Kaeloo S1E40 (English CC)

  • 4 months ago
00:00Hello, buddies!
00:27Let's Play Astronauts!
00:31My friends...
00:31Our mission is to explore the universe in search of a new star...
00:35So Stumpy can name it after his new girlfriend...
00:39It's to celebrate the anniversary of the day we met.
00:41It's been two weeks since we became friends on Fakebook.
00:44Things are gettin’ serious.
00:45But the journey might be dangerous.
00:47We have to be prepared to meet... extraterrestrial creatures.
00:51No problem! I’ve got it covered.
00:53I've learned how to say "Hello" in alien.
00:56Enough about aliens!
00:58They don't exist!
01:00I don't agree with you, Mr. Cat.
01:02I believe that, somewhere in the infinite vastness of space, there are creatures who look like us.
01:07If they look like Duckface, they must really be scary.
01:11What a scare!
01:13How are we going to explore the infinity, Quack-Quack?
01:15Excellent question!
01:16Here's the latest interstellar spacecraft model!
01:21Ta-da !
01:23And what fuel does it run on?
01:26So we concentrate really hard...
01:29And imagine that we're leaving Super Cute Planet.
01:41Interstellar space, here we come!
01:55When do we get there?
01:56Don't be in such a hurry, Stumpy.
01:58We have billions of light years to travel.
02:00Use this time to look at the landscape!
02:04It looks like my bedroom.
02:07Look at that beautiful planet with its satellite!
02:12Great, a tennis ball and a basketball.
02:16Mr. Cat! How can you ignore something so poetic?
02:19Look at that pretty meteorite!
02:24Space is beautiful!
02:31And to your right, admire the Milky Way.
02:39Calm down, Quack-Quack, relax !
02:43Calm down, yogurtivore, okay?!
02:46To get to Alpha Centaurus, we should have turned left after Orion.
02:50What's that sign?
02:52That one? It indicates the presence of an interdimensional black hole.
03:08Look! A planet!
03:10We've discovered a planet that looks just like ours!
03:14It's the same as ours, but uglier.
03:17What are you guys talking about? We've just returned back home, that's all!
03:29Mr. Duck!
03:31It's not nice to hurt Meow-Meow!
03:34I was right, Mr. Cat.
03:35You see, there ARE aliens that look like us.
03:40Hey, why don't I have an alien who looks like me?
03:42Everyone has one.
03:46We don't have look the same at all!
03:48By entering the black hole's vortex, you've accessed a parallel Super Cute Land.
03:59You'll see what I do to parallel ducks!
04:07Yay! It's great to have her for a friend!
04:12According to Kronkradowski's Theory, there's an infinite number of corresponding parallel worlds...
04:17With infinite potential.
04:18Oh, that's enough. I've read Mr. Coolskin too!
04:21Mr. Coolskin?
04:23That comic book for retarded children?
04:25Nothing beats the quantum theory of coaxial relativity applied to particle physics.
04:31A masterpiece.
04:33I'll leave you now.
04:34I'm in the middle of a logarithm.
04:36Can we leave before I smash my own face in?
04:48Deep down… I like you, psychopathic duck.
04:52We should really get goin'.
04:53Our parallel counterparts...
04:54They're freakin’ me out!
04:56I don't see...
04:58...You’d say that.
05:01Mr. Cat!
05:03We should get outta here!
05:04This parallel world is really weird!
05:07Well, say, you have a nice swing.
05:09I know a South American technique, you'll like it.
05:15You and I got off on the wrong foot.
05:17Here, I have a gift for you.
05:19This is way better than Mr. Coolskin.
05:22You... are... diabolical.
05:25I’ve gotta get outta here.
05:27Work, why don't you? Work already!
05:32But Stumpy...
05:33What's the matter?
05:34We're having fun!
05:37Yes! And plus, I've made a new friend! A real one!
05:43You will never leave.
05:44You will stay with me, forever...
05:46And spend your life reading books about math, chemistry and lots of theorems.
05:58You're not extraterrestrials.
06:00You're extra-weirdos!
06:02Extraterrestrials have tentacles all over, and big bulgin’ eyes!
06:07Like this?
06:10And that's the part where you, Mr. Cat and Quack-Quack ate me like a panini...
06:14While our parallel counterparts danced the lambada while throwin’ confetti around.
06:17And then you woke up.
06:18Well, obviously!
06:19The lambada was too much for me to handle.
06:21So what do you think? Do I need therapy?
06:23Well, I think you're suffering from an inferiority complex...
06:26... You’re afraid that Ursula won't like you...
06:28... And the world sees in you a loser instead of a heart that just needs love.
06:33Or you're afraid of the lambada.
06:34Totally! It really freaks me out!
06:38Hey, guys!
06:41It's happenin’ again!
06:44We really got him good, huh?
06:45He swallowed it hook, line and sinker!
06:47Isn't that right, Duckface?
06:48Yeah, it was very funny.
06:57You... are... diabolical.