Souls Of Sin

  • 4 months ago
00:00:00This is New York, as enchanting and imaginative as it be, as romantic as moonlight on the
00:00:12ocean, as beautiful as Heine's sculpture, as ugly as its poverty-ridden slums, as warm
00:00:20and tender as a mother's love, as cold and impersonal as a prisoner's number.
00:00:27This is magnetic Manhattan, drawing to its shores thousands from east and west, north
00:00:34and south, and far and near, some old, some young, some happy, some sad, some hopeful,
00:00:42some disillusioned, but all seeking a way of life.
00:00:48This is the story of fools lost in sin, caught in the panorama of this chaotic magnet is
00:00:56one William Burton, alias Dollar Bill.
00:01:06Hey Robert, Robert! Wake up there! Hey! Go on and sleep.
00:01:26Come on, let's go.
00:01:56It's money at Tropical Park, first away at 1.15 and a half, the winner post 4, barmaid,
00:02:0511.20, 5.30, 4.40, second post 12, checkmate, 6.80, 4.60.
00:02:17You will always find me by that door, knocking on that door up there, the door across the
00:02:23hall by the stairs? Yes, ma'am.
00:02:25And this is the room, and there's your bed. Do you think you'll like it?
00:02:31Yes, ma'am, it's right nice down here. Yeah, well, we ain't had no complaints lately.
00:02:37Course, we ain't had no famous people like you, and you might be a bit particular.
00:02:42No, ma'am, I reckon I'll stay. I reckon that'll be $3.50.
00:02:46What is this?
00:02:48Mr. Lee, Mr. Isaiah Lee from Alabama, who will pay his rent.
00:02:56Brother Isaiah will be living here by himself.
00:03:00I'm quite glad to make your acquaintance. I'm right fond of company.
00:03:04Ah, if you but knew it, you're moving into some real fair company.
00:03:11Why, that's Mr. Dollar Bill, who right now is not answered by his real name.
00:03:18He's a promoter. He's disclosing a big deal, ain't you, Bill?
00:03:25And that stiff laying there is the no-writing-est writer you'll ever meet in New York.
00:03:32So you see, Georgia, you have some real celebrities to live with.
00:03:37Oh, I ain't from Georgia. I'm from Alabama.
00:03:40Well, all right, Alabama. Then make yourself at home.
00:03:43And through that door there, you'll find a right smart toilet and washroom
00:03:47in case you might want to tidy up a bit.
00:03:50Oh, yes, ma'am. Thanks an awful lot. I like to kind of wash my feet.
00:03:54Oh, yes, you do that. I'm sure Mr. Bill would appreciate it.
00:03:58The apostles always washed their feet after a long journey.
00:04:02It sure helps a man to... Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am.
00:04:05It sure helps a man to wash his feet when he's tired.
00:04:08Mr. George Washington Reed from Alabama.
00:04:11This is a real drag.
00:04:14Maybe I should have asked him for his record.
00:04:17The next time I'll ask you for your personal okay.
00:04:21You're pushing me around, Happy, and I don't like it.
00:04:24I'm like you. I like a winner.
00:04:30I'm laying all my bets on a number one winner.
00:04:34He won't last long. He'll go fast.
00:04:37A real turkey.
00:04:40Leading with his chin.
00:04:43You're wrong. He's looking for a job.
00:04:46A working square.
00:04:49Scared, maybe, but still in there with his goose up.
00:04:52He's still a turkey leading with his chin.
00:04:55All right, but he's not a has-been.
00:04:58And why don't you get wise to yourself and find a job?
00:05:01You don't tell me how to live.
00:05:04And you don't tell me who to rent to.
00:05:07I'd like to push this whole crummy joint down your throat.
00:05:11And why don't you try?
00:05:34Bubbling B.
00:05:373840, 1960, 520.
00:05:40Second post, 12, kiss me.
00:05:43480, 260.
00:05:46Third post, 6, auto boy returns 490 to show.
00:05:49Buddy Brigham was up on the winner.
00:05:52That last minute scratch in the first was Katie Mae.
00:05:55Post time for the second, a 12,000.
00:05:58That last minute scratch in the first was Katie Mae.
00:06:01Post time for the second, a tropical of 145.
00:06:04That Buddy Brigham is some jockey to watch.
00:06:07His last four...
00:06:10Oh, boy.
00:06:13Oh, boy.
00:06:16Boy, my feet sure feel better.
00:06:19You got nice hot water.
00:06:23Hot water's nice.
00:06:25Yeah, hot water's nice.
00:06:28You got nice hot water.
00:06:32Hot water's nice.
00:06:34Yeah, hot water's nice.
00:06:37You got nice hot water.
00:06:41Hot water's nice.
00:06:53Is he sick?
00:06:55No, dead.
00:06:57Yeah, dead.
00:07:00You like the joke, don't you?
00:07:11Oh, I'm sorry.
00:07:12I didn't mean to be rough.
00:07:15That's his, and I don't like nobody to touch it, see?
00:07:18Oh, I'm awful sorry.
00:07:19I didn't mean no harm.
00:07:22Oh, it's OK.
00:07:24Can we forget it?
00:07:28That's his life.
00:07:29You break that, and you'll break his heart.
00:07:32Oh, I'm sorry.
00:07:33I didn't mean to be rough.
00:07:34That's his, and I don't like nobody to touch it, see?
00:07:36Oh, I'm awful sorry.
00:07:37I didn't mean no harm.
00:07:39Oh, it's OK.
00:07:40You break that, and you'll break his heart.
00:07:44Is he a great writer?
00:07:46Sure, great.
00:07:47Only the squares in this town don't dig his stuff.
00:07:52What you mean by squares, Mr. Bill?
00:07:55Oh, it's OK.
00:07:56You'll learn.
00:08:02How's about that box there?
00:08:03Can you play it?
00:08:04Oh, yes.
00:08:05I used to play for parties down in Monroe County.
00:08:09What you playing?
00:08:10Oh, nothing special.
00:08:11I sort of made it up as the wind along.
00:08:15Knock out a note.
00:08:17Go on.
00:08:18Play something.
00:08:20It might wake him up.
00:08:23Something should wake him up.
00:08:24Play one of those songs you made up in Alabama.
00:08:28If you say it's all right, Mr. Bill.
00:08:30Don't call me Mr. Bill.
00:08:32Just call me Bill.
00:08:34Yes, sir.
00:08:39Well, I woke up this morning, but lonesome is man in time.
00:08:57Yes, I woke up this morning, but lonesome is man in time.
00:09:09Because my baby's got another lover, and she's put her daddy down.
00:09:20Don't leave me, baby.
00:09:24Don't leave me feeling sad.
00:09:31Don't leave me, baby.
00:09:36Don't leave me feeling sad.
00:09:43Because I swear your style of loving is the best that I ever, ever had.
00:09:55You got me cute the way I'd known that long ago.
00:10:01But why you'd want to hurt me, I will never, never know.
00:10:06I'm lonesome, baby.
00:10:10Lonesome as a man can be.
00:10:16And if you don't come back to daddy, he'll drown his body in the deep blue sea.
00:10:24Not bad, Alabama.
00:10:26Not bad.
00:10:27Who is your friend?
00:10:28Ours, you mean.
00:10:29We inherited him.
00:10:30He just dropped in from Alabama to give us a concert.
00:10:33Decided that he likes the quarter so well, he's going to stay.
00:10:36Alabama shake hands with Mr. Robbins.
00:10:38He might put you in his next book.
00:10:40I'm glad to meet you, sir.
00:10:43I hope you ain't mad about the noise.
00:10:46Mr. Billy had told me I could play.
00:10:48It's all right, Mr. Robbins.
00:10:50It's all right, son.
00:10:51What did you say your name was?
00:10:55Isaiah Washington Reed.
00:10:57OK, Isaiah.
00:11:00Incidentally, Happy stopped in while you were sleeping.
00:11:02Says she's sick of your sleeping blues, they're getting her down.
00:11:05And if you don't like the new rumor, you can move.
00:11:08I know.
00:11:09You paid up in advance.
00:11:10I know.
00:11:11I know.
00:11:12I hope you don't mind me, Mr. Robbins.
00:11:15It's all right, son.
00:11:17What did Katie Mae do?
00:11:19Katie Mae.
00:11:21And top flight run out of the money.
00:11:23Hey, y'all know Katie Mae?
00:11:26Oh, yes.
00:11:27Yes, sure.
00:11:28She's an old friend of ours.
00:11:29Well, I heard she was up there.
00:11:31She's from down home, you know.
00:11:32Well, now, you don't say.
00:11:35Her mama used to teach me in Sunday school.
00:11:38See there, right there.
00:11:39That's Katie Mae.
00:11:40That's Katie Mae.
00:11:41That's Katie Mae.
00:11:42That's Katie Mae.
00:11:43That's Katie Mae.
00:11:44That's Katie Mae.
00:11:45That's Katie Mae.
00:11:46See there, Robbins?
00:11:47I told you Katie Mae was good for something.
00:11:49Hey, y'all know where she is?
00:11:51I want to see her.
00:11:52Well, when you find her, let Mr. Bill know.
00:11:55I'm sure he wants to see her.
00:12:04Well, I got money for coffee and in the morning,
00:12:07we'll eat steak.
00:12:08Oh, y'all talk about eating sure makes me hungry.
00:12:11Hey, my mom fixed me a whole shoebox full of fried chicken
00:12:15and sweet potato biscuits to bring with me.
00:12:18I think I got one wing left.
00:12:21Yeah, here it is, this paper bag.
00:12:23I think it is.
00:12:25Yeah, I got one wing and two biscuits.
00:12:29I was saving it just in case I got hungry.
00:12:32But, uh, y'all are my new friends now,
00:12:36and I want you to taste some of my mom's food.
00:12:40All right, my boy.
00:12:42That's very nice of you.
00:12:43Mr. Bill and I sure appreciate it.
00:12:46What you see has been so long since we
00:12:48had good old Alabama cooking.
00:12:50We were afraid it might upset our digestive tract.
00:12:53So suppose you taste it.
00:12:55Well, you're welcome to it.
00:12:57That's nice.
00:12:59Well, I want to eat in the lunchroom anyhow.
00:13:01I like eating in the lunchroom.
00:13:03That's an idea.
00:13:04Suppose you run along and eat in the lunchroom
00:13:07and shake some of that dust off your feet.
00:13:09Uh, here you go.
00:13:12I wash my feet, they're clean.
00:13:14Oh, cut out the chatter, Alabama.
00:13:16Come on, play us a number.
00:13:18I'd be right glad to oblige.
00:13:20You, uh, you like my playing, Mr. Bill?
00:13:22Oh, I like it.
00:13:23Alabama, I think you got something.
00:13:25And now you're a music critic.
00:13:27Shut up, Bob.
00:13:28Go on and play, Alabama.
00:13:29Oh, Alabama.
00:13:38Betty bought her to do it.
00:13:40If she didn't want to do it, why did she do it then?
00:13:44Yes, I got her number and it don't add up to one.
00:13:49Yes, I got her number and it don't add up to one.
00:13:53She just don't love me.
00:13:55She doesn't love having fun.
00:13:56All right, you stumble bum.
00:13:57Cut out this racket.
00:14:04Why do you play with that crumb?
00:14:06I could choke her.
00:14:07Hold tight, Bill.
00:14:08Hang on to your sense of humor.
00:14:10Hang on.
00:14:11Well, I guess I'll go get me something to eat.
00:14:17Would you like to go with me, Mr. Bill?
00:14:19I'm going to look for a job.
00:14:22How about you, Mr. Roberts?
00:14:23No, thanks, Ike.
00:14:24I got some riding to do.
00:14:28I'll be back soon as I find a job.
00:14:30Come back anyway.
00:14:35Say, Bill, I got a new idea for a story.
00:14:38Boy, it's a honey.
00:14:40A young fella started off with a pushcart.
00:14:4215 years later, he was traveling around the world in his own yacht.
00:14:46He married a-
00:14:47Shut up!
00:14:48Shut up, you fool.
00:14:50Shut up!
00:14:51You sit there babbling like an imbecile,
00:14:53talking about a story that nobody's going to buy,
00:14:56while the whole world spits in your face,
00:14:59you dumb turkey.
00:15:02Go ahead.
00:15:03Sit there.
00:15:04Peck away on that stinking typewriter till you rot.
00:15:07Sit here and take the insult from that broken-down crumb upstairs.
00:15:11Go ahead.
00:15:12Sit here in this jungle like an animal
00:15:16while the whole world steps on you.
00:15:19Well, nobody steps on Dollar Bill.
00:15:21Take it easy, Bill.
00:15:22There's nobody stepping on you.
00:15:23No more, there ain't.
00:15:25Hold on, Bill.
00:15:27Your luck's bad now, but it'll change.
00:15:29You bet it'll change,
00:15:30because I'm going to change it.
00:15:32I'm going to get on top.
00:15:35Check that light out there on top of the bank.
00:15:37See that light?
00:15:38High on top, giving out with the flash.
00:15:41That's me.
00:15:42I belong on top.
00:15:44Up there looking down, not down here looking up.
00:15:47When you're up there, you don't get stepped on.
00:15:50I don't think anybody's stepping on you, Bill.
00:15:53Who asked you to say that?
00:15:57Where are you going?
00:16:00To get that yacht.
00:16:01What do you think?
00:16:17How much, Barkeep?
00:16:19Three-sixty, Mr. George.
00:16:25Keep the change.
00:16:26Thank you, Mr. George.
00:16:29Some looker, eh, boy?
00:16:30You tellin' me.
00:16:38Ain't that the guy that works at the two-spot?
00:16:40Yeah, man.
00:16:41That's really him.
00:16:42That's him.
00:16:43That's him.
00:16:44That's him.
00:16:45He works at the two-spot?
00:16:46Yeah, man.
00:16:47That's Regina.
00:16:48The one and only.
00:16:49Can you imagine?
00:16:50Some guys get all the love.
00:16:52Forget it, Mac.
00:16:53He's a B-29 gal.
00:16:54Built like a feedwood.
00:16:55She ain't on your time.
00:16:57Who's that stud with her?
00:16:58You don't know him?
00:17:00Man, that's Big Bear George from Chicago.
00:17:02And I do mean bad.
00:17:04What did I tell you?
00:17:05Big time.
00:17:06Big George is known for his five kicks.
00:17:15Hey, man.
00:17:16Didn't I tell you to cut out that dancin' in there?
00:17:19I'm a dancin' man.
00:17:21Come on.
00:17:22Well, now.
00:17:36Ain't this a treat?
00:17:47What you know, dollar bill?
00:17:50Tell him you spoke to him.
00:17:53Hey Roy, look who's here.
00:17:55Dollar Bill, and he's gonna buy a beer.
00:18:00Hey Pat, give Dollar Bill a beer.
00:18:02Even I can buy a glass of blood.
00:18:04Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:18:10Oh, ho, yee-haw.
00:18:19Now give me a drink.
00:18:20And the next time, remember, I'll tell you what I'm drinking.
00:18:23I'm sorry, Dollar. The boss says I gotta collect personal water.
00:18:26Give me a drink.
00:18:27All right, Dollar, all right.
00:18:34Leave the bottle.
00:18:51Hey, darling, you forgot to pay me.
00:18:58Don't kill him.
00:19:00Let him alone.
00:19:04I'll pay you, okay?
00:19:11How much does he owe you?
00:19:13$1.20, this bill.
00:21:02I prayed for your books and your glasses
00:21:04fell real big, Mr. Robert.
00:21:08If I don't have better luck with this chapter, I'll be praying with you.
00:21:15Did you get that, George?
00:21:18Drop dead, will you?
00:21:20Don't rush me. I'm on my way.
00:21:24Hey, Mr. Hill, you know what?
00:21:27I got a job down at the lunchroom, washing dishes.
00:21:30That's nice.
00:21:32And he prayed for us.
00:21:38What do you want here?
00:21:51Oh, please don't be angry.
00:21:53What do you want?
00:21:54I wanted to know if you were hurt.
00:21:56No, I'm not hurt.
00:21:58How'd you get here?
00:21:59I followed you.
00:22:00I thought I could get a chance to talk to you.
00:22:03Who is it, Bill?
00:22:04Some girl who paid my check at the bar.
00:22:07My name's Etta.
00:22:09Etta Mason.
00:22:10How do you do, Miss Mason?
00:22:12My name is Roberts.
00:22:13That's Mr. Lee over there.
00:22:15Mr. Isaiah Washington Lee.
00:22:17I see you already know Mr. Dollarbeer.
00:22:20And she paid your check for you.
00:22:22Boy, you did get that job.
00:22:24Shut up there yapping, Roberts.
00:22:26Listen, little girl.
00:22:28You paid my check.
00:22:29Nobody asked you to.
00:22:31And I thanked you.
00:22:32Now will you go home?
00:22:34Wait a minute, Bill.
00:22:36That's not a nice way to treat a lady.
00:22:38After she paid your check for you.
00:22:41That's all right, Mr. Roberts.
00:22:43Maybe I shouldn't have come.
00:22:45I just thought that maybe I could.
00:22:47I thanked you at the bar.
00:22:48And I'm thanking you again.
00:22:50What more do you want?
00:23:02What was the thing yesterday?
00:23:06And I had 261.
00:23:07Can you imagine that?
00:23:09I'm going to stop playing those play-ticket numbers.
00:23:14Honey, I told my old man last night,
00:23:17if he don't get a hit today, he better look for a new pad,
00:23:21playing all his money on single action.
00:23:24What's it like?
00:23:25Well, all I know is you lay one and you pick one.
00:23:29If you're right, you collect eight.
00:23:32If you like me, you're wrong, and the answer is no.
00:23:36Good morning, Gertie.
00:23:37A letter from Mr. Roberts.
00:23:39Another rejection slip.
00:23:43Put this dollar on the first figure, OK?
00:23:55Good morning.
00:23:57Oh, good morning.
00:23:59I hope I'm not intruding.
00:24:01Of course not.
00:24:02This is a surprise.
00:24:03Well, after last night, I didn't know it.
00:24:05You mustn't mind, Bill.
00:24:07He wasn't himself last night.
00:24:09Oh, won't you sit down and rest a while?
00:24:13He'll be back soon.
00:24:15Oh, the boys are out.
00:24:16Oh, set your packages on the table
00:24:18and make yourself comfortable.
00:24:19Oh, I fixed a little something for you fellas.
00:24:23Boy, ham and egg sandwiches, cake and coffee.
00:24:28Say, listen, little lady, who are you?
00:24:31Am I dreaming?
00:24:32Oh, I just thought we could all have breakfast together.
00:24:34Wait a minute.
00:24:35Let's get something straight.
00:24:37Last night, you pay a check for a crazy guy named Bill.
00:24:40Then you come here and get chased home.
00:24:42Tonight, you're back with a fee for the wolves who threw you out.
00:24:46Mr. Roberts, you make me seem awful.
00:24:50Why, you're wonderful.
00:24:51I just thought we could all have breakfast together,
00:24:53and I'd get a chance to explain to Bill
00:24:55why I interfered last night.
00:24:57And he had to be out.
00:24:58Well, you just sit right there and tell me all about it.
00:25:01Honey, because I want to know.
00:25:03Suppose you and I eat, because the coffee's getting cold.
00:25:06We'll save something for him.
00:25:08Uh, when did Dollar Bill meet you?
00:25:10He didn't.
00:25:11What do you mean, he didn't?
00:25:12He doesn't know me.
00:25:14You mean last night was the first time you saw him?
00:25:16Oh, I saw him.
00:25:17That is, I knew him.
00:25:19But he didn't know me.
00:25:20Wait a minute.
00:25:22This thing is getting more and more complicated.
00:25:25Now, won't you go over to Gandpa?
00:25:27You see, it's like this.
00:25:29About three years ago, when I was 15,
00:25:33Bill used to visit someone in my block.
00:25:35We kids just admire how he dressed.
00:25:37The pretty clothes he wore.
00:25:39When he was laughing and happy,
00:25:41he'd stop and give all us kids a dollar apiece.
00:25:44I know.
00:25:46He had a whim.
00:25:47The old folks used to talk about him.
00:25:49Said he was a gambler.
00:25:51But he gave them money, too.
00:25:53That's Bill.
00:25:54That's Bill.
00:25:55When he's happy, he wants everybody to be happy.
00:26:00My mother was very strict.
00:26:01And one day, when Bill gave all us kids a dollar,
00:26:05I took mine and bought flowers for Mother.
00:26:08I'll always remember it.
00:26:10It was the last time I saw her smile.
00:26:12Poor kid.
00:26:14I'm sorry.
00:26:18She was so happy.
00:26:20Said I was a good girl.
00:26:21You are.
00:26:23You must have had a fine mother.
00:26:26Ma worked hard.
00:26:27She did the best she could.
00:26:29It was only us two.
00:26:31What happened to your father?
00:26:32Oh, I don't remember him.
00:26:34He and my mother didn't stay together.
00:26:36Who do you live with now?
00:26:37With Mrs. Anderson.
00:26:39She was a friend of Mother's.
00:26:40Does she take care of you?
00:26:42Oh, she tries.
00:26:43But I get around.
00:26:45I know how to take care of myself.
00:26:47Do you think it's wise to fall for Bill?
00:26:50He's pretty fast company, you know.
00:26:52Just like sticking your hand in a bag of loose needles.
00:26:55Depends on the point of view.
00:26:57Oh, I don't mean Bill is not a fine fella.
00:27:00Down underneath, they don't come any better.
00:27:02I know.
00:27:03Right now, he's a little bitter, mad at the world.
00:27:06But he's swell.
00:27:08You really like him, don't you?
00:27:10Oh, I don't know.
00:27:11I suppose so.
00:27:12What do you do?
00:27:14Oh, I call myself a writer.
00:27:16You see that machine over there?
00:27:19I write.
00:27:21But no one seems to like it but Bill.
00:27:23He thinks I'm wonderful.
00:27:24Are you?
00:27:27Well, they don't like my stories.
00:27:31You've written many stories?
00:27:33Oh, you see that box over there?
00:27:35It's full of them.
00:27:36And a rejection slip with each one.
00:27:39Oh, I'd like to read some of your stories sometime.
00:27:42You're welcome.
00:27:43Anytime you come.
00:27:45Well, that was a nice breakfast.
00:27:47I'll tell the boys they don't know what they missed.
00:27:50We'll just cover this over and save it for them.
00:27:53What time is it?
00:27:55Oh, the clock over the bank says 10.30.
00:27:57Well, I'd better hurry, or I'll be late for work.
00:28:00Where do you work?
00:28:0123rd Street, the garment sector.
00:28:03I do piecework, operator on dresses.
00:28:05Do you like it?
00:28:06Oh, it's all right.
00:28:07I make a good dollar.
00:28:09Oh, I'm sorry, but I must go now.
00:28:11Well, I'll tell Bill you were here.
00:28:12Come back tonight, won't you?
00:28:14He will take care of the little sneakers.
00:28:27All right, bad boy.
00:28:28You get me that rod?
00:28:30And the juice.
00:28:31Got it?
00:28:35Got the stuff?
00:28:36Here's the stuff.
00:28:37And if you move it fast, there's more where it comes from.
00:28:40I'll get it moved fast.
00:28:42Don't worry.
00:28:44So long.
00:28:46So long, boy.
00:28:47See ya.
00:28:51OK, bad boy.
00:28:57Hello, Grandma.
00:28:58What's new?
00:28:59I should ask you how you get around, shouldn't I?
00:29:01Ah, you know all the pretty people.
00:29:03Who's your friend?
00:29:04Oh, Regina.
00:29:05I want you to meet Dollar Bill, a great guy.
00:29:08Hello, Bill.
00:29:09How are you?
00:29:11Are you as fine as you look?
00:29:12How are you feeling?
00:29:13Well, that you'll have to find out.
00:29:15Hey, Pat.
00:29:16Give the ladies a drink.
00:29:17Regina's bad boy George's heartbeat.
00:29:19You know him?
00:29:22But he never told me about you.
00:29:24Where does he hide you?
00:29:25The Club 2 spot.
00:29:26She works there.
00:29:27Well, real class.
00:29:29You're not bad yourself.
00:29:31Where does one find you?
00:29:32You don't have to hang me on a line, baby.
00:29:34I'll buy the scotch anyway.
00:29:36It's no line.
00:29:38You're my type, champ.
00:29:40Did you say champ?
00:29:41A chump.
00:29:43Oh, pardon me just a moment.
00:29:54Excuse me, darling.
00:29:55I want to run and pound on my nose.
00:29:59You get it?
00:30:01You're lucky, you know.
00:30:02Knife is right behind the muzzle.
00:30:05Not a flaw.
00:30:06Yeah, that's it.
00:30:12Get a load of that.
00:30:16How much?
00:30:18Two Cs.
00:30:19Two Cs?
00:30:20That's right.
00:30:21That's a lot of gold.
00:30:23That's a lot of rock.
00:30:25I haven't got that much.
00:30:27You haven't?
00:30:28How much you got?
00:30:30C6 bits.
00:30:32175, huh?
00:30:34OK, the rock's a little hot.
00:30:35I want to unload it.
00:30:37I'll take it.
00:30:43And I tell her about working all night,
00:30:45and about the bugs I got to serve.
00:30:47You know what she says?
00:30:49People don't bug you.
00:30:50You bug yourself.
00:30:52Oh, have another drink.
00:30:53Hey, let me finish.
00:30:54Here we come.
00:31:01Oh, shit.
00:31:12Oh, shit.
00:31:42Oh, shit.
00:32:06How many times did I tell you I don't allow no dancing in here?
00:32:09Man, I don't care what you don't allow.
00:32:11I put my neck on that piccolo, so I'm going to dance anyhow.
00:32:13Says who?
00:32:14Says me.
00:32:15Now, be nice to yourself, because you'll make me mad
00:32:17and one, two, three, I'll be over there on you.
00:32:19Yeah, four, five, six, and you'll be off me, too.
00:32:21Oh, yeah?
00:32:22Oh, yeah.
00:32:23Come on over.
00:32:25Come on.
00:32:26I'll be over ready.
00:32:28I'll just let you have it.
00:32:30What are you talking about?
00:32:31Oh, who wants to dance anyway, man?
00:32:32Well, this is a bar, not a dance hall.
00:32:34Tell it to Cool Breeze.
00:32:35Maybe he don't know.
00:32:36I'm telling you.
00:32:37Take it out of here.
00:32:38Go ahead, you bald-headed turkey.
00:32:46Bill, where you been, Bill?
00:32:49Hugging the world, baby, hugging the world.
00:32:51Bob made me stay until you came.
00:32:54He wanted me to be here when I told you the good news.
00:32:57Don't hold me.
00:32:58What news?
00:32:59Yes, yes.
00:33:00Oh, don't tell me Alabama I know.
00:33:02You're the biggest square that ever left the cotton fields of Alabama.
00:33:06Bill, you've been drinking.
00:33:08Now, how do you know?
00:33:09I met Josh White today, and he's going to give me lessons.
00:33:12Well, can you imagine that?
00:33:14He met Josh White today.
00:33:16Well, I met Regina today.
00:33:18And she's going to give me lessons.
00:33:21Hey, angel face, buy yourself a new dress, like Regina.
00:33:26Regina's got a new dress.
00:33:28Regina's got class.
00:33:30Regina's got everything.
00:33:32I'd better go now, Bob.
00:33:36That's all right.
00:33:37I'll talk with him.
00:33:39Shut up.
00:33:41You talk to me.
00:33:43Who are you to talk to me?
00:33:46I'm sick of all your yapping.
00:33:49I'm sick of this whole crummy joint.
00:33:51I'm getting out.
00:33:53I'm going to move up where people got class.
00:33:56Yeah, class.
00:33:57That's what I need.
00:33:58That's me.
00:33:59That's what I need.
00:34:00That's me.
00:34:02I've got to breathe.
00:34:16On your way down, stop in the jungle.
00:34:19Your friends will still be here.
00:34:22And here's five C's.
00:34:25You'll share the drop last night.
00:34:27Got your gun on you?
00:34:29Oh, you know what happened on that.
00:34:33Now take this rod for the night, just in case.
00:34:37Tommy, now you want to dig me the night's layout again
00:34:39so there won't be any slip-ups.
00:34:41OK, now get this.
00:34:43You keep the motor of the car running by the warehouse curb.
00:34:47You keep the motor of the car running by the warehouse curb.
00:34:50We'll load the furs.
00:34:52When I slam your car door, wheel away, but fast.
00:34:57Get the stuff to our regular stash.
00:35:00Boys there will unload.
00:35:02And don't be careless.
00:35:04This is a hundred grand haul.
00:35:07Depends on Papa, bad boy.
00:35:09I'll deliver.
00:35:18I'll deliver.
00:35:30Ah, Hollywood wants me.
00:35:32Broadway needs me.
00:35:33But Harlem's got me.
00:35:35Harlem ain't got you.
00:35:36I got you.
00:35:40I ain't got you with these.
00:35:41I ain't got you with those.
00:35:43I got you with my little little bits of toast.
00:35:48When you're feeling low and you don't know what to do.
00:35:53When you're feeling low and you don't know what to do.
00:35:59Just stay in the groove.
00:36:01Let nothing bother you.
00:36:05I may be small, but baby, have no fear.
00:36:11I may be small, but baby, have no fear.
00:36:16I can climb a hill without shifting gears.
00:36:21I ain't good looking, and I don't have waist-long hair.
00:36:27I ain't good looking, and I don't have waist-long hair.
00:36:33But my mama gave me something that would take me anywhere.
00:36:39It's a rocky chair to rock, a rubber ball to roll,
00:36:42It's a rocky chair to rock, a rubber ball to roll,
00:36:44Takes a long tall daddy satisfied my soul.
00:36:48Baby, rock me with that steady roll.
00:36:53My baby, rock me with that steady roll.
00:36:59Do you wanna jump, children?
00:37:02Do you wanna jump, children?
00:37:05Do you wanna jump, children?
00:37:08Do you wanna jump, children?
00:37:11Do you wanna jump, children?
00:37:14Jump, jump, jump, jump!
00:38:06You don't say.
00:38:07You don't say.
00:38:09You don't say.
00:38:12Who was that, Pat?
00:38:13He didn't say.
00:38:16By the way, Pat, you know you left me last night.
00:38:18That I did.
00:38:19Where did you go?
00:38:20Oh, man, I went to a party and had a ball.
00:38:21No kidding.
00:38:22Everybody was there, and we played all kind of games.
00:38:24Well, uh, what kind of games did you play?
00:38:26We played spin the bottle, post office, all around the mulberry bush,
00:38:29ferry jumping out the well.
00:38:30Oh, wait a second.
00:38:31Now, that game of ferry jumping out the well, I never heard of that before.
00:38:33How does that go?
00:38:34Oh, man.
00:38:35The boys get in one room, the girls get in the other.
00:38:38The boys have to leave their room to go kiss a girl.
00:38:41That's what you call ferry jumping out the well.
00:38:43But if the girl's too ugly to kiss, the boy has to give her a quarter.
00:38:46Your wife was there.
00:38:47She made $9.75.
00:38:49Oh, wait a second.
00:38:50Now, now, now.
00:38:51Be careful, now, see?
00:38:53Say, but do you know what Bill told me?
00:38:56That a friend of his said that his girlfriend said that I said that you said...
00:38:58Wait, wait, wait, wait a second, Pat.
00:38:59Now, you're going to get in trouble, I guess.
00:39:00See, that's like spreading propaganda.
00:39:01You got to be careful.
00:39:02What did you say to whom?
00:39:03Oh, man, there you go using words you don't even know what they mean.
00:39:05Who don't know what they mean?
00:39:06Well, what is propaganda?
00:39:07Propaganda's false statement.
00:39:08Getting on the end of gossiping.
00:39:09Something's going on.
00:39:11That ain't no propaganda.
00:39:12No, what is propaganda?
00:39:13Are you married?
00:39:14Of course I am.
00:39:15How long you been married?
00:39:16Five years.
00:39:17You got any children?
00:39:20What do you mean, propaganda?
00:39:22Your wife's the proper goose, but you ain't the propaganda.
00:39:26What are you talking about?
00:39:41Tell Rocco to lay low.
00:39:43I'm getting away from the cops myself for a while.
00:39:47Well, listen now, George, what'd you expect me to do with the cops on my tail?
00:39:51Get them off, wise guy.
00:39:52Get them off.
00:39:53They jumped me before I knew it.
00:39:54Then the traffic beat me.
00:39:56That's why I took the path.
00:39:57Tell it to them.
00:39:58You're getting your cut to get the stuff through.
00:40:00I'm doing the best I could.
00:40:02Your best stink.
00:40:04I get a hundred grand worth of firm safe than a cough.
00:40:08You let the cops cruise you.
00:40:10Do you think you could have gotten away?
00:40:12I'm asking the questions.
00:40:13And I'm giving you the answers.
00:40:15All right, you're cutting me out.
00:40:17Well, what are you waiting for?
00:40:18That's the first answer.
00:40:20You've gotten straight.
00:40:22Only you're too hot right now.
00:40:25I gotta keep you where I can find you.
00:40:28You're still wet behind the ears.
00:40:32Maybe I can dry them up a bit.
00:40:34Don't do me no favor.
00:40:36I'll remember that.
00:40:38Now you can go.
00:40:40Just a minute.
00:40:42Let me give you a little tip.
00:40:44Stay away from Regina.
00:40:46You tell Regina to stay away from me.
00:40:53Darling, pay our number.
00:40:56Any time for you.
00:41:22I can't forget the very first time that we met.
00:41:34How you just came along and made my life a song.
00:41:42That keeps ringing, keeps me singing.
00:41:47For the things you do to me.
00:42:01When you are near, I find that gloom must disappear.
00:42:09You bring me happiness along with your caress.
00:42:17How a man can never stand by the things you do to me.
00:42:28Yes, I've had my sorrow.
00:42:32But now from you I borrow the thrill.
00:42:38That will make my life complete.
00:42:46Please don't abuse them.
00:42:52Please don't abuse them.
00:42:56I couldn't lose them.
00:43:01Such precious gifts from you, my sweet.
00:43:09So now I know to me you bring a certain gloom.
00:43:17That tells me you alone must have my heart to own.
00:43:25I surrender to the tender little things you do to me.
00:43:36The things you do to me.
00:43:47I surrender to the tender little things you do to me.
00:43:57The things you do to me.
00:44:17I surrender to the tender little things you do to me.
00:44:27I surrender to the tender little things you do to me.
00:44:37Come on, baby, let's go.
00:44:48Hello, gang. What are you doing in the jungle?
00:44:51Hello, Bill. How are you?
00:44:53Gee, Mr. Bill, it's good to see you.
00:44:55Gee, gee, you sure looking fine.
00:44:57Thanks, Alabama. Hello, Angel Faye.
00:44:59How are you doing? The boys treat you all right?
00:45:01Oh, I'm all right, Bill. How have you been?
00:45:03Oh, never better.
00:45:05Oh, excuse me, honey. Uh, meet Etta. Etta, meet Regina.
00:45:09How are you, my dear?
00:45:11How do you do?
00:45:12And this is my pal Bob, the rider.
00:45:14What great.
00:45:16So you're Bob.
00:45:18I've been anxious to meet you.
00:45:20Bill talks about you all the time.
00:45:22He thinks you're tough.
00:45:23Oh, you mustn't listen to Bill.
00:45:25He's partial.
00:45:26Never mind jiving, Bob.
00:45:28Meet Alabama there.
00:45:29Alabama, this is Regina.
00:45:31She's come down to hear you play.
00:45:32I'm right glad to meet you, ma'am.
00:45:34Hello, Alabama.
00:45:36Bill tells me you're good.
00:45:38Yes. Am I? Uh, thanks.
00:45:41Oh, man, you all them things.
00:45:42Get your box down and tune it up.
00:45:50Oh, don't let me break up your checker game.
00:45:52Who's winning?
00:45:54He's got a tricky system.
00:45:56Always gets to the king's row first.
00:45:59Isn't that the general idea?
00:46:03You're speaking about checkers?
00:46:06Of course, dear.
00:46:08I play the game, too.
00:46:11I bet you know every move.
00:46:14I usually win.
00:46:17Say, Alabama, play that new number of yours for Bill.
00:46:20Yeah, let's see if you feel good.
00:46:22Mr. Josh White taught me a new number.
00:46:24Well, let's hear it.
00:46:26Well, I don't know it so good, but, uh,
00:46:28you want me to play one of your oldies?
00:46:30Oh, sure. Play your old favorite.
00:46:32When I went down the road to see my gal
00:46:39Caught her lovin' up my best pal
00:46:41Said she didn't want to do it
00:46:43Said she didn't want to do it
00:46:45Yeah, she didn't want to do it
00:46:47Why did she do it then?
00:46:50Yes, I got her number and it don't add up to one
00:46:54Yes, I got her number and it don't add up to one
00:46:59She just don't love me
00:47:01She just loves havin' fun
00:47:04You fool me, baby, you won't see me no more
00:47:08You fool me, baby, and you won't see me no more
00:47:13Cause what I saw last night drove me away from your door
00:47:18You're no good, baby, you're no good to me
00:47:22You're no good, baby, you're no good to me
00:47:27You're no good, baby, so stay away from me
00:47:32You're all gone, Alabama. Play us another.
00:47:35You really are good, Alabama. I wish I had time for more.
00:47:38Oh, yeah, that's right. You've got to get to the club, haven't you?
00:47:41Can Alabama come, too?
00:47:43He'll play another for the customers.
00:47:45Mmm. Sure, great. Get under your coat, Alabama. You'll go and play.
00:47:51It's been swell meeting you. Won't you come, too?
00:47:55We'll let Alabama represent us.
00:47:59Goodbye, dear. Too bad you can't come.
00:48:04That's all right. I've already heard you sing.
00:48:09Come on, darling. I'll be late.
00:48:15Knock them dead, Alabama.
00:48:17Good luck, Alabama.
00:48:19So long, Auntie Faith. So long, Bob.
00:48:23THE END
00:48:30Hello, Auntie Faith. Where are the boys?
00:48:32Oh, Alabama went to rehearsal, and Bob asked me to wait here while he went downtown.
00:48:37Oh, I see.
00:48:40Well, now, in that case, take this money and give it to Bob.
00:48:44Tell him it's for his and Alabama's rent.
00:48:47I'll put it here on the table.
00:48:51Aren't you going to wait?
00:48:56No, I've got to get to the track.
00:49:00We don't see much of you anymore. How are you doing?
00:49:07I'm doing all right. How are you doing?
00:49:14THE END
00:49:44Have you lost your mind?
00:50:06You're slipping handsome. I've got a sneaking suspicion Regina's standing you up.
00:50:13And I've got a sneaking suspicion you're right.
00:50:16Don't let that get you down, darling.
00:50:18She don't ring no bells in my heart.
00:50:20I'm always around you, though.
00:50:22Yeah. You know, you're smoking my eyes, baby.
00:50:25Now, is that nice?
00:50:28This ring you sold me is a fake. The jeweler says it's worthless.
00:50:31Oh, you're crazy.
00:50:32Look, I want my money back.
00:50:33Get out of my face. Don't you see me talking to ladies?
00:50:36Look, you give me my money.
00:50:37Get out of here.
00:50:43THE END
00:50:52Give us a drink.
00:50:53And I told you before to keep those thumbs away from me when I'm with ladies.
00:50:57I didn't know you was going to bother me.
00:50:58That's all right. Give us all a drink here.
00:51:14I'll have a beer.
00:51:16Oh, no. What happened?
00:51:20Oh, no. The sport's on me.
00:51:23Believe it or not, fellas, this is going to make his fish happy.
00:51:26Come on, Pat. Give everybody a drink.
00:51:29Let's have some champagne.
00:51:31How about some champagne, old man?
00:51:33Coming right up.
00:51:34How many bottles more?
00:51:36How many bottles? Serve everybody.
00:51:38We'll count the bottles later.
00:51:40We're going to have a real celebration.
00:51:41Go drink that beer.
00:51:53Can you imagine that?
00:51:54I pass up two summers on a piccolo to sport him a beer,
00:51:57and he walks out leaving.
00:52:01Hey, man, what are you trying to do?
00:52:03Break up the jukebox?
00:52:05Well, I'll give you your money back.
00:52:06Well, hang on.
00:52:07Keep the dime, man.
00:52:09Don't get mad at Cool Breeze, honey,
00:52:11when you can drink champagne in his office.
00:52:13Yes, I've got that one.
00:52:15Yeah, that's cool, you know.
00:52:17Nice range, isn't it?
00:52:21Hey, Bill! Watch it!
00:52:38Are you hurt, Bill?
00:52:40Hang on. I'm going to get a doctor.
00:52:42You don't have time.
00:53:02This calls for a celebration.
00:53:04Just think, Bob.
00:53:05You've got a real television celebrity.
00:53:07Poor roommate.
00:53:08Don't you see my chest stuck out?
00:53:10Well, I don't start really till next week.
00:53:12But you've got a signed contract.
00:53:14You're in.
00:53:15Won't Bill be happy when he hears this?
00:53:17Start at the beginning, Alabama,
00:53:19and tell us just what the man said.
00:53:21Well, he said it first,
00:53:23that the man who pays for the program
00:53:25or something, a show, something like that,
00:53:27he says, well, that man thinks I'm good.
00:53:29He likes my playing,
00:53:31and he's going to give me $200 a week.
00:53:34$200 a week for 16 weeks!
00:53:37And then he said I'd get more.
00:53:39Boy, $3,200 for 16 weeks.
00:53:44Alabama, you are a celebrity.
00:54:05Go ahead, Alabama.
00:54:07Finish telling us what the man said.
00:54:09Well, that's all he said.
00:54:11When's your first program?
00:54:12Well, he said I'd start from a week,
00:54:14a week from today, I think.
00:54:15Let's drink to Alabama's success.
00:54:37What happened?
00:54:39Oh, Angela.
00:54:43I had to come back to the jungle.
00:55:00And now, ladies and gentlemen,
00:55:01we bring our television audience
00:55:04our newest talent discovery,
00:55:07Alabama Ike and his guitar.
00:55:18Well, I woke up this morning
00:55:23The lonesomest man in town
00:55:31Yes, I woke up this morning
00:55:35The lonesomest man in town
00:55:40Cause my baby's got another lover
00:55:45And she's put her daddy down
00:55:52Don't leave me, baby
00:55:56Don't leave me feeling sad
00:56:03Don't leave me, baby
00:56:09Don't leave me feeling sad
00:56:16Cause I swear your style of loving
00:56:21Is the best that I have ever had
00:56:28You've got peculiar ways
00:56:31I've known that long ago
00:56:34But why you'd want to hurt me
00:56:36I will never, never know
00:56:39I'm lonesome, baby
00:56:42Lonesome as a man can be
00:56:49And if you don't come back to daddy
00:56:52He'll drown his body in the deep blue sea
00:57:07Boy, that was good.
00:57:11You know how they went wild over your second number?
00:57:14Yeah, they did seem to like that one.
00:57:16And the one you dedicate to Bill was beautiful.
00:57:18That's a swell of you, Alabama.
00:57:20Bill would have loved that.
00:57:23Oh, you went over great.
00:57:25Josh White would have been proud of you tonight.
00:57:27Oh, I thought he was going to be there.
00:57:29Oh, I forgot to tell you.
00:57:31He sent me a telegram for the show.
00:57:33Here it is.
00:57:36You read it.
00:57:42Congratulations, and welcome to the telewave.
00:57:45Sorry I can't be with you, but we'll dig your show from Boston.
00:57:48Signed, Josh White.
00:57:50What do you mean, he'd dig my show?
00:57:52That means he'll see you on television from Boston.
00:57:55Oh, I bet he did, too.
00:57:59Where's my boy?
00:58:01Oh, Alabama, you were so good.
00:58:04I could just hug you,
00:58:06or you might think I was trying to get a little fresh.
00:58:09I saw you just as plain as night,
00:58:13and I went to the corner bar,
00:58:15and they let me sit on a stool.
00:58:18And I saw you in that big boat,
00:58:20and I guess I acted kind of foolish like,
00:58:23because I said out loud,
00:58:25there's my Alabama,
00:58:27and everybody looked at me and laughed.
00:58:29I didn't know you went for the blues.
00:58:33Well, here's something else you don't know.
00:58:35I have a bottle of wine upstairs,
00:58:37and I've been keeping it for years and years,
00:58:41and I said I wouldn't open it
00:58:43until there was a cause for a real celebration,
00:58:46and this is it.
00:58:48Alabama, you are a celebrity.
00:58:51Anytime you can cut through Goody's heart,
00:58:54you're a success.
00:58:55A bottle of wine, Edda.
00:58:57Turn on the radio.
00:58:58This is an occasion.
00:59:03Yes, ladies and gentlemen,
00:59:05you're still tuned in to Bill Owens'
00:59:06Saturday night bop barrage,
00:59:08and every Saturday at this time,
00:59:10we bring you some highlights
00:59:11in the news of the people,
00:59:12the great people, our people,
00:59:14and tonight we take great pride
00:59:16in bringing you this choice bit.
00:59:18Today, Levi Jackson,
00:59:19that hard-running Negro halfback,
00:59:21was elected to be captain of the Yale,
00:59:23yes, I said Yale, football team for 1949.
00:59:27How about that?
00:59:30Last Friday, William Burton Brown,
00:59:33more infamously known around this concrete jungle
00:59:36as Dollar Bill,
00:59:37received in full his final payment.
00:59:41Just follow me.
00:59:43Mr. Roberts,
00:59:44there's a gentleman here to see you.
00:59:47How do you do?
00:59:48I'm Bill Chase,
00:59:49the editor of the Harlem Herald.
00:59:50How do you do?
00:59:51Glad to meet you.
00:59:52How do you do?
00:59:53This is Miss Vance, Miss Gibson,
00:59:56and my roommate, Mr. Lee.
00:59:58Ah, Mr. Lee,
00:59:59I'm glad to know you.
01:00:00I saw you last night on television
01:00:01and you were wonderful.
01:00:02Thank you.
01:00:03Allow me to congratulate you.
01:00:04Won't you sit down?
01:00:05No, thank you.
01:00:06I really can't stay.
01:00:07I'll tell you what brought me here.
01:00:09My papers just learned
01:00:10that this notorious unknown character,
01:00:12Dollar Bill,
01:00:13who was killed last week,
01:00:14you know, in that gun raid.
01:00:16Don't you tell that lie.
01:00:18Bill wasn't killed in no gun battle.
01:00:21The man walked up behind his back,
01:00:23the yellow dog,
01:00:25and Bill had to shoot in self-defense.
01:00:28I'm very sorry, Mrs. Vance.
01:00:30Perhaps I was mistaken.
01:00:31You sure was.
01:00:32What I was about to say, Mr. Roberts,
01:00:34is that I understand
01:00:35that you knew him very well.
01:00:36He was my best friend.
01:00:38I also understand
01:00:39that you're a writer.
01:00:40For 25 years.
01:00:41Well, here's what I'd like.
01:00:44I'd like to have you do
01:00:45a series of articles for my paper
01:00:47on your experiences
01:00:48with Dollar Bill as a friend.
01:00:49You might call it
01:00:50Dollar Bill as I knew him.
01:00:52Human interest stuff, you know.
01:00:54Mr. Chase,
01:00:56Dollar Bill was a fine boy
01:00:58who got bad grades.
01:01:00Because I admired
01:01:02the good in him,
01:01:04and because I knew him
01:01:05better than he did himself at times.
01:01:08Because of this,
01:01:10what I might write
01:01:11would fall far short
01:01:13of what your sensational paper
01:01:16would expect.
01:01:17You see, Mr. Chase,
01:01:19I knew what he wanted in life.
01:01:23Mr. Roberts, you're my man.
01:01:25That's just the way I hoped
01:01:26that you would feel about this.
01:01:28I also understand
01:01:29that Dollar Bill
01:01:30called this place the jungle.
01:01:32Don't you call my house no jungle.
01:01:34This is a respectable house.
01:01:36I'm sorry again, Mrs. Vance.
01:01:38I didn't really mean to offend you.
01:01:40What I would like to tell you, though,
01:01:42I'd like to have you
01:01:43do this series of features,
01:01:45but you need not answer
01:01:46my question right now.
01:01:47You need not write about Bill.
01:01:49Write about Harlem,
01:01:50the people here, the streets.
01:01:52You've got my card.
01:01:53Call me at your convenience.
01:01:56I'll come to see you, Mr. Chase.
01:01:57Thank you very much, Mr. Roberts.
01:01:58Goodbye, all.
01:01:59Thank you, Mr. Chase.
01:02:00And I'll show you out.
01:02:06Oh, Bob,
01:02:07I'm so happy to hear about your success.
01:02:10Isn't it wonderful?
01:02:12Well, it looks like
01:02:13I'll be needing a secretary.
01:02:15I think you'll make Ike a good manager.
01:02:18How about it, Ike?
01:02:19How about it, Ike?
01:02:20Well, I'd appreciate it very much, Miss Edda,
01:02:24if you want to do it.
01:02:26Well, I don't know how to thank you, boys.
01:02:30I only wish there were four of us
01:02:32who share all of this success.
01:02:34That's life, Edda.
01:02:37For every ending,
01:02:40there's a beginning.
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