• last year
(Adnkronos) - L’obesità è un problema di salute pubblica. È questo il cardine della Venice Declaration 2024 firmata al Lido di Venezia in occasione del 31° congresso europeo sull’obesità, organizzato da Easo (European Association for the Study of Obesity) dove i massimi esperti- dal 12 al 15 maggio - si sono dati appuntamento per discutere su come parlare correttamente, dal punto di vista clinico, sociale e politico-sanitario, di una malattia ancora poco considerata e raccontata in modo sbagliato,

Tra i punti del documento, oltre al riconoscimento dell'obesità come malattia cronica non trasmissibile, equo accesso ai trattamenti, no alla discriminazione, sostegno a interventi basati sull'evidenza scientifica, adozione di un approccio complessivo favorendo lo scambio dei dati, miglioramento dell'accesso alle cure primarie e non solo specialistiche, utilizzo dell'intelligenza artificiale per l'analisi dei big data.


00:00Obesity is a chronic disease that requires long-term management and is associated with many serious health consequences and a reduction of life expectancy.
00:14In Venice, the top experts on obesity met at the European Congress on Obesity, 31st edition,
00:21where we discussed how to speak correctly about obesity, the clinical, social and health policy point of view
00:28of a disease often little considered and told incorrectly.
00:32The disease we describe, obesity, is not just a disease as such, an acute disease.
00:38I have the influence, then it passes me. No, unfortunately, it is a so-called chronic disease.
00:42Any therapy of those available today, we insert in the life of that patient,
00:48we can have a weight loss, but this weight loss is transient,
00:53if we do not maintain the therapy and if we do not maintain the lifestyle and life habits of that patient,
00:59in any case, a standard weight is enough to avoid complications, osteomuscular, cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary,
01:07cerebral and any organ that is affected, practically all, by obesity.
01:13Select is a study to evaluate the effectiveness of 2.4 semaglutide compared to placebo as added to standard treatments.
01:20The primary goal was to demonstrate the superiority of the drug as regards the reduction of the incidence of MACE,
01:26i.e. cardiovascular death, non-fatal heart attack or non-fatal ictus.
01:31Patients with obesity, but without diabetes, at high cardiovascular risk,
01:36because they are patients who have already had a heart attack of my cardio or an ictus,
01:42and it was wanted to verify if semaglutide, 2.4 mg supplied weekly or weekly,
01:50could reduce the cardiovascular events compared to placebo.
01:55Placebo means that all the drugs that these patients have to do are many,
02:00because they have all the risk factors to target,
02:03basically there is a reduction of 20% of the cardiovascular events, so this is a great result.
02:08Italy aims to have the first law in the world on obesity that recognizes it as a chronic disease.
02:14The proposal for the prevention and treatment of obesity aims to obtain the recognition of the disease
02:20through the insertion of obesity in the national level of criticism.
02:24A law that proposes concrete and strongly requested things by everyone
02:31and that, in some way, gives a very strong boost in the recognition of obesity as a disease.
02:37Italy will be the first country to approve a law on the recognition of obesity.
02:43At ECO24 in Venice, photos of key developments, stories and paths of people with obesity.
02:49The photographic book made by Amici Obesi Onlus with the non-conditioned contribution of Novo Nordisk,
02:55an immersive path in the disease seen through the eyes of those who live and want to turn on the reflectors on obesity.
03:02The stories are basically the stories of patients who face the path of cure, whatever it is,
03:09and basically they make themselves available to the community by telling themselves and getting naked,
03:17more psychologically than physically.
