Mastandrea (Incyte Italia): ‘‘Con IAI Academy program avviciniamo i giovani talenti al mondo del biotech"

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Incyte ha lanciato la IAI Academy, un programma innovativo di talent acquisition che punta sui giovani per consolidare la nuova business unit dedicata alle patologie infiammatorie e autoimmuni

Sono le parole di Onofrio Mastandrea,Regional Vice President, General Manager Incyte Italia, a margine della presentazione dell’iniziativa IAI Academy di Incyte Italia, con cui l’azienda ha voluto avvicinare mondo della formazione e mondo del lavoro, collaborando con alcuni dei più accreditati poli universitari del paese.
SOTTOPANCIA: Onofrio Mastandrea, Regional Vice President e General Manager Incyte Italia


00:00In recent days, Insight has launched the I&I Academy program to give life to the Business
00:10Unit Autoimmune Inflammation, which will deal with the inflammation autoimmunity sector
00:18and with a particular focus on dermatology.
00:22This is an example of an activity that creates shared value, because on the one hand it generates
00:31a competitive value for the company, on the other hand it imparts the socio-economic system
00:37of the company and the community with which we operate.
00:41So a project that allows Insight to enter a much wider social dimension.
00:48This project has seen the arrival of 16 talented young graduates who have been recruited in
00:59the most prestigious Italian universities thanks to a program that Insight Italy has launched
01:05at the universities for a Call for Talents.
01:08And here we are to welcome these 16 new talents who will constitute the backbone of the Business
01:17Unit Autoimmunity Inflammation.
