• l’année dernière
00:00C'est parti !
00:30C'est parti !
00:35Lola !
00:41Charlie et Lola !
00:48Je me concentre vraiment, vraiment, vraiment.
00:55J'ai cette petite soeur Lola. Elle est petite et très amusante.
00:59Oh ! Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de ski, Charlie ? Je suis très bonne au ski.
01:03Aujourd'hui, Lola est très excitée, parce que c'est un jour de sport le lundi.
01:07Et c'est Lola's premier jour de sport.
01:10Ah ! J'aime les jours de sport.
01:14Mais qu'est-ce que je vais faire ?
01:16C'est ce qu'on va découvrir.
01:20Quelles sortes de courses sont-il ?
01:22Il y a du courant.
01:23Je n'aime pas courir.
01:24Du saut.
01:25Pas du saut.
01:26Parce que mes jambes sont seulement assez courtes.
01:29Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de la course d'obstacles ?
01:31La course d'octopus.
01:35Non, la course d'obstacles.
01:37Tu aimes la course d'obstacles.
01:39Tu peux me donner ce saut de Wellington ?
01:41Est-ce qu'il y a une course de vêtements, Charlie ?
01:44J'aime la course de vêtements.
01:46Papa, on est prêts !
01:49Lotta, dans un instant, nous allons essayer tous les courses qui sont très différentes.
01:54Très différentes.
01:56Et quand nous trouvons une que nous aimons,
01:59nous pouvons la choisir pour le jour de sport.
02:01Donc, ça devrait être la course que tu aimes le plus.
02:05La plus ?
02:07Laissez les jeux commencer.
02:09D'accord, la première course sera la course de trois-jambes.
02:12Ok, lève ton sac.
02:17Non, comme ça.
02:18Descends de côté à côté et tiens les deux jambes.
02:21Donc, tu as une, deux, trois jambes.
02:27Ça a l'air facile.
02:28Facile, facile, laisse-moi l'appuyer.
02:34C'est moi.
02:35C'est ma jambe.
02:37Lotta, c'est définitivement la mienne.
02:39Ce ne sera pas la course de trois-jambes.
02:45Qu'est-ce d'autre ?
02:46Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de plus proche ?
02:47Oui, oui, oui.
02:48Nous savons tout sur les jambes.
02:50Les jambes.
02:51Les jambes.
02:52Les jambes.
02:53Les jambes.
02:54C'est un peu comme ça.
02:55Les jambes.
02:56Mais dans cette course, tu dois grimper sur quelqu'un.
02:59Comme ça.
03:03C'est bien.
03:04Oh, mon Dieu.
03:34Bounce the ball on the racket
03:36And the first to get to the finishing line is the winner
03:40Say go Charlie
03:41On your marks
03:42Get set
03:48One, two, three, finished
03:50How many skips can you do?
03:52One, two, three, seven, eleven, twelve
03:54No Lily, I only meant to do three skips
03:56Go to the hoop
04:11Well done Lotta
04:13I think the octopus race is the race that I like the most
04:18Lola sizzle!
04:20Come back!
04:21But what is Lola going to do on the sports day?
04:24I don't know
04:26Lotta was very good at that octopus thingy wasn't she?
04:31And you and Marv are really good at running with three legs
04:35But I don't know what race I'm going to do Charlie
04:41I know, the egg and spoon race
04:44Yes, the egg and spoon race
04:46Because I love eggs and I love spoons
04:49What is the egg and spoon race?
04:52You have to run the whole race with your egg balanced on your spoon
04:56Like this
04:57And you must try not to drop it while you run
05:00It's quite difficult
05:02I like the egg and spoon race
05:08Then Lola tried to do egg and spoon all day long
05:19And Mum made Lola lots of hard boiled eggs
05:22So she could practice
05:25Thank you Charlie
05:28Are you sure you want to do the egg and spoon race Lola?
05:31It really is hard
05:33Oh yes Charlie, I am completely really sure the egg and spoon race is my best
05:41The egg and spoon race?
05:43But that's the hardest race of all
05:45I know but you won't give up Marv
05:47Charlie, have you told her how difficult it is?
05:51Oh yes I have
05:55Look Charlie look!
05:58That's amazing Lola, you've really got it
06:00You are going to be a champion egg and spooner
06:03Thank you, thank you, thank you very much
06:07Lola, did you glue the egg onto the spoon?
06:11Yes Charlie, now it doesn't fall off
06:14You can't do that, glue is cheating
06:18I need to find an egg that's not all wobbly
06:22I need a perfect egg from a perfect chicken
06:37This is the perfect egg Charlie
06:39And I'm not ever never going to drop it
06:42But it's ok to drop the egg in the race Lola
06:45You just have to put it back on the spoon and keep going
06:48No Charlie, I don't want to drop the egg because it is completely and absolutely perfect
07:00I'm never going to get the egg to stay on my spoon
07:03You will, you just have to concentrate
07:06Look at your egg the whole time and really concentrate
07:11Do you understand?
07:14It's like when you carry pink milk and you don't want to spill it
07:18Or carrying something really precious
07:21Like mum's vase
07:23Lola I don't think you should touch mum's...
07:26Ok, but concentrate and walk very very slowly
07:32Don't take your eyes off it for one single minute
07:35I am really really concentrating
07:39Well done Lola
07:42I did it Charlie, did you see?
07:44Yes because you concentrated
07:46And that's what you've got to do in a race
07:48Oh, I can concentrate Charlie
07:51I know I can
07:54I am really really really concentrating
07:58Concentrate, concentrate, concentrate
08:12I think I've got it Charlie
08:20Yeah we did it
08:30Yes Lola, well done Lola
08:35You can do it, concentrate
08:38Come on Lola
08:41Remember what Charlie said
08:43Concentrate, concentrate, concentrate
08:46Keep concentrating
08:57Slowly slowly
09:00She's not going very fast is she?
09:03Oh no
09:05Don't drop
09:07This way Lola
09:09Lola a bit faster now
09:22She's going to be last
09:24Everyone else has finished Charlie
09:26One more snap
09:31Oh dear
09:32Oh no
09:33Do you think she's upset?
09:35She might be
09:36Never mind Lola
09:38Mme Hansen gave me a ribbon
09:40Because my egg did not fall off my spoon
09:44One time
09:47That's really good Lola
09:49Careful Charlie
09:52See my egg is still on my spoon
10:08To be continued
