• last year
Residents have welcomed a vote which will see Skegness Town Council resume responsibility for cutting the grass after complaints the resort looked untidy.
00:00All those in favour of putting the ball in the Loge for the amendments.
00:08As the County Council representative of the St Edmunds North Division, I have been able to renegotiate a new contract with Edmontonshire County Council's Fireways Department
00:19with regards to the cutting of price purges within the bounds of Chettham and Council, which I have put before Council.
00:26The value of the contract will be 0.058 pence per metre square, which will equate to £24,000 per annum.
00:36This figure is more than double the value of the previous agreements and will alleviate any negative financial impact on the Council and our Council tax payers.
00:47I'm Steve Hinsley, the Escape Notice Resident. I've just sat through the Council meeting tonight and I've got a bit of a smile on my face.
00:54I'm very, very pleased. The proposal put forward for the Lingus County Council is going to supply the Council with enough money to start the grass cutting again.
01:02Before we've been right through it, they've had quite a discussion of nearly 30 minutes on what they want to do, but they've agreed to accept the proposal
01:12and hopefully very soon the grass cutting for purges will start. I'm very, very pleased. I'm pleased with the support we've got and I'm pleased that the Council have listened to what we've said.
01:22I think that's very, very important. I only hope, and I've got my fingers crossed, that they start the cutting as soon as possible because the grass is still growing.
01:29I was going to say that because it's been warm, hasn't it, and we've had quite a lot of rain. I was going to ask you how the grass is in precinct present.
01:38It is, and it is difficult. There's still probably five of us pensioners who are trying to cut the grass there.
01:44Well, there's people cutting the grass all over Skegness and Winthorpe and that was accepted by the councillors and certainly was putting a lot of strain on us.
01:53Some people were cutting, some couldn't for whatever reason, so that was accepted by them.
01:59I think at the end of the day, there's been a mistake meant ticking the cutting away, but it's been sorted now and hopefully in the next few months we'll start seeing.
02:08I don't think it's something that can probably start tomorrow. They've got to get the staff and the machinery to do it, but they have said they'll do it as soon as they can and they'll get cracking.
02:16So, yes, hopefully good news.
02:18Councillor Macy, it was a long debate, but are you pleased how it went?
02:23Yeah, I'm absolutely delighted. I think now's the time to move forward. We'll get the verge of looking good again and we'll do exactly what the residents want to see in the first place.
02:31So I welcome that the council accepted that decision. It's only going to benefit all of us in the long term. So, yeah, very, very pleased.
02:40Councillor Danny Brooks, you are the leader of SUDS. How do you feel now things have changed?
02:47Well, I mean, all along we've always wanted the grass cut, but we wanted Skegness to be treated fairly and we didn't think £11,000 was a fair deal for the residents of Skegness and that's why we wanted more.
02:59And they've come back with £24,000 and we now feel that that is a fair deal for Skegness.
