Big Changes in College Football: National Impact in 2024

  • 4 months ago
00:00We're going to have a very different look to college football this year, Coach.
00:08We're so used to the tradition and the rivalries and things like that, and a lot of those are
00:12going out the window with all of this realignment that's going to take place.
00:16You have Texas and Oklahoma going to the SEC.
00:19You have USC, UCLA, Washington, and Oregon going to the Big Ten.
00:23You have several teams jumping to the Big 12.
00:27What do you think some of these schools, and we could keep it, I think Texas and Oklahoma,
00:31that's a big jump.
00:32I know they've dominated that Big 12.
00:34That's a big jump going down to the SEC, Coach.
00:37Well, I mean, what you've got is an 80s delight.
00:40You've got money-making machines, and football has become completely about where the money
00:45is for the players and for the teams and their alignment.
00:48But adding Texas and Oklahoma to an already big, huge SEC, the 80s love it.
00:55They may be paying off contracts because they're not paying coaches that much money to come
00:59in second, and there's going to be some great teams that are fourth and fifth in the conference.
01:04I think the SEC and the Big Ten are just huge winners in this thing.
01:08The biggest thing that I don't think people realize, as a coach, I do, college football
01:12has always been a very regional.
01:13You get caught up if you're an SEC guy.
01:15You get caught up if you're a Big Ten guy.
01:18College football, regional, NFL, national.
01:22That's over.
01:23That's over.
01:24National as a college, and this is going to be great for college football.
01:27It's going to be different, and it's going to be a real different thing for a lot of
01:30fans, but it's going to be so big.
01:33Every game, front to back, top to bottom, is going to be a little bit more exciting.
01:38And how about, Coach, now that these conferences being so, and we've got a minute left, so
01:42national from coast to coast now, you've got Stanford and Cal and the ACC.
01:47I mean, that's going to be very strange, trying to recruit and coach being all the way out
01:52on the left coast against all those teams on the east coast.
01:55Well, there are so many factors, as I even worry about travel.
01:58When I have a night game on one coast, and I've got to go to another coast, West Virginia
02:02and the Big 12, it was always a problem for them, but that's going to be one of the factors
02:06in how you prepare for football games when we get closer to the season.
02:10I think we'll talk about that a lot more, but the big thing is, we've now brought the
02:14west coast to the east coast, the east coast to the west coast, and the southeast, where
02:18they live and die football, to the northwest.
02:21And so we've got a national football game now that I think is going to appeal to everybody.
