Should police be given greater stop and search powers?

  • 4 months ago
We ask people in Birmingham
00:00Coming from somewhere rural like Scarborough, we don't really have a stop-and-search.
00:06I imagine we're in Birmingham city centre today that it's more prominent in the larger cities.
00:10I don't have a great opinion on it because I don't know how it affects people day-to-day.
00:14I've never been stop-and-searched. Is it necessary? I don't know.
00:18If I'm honest, I'd struggle to answer it because I've never experienced it.
00:21I've never seen it happen. I'm not sure what they're using it for. I'm not affected by it.
00:28For this question, I think training should be a priority in these cases
00:34because sometimes they can get really aggressive but with no reason
00:38and they can get some extra punishment for that.
00:41I think training for them would be the most important thing.
00:45I don't think they should go too brutal as well because no one likes being, for example,
00:50random checked for how they look like or something like it.
00:54But I think some more studies and training would be the answer for that.
