El Presidente | Pizza Reviews
00:00 [Music]
00:09 Alright, peace review time.
00:12 Nina.
00:16 Nina and something.
00:18 We're in there for two hours.
00:19 Hold on.
00:20 Nina and Rafi.
00:23 Alright, this is cool. I don't know what this is in Atlanta. Do I have to get on your level?
00:28 But look at the whole strip. Like bars, outdoor. Very cool area.
00:32 This place, Nina and Rafi's, if you order pizza there, you better have 17 years to wait for it.
00:39 We ordered two, took forever. One of them's still not done.
00:42 Don't ask me how the Detroit style was cooked before the normal cheese.
00:46 Whatever, at least we got one of the two.
00:48 I'm gonna be late for the gala right now.
00:52 So here we go. Detroit style, Nina and Rafi's.
00:56 You gotta deduct a full point for the hour and a half wait for pizza.
01:00 And I just took their Twitter and their thumbs.
01:01 Here we go. One bite of everyone knows the rules.
01:03 Detroit style.
01:04 And you know what I say about Detroit style.
01:09 Offensive lineman, NFL draft.
01:11 Look heavy, be light on your feet.
01:13 This looks heavy and it's kinda heavy. Very cheesy.
01:18 I'm gonna hit it with a, uh...
01:24 What did I say I was deducting? A point?
01:26 It's a 6-3 then.
01:29 That's with a one point below the belt late deduction. 6-3.
01:35 Someone's getting my cheese. Nina and Rafi's.
01:39 That's a review. I gotta go to the gala.
01:42 This street though, 10.0. 10-0 existently.
01:45 Clap.
01:46 [Crowd noise]
01:49 [Whoosh]