Kaeloo S1E44 (English CC)

  • 4 months ago
00:00Hello, buddies!
00:26This is Space Commander Kaeloo! Calling Space Commanders Stumpy and Quack-Quack!
00:30Can you hear me?
00:32This is Space Commander Stumpy!
00:34Where are ya, Space Commander Kaeloo?
00:36I'm at the rendezvous point we agreed on earlier!
00:39And you?
00:39Uhh... so are we.
00:42Oh! It's nice to see you both safe and sound!
00:55It's crazy how ugly the inhabitants of Planet Zblorg can be...
00:58Don't forget, we need it alive!
01:01Look out! Planet Zblorg's gravity is... almost non-existent.
01:06Uhh... this is Space Commando Stumpy. I think we've been spotted.
01:11I don't want to play! How many times do I have to tell you?!
01:15Well, that's no reason to ruin the ambience, Mr. Cat.
01:17Find yourselves a different alien.
01:42It looks like an egg!
01:45Maybe it fell out of a plane?
01:47Or maybe... it's an invader from Planet Skblblblblbl!
01:50It's going to hatch! It's gonna make us all slaves!
01:53We'll hafta submit to their intergalactic genius!
01:58I'd be fine with that, ya know? It could be cool!
02:00Let's Play the Thing From Outer Space!
02:07It isn't saying "tick-tock"...
02:10It's not a bomb!
02:12I wonder what it is!
02:13Maybe it's a GPS from Alpha Centaurus!
02:15We're gonna get hit by laser beams!
02:17Maybe we should open it?
02:18I'll take care of that!
02:26Plan B.
02:31Mr. Cat! What are you doing?!
02:34What the hell?!
02:40I was so scared! I thought it wasn't working anymore.
02:45It's talking!
02:46If it can talk, it's not a what, but a who!
02:49Do you understand what it's saying, Quack-Quack?
02:51It's an alien! With a jaw like this!
02:56It's gonna eat us all! It's gonna eat us all! Oh, we've gotta get rid of it...
02:59No, Stumpy! If it's alive, we should welcome it into our community with enthusiasm and generosity!
03:05Wait, Froggy.
03:06We don't know where this thing came from.
03:07So, as a precaution, we should kick it out of Super Cute Land!
03:22Quack-Quack! Pass! Pass!
03:27I have it now!
03:30Give me the Thing, or I'll pull this flower's petals out one by one!
03:34The little flower!
03:36Don't hurt it!
03:58I'm gonna destroy ya, alien!
04:07It's decided! We're keeping it!
04:10The Thing is an irregular situation! If we keep it, we risk lots of problems.
04:14Mr. Cat, you're being ridiculous.
04:16Hold on, hold on! Don'tcha know? If ya help a foreigner, they put ya on a plane and send ya back home! That's nuts!
04:22Out with the Thing! Out with the Thing!
04:26He says that as long as he lives, the Thing is staying here!
04:29Nevertheless, Super Cute Land can't accommodate all the misery in the world!
04:32And plus, it might have a bunch o' diseases that we don't even know exist!
04:35A vaccine! A vaccine! I want a vaccine for the diseases that we don't know exist!
04:42Match point!
04:59Hey, it's leakin'!
05:00It might be radioactive!
05:03No, Stumpy! It just has to mark its territory! Or something like that.
05:07This isn't ITS territory!
05:10Mr. Cat! Why do you always see the bad side of things, huh?
05:13Okay, it's an alien. But why can't it be a nice alien? It can be our friend!
05:20Let's vote. Who wants our new friend to stay in Super Cute Land?
05:27It looks like the votes are split!
05:31Look, it's following Quack-Quack...
05:34That's so cute!
05:40Okay, I admit it: the Thing talks and moves, and therefore it is alive.
05:45But living things...
05:48Imagine if it reproduces a little! A lot! A ton! An insane amount!
05:53Super Cute Land would be filled with little Things!
05:57That would be pretty, Mr. Cat! It'd look like a garden on Easter morning after the Flying Easter Bells have come by!
06:04No, Quack-Quack, the Easter Bunny is just a legend!
06:06The Flying Easter Bells are the ones who actually bring the eggs!
06:09And besides, living things eat!
06:11I don't know... yogurt, maybe?
06:14Tell me, Duckface, would you be okay with this Thing coming from somewhere else and eating YOUR yogurt?
06:24Goodbye, little Thing from outer space!
06:26Oh, it's crazy how attached you can get to things!
06:29And there's still no news regarding space probe RZ127, back from a mission on Mars where it was supposed to detect extraterrestrial life forms...
06:38Hey, look, it's the Thing!
06:40Connection was lost during its re-entry into the atmosphere. The European Space Agency is offering one million euros for any information regarding its whereabouts.
06:51Well, I- I - I couldn't have known!
06:58I think we've been spotted.