B7, al centro del summit il rapporto tra imprese e politica a fronte delle sfide globali

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Si è tenuto all’Auditorium della Tecnica a Roma l’evento centrale del B7 Italy 2024 Leading the Transitions Together, l'Engagement Group del G7 presieduto da Confindustria e guidato da Emma Marcegaglia, di cui Deloitte Italia è l'unico Knowledge Partner.
Al centro degli incontri l’importanza della collaborazione tra i Paesi del G7 per guidare le molteplici transizioni in corso: l’obiettivo è quello di aumentare la competitività delle imprese e promuovere una crescita sostenibile nel lungo periodo, incentivando investimenti e partenariati pubblico-privato.


00:00 The G7's engagement group, led by Confindustria and guided by Emma Marcegaglia, of whom Deloitte Italia is the only knowledge partner,
00:07 has held the technical auditorium in Rome at the B7 Italy 2024 Central Event,
00:13 where the G7's collaboration between countries is important to guide the multiple transitions in progress.
00:20 The aim is to increase the competitiveness of the G7's partners and to promote the cooperation between countries.
00:28 The aim is to increase the competitiveness of the G7's partners and to promote the cooperation between countries.
00:34 We are particularly proud to have been chosen as Deloitte with this knowledge partner role,
00:40 with whom we have accompanied Confindustria in all these months, in this beautiful B7 journey.
00:46 It is also a step after the collaboration that had already started in the B20 and then in the COP26.
00:53 We are bringing to the B7 all our knowledge, expertise and experience,
00:58 which come not only from our knowledge of the Italian market and economy,
01:05 but also from the possibility of leveraging our international group, which is present in over 150 countries.
01:12 We have touched on all the themes that are on the agendas of companies and institutions,
01:17 from the energy and environmental transition, to the digital transition, to the global supply chain,
01:24 to the development of talents.
01:27 Finally, we have highlighted the topic of artificial intelligence,
01:31 believing that this is absolutely pervasive on all the other topics touched on in the B7.
01:37 The requirements are in a very difficult moment, where freedom, security and even markets are at risk.
01:46 There is a lot of protection.
01:48 We ask for a very strong dialogue between companies and politics in all the countries of the G7
01:54 and that there is a convergence of industrial policies between the countries of the G7.
01:58 Today we highlight that there is a great problem of competitiveness for all the countries of the G7,
02:03 but in particular there are also divergences within the countries of the G7.
02:07 The central theme is also that of artificial intelligence as a challenge to guide the transitions,
02:12 in addition to the theme of energy and the environment, of the economy data,
02:16 of the evolution of the labor market and of the welfare systems.
02:19 Artificial intelligence is one of the key priorities of the B7 and the G7,
02:25 but it is also the priority of the priorities.
02:28 It is a priority because it is essential that it knows how to act on all the benefits of efficiency,
02:35 of innovation, of innovation in the transitions,
02:39 but it is also the facilitator and pilot of all the other challenges and priorities.
02:44 In order for this to be possible, the B7 asks the G7 to implement all the policies
02:50 that can facilitate the collaboration between the public and the private sector,
02:54 all the policies that can allow a clear normative framework,
02:59 shared globally, based on ethical principles,
