• last year
Britain's smartest teen who sitting 28 A-levels has scored A*s in the ones she completed just weeks after the start of the school term.

Mahnoor Cheema, 17, has an IQ higher than Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein - and has her sights on studying at Oxford University.

After sitting 34 GCSEs she began sixth form in September, and enrolled on 28 courses.

She completed four entire A-levels in November and has found out she scored four A*s in environmental management, marine science, English language and thinking skills.

And she's sitting the final exams for eight more courses next month - including maths, further maths, chemistry, biology and film studies.


00:00 My name is Manon Chima, I've done 34 GCSEs and I'm hoping to take at least 25 A-levels.
00:07 I've always just loved to learn, I've always had a really good memory and my mum I think worked on that a lot with me when I was young,
00:14 so I developed that skill quite quickly.
00:16 And I always knew I was a bit different from other children my age in the sense that I had quite different interests and leisure pursuits to them.
00:25 I involved slightly more intellectual activities into my free time, like doing a lot of reading when I was young.
00:32 I remember getting told off by my teachers multiple times and being told to go integrate with other children.
00:39 So I always knew that my interests were slightly different and I was very academically inclined from a young age.
00:46 My grandmother, I grew up with her, so my maternal grandmother, she was a really big presence in my life
00:53 and I had always grown up hearing about how she moved from a small rural area to a very big urban city for my mum and her brothers and to pursue their education.
01:08 And that was really inspirational for me, how people can rise from such limited backgrounds to do so much with their education
01:17 and that's where really my inspiration for all these GCSEs came from.
01:20 Obviously there's school policies and the policies don't allow for so many absences, as in I had to take an absence for each exam
01:29 and I did around 40, 50 exams privately each and each exam had an absence, so that's a lot of absences.
01:37 They were quite worried about me skipping school and how that would impact my results, but I think it turned out okay in the end.
01:44 I wouldn't say I have a lot of work to do, I get through it quite quickly so it doesn't burden me or take over my life or anything.
01:51 My friends are very confused as to why I choose to do so many and they're always telling me to reduce the amount that I do, but yeah they're very supportive overall.
02:04 My most favourite GCSE overall are the sciences, I really enjoyed doing them, but also because I'm going to be going down such a very practical academic route of sciences
02:16 and less creative stuff, I try to do a lot of creative subjects because I do have an interest in those ones as well.
02:22 So I would say that the balancing out by subjects like drama, textiles, film studies, I really enjoy that.
02:29 In terms of least favourite, I would say I don't really have a least favourite, I try to choose everything that interested me,
02:36 but something that was, I would say astronomy because it was an easy exam but there was a lot to cover and it was my one grade A.
02:46 I enjoyed the GCSEs while I was doing them, they were really interesting to learn, I covered a very wide diversity of subjects I would say
02:54 and I had a passion for all of them so it was really interesting to learn about so many different fields in life.
03:01 I'm very excited to be moving on to A levels and broadening my studies and also beyond, I'm looking forward to university life.
03:08 For university I'm hoping to go to the world's top universities, so Oxford, Harvard, MIT, these are my goals,
03:16 and I would like to study medicine and possibly specialise in Neurosurgery.
