shores and it was a doozy.
35:20And I'm not sure that I'm recovered from that one,
35:23but I love being an aunt.
35:26I don't want to be cheesy and be like,
35:27it's giving me a new purpose, but like, it kind of has.
35:30You know, I don't have my own children.
35:31If it's something that my niece wants,
35:33I just want to make her happy.
35:34So bachelorette 2.0, here we go.
35:39First of all, yes, I will do a bachelorette party for you.
35:42Second of all, though, do I have to consult with Heath
35:44on what we're allowed to do?
35:51Jamie and Heath are getting married
35:52in a couple months in Mississippi,
35:54and they've planned this big wedding
35:55with like a huge bridal party.
35:57And of course the whole family is going to be there
35:59with bells on, myself included.
36:01And I'm just thrilled.
36:04Heath is a wonderful man.
36:05I think he's great for Jamie.
36:07And they are so in love with each other,
36:09and it's just wonderful to witness.
36:12Okay, guys, I just wanted to say thank y'all.
36:14I know all of us came a long ways
36:17for this Thanksgiving dinner.
36:19It means a lot to have my children, my parents,
36:22my new family, all of us here, and you, Kenny.
36:26Oh, I mean, thank you.
36:28That's going to be your brother-in-law
36:29here in a couple years.
36:31He'll eventually be part of the family.
36:32Uncle Kenny.
36:34Aunt Whit and Uncle Ken.
36:36I think Ryan and Angie are just trying
36:39to be encouraging about Kenny.
36:42But if I want Kenny, you know, rest assured,
36:45I'll try to make it happen.
36:46And I don't need so much encouragement.
36:51So are you bringing Kenny as your plus one to my wedding?
36:56I get it.
36:57One of the qualities I like in a man is a very direct man.
36:59Woo, I mean, I'm getting a little hot at this table.
37:02No pressure here, Kenny, no pressure.
37:17Okay, so, you know, at the end of Switzerland,
37:20you know, we talked about Joseph
37:22and trying to find Joseph.
37:26I have something to tell y'all.
37:27When I was 16, I had a child that I placed for adoption.
37:34So you have a nephew.
37:35Oh my God.
37:38And where is he?
37:39I don't know.
37:40Have you started on that search at all?
37:42We have a little bit, in the sense of Cody,
37:46he's done put his DNA on another site.
37:49Yeah, I think you start there, right?
37:50Like, put your blood on all the sites,
37:53and then if you get a match, then that's super easy.
37:55I just don't know how difficult,
37:58being that it's, when you're in a private adoption,
38:00it's more difficult.
38:04The way that our families found each other
38:05in the first place is that my nephew, Cody,
38:07had put his DNA on a website,
38:09and he matched with my dad's sister, Kim.
38:12Now, Angie actually had a son when she was 16,
38:16who's just one year older than me,
38:18and she placed that son for adoption.
38:20I know that Angie has really been wanting to find him,
38:23and I think is kind of not knowing really what to do.
38:27Right now, there's just a lot that we don't have answers to.
38:30If you want some help, I mean, I love,
38:32now, I haven't obviously searched for, you know,
38:35like, unknown, you know, biological children,
38:39but I am really good at, like, the genealogy stuff,
38:41and I've done a lot of research on our family,
38:43and so I think it would be really fun to be involved.
38:47To me, it's like a little mystery.
38:48I would love to.
38:49Yeah, I need your help, because at this point,
38:51I don't really know where to start.
38:53Where to start.
38:54Yeah, yeah, yeah.
38:55I've always wanted to meet my firstborn son, Joseph.
38:59That's the name that I gave him when I gave birth to him,
39:02but of course, when he's adopted,
39:04they're going to change his name.
39:06I want to know he's OK.
39:07I want to know that he's safe.
39:10I don't want to disrupt his life in any way.
39:13If he wants to be a part of his life,
39:14I absolutely want to be a part of his life.
39:17If he doesn't, I'm OK with that.
39:19I've made, I've come to terms with it,
39:21because when you do this, you better be prepared.
39:24You might not get the answer you think you're going to get.
39:27I just want to know he's safe.
39:28It's better to know than not to know.
39:30Your mind can do a lot of crazy things.
39:33The knowing's better than the not knowing.
39:36First, we need to find your firstborn son,
39:38and then we need to plan Jamie's bachelorette party.
39:41We're just going to have to, you're just going to have
39:43to come to Greensboro, I think.
39:44I'm going to have to, because at this point,
39:47I don't even know, with our wedding, we got a lot to do.
39:53So are you bringing Kenny as your plus one in my wedding?
39:56Because I need to know if her food was.
39:57She's making everyone, if you're bringing someone,
39:59you have to say.
40:01Everyone has to be checked off.
40:03Look, this is the way I view it, is that I,
40:06if I have a wedding date, typically that's something
40:10that somebody asks me to be.
40:12So really, the ball's not really in my court.
40:15I get it.
40:16Now, if he was not invited, then it would be your place
40:18to invite him.
40:19One of the qualities I like in a man is a very direct man.
40:26Woo, I mean, I'm getting a little hot at this table.
40:28No pressure here, Kenny, no pressure.
40:31I got turkey in my mouth.
40:33Lord have mercy, y'all killing me.
40:36OK, well, I guess that's, I guess that's a single.
40:39I didn't know I was invited, so I haven't asked.
40:41OK, and then in his defense, he hasn't gotten his invitation.
40:45Well, as the groom, Kenny, you are formally
40:46invited to our wedding.
40:52Would you like to be my plus one to her wedding?
40:56OK, is that direct enough for you?
40:57All right.
41:00I like the way he proposed!
41:03Kenny's game is a little slow for my taste,
41:09but at least he got there, you know?
41:12Slow and steady wins the race.
41:14I have a date to the wedding.
41:15We're going to see what it does, and I'm excited.
41:19I haven't had a date to a wedding in God knows how long.
41:24Something about Kenny has me a little bit intrigued.
41:26And just imagine, what if we had a date without my entire family
41:29Hey, you didn't even lead off with the squirrel.
41:31Didn't lead off with no squirrel.
41:33Wait, I do have a condition, like Mavis needs to come.
41:37Yes, Mavis gets to come.
41:38Mavis gets to come in your pocket.
41:41Look, he's scared to answer the question.
41:43Can she come in my purse?
41:48Next time on My Big Fat Fabulous Life,
41:51me and Kenny are walking down the stairs, and he goes,
41:53I'll take you on a real date, but you know
41:55I only like small women.
41:59That's disgustingly mean.
42:01Don't tell people that.
42:02He's lucky I did not hear him, because he
42:04would have been pushed down them gang stairs,
42:06and he would have had a broke day.
42:10So are you excited about the premiere?
42:12I wasn't even nervous at all until maybe
42:14about 20 minutes ago.
42:15This is the first film that I'm starring in.
42:18Everybody's going to see it for the first time with me.
42:21Hunter is bringing a date to the premiere.
42:23No one's met her, so she'll be meeting
42:25Hunter and all of us for the first time on the first date.
42:28Now, where's your date?
42:29She is on the roof right now.
42:30You're nervous?
42:31I thought I was going to, like, pass out.
42:33Everybody, this is Karen.