• last year
Ilana Glazer Dishes on Conveying ‘the Worst Trip’ Imaginable During Chaotic ‘Babes’ Mushroom Scene


00:00 This movie was written by me and my co-writer Josh Rabinowitz and our manager and producer Susie Fox had this just sort of vision that came to her of me and my best friend who would have two little ones and she at the time herself had two little ones, three and one.
00:23 And Josh's wife and I were pregnant at the time and this idea came to her of me getting knocked up and we couldn't believe that it hadn't, the story kind of hadn't been told before and for the situation that we were in, Josh's partner is pregnant and I'm pregnant and Susie knows how hard it is, you know, on the other side and sort of seeing Michel Buteau's character, Dawn's perspective.
00:51 Between the three of us we had so many ideas and different angles on this experience and it was really cracking us up.
01:01 I was like, I was really, I was enjoying the hard comedy that was coming with being pregnant. I just kind of couldn't believe the, how slow you are and swollen and sick and the boobs, like it was just so funny to me and Josh as like sort of the, you know, that feeling of like helplessness with your partner just growing human inside of you.
01:28 We were just all throwing it down and Susie had this experience now twice over and early child, being, having two little kids. So we just had a really collaborative experience brainstorming.
01:40 But what kept sticking out to us was the, the way that your friendships change during this period and how, you know, we've all kind of been on the Eden side of it, your friend having kids and your friendship is tested and you don't get to see them as much.
02:00 But then when you become the parent and you need from your friends more, that really was the thread for us.
02:07 I didn't get an apnea, but like throughout my pregnancy and giving birth, there were so many things that were like shocking.
02:19 Like you can't believe that this happens and that it's not at the forefront of American discourse all the time.
02:28 The amniocine, all you have to do is just do the thing that most pregnant people do, which is get an amnio and then it's hilarious and shocking.
02:38 You know, like there's not much going on there. I'm just genuinely reacting the way I would freely react if I did get an amnio.
02:46 You know, it's like, there's just so much about this experience that is not represented widely. And I can't, I can't believe that needle because I hadn't had an amnio when they brought it out.
02:59 I was like, this is the needle. Like there was like, it was like, how much acting did I have to do?
03:04 It was, it was, it's a shocking experience having a kid only because we're kept from knowing about it.
03:13 You know, I find like pretending to be hard, uh, pretending to be high and pretending to trip is really hard actually.
03:23 Um, and we were going for like a classic, like LOL version of it, but, um, I channeled it because that's like pretty much the worst trip I could imagine.
03:35 Like I've had bad trips. That's, that's the worst thing I could imagine learning on mushrooms.
03:41 You know what I mean? That that's, that's like, that's bad. So it was, I think it was like really, it was helpful that we were like doing a broadly, just, just go for it.
03:53 Just be nuts. Cause it felt nuts to go there and be tripping and find that out.
