• l’année dernière


00:00 *Musique de Super 7*
00:02 *Musique de Super 7*
00:05 *Musique de Super 7*
00:08 *Musique de Super 7*
00:11 *Musique de Super 7*
00:14 *Musique de Super 7*
00:17 *Musique de Super 7*
00:20 *Musique de Super 7*
00:22 *Musique de Super 7*
00:24 *Musique de Super 7*
00:26 *Musique de Super 7*
00:28 *Musique de Super 7*
00:30 *Musique de Super 7*
00:32 *Musique de Super 7*
00:34 *Musique de Super 7*
00:36 *Musique de Super 7*
00:38 *Musique de Super 7*
00:40 *Musique de Super 7*
00:42 *Musique de Super 7*
00:44 *Musique de Super 7*
00:46 *Musique de Super 7*
00:48 *Musique de Super 7*
00:50 Wangury veut voler!
00:52 C'était un jour soleil à Tubaluba.
00:54 Yeah!
00:56 Et Noonbury et Pongivory se sont battus.
00:59 Attendez, je les prendrai.
01:01 C'est toujours bon de se faire attention.
01:03 Vous ne savez jamais ce qui peut soudainement apparaître.
01:06 Oh!
01:07 Pfiou! C'était proche.
01:09 Désolé, Maman Biviac.
01:12 Maman Biviac continuait son chemin,
01:14 tandis que Noonbury et Pongivory se battaient.
01:17 Salut, Noonbury.
01:23 On a juste vu Maman Biviac.
01:25 Je me demande si ses oeufs ont encore été cachés.
01:27 Allons voir.
01:28 Ok, mais on ne peut pas aller trop près.
01:31 Maman Biviac n'aime pas que Noonbury soit trop près de ses bébés.
01:34 En même temps, dans une autre partie de Tubaluba...
01:37 Pouvez-vous atteindre ces aigus, Boss?
01:40 Non!
01:41 Wangury n'était pas assez grand pour atteindre les aigus en haut.
01:44 Poussez-moi! Plus! Plus!
01:48 Wangury pensait que son langue pouvait atteindre les aigus.
01:51 Attendez un instant! Ce n'est pas un aigu.
01:54 C'est Maman Biviac!
01:56 Oh!
01:59 Témoins, Gurrys!
02:01 Maman Biviac se dirige vers son nid.
02:04 Oh!
02:05 Regardez où vous vous enlez, vous...
02:08 vous...
02:09 (Rires)
02:10 - Watch where you're waddling, you... you... overgrown... chicken!
02:16 - Oh, that's not a chicken, boss. It's a bivyuck.
02:20 - I love how the widow babies follow their mama around.
02:25 - Let's all pretend to be bivyucks.
02:27 - Quack, quack, quack, quack.
02:30 - Hey, boss! Let's steal some bivyuck eggs.
02:34 Then the babies will think we're their mama and follow us around.
02:38 (Rires)
02:39 - Oh! What good are bivyuck eggs?
02:43 - Bivyucks are cute.
02:45 - And they're birds.
02:46 If they think we're their mama, we can use them to fly, just like Moonbury.
02:51 - Now Wangari was listening.
02:53 - A brilliantly diabolical idea that I already thought of,
02:59 with a giant bivyuck at my command.
03:03 - Wangari imagined what it would be like to fly with the help of the bivyucks
03:07 and what it would be like to fly faster and better than Moonbury.
03:11 - Ha, ha! You'll never catch me, Slowbury!
03:15 (Laughs)
03:16 Now all of Tuba-Luba will be mine!
03:20 (Laughs)
03:22 - It's a good thing that was only a dream.
03:25 (Laughs)
03:27 - And so the super silly villains sailed off in search of bivyucks.
03:35 - Wanna come check on the bivyuck eggs?
03:37 - Yeah! Let's go!
03:39 - This was so exciting! The Borees were off to see the nest.
03:44 Not too far from the marsh, Mama Bivyuck quietly watched over her unhatched eggs,
03:51 unaware that she too was being watched.
03:54 (Laughs)
03:56 She needed to find food for her family.
03:59 Oh dear, what are those super silly Gurries up to?
04:04 - Perfect! Ha, ha! Don't just stand there! Get me those eggs!
04:09 - Tigury and Mungury were happy to help and they jumped into the nest.
04:13 They thought they had a pretty good plan.
04:15 (All cheer)
04:18 Plus it was a lot of fun too.
04:20 (All cheer)
04:23 - Ah! The eggs had hatched!
04:26 - Almost there!
04:29 - It's a good thing that Moonbury and his friends were getting closer.
04:32 - Yay! Our very own baby bivyucks!
04:36 - The bivyucks were very curious.
04:38 - I'm not bivyuck breakfast!
04:40 - Ah! Don't you dare open your beak to me!
04:44 - But the babies just wanted to play.
04:46 - Listen up, bivyuck. I am not breakfast.
04:50 - Breakfast? What a great idea!
04:53 The bivyucks called to their mama with their tails.
04:56 Uh-oh!
04:57 - Oh, boss!
04:59 - The bivyucks were so much bigger than Wangury.
05:02 He got scared.
05:03 - Help! Help!
05:05 - What do we do?
05:07 - Whoa!
05:09 - One, two, three, jump!
05:12 - The nest is just up ahead.
05:14 - Baby bivyucks are so cute!
05:17 - Why were Tigury and Mungury making so much noise?
05:21 - Quick, Moonbury! Save boss!
05:25 - Wangury, why should we save a meanie like him?
05:28 - Oh!
05:29 - Because that's what super senses are for.
05:31 - Moonbury was right. We should always try to help others.
05:35 The Borees arrived at the nest just in time.
05:38 - Help me!
05:40 - Wangury didn't know that the babies just wanted to play.
05:43 - Wangury's in trouble. It's time to sensitize.
05:47 - It was time for the Borees to use their super senses.
05:51 - Sight.
05:52 - Luna, Boree, Sight!
05:53 - Sound.
05:54 - Jenny, Boree, Sound!
05:56 - Smell.
05:58 - Pongy, Boree, Smell!
06:00 - Touch.
06:01 - Pongy, Boree, Touch!
06:03 - And taste.
06:04 - Toto, Boree, Taste!
06:06 - Super Boree senses!
06:09 - Borees, we need something to get the bivyucks away from Wangury.
06:17 - Baby bivyucks super love stinky berries.
06:20 - OK. Pongy, Boree, sniff out some berries while I keep the bivyucks busy.
06:25 - But how was he going to keep them busy?
06:29 - Noonboree had an idea, but he needed Mamby's help.
06:33 - How about a tasty yellow Mamby worm?
06:36 - Don't worry, Wangury, I'll save you!
06:39 - Noonboree, go away! I don't need your help!
06:43 - Pongy, Boree's nose was on the trail. Were they close?
06:47 - OK, that stinks!
06:50 - Over here! I can sense them with my super sense.
06:54 - Are you sure?
06:56 - Toto, Boree helped by using his sense of taste.
06:59 - Yuck! I found them.
07:01 - Noonboree and Mamby were still having fun with the babies.
07:04 - Good work, Mamby!
07:06 - Those babies need food. The other Borees better get here soon.
07:11 - Noonboree was starting to get tired.
07:13 - We're back!
07:15 - The Borees were back and ready to help. And not a moment too soon.
07:22 - Here, baby bivouacs, it's breakfast time!
07:26 - Only a baby bivouac would find stinky berries yummy.
07:32 - Ha ha! Aw, they were just hungry!
07:35 - Come on, Wangury, before their mama comes back.
07:39 - Noonboree, I don't take orders from you!
07:43 - OK!
07:45 - Here comes Mama Bivouac!
07:50 - Wangury had learned that you shouldn't get too close to a mama and her babies.
07:55 - I'll never bother your babies again!
07:58 - She just wants to keep them safe.
08:01 - BOOS!
08:03 - Wangury, are you OK?
08:08 - Shoot! Fly away!
08:12 - Shoot! Fly away and leave me alone!
08:15 - Wangury, you know bivouacs can't fly.
08:19 - What?
08:21 - BOOS, ARE YOU OK?
08:28 - Wangury's dream to fly would have to wait another day.
08:32 - You told me bivouacs could fly!
08:35 - Those super silly Gurys! Will they ever learn?
08:48 - They are the completely, totally, absolutely sweetest babies I've ever seen!
08:54 - As long as no Gurys bother them.
08:57 - Why did we save those mean Gurys, Noonboree?
09:01 - Our super senses are to help anyone in trouble.
09:05 - Even super silly villains. Right, Superborees?
09:10 - Right, Noonboree!
09:13 *Noonboree theme*
09:16 *Noonboree theme*
09:19 *Noonboree theme*
09:22 *Noonboree theme*
09:25 *Noonboree theme*
09:28 *Noonboree theme*
09:31 *Noonboree theme*
09:34 *Noonboree theme*
09:37 *Noonboree theme*
09:40 *Noonboree theme*
09:43 *Noonboree theme*
09:47 *Noonboree theme*
09:50 *Noonboree theme*
09:53 *Noonboree theme*
09:56 *Noonboree theme*
09:59 *Noonboree theme*
10:02 *Noonboree theme*
10:05 *Noonboree theme*
10:08 *Noonboree theme*
10:11 *Noonboree theme*
10:14 *Noonboree theme*
10:17 *Noonboree theme*
10:20 *Noonboree theme*
10:23 *Noonboree theme*
10:26 *Noonboree theme*
10:29 *Noonboree theme*
10:32 *Noonboree theme*
10:35 *Noonboree theme*
10:38 *Noonboree theme*
10:41 *Noonboree theme*
10:44 *Noonboree theme*
10:47 *Noonboree theme*
10:50 *Noonboree theme*
10:53 *Noonboree theme*
10:56 *Noonboree theme*
10:59 *Noonboree theme*
11:02 *Noonboree theme*
11:05 *Noonboree theme*
11:08 *Noonboree theme*
11:11 *Noonboree theme*
11:14 *Noonboree theme*
11:17 *Noonboree theme*
11:20 *Noonboree theme*
11:23 *Noonboree theme*
11:26 *Noonboree theme*
11:29 *Noonboree theme*
11:32 *Noonboree theme*
11:35 *Noonboree theme*
11:38 *Noonboree theme*
11:41 *Noonboree theme*
11:44 *Noonboree theme*
11:47 *Noonboree theme*
11:50 *Noonboree theme*
11:53 *Noonboree theme*
11:56 *Noonboree theme*
11:59 *Noonboree theme*
12:02 *Noonboree theme*
12:05 *Noonboree theme*
12:08 *Noonboree theme*
12:11 *Noonboree theme*
12:14 *Noonboree theme*
12:17 *Noonboree theme*
12:20 *Noonboree theme*
12:23 *Noonboree theme*
12:26 *Noonboree theme*
12:29 *Noonboree theme*
12:32 *Noonboree theme*
12:35 *Noonboree theme*
12:38 *Noonboree theme*
12:41 *Noonboree theme*
12:44 *Noonboree theme*
12:47 *Noonboree theme*
12:50 *Noonboree theme*
12:53 *Noonboree theme*
12:56 *Noonboree theme*
12:59 *Noonboree theme*
13:02 *Noonboree theme*
13:05 *Noonboree theme*
13:08 *Noonboree theme*
13:11 *Noonboree theme*
13:14 *Noonboree theme*
13:17 *Noonboree theme*
13:20 *Noonboree theme*
13:23 *Noonboree theme*
13:26 *Noonboree theme*
13:29 *Noonboree theme*
13:32 *Noonboree theme*
13:35 *Noonboree theme*
13:38 *Noonboree theme*
13:41 *Noonboree theme*
13:44 *Noonboree theme*
13:47 *Noonboree theme*
13:50 *Noonboree theme*
13:53 *Noonboree theme*
13:56 *Noonboree theme*
13:59 *Noonboree theme*
14:02 *Noonboree theme*
14:05 *Noonboree theme*
14:08 *Noonboree theme*
14:11 *Noonboree theme*
14:14 *Noonboree theme*
14:17 *Noonboree theme*
14:20 *Noonboree theme*
14:23 *Noonboree theme*
14:26 *Noonboree theme*
14:29 *Noonboree theme*
14:32 *Noonboree theme*
14:35 *Noonboree theme*
14:38 *Noonboree theme*
14:41 *Noonboree theme*
14:44 *Noonboree theme*
14:47 *Noonboree theme*
14:50 *Noonboree theme*
14:53 *Noonboree theme*
14:56 *Noonboree theme*
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15:02 *Noonboree theme*
15:05 *Noonboree theme*
15:08 *Noonboree theme*
15:11 *Noonboree theme*
15:14 *Noonboree theme*
15:17 *Noonboree theme*
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15:23 *Noonboree theme*
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18:18 *Noonboree theme*
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18:36 *Noonboree theme*
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18:48 *Noonboree theme*
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18:54 *Noonboree theme*
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19:03 *Noonboree theme*
19:06 *Noonboree theme*
19:09 *Noonboree theme*
19:12 *Noonboree theme*
