• last year
00:02:08Give him a rub down and plenty of feed.
00:02:10Yes, sir.
00:02:11Logan Stewart's the name.
00:02:12Thanks, Mr. Stewart.
00:02:34Damn day.
00:02:36How's Jacksonville?
00:02:43Credit to account?
00:02:44I'll take back Specie.
00:02:46We're short of cash at the diggings.
00:02:48What time do you open in the morning?
00:02:50Tomorrow's Sunday.
00:02:51Then put the Specie in the saddlebags,
00:02:53and I'll come by for it before you close tonight.
00:02:55You must have around 7,000 here.
00:02:57That's no trinket to be left lying loose around a hotel room.
00:03:00Gold is only yellow gravel, Cornelius.
00:03:02But the yellow color makes all the difference.
00:03:05Butter's yellow too, and you can spread it on bread.
00:03:07Ever try that with gold?
00:03:09For a businessman, you've got odd ideas.
00:03:11If I were a banker, as I shall be someday,
00:03:14I'd set you down as unsound and lend you nothing.
00:03:17A man can choose his own gods, Cornelius.
00:03:19What are your gods?
00:03:44It's a damp day.
00:03:47Let me see that.
00:03:49Yes, sir.
00:03:52It's a beautiful little locket. It came from England.
00:03:54I'll take it.
00:03:56A fortunate young lady, whoever she is.
00:03:58Anything else, sir?
00:03:59Yes, I need some dry clothes, shirts, socks,
00:04:02everything from the skin out.
00:04:27Hi, Logan.
00:04:29Come here.
00:04:32How are you, McLean?
00:04:34Fine. Just the man I want to see.
00:04:36What are the Indians doing down your way this year?
00:04:38So far, quiet and uncertain.
00:04:44Logan, I've got a consignment of general hardware
00:04:47from the brigalice to be delivered to Clay and King
00:04:49at Jacksonville.
00:04:51It's cloth, rope, tin dishes, buckets.
00:04:55I'm shipping by boat to Salem.
00:04:57You want a packet for me?
00:04:59How many meals will it make?
00:05:00Oh, 20, I suppose.
00:05:02What's your rate?
00:05:03$3 a meal per day.
00:05:06It'll be in Salem on the 20th.
00:05:08Two more of the same.
00:05:09Not for me.
00:05:10I've got to see if I can get a load of windows
00:05:12hauled out to Gale's Creek.
00:05:13Windows? Windows with glass?
00:05:15We're becoming civilized.
00:05:16Oh, Bob.
00:05:17Bob Miller.
00:05:19Lumber's sitting sky high in San Francisco.
00:05:22You sure enough will make a handsome profit, Captain.
00:05:27Miss Lucy Obermeyer arrived?
00:05:29In room 10, just off the Cascades boat.
00:05:31Oh, thanks.
00:05:32She's been asking for George Camrose.
00:05:34We got through all right.
00:05:36But the train back of us, 50 wagons,
00:05:39not a one of them left.
00:05:47Come in, George.
00:05:53What's the matter?
00:05:55Why, Logan.
00:05:56Hello, Lucy.
00:05:57Oh, George had to make a sudden trip to Crescent City.
00:06:00He knew I was coming up,
00:06:01so he asked me if I'd bring you home.
00:06:03Will you mind having me on your hands, Logan?
00:06:06That was a foolish question.
00:06:08You don't mind having women on your hands.
00:06:10Where did you get that?
00:06:13George Camrose, I bet.
00:06:15Well, have you got stocked clothes?
00:06:17I want to get started before daylight
00:06:19and the weather's foul.
00:06:21I don't mind.
00:06:23How was your visit up at the Dow's?
00:06:26Oh, Logan, there were a lot of cattle
00:06:28abandoned by the immigrants.
00:06:30You could probably get them for very little.
00:06:32Did you see any mules?
00:06:35Well, 5 o'clock then, and dress warm.
00:06:38We'll make Salem the first day,
00:06:40and Towns River the second.
00:06:41We should be in Jacksonville Friday afternoon,
00:06:43unless that's traveling too fast for you.
00:06:47I suppose you're going down to play a little poker now.
00:06:50I guess not.
00:06:51Good night.
00:06:54A woman, Logan?
00:07:09I kept open for you.
00:07:16I was just reading in the advertiser.
00:07:18They completed a suspension bridge across Niagara Falls
00:07:20for the railroad.
00:07:21That's progress.
00:07:22Out of our way.
00:07:23We haven't even got a stagecoach yet.
00:07:25Well, you've got to have the roads first.
00:07:28Maybe it's the other way around.
00:07:30Get the stagecoaches, and there'll be plenty of roads.
00:07:33Well, from a banking viewpoint,
00:07:36I'd want to be sure there were roads there first.
00:07:40What's that?
00:07:41I said, from a banking viewpoint, I'd...
00:07:45All to that.
00:07:58Come in, Logan.
00:08:05You see, it wasn't a woman.
00:08:07Why didn't you say so then?
00:08:08You're marrying George, not me.
00:08:10What have you got in the saddlebags?
00:08:11Gold corn.
00:08:13You know, I was watching you from the window.
00:08:15There's a man standing at the corner of Alder as you passed,
00:08:17and he followed you.
00:08:18Don't worry about it.
00:08:20Good night, Lucy.
00:08:21Good night.
00:08:43Good night.
00:09:27What happened?
00:09:28A bad try. He got away.
00:09:29Who was it?
00:09:30Have an idea? It was Bragg.
00:09:32He had an arm like a chunk of oak.
00:09:34You're hurt.
00:09:35I'm all right.
00:09:37Lucy, you'd better get out of here.
00:09:40Go on to bed and get some sleep.
00:09:42We're leaving at 5 sharp.
00:10:01What makes you so sure it was Bragg up in Portland?
00:10:04He might have trailed me.
00:10:06He's had me on his mind for quite a while,
00:10:08ever since those two miners were killed over at Evans' herd.
00:10:10The ones the Indians murdered?
00:10:13I was out on the road that morning,
00:10:15and I saw Bragg come out of the willows running his horse.
00:10:18A few minutes later, I stumbled onto the two bodies.
00:10:21I could have had him hang for it, and he knows it.
00:10:23Why didn't you? That was rather careless.
00:10:26I didn't see him do it.
00:10:28You wouldn't want to hang a man if there was the slightest doubt.
00:10:30No, you wouldn't.
00:10:32Things have got to be dead even with you.
00:10:34Is that it, Logan?
00:10:40Get out of here.
00:11:00Where you from?
00:11:01Salt Lake.
00:11:02No good back there anymore.
00:11:04Too populated.
00:11:05Get out of here.
00:11:10Get out of here.
00:11:41How are things along the way?
00:11:43One miner was killed last night over at Gray's Creek.
00:11:49Are you game to make a night ride of it?
00:11:51We'll reach Bend Dances by daylight.
00:12:10Come on.
00:12:40Come on.
00:13:10Howdy, Logan.
00:13:11Come on in.
00:13:16Go along in.
00:13:18Hello, Mr. Dan.
00:13:19Morning, Miss Lucy.
00:13:20Breakfast is awaiting.
00:13:21Asa, come out here and get these horses.
00:13:24Hi, Logan.
00:13:25Hi, Logan.
00:13:27Hi, Logan.
00:13:28Mr. Stewart, you young varmints.
00:13:30Now, rustle off them horses and give them a good feed.
00:13:33Well, how did you find things on the way down?
00:13:35Well, I got a horse.
00:13:37Well, how'd you find things on the way down?
00:13:40Not too bad.
00:13:41Had a little trouble over at Gray's Creek.
00:13:43One miner was killed.
00:13:44Yeah, Indians.
00:13:45They got a cavalry outfit under some young lieutenant
00:13:47combing the canyon for them.
00:13:49But I got a little bet with myself he'll get bushwhacked first off.
00:13:52He don't know Indian style.
00:13:54Why don't you tell him, Ben?
00:13:55You can't tell them army fellows nothing.
00:13:57They got a little brown book.
00:13:58If it ain't in that little brown book, it just ain't true.
00:14:02How is Portland, Logan?
00:14:04A thousand people and raining.
00:14:06How can anyone live in such a crowd?
00:14:08Come and eat, Lucy.
00:14:09I couldn't eat a thing, Mrs. Dance.
00:14:11What she needs is some sleep.
00:14:14Well, hello, Caroline.
00:14:15Hiya, Logan.
00:14:17Well, I don't think you two are acquainted.
00:14:19Lucy, this is Caroline Marsh, Lucy Obermeyer.
00:14:23I've heard about you.
00:14:25I'm so sorry about your phone call.
00:14:26I brought you something from Portland.
00:14:28Did you?
00:14:30If you have on your best Sunday dress around noontime,
00:14:32I'll give it to you.
00:14:35Will you fix a bed for Lucy, dear?
00:14:37We traveled all night.
00:14:38And when you travel with Logan, you travel.
00:14:41Come along.
00:14:48I thought maybe she'd be on her way back to England.
00:14:51What for?
00:14:52Her folks come out here to start a new life for themselves.
00:14:56She's not the sort to give up just because the Indians killed her pa.
00:15:00It's a joy having you around, Logan.
00:15:02We always wanted a daughter.
00:15:05But like all good-looking daughters,
00:15:07it don't look like we're gonna keep her long, Ma.
00:15:10Logan, I mean, Mr. Stewart,
00:15:12do you think the Indians will break out?
00:15:14It's always possible, Asa.
00:15:16Peace treaty don't seem to mean nothing to them rogue beasters.
00:15:19Well, it's their land, and we're on it,
00:15:21and they don't forget it.
00:15:22Things will be all right, I reckon,
00:15:24unless some medicine man stirs them up
00:15:26or some white cuss starts something.
00:15:28You'll know it beforehand.
00:15:30They'll get insulin.
00:15:31That's the time to four it up.
00:15:33Well, this is my fort and darned if a budge.
00:15:37That's right, Ben.
00:16:03Ma's sendin' Carolyn over to McGarry's place.
00:16:06Mrs. McGarry's come to her time.
00:16:09Now, there's everything you'll need, dear.
00:16:12You want me to send Dr. Balance back from Jacksonville?
00:16:15I can do whatever's necessary.
00:16:17Oh, for sure it's only a baby.
00:16:19You stay at McGarry's tonight, Carolyn.
00:16:21I'll be over tomorrow and ride back with you.
00:16:23Give my hellos to your ma, Lucy.
00:16:25Say I'm lonesome for talk.
00:16:28Bye, Logan!
00:16:44Ain't got much time.
00:16:46I'll be back in a minute.
00:16:48I'll be back in a minute.
00:16:50I'll be back in a minute.
00:16:52I'll be back in a minute.
00:16:54I'll be back in a minute.
00:16:56Ain't got much time.
00:16:58Here's where I leave you.
00:17:10It takes me back to England.
00:17:12It's just like my grandmother's.
00:17:14Hey! Come on!
00:17:16Thank you.
00:17:22Oh, Logan, there's a cabin raising Saturday week.
00:17:25Stone and Gray Bartlett are marrying.
00:17:27I'll be there.
00:17:32You'd have had your kiss if I hadn't been here.
00:17:36I'm sorry I caused you to miss it.
00:17:41But what's any woman to you?
00:17:43You're never happy except when you're on the go.
00:17:46I guess I'm just stuck on this Oregon.
00:17:49Or maybe I'm just ambitious.
00:17:51I want to see a Stewart & Company pack outfit
00:17:53stringing along every road.
00:17:55And when stages come, I want them to be my stages.
00:17:59Is that what makes you so restless and discontented?
00:18:03Or is it a woman, Logan?
00:18:06Must it always be a woman?
00:18:09Take me to the Vogue River Valley
00:18:16Where the silvery moonlight shines
00:18:21Someone wait for me in the valley
00:18:27There among the blue-tipped pines
00:18:32She'll be by the river
00:18:35She'll be by the river
00:18:38Where all heaven be
00:18:40And there by the river
00:18:43We'll find a trail of breeze
00:18:46Donkey, don't you dare to dally
00:18:51Can't you hear the kill-deer's song?
00:18:56Say, hi. When did Honey Brad get into town?
00:18:59Looks like he just rode in the way his horse is lathered.
00:19:04Must have done a little riding yourself.
00:19:06All the way from Portland. Don't tell anyone.
00:19:09What was that song you were singing, hi?
00:19:11Oh, I don't know. Just a little song.
00:19:13It sounded very romantic.
00:19:15Romantic gets that way sometimes.
00:19:17Silly, isn't she?
00:19:19She'll be by the river
00:19:22Where all heaven be
00:19:24And there by the river
00:19:27We'll find a trail of breeze
00:19:30Donkey, don't you dare
00:19:32She'll be by the river
00:19:39There. Lucy.
00:19:43Hello, Logan.
00:19:45Did you enjoy yourself?
00:19:47Did you have a nice time, dear?
00:19:48Yes, it was fun.
00:19:49Oh, we stopped by the dancers, and Mrs. Dance sent her her love.
00:19:53There she is, George. There's your girl.
00:19:55Thank you, Logan.
00:19:56Did he behave himself, Lucy?
00:19:58Oh, you're lovely. I'd almost forgotten.
00:20:01Not entirely, I hope, George.
00:20:04Is that the best you can do, George?
00:20:06Could you do any better?
00:20:07If I hadn't seen my girl for a whole month, a whole lot better.
00:20:13Same old roughneck.
00:20:14No polish at all.
00:20:20Did you mind my asking, Logan, to bring you home?
00:20:22What took you over to Crescent City, George?
00:20:23A mining claim.
00:20:24Looked like a real strike.
00:20:26But it wasn't.
00:20:27Another rainbow?
00:20:29One day I'll bring you the pot of gold from the end of that rainbow.
00:20:32You'll see.
00:20:33Are you glad to be back, Lucy?
00:20:35How was the trip?
00:20:55Good night.
00:20:56Good night.
00:20:59Where's Morrow?
00:21:00He'll be back Tuesday.
00:21:02I sent 40 mules on the trip.
00:21:04Vane Blazier will take the Scottsburg string in the morning.
00:21:0720 mules.
00:21:09Put this on the books, Clinch.
00:21:1130 mules to be at Salem on the 20th.
00:21:14Henry McLean's freight.
00:21:16Where will you get the mules?
00:21:18You're sprayed pretty thin already.
00:21:20Maybe it's time for us to buy a few more.
00:21:23Buy, buy, always buy.
00:21:27Buy, buy.
00:21:35Hello, Vane.
00:21:37Did you stop by at Dancer's?
00:21:41How is everybody?
00:21:43Caroline, you mean?
00:21:44She's fine.
00:21:48Do you realize you've got those 150,000 sunk in this place?
00:21:52Must be rich.
00:21:53You ought to have 10,000 laid by for trouble.
00:21:56What trouble?
00:21:57The trouble that always comes.
00:21:59When do you suppose I came here?
00:22:016,000 miles from Liverpool.
00:22:03This is Jacksonville, Clinch, USA.
00:22:05We sail with the tide.
00:22:06All Americans think that.
00:22:08They think the tide flows forever for them.
00:22:10But mark me, Logan, gold veins run out,
00:22:13crops fail, men starve, wars come.
00:22:16And businesses fail.
00:22:17Then we get a new deck and deal again.
00:22:19So you'll buy the mules.
00:22:22What happened to you, Logan?
00:22:24We waited supper for you.
00:22:26I thought you and George would want to be together.
00:22:28Why, Logan, that's a very tender sentiment.
00:22:31George, when is this girl going to marry you?
00:22:34I doubt if she knows herself, Logan.
00:22:37When are you taking me, Lucy?
00:22:39George, do you like poetry?
00:22:41Must I like poetry to be your husband?
00:22:43We'll be married when the leaves fall.
00:22:45You see, Logan, she strings me up and lets me swing.
00:22:49You mean the maple leaves that fall early
00:22:51or the pine needles that never fall at all?
00:22:53Come on, there's a fight.
00:22:54Fight? Who is it?
00:22:55I don't know.
00:22:56Who's going out?
00:22:57Come on.
00:23:00Better get up there, Logan.
00:23:01It's your friend Dane Blazier and Bragg.
00:23:07Come on, George.
00:23:13Don't never crowd me, boy.
00:23:15Nobody crowded you.
00:23:17Oh, you're calling me a liar.
00:23:19Stand up, John Blazier.
00:23:22I didn't call you a liar.
00:23:24I'll bust you up proper, boy.
00:23:30Got a little trouble, Dane?
00:23:33Hello, Bragg.
00:23:35Logan, my friend, how are you?
00:23:37I hear you've been away.
00:23:39I'm here and there.
00:23:41I'm a restless man.
00:23:43I've been away, too.
00:23:45Well, you're a restless man, like me.
00:23:50I noticed your fever in your left leg.
00:23:54Of course you would, mate.
00:23:56Couldn't be you fell through a window by any chance.
00:24:09See you sometime, Logan.
00:24:15Oh, my God.
00:24:17It was a freezer.
00:24:21Come on, Vane.
00:24:22Buy you a drink.
00:24:24Never mind.
00:24:25I can fight my own battles.
00:24:32That was quite a surprise.
00:24:34More of a disappointment than a surprise.
00:24:37I'm glad you like it, Vane.
00:24:39I'm glad you like it.
00:24:41I'm glad you like it.
00:24:43That was quite a surprise.
00:24:45More of a disappointment to the boys, I'd say.
00:24:47What can you expect from people living in the wilderness?
00:24:49What's wilderness got to do with it?
00:24:51Everything, I think.
00:24:52What do you say, Lizzie?
00:24:54Some men are more primitive than others, I guess.
00:24:57Some men just fight it harder.
00:25:00Put his weight on Honey Bragg, and he broke.
00:25:06I'd say Bent.
00:25:07Well, broke or bent, what do you make of it, huh?
00:25:10You're a lawyer, Jonas.
00:25:12I'm glad you enjoyed the trip, Lucy.
00:25:14But it's great to have you back.
00:25:16I missed you.
00:25:17Thank you, George.
00:25:19Well, see you tomorrow.
00:25:24You ought to do your kissing in private, George,
00:25:26and do it better.
00:25:29I'll ask you again, Logan.
00:25:31Could you do better?
00:25:42You brought it on yourself, George.
00:25:46Good night.
00:25:47Good night, Lucy.
00:25:54Going to play a little poker?
00:25:55I've got to get some sleep.
00:25:57It's still early.
00:25:58I'm off on a trip tomorrow.
00:25:59I'm going to look for some mules.
00:26:01Another trip?
00:26:02So soon?
00:26:03I've got to get some sleep.
00:26:05I'm off on a trip tomorrow.
00:26:06I'm going to look for some mules.
00:26:08Another trip?
00:26:09So soon?
00:26:10If you're not careful one of these days,
00:26:12you're going to end up being a tired millionaire.
00:26:14Then I'll take it easy.
00:26:16See you when you get back.
00:26:18Good luck.
00:26:19Good luck.
00:26:50Oh, hello, Johnny.
00:26:51Hi, Camrose.
00:26:52Say, I know it's after hours, but I saw a light in your office.
00:26:55Mind letting me have my dust?
00:26:56I've got some poker to play.
00:26:57Sure, Johnny, but I'll have to ask you to wait outside
00:26:59while I open the safe.
00:27:00Company rules.
00:27:01Sure, I know.
00:27:20Me and my old daisy up there in the sky
00:27:25and my heart beating crazy, but it's no wonder why
00:27:31I'm riding on a silver saddle to someone who loves me right.
00:27:42The moon is my silver saddle.
00:27:47I'm riding the moon tonight.
00:27:54Hello, Johnny.
00:27:56How are things up the Applegate?
00:27:58Oh, terrible.
00:27:59All I got from my trouble was this watch.
00:28:01Oh, I see.
00:28:02It was the darndest thing.
00:28:03I found it hidden in an old Indian skull.
00:28:05I'll trade you a good fiddle for it.
00:28:08What would I want with a fiddle?
00:28:10Well, all you can do with that is clock the time.
00:28:12With a fiddle, you can pass the time.
00:28:15All right, I'll trade you for that.
00:28:17Oh, no, not my Mandy.
00:28:23Say, how long does it take to open a safe?
00:28:34Come in, Johnny.
00:28:36Come in, Johnny.
00:28:47There you are, Johnny.
00:28:52Much obliged, Camrose.
00:28:53Glad to do it.
00:28:54Good luck with your poker.
00:29:36Hello, Linnet.
00:29:39Coming out a little straight?
00:29:40Well, maybe later.
00:29:43Are you feeling lucky tonight?
00:29:45I always feel lucky.
00:29:47That's my trouble.
00:29:49I see it.
00:29:54King high straight.
00:29:56Ace high.
00:29:57That's too good for me.
00:29:59And me.
00:30:00That cleans me.
00:30:02Out of all the rotten luck.
00:30:04You're a clean chicken, huh?
00:30:08Have to give you my I.O.U., Jack.
00:30:10A pleasure.
00:30:11Mother, I paid a name for Mr. Camrose.
00:30:15Too bad your friend Logan couldn't be with us tonight.
00:30:18He's off on another trip tomorrow.
00:30:21Always on the move.
00:30:23I wish I had his energy.
00:30:25He came there using some of it tonight on Bragg.
00:30:28And Bragg backed down.
00:30:29What a fool.
00:30:30Well, maybe he didn't want to see that young fellow butchered.
00:30:33And all you boys wanted to see was a fight.
00:30:36Ever consider that?
00:30:37Better tell Logan to walk softly with Bragg.
00:30:40Tell Bragg to walk softly.
00:30:45Bragg is nothing but a low-down scum.
00:30:48Well, come, Dr. Balance.
00:30:50Funny, Bragg's a sort of friend of mine.
00:30:52You have strange friends, Jack.
00:30:55I didn't say that I like him or anything.
00:30:58I didn't say that I like him or that I trust him.
00:31:02What's your idea of a friend?
00:31:04A funny man, I suppose, who believes, as I do,
00:31:07that the human race is a horrible mistake.
00:31:13Always damp, always cold.
00:31:16There isn't any heat anywhere in the world.
00:31:19Good night.
00:31:22Coming my way, Howison?
00:31:24Good night, Marner.
00:31:27Coming, George?
00:31:42There's going to be a cabin raising next week.
00:31:45Some young couple who apparently disagree with your husband's theories
00:31:48about perpetuating the human race.
00:31:51You'll come, won't you?
00:31:53Why do you play so high when the cards are going against you?
00:31:56I'll get it back.
00:31:57Five or six good hands in the night.
00:31:59Jack can't always be that lucky.
00:32:01You're a fool.
00:32:03Censure on your lips, solicitude in your eyes.
00:32:06Is that really for me, Marta?
00:32:08You're always reading things in the way I look at you.
00:32:12Things I'd like to read.
00:32:14They're not there, George.
00:32:16How's Lucy?
00:32:23Good night, Marta.
00:32:24Good night.
00:32:48There, I think that's wide enough.
00:32:50That's big enough for anybody's fireplace.
00:32:53Here's your other door.
00:32:55You can get out either side,
00:32:57in case you have trouble with the Indians or your woman.
00:33:00Oh, Mrs. Vance, I just can't get over it.
00:33:03All these people coming from miles around,
00:33:05people we don't even know,
00:33:07giving their time and all to build a house for Gray and me.
00:33:10Yes, but don't forget, it means a lot to them, too.
00:33:13For sure a neighbor, a new family starting up.
00:33:16And another pair of hands to stand off those red beasters.
00:33:38If you want to catch a man, you gotta work at it.
00:33:41I want no man, I have to catch.
00:33:43Why, sure.
00:33:45You catch him and he catches you.
00:33:47Man always figures that he does the catching.
00:33:49The truth is, it's the woman that brings him up on the rope,
00:33:52him not quite knowing it.
00:33:54Is that the way you got Mrs. Dance?
00:33:56Sure, but she gave me the sign.
00:33:58You gotta give a man the sign.
00:34:00Maybe that's so.
00:34:04Oh, boy.
00:34:12Let's stroll down by the river.
00:34:15I thought we came here to help, George.
00:34:17Doesn't the scene of domesticity inspire you?
00:34:20Not to sweat over a hammer and saw.
00:34:23It does inspire me to stretch out in the shade
00:34:25with my head on your lap.
00:34:45This will be a handy place for your woodpile, Isaac.
00:35:15Come on.
00:35:46It's so peaceful here.
00:35:49The illusion of peace is upon us.
00:35:52You sound rather jaded.
00:35:54Oh, these cabin raisings jade me.
00:35:57People planting themselves in one rough spot
00:36:00for the rest of their lives.
00:36:03I'm more for mansions and plush furniture.
00:36:06But I wouldn't give right now to be in an expensive restaurant
00:36:09in the middle of the desert.
00:36:11I'm more for mansions and plush furniture.
00:36:14But I wouldn't give right now to be in an expensive restaurant
00:36:17in Boston, New York.
00:36:19With music playing, and you in a maroon waistcoat
00:36:22and me in an elegant green gown.
00:36:24Ah, Lucy.
00:36:26There's so much of this world that we're missing.
00:36:30Perhaps, George, if you took things a bit more seriously.
00:36:33You mean like Logan?
00:36:34Always figuring.
00:36:36More stores, more muse.
00:36:38I don't know how much.
00:36:39This is a gambling country.
00:36:41Everybody gambles.
00:36:42Even Logan gambles, doesn't he,
00:36:44every time he sends out a pack tree.
00:36:46That's different.
00:36:47Oh, way different.
00:36:48He's not responsible for his character,
00:36:50and neither am I for mine.
00:36:52You know, I feel that sometimes you make a comparison
00:36:55between us that leaves me at a disadvantage.
00:36:58George, don't complicate things.
00:36:59Let's keep them simple and straight.
00:37:01My thoughts rarely travel in a straight line.
00:37:05How about your affections?
00:37:07My affections always were your concern, Lucy.
00:37:12Oh, George.
00:37:15God bless the hands that built them,
00:37:18and the two it was built for.
00:37:20And may they prosper and live in peace
00:37:23all the days of their life.
00:37:38Those whom God hath joined together
00:37:40let no man put asunder.
00:37:42For as much as Gray and Liza here
00:37:45have consented together in holy wedlock,
00:37:47and have witnessed the same before God and this company,
00:37:51and thereto have given and pledged their troth
00:37:54each to the other,
00:37:56I pronounce that they are man and wife
00:37:59in the name of the Father and of the Son
00:38:02and of the Holy Ghost.
00:38:05Now kiss her, son, and let's eat.
00:38:16Where were you, Hyde? What kept you?
00:38:18Oh, the work all done?
00:38:19Yeah, you timed it just right, Hyde.
00:38:21Cabin's all raised.
00:38:22Couple spliced and ready to raise a cabin full of young'uns.
00:38:25Well, I couldn't find Mandy.
00:38:45Nice to have a place of your own.
00:38:47I know your children all grew up there.
00:38:50If they're boys, I'd want them to take up land nearby.
00:38:54If they're girls, I'd want them to marry neighbors
00:38:57and not rule war.
00:38:59When I'm dead, I'd like them to stand where I stood
00:39:02and see the things I saw.
00:39:04Yes, but the man you got might not want to stay in one place.
00:39:08Would it make you unhappy to move away?
00:39:10It'd be hard to be always fixing a new cabin
00:39:13and starting a new garden.
00:39:19Do you like Jacksonville, Logan?
00:39:21It's a place to do business in.
00:39:23Folks say you make money, but you're always risking it.
00:39:26I never pay much attention to money.
00:39:29I never pay much attention to money.
00:39:31And you're restless. Everybody says so.
00:39:35Yes, I guess I am.
00:39:40It's easy to be that way if you've nothing to keep you home.
00:39:48High ballots, folks. Up on your feet. Grab a partner.
00:39:52Sing it way up high like a robin in the sky
00:39:56And tell them I'm getting married in the morning
00:39:59Put all your cares aside
00:40:01Come and kiss the fresh bride
00:40:03Cause, honey, I'm getting married in the morning
00:40:07You ought to see who promised to be mine
00:40:11Here you are, whiskey and water!
00:40:13You can't dance without sweating!
00:40:15Yeah, that ain't the way to do it, son. Here we go, boy.
00:40:19I'm getting married in the morning
00:40:22That's enough!
00:40:26That's enough!
00:40:40Sing it way up high like a robin in the sky
00:40:43And tell them I'm getting married in the morning
00:40:46We'll pass the little brown jug
00:40:48But bring a fiddle and a mud
00:40:50Cause, honey, I'm getting married in the morning
00:40:54Put your old darlin' to the shade
00:40:57And bring the family out for a lovely day
00:41:01Lift up your hearts and sing when the church bells ring
00:41:22What you want?
00:41:23I want to get married in the morning
00:41:25And tell them I'm getting married in the morning
00:41:28You can't do that.
00:41:29I want to get married in the morning
00:41:31And tell them I'm getting married in the morning
00:41:34You can't do that.
00:41:36I want to get married in the morning
00:41:38It's the same old story. They don't mind us coming here.
00:41:42It's like he says, Mother Earth is for all.
00:41:45What they don't like is the cabin. That makes the land ours.
00:41:49We gotta live, too.
00:41:50That's right.
00:42:21Where's my boys?
00:42:24We've been watching them. They got no guts.
00:42:26Yeah, they got no guts.
00:42:28Good boys.
00:42:29No, you stay by me.
00:42:31Better hit it up, boy.
00:42:33I'm in.
00:42:34I'm in.
00:42:35I'm in.
00:42:36I'm in.
00:42:37I'm in.
00:42:38I'm in.
00:42:39I'm in.
00:42:40I'm in.
00:42:41I'm in.
00:42:42I'm in.
00:42:43I'm in.
00:42:44I'm in.
00:42:45I'm in.
00:42:46I'm in.
00:42:47I'm in.
00:42:48I'm in.
00:42:49What are you thinking, Logan?
00:43:05I was just thinking what you said a while ago.
00:43:09The years ahead.
00:43:10Caroline, do you like me well enough to make a marriage out of it?
00:43:16Yes, Logan, I do.
00:43:17Caroline, it's time to pick up and go.
00:43:31You're a good man, Logan, and you've got a good girl.
00:43:35Logan, why, that's great.
00:43:46I know you'll be happy, Caroline.
00:43:49Thank you, Lucy.
00:43:50You see, there's nothing to it when you give them a sign.
00:44:36Good morning, Mr. Logan.
00:44:50You're up early.
00:44:51What's on your mind?
00:44:52Let's have a drink.
00:44:53It's too early.
00:44:55I'm thirsty, early or not?
00:45:08Lots of places up the street.
00:45:17I want you and Moore to pull out for Salem this afternoon.
00:45:37McLean's freight.
00:45:3830 mules.
00:45:39All right.
00:45:40What's eating you, Vane?
00:45:41Let's have it.
00:45:42All right.
00:45:43I'll tell you.
00:45:44She don't like big towns.
00:45:50She don't like big ideas.
00:45:51She don't like moving around and changing.
00:45:54It was her choice.
00:45:57You had the man for her.
00:46:00I'm sorry the way it turned out for you, Vane.
00:46:04I didn't mean to bust out.
00:46:08Let's load the boxes.
00:46:15Bragg's up at Stetchel's.
00:46:17They're all expecting you up there.
00:46:20You might as well go.
00:46:23Town won't have it any other way.
00:46:24How about it, Logan?
00:46:25You got a bet on this, Johnny?
00:46:30Small one.
00:46:31Which way?
00:46:33Which way do you think?
00:46:38He'll get your eyes if he can.
00:46:39Kill him and be done with it.
00:46:40You too, Clinch?
00:46:41Come on.
00:46:42It's going to be a slaughter.
00:46:43He can't whip Bragg.
00:46:44Nobody can.
00:46:45How much you got that says, sir?
00:46:46I got a hundred.
00:46:47Well, put it up.
00:46:48Want a hunk of this, lad?
00:46:49No, I'm not betting.
00:46:50You ever see Bragg's horn?
00:46:51I seen him bust a two-by-four over his knee.
00:46:52I seen him break four dead people's heads.
00:46:53I seen him bust a two-by-four over his knee.
00:46:54I seen him bust a two-by-four over his knee.
00:46:55I seen him bust a two-by-four over his knee.
00:46:56I seen him bust a two-by-four over his knee.
00:46:58You ever see Bragg's horn?
00:46:59I seen him bust a two-by-four over his knee.
00:47:08I seen him bust a two-by-four over his knee.
00:47:22Give me a bottle, Harry. A full one.
00:47:33I left my gun home.
00:47:35I brought mine alone.
00:47:42Let's make this a fair fight, Logan.
00:47:44I've got nothing against you.
00:47:46It's the boys that want the fun.
00:47:48You're lying, Brad.
00:47:50What do you got against me?
00:47:52You ought to know.
00:47:54You're talking in riddles, Logan.
00:47:56What's in your mind?
00:47:57A picture of a tree, with you swinging from it.
00:48:00You hear that, Stuttschel?
00:48:02Yeah, yeah, I hear.
00:48:04What's the matter, Harry?
00:48:10Get down! Get the hell down!
00:48:12Now you got him. Beat his brains out.
00:48:17It's all right, Logan.
00:48:19That's all right, Logan. I'll get you in a minute.
00:48:27That's all right, Logan. I'll break your back.
00:48:31You can close in, Brad.
00:48:33You think I won't?
00:48:50Now, I'll get you!
00:49:09Over here, Brad. Over here.
00:49:12Time to put out the light, Brad.
00:49:19Get out of there!
00:49:39Yellow dogs.
00:49:49Come on.
00:50:01Oh, that was great, Logan. Great!
00:50:03Now you can collect your bet, Johnny.
00:50:06He'll be after you the rest of your life.
00:50:08Why didn't you kill him?
00:50:10That would have been more fun, Lucy.
00:50:12That's what you all came for, isn't it? Excitement?
00:50:15If that's the way you feel, you didn't have to fight him.
00:50:17Sure, I could have backed down, turned the whole town over to Bragg.
00:50:20But all that meant to any of you was a show.
00:50:34Logan, look out!
00:50:41You'd take my advice and put some raw meat on those eyes.
00:50:44They'll be all right.
00:50:46It's just bruises.
00:50:48Nothing I can do for you?
00:50:50Yeah, it's one thing. Quit playing poker, George.
00:50:54Quit poker?
00:50:56What for?
00:50:58You can't afford it. You have to give out IOUs.
00:51:02Poker's the only relaxation I get around here.
00:51:05Mighty expensive relaxation at $500 a throw.
00:51:10George, what's got into you lately?
00:51:13Oh, I don't know. It's just...
00:51:15I'm sick of this godforsaken hole.
00:51:18It's all right for you. You're rich. You've got your own business.
00:51:21You're not going to get rich at these trades.
00:51:23You'll end up owing him your shirt.
00:51:26Practically got it already.
00:51:29George, are you in trouble?
00:51:31How much do you owe?
00:51:34Oh, one place and another.
00:51:36A couple of thousand, maybe.
00:51:49Let me have 2,000, Flinch.
00:51:522,000? What for?
00:51:54Grub steak.
00:51:56Grub steak.
00:51:58So that's what you call it.
00:52:13What's this?
00:52:15Pay him off. Just give me a word you'll quit, George.
00:52:20Well, if you insist, but it'll be a mighty dull world.
00:52:23Sure. The man whose business is handling other people's money...
00:52:26Must be about suspicion, yes. I guess you're right.
00:52:31But I wish I didn't have to take this.
00:52:33Don't feel that way about it. I'm what friends are for.
00:52:43And long before the stars be damned
00:52:49I'll be with my love tonight
00:52:55She'll be in the glow, man
00:52:58Where all heaven beams
00:53:01And out there in the glow, man
00:53:04We'll find a trail of beams
00:53:07I'm riding in the glow, man
00:53:11I'm riding on a silver saddle
00:53:17The moon is my silver saddle
00:53:23And long before the stars skedaddle
00:53:29I'll be with my love tonight
00:53:35Me and my old Daisy
00:53:38Up there in the sky
00:53:41And my heart beating crazy
00:53:44But it's no wonder why
00:53:56That's it.
00:54:09I wish I were 10,000 miles from this place.
00:54:12Couldn't make any difference, George.
00:54:15You'd be the same wherever you were.
00:54:18Would you miss me, Martha?
00:54:21Why should I? You've got Lucy.
00:54:24How's Lucy?
00:54:27She's all right.
00:54:30She'll be all right.
00:54:33She'll be all right.
00:54:36You've got Lucy.
00:54:38Have I?
00:54:39If you haven't, it's your own fault.
00:54:41Of course.
00:54:42But a woman is supposed to love a man because of his faults, isn't she?
00:54:46Some women.
00:54:47But not you?
00:54:50Oh, Martha, don't be so hard.
00:54:52Why can't we be friends?
00:54:55Why can't you be a friend to yourself?
00:55:06I can't.
00:55:33Hiya, Camelos.
00:55:35Hi, Bert. What are you doing in town?
00:55:38I just blew in.
00:55:40I didn't expect you for another month.
00:55:43I didn't have any luck. I just wore out shoe leather.
00:55:46I'll buy you a drink.
00:55:48Thanks. Thanks, I can't.
00:56:06I'll see you tomorrow.
00:56:08I want to get my best out of you safe.
00:56:11Sure. Anytime.
00:56:19Hello, Mac. How are you?
00:56:21Hello, Mac. How are you?
00:56:36I've got to go home, Barry.
00:56:38Oh, no, Mac.
00:56:40I've got to go home.
00:56:42Come on, Tommy. Let him go.
00:56:44You know what you're missing, MacGyver.
00:57:36Go away?
00:57:38Leave Jacksonville? When?
00:57:40Tomorrow. Day after.
00:57:42As soon as we can.
00:57:44But why this sudden decision, George?
00:57:46Nothing sudden. It's just that I'm fed up with this whole...
00:57:49It's a place to strike it rich.
00:57:51And if you don't, you should try your luck someplace else.
00:57:54Luck doesn't depend on a place.
00:57:56George, can't you be content here?
00:57:59I'm not content.
00:58:01I'm not content.
00:58:03Can't you be content here?
00:58:05No, I can't.
00:58:07Let's go in. You're upset.
00:58:10Lucy, I'm going.
00:58:13You're going with me.
00:58:15You promised to marry me, didn't you?
00:58:19Well, when?
00:58:21Whenever you want.
00:58:23Sunday. This Sunday.
00:58:25Oh, no. I'll have to make a dress.
00:58:27Is a dress a marriage?
00:58:29Lucy, when did you say? Sunday?
00:58:32As soon as she can make a dress.
00:58:34Hello, Logan. Hello, Lucy.
00:58:37George, I'm off for San Francisco in the morning.
00:58:39I'll stop by to have a word with you.
00:58:41In private. Sure.
00:58:47What's the matter, dear? Nothing.
00:58:49Is it true that you and George are really getting married?
00:58:51Yes. Oh, but why the haste?
00:58:53George wants to go away.
00:58:55But, dear, where are you to find material for a dress in this camp?
00:58:59Yes, and besides, I always said that when my daughter got married,
00:59:02she'd have the finest wedding in the territory.
00:59:04I'll even get the governor to come down.
00:59:06I'll tell you what.
00:59:08Why don't you go along with Logan to San Francisco?
00:59:10No. Oh, but why not, dear?
00:59:12There are any number of French dressmakers there.
00:59:16I ought to knock your head off.
00:59:18What's the matter?
00:59:20You gave me your word you'd quit poker.
00:59:22Yes, Logan, I did.
00:59:24I had every intention of keeping it.
00:59:26The devil tempted you, I suppose.
00:59:31The devil with green eyes, envy.
00:59:33Envy of you, Logan.
00:59:35That's no answer. Maybe it's the only answer.
00:59:38But don't worry. I'll pay you back.
00:59:40I don't care about the money, George. I do.
00:59:44I'm pulling out.
00:59:46Going someplace else and make a strike.
00:59:48Pulling out?
00:59:50And taking Lucy with you?
00:59:52Lucy's my concern.
00:59:54Not if you're going to make her life a thing of running and hunting.
00:59:57Does she concern you that much?
00:59:59Yes, she does.
01:00:01I see.
01:00:05About San Francisco.
01:00:07Would you mind having a woman on your hands?
01:00:13I... no.
01:00:15I have to get a dress.
01:00:18You'll be in good company, Lucy.
01:00:20I'm starting early. I'll just stop at dances.
01:00:22Aren't you staying for supper?
01:00:24I can't. I have something to do.
01:00:28Well, hello, stranger.
01:00:30How much did you take off Camrose last night?
01:00:32About $1,500 in gold.
01:00:34Another $1,500 and a note.
01:00:39I want it back.
01:00:41You have a streak in you about Camrose.
01:00:44For me, he's strictly a tin horn.
01:00:46Tin horn or not, I want the money back.
01:00:49Look here, Logan.
01:00:51My money's in my pocket.
01:00:53I've got it.
01:00:55Look here, Logan.
01:00:57My business is carved.
01:00:58You do too well at it.
01:01:00If that money's not in Camrose's hands by the time I get back from San Francisco,
01:01:03I'll come after you.
01:01:19Where are you going?
01:01:25Shut up!
01:01:27What do you want?
01:01:29I thought it might interest you.
01:01:31Logan Stewart's leaving for San Francisco.
01:01:35Come on in.
01:01:44What are you bound for this time?
01:01:46I'm bound for Camrose.
01:01:48I'm bound for Camrose.
01:01:50I'm bound for Camrose.
01:01:52I'm bound for Camrose.
01:01:54Where are you bound for this time, Logan?
01:01:56To San Francisco, see if I can borrow some money.
01:01:59Are you in trouble, Logan?
01:02:01The trouble is my business.
01:02:02Like young Asa here, always outgrowing his pants.
01:02:05You're a moving around man, Logan.
01:02:08Well, a hound that rustles always catches a rabbit.
01:02:11And the hounds always lean and hungry from running too much.
01:02:16Aim to chew, my boy.
01:02:20I'm sure Logan didn't stop by here to see you wash dishes.
01:02:24Come on.
01:02:47Is she going to San Francisco to borrow money too?
01:02:53Should I be?
01:02:58Logan, there's nothing to delay us, is there?
01:03:02Not a thing.
01:03:05When's it going to be?
01:03:07Just as soon as I get back.
01:03:09A couple of weeks.
01:03:23What's that?
01:05:21Had to kill something.
01:05:23Get out of here.
01:05:39You'll have to make it back on foot.
01:05:43Another hard time for you to remember.
01:05:54That's what you wanted, wasn't it?
01:05:57Then don't look at me like that.
01:05:59Lucy, this is no good.
01:06:00You're lying.
01:06:01Logan, I want to get things straight between us before it's too late.
01:06:04It is too late.
01:06:10Maybe we can borrow a couple of horses at Eltham.
01:07:39I'm sorry about your wedding dress, Lucy.
01:07:42Any dress will do.
01:07:46What brought you back?
01:07:48A little trouble, Clash.
01:07:50The world is rocking with trouble this morning.
01:07:52Your world in particular, Logan.
01:07:54They've taken Camrose in for murder.
01:07:58Mac McIver.
01:07:59They found him drowned in the creek.
01:08:01Looked like an accident at first.
01:08:03But Johnny Steel and High Linnet got to working on it.
01:08:06Where is George?
01:08:07They're holding court on him now up at Stutchell's.
01:08:14And it blew on me that Camrose was tampered with the dust the boys left with the company.
01:08:18He was losing a lot of money at poker.
01:08:20That's hearsay, Johnny.
01:08:22What's wrong with hearsay if it's true?
01:08:24Johnny, what have I got here?
01:08:29A silver dollar.
01:08:31Are you certain of it?
01:08:33Dead certain.
01:08:36Howerson, what does it look like to you?
01:08:39You're wasting time, High. It's a plain old U.S. dollar.
01:08:42Well, you're mistaken. It's a Mexican dollar.
01:08:46You see, Johnny, what you don't see yourself, you can't swear to be true.
01:08:50You can't always swear that what you do see is true.
01:08:53Well, anyway, Camrose was losing a lot of money at poker.
01:08:57Hearsay, Johnny.
01:08:58You're trying a man for his life.
01:09:00Life is precious to all of you, isn't it?
01:09:03Well, it's precious to George Camrose.
01:09:05Life was good to MacIver, too.
01:09:07And it was took from him.
01:09:08Was it?
01:09:09Well, that's what we're here to find out.
01:09:11A murder trial calls for a proper judge and jury, doesn't it, Jonas?
01:09:13They understand that.
01:09:14Of course we understand. Let's go to the trial.
01:09:19Get on with it.
01:09:26Lestrade, did Camrose play poker with you?
01:09:30Did he lose money?
01:09:34How much would you say he lost?
01:09:36In the course of a year, maybe $5,000.
01:09:40Where'd you get it from?
01:09:42I won't say.
01:09:43You gotta say.
01:09:44You can't compel an accused man to answer questions, Johnny.
01:09:46That's the law.
01:09:47If a man's innocent, why should he be afraid to answer questions?
01:09:54Did you ever see Camrose take pokes out of the office safe
01:09:56and pour dust from one to the other?
01:10:00It was the night before MacIver was found in the creek.
01:10:03I happened to see a light and I looked through the shutter.
01:10:07You make a habit of spying on people?
01:10:09No, but I've got a habit of observing people.
01:10:12Is that all you have to do?
01:10:14Well, Logan, you've got a big store in no time
01:10:17and I've got a little store in lots of time.
01:10:21Order! Order!
01:10:23Get on with it, Johnny.
01:10:26All right.
01:10:28Now then, MacIver came into town.
01:10:31The next morning, he was found dead with his face in the creek.
01:10:34We didn't find any dust on him, but we did find this.
01:10:38A receipt that Camrose gave Mac for his dust.
01:10:45That's your writing, George?
01:10:48If you gave Miss Dust, why didn't you take back the receipt?
01:10:51I seldom give receipts.
01:10:53You remember, Johnny, I never gave you one.
01:10:55I just put your dust in the safe and when you asked for it, you got it.
01:10:59That's been my usual custom.
01:11:01All you boys know that.
01:11:05But MacIver wanted a receipt.
01:11:07I merely forgot to ask for it when I gave him back his dust.
01:11:10Careless, I'd say.
01:11:12We're all careless. With gold, it's the cheapest thing in camp.
01:11:15Is that all, Johnny?
01:11:18If so, it's not enough.
01:11:20On the testimony of a man squinting through a shutter,
01:11:23you've tried to show that Camrose is dishonest.
01:11:26And on the basis of an unreturned receipt,
01:11:29you deny he gave MacIver back his dust.
01:11:31You've proved nothing.
01:11:38Tell him, Leonard.
01:11:40Well, he came into my store a couple of days ago and traded me a nugget.
01:11:44I noticed it was shaped like a shamrock,
01:11:46so I put it in the box, set it up in my store for good luck.
01:11:50Well, that's Mac's lucky piece. He always carried it.
01:11:52Shamrock. That's Mac's?
01:11:54I knew that nugget.
01:11:55That's it. Sure it was Mac's.
01:11:57Well, there's the case, Logan.
01:11:59Twist it if you can.
01:12:01Camrose can only have gotten that nugget at a time when Mac couldn't resist.
01:12:05In other words, when Mac was dead.
01:12:08I make murder out of that.
01:12:15Just a moment. Just a moment, all of you.
01:12:18This meeting has no sanction.
01:12:20If you vote this man guilty, you must still hold him over to a regular court.
01:12:26Remember this.
01:12:28Remember, if you vote this man dead on that set of facts,
01:12:31you'll be setting the scene for another day when you may be voting yourself dead.
01:12:35Vote! Vote! Vote!
01:12:40All those who think he's guilty, say so.
01:13:06Did you know about the nugget?
01:13:19They'll hang him tonight.
01:13:21They'll just wheel his dock.
01:13:23You've done all you could, Logan.
01:13:30Dead, do you think he did it?
01:13:33Well, he's a weak man.
01:13:37Let's get along, Lucy.
01:13:40Lucy, Logan did everything he could. Don't ask him to do any more.
01:13:44I don't care.
01:13:46I don't care.
01:13:48I don't care.
01:13:50I don't care.
01:13:52I don't care.
01:13:54Don't ask him to do any more.
01:14:13Don't give us any trouble, Logan.
01:14:15We'll be disagreeable. If we're disagreeable or not, we'll shoot you.
01:14:18That's plain. I'm glad you told me.
01:14:21Don't do it, Logan.
01:14:25Don't do it.
01:14:43You've done enough, haven't you?
01:14:45No man has to go against reason.
01:14:49Is that what makes a man hungry?
01:15:22Broke out.
01:15:23How far did you come from?
01:15:24Oh, I came out about 12 miles.
01:15:26They said that we were about 12 miles behind me here.
01:15:28Is there any arms?
01:15:29There's a couple of them.
01:15:30Come on.
01:15:34How far away are they?
01:15:38This is out of bay, is it?
01:15:41You got no more pay dice?
01:15:44How big a party?
01:15:45Get away.
01:15:52George, pull on the door.
01:16:02Here, take the black horse from my barn.
01:16:04Watch your chance.
01:16:05Get up to the hills and keep going.
01:16:07Thanks, Logan.
01:16:08Thanks for your confidence.
01:16:09Don't flatter yourself.
01:16:11What are you doing this for?
01:16:15For Lucy's sake.
01:16:16You don't want her to see me strung up, is that it?
01:16:18Something like that, I guess.
01:16:22All right.
01:16:40Everything's on fire all along the line.
01:16:43My wife's dead.
01:16:44My little girl's dead.
01:16:45How many Indians did you see?
01:16:47Big band?
01:16:48Little band?
01:16:49What made them break out?
01:16:50I couldn't say for sure.
01:16:52The ferryman said it was on account of Honey Bragg killing an Indian girl.
01:16:55That's where they're heading.
01:16:57To our dances.
01:16:59Man ought to be tougher than that.
01:17:01That's a fool remark, Johnny.
01:17:03We'll have to raise the company, 60 men or more.
01:17:05Count me in.
01:17:07I'll go.
01:17:09On that mule?
01:17:10She can ride.
01:17:11You better stay here, just in case. Come on, let's go.
01:17:12Just in case they head this way.
01:17:14He's gone. He broke out.
01:17:16Broke out how?
01:17:17He busted the lock.
01:17:18Why didn't you watch him?
01:17:22I warned you, Logan.
01:17:27You're making long guesses again, Johnny.
01:17:30Whoever's going will be here in 20 minutes.
01:17:32Scrub enough for three days.
01:17:35We'll take care of you later, Logan.
01:18:36There, now you can let it go.
01:18:40There we are.
01:18:42Liza, you're just about the best little helper a man ever had.
01:19:59How big an outfit was it, Logan?
01:20:0130 mules.
01:20:02I wonder if Mera and Blazer got away.
01:20:39We were jumped, Logan. Mera was killed.
01:20:41How are things here?
01:20:42Bad. Mr. Dance is dead and young Asa, too.
01:20:44Where's Caroline?
01:20:45She's gone. She's up in the brush hunting a cow.
01:20:47I found her trail, but I couldn't follow it.
01:20:57I'll have coffee for you all in a little while.
01:21:00We'll take you up to the ferry, Mrs. Dance, it'll be safer.
01:21:03No, I wouldn't...
01:21:04I wouldn't feel easy underfoot in another woman's house.
01:21:11Well, what kind of dress was Caroline wearing?
01:21:16Blown white check.
01:21:18Did she have a gun?
01:21:23I don't recollect.
01:21:26There was firing all around while the Red Beasters were here.
01:21:30My Ben was killed right off.
01:21:34It was him I was thinking about.
01:21:37Not anybody else.
01:21:44Caroline was out looking for that no-horned cow.
01:21:47She was a breachy creature, always knocking down the fence.
01:21:50There was some kind of grass up in the canyon that she yearned for.
01:21:53Sing out!
01:22:05I'm coming in!
01:22:08Stay where you are!
01:22:11Hunt that beast!
01:22:17You want me hanging from a tree skinned and dressed?
01:22:21I ain't got nothing coming to you!
01:22:23I'm coming in!
01:23:05Come here, quick!
01:25:17How are they all?
01:25:21Mrs. Bant is all right.
01:25:27He's dead, Caroline.
01:25:29So is Asa.
01:25:59I want all of you to come back to Jacksonville and put up at my place.
01:26:03I wouldn't want to do that.
01:26:06You'll be doing it soon.
01:26:12I don't want to leave here, Logan.
01:26:15I can never be a town woman again.
01:26:17I can never be a woman moving around.
01:26:20I... I disappoint you.
01:26:24It came to me last night.
01:26:26We're not the same.
01:26:28And then today when you found me, you and Vane, I was sure.
01:26:36I want to look out of the window and see my man plowing.
01:26:39And in the evening, see him in the kitchen rocker.
01:26:44You're thinking of Vane?
01:26:47I'm thinking I'm not hurting you too much, Logan.
01:26:51And as time went by, I'd be hurting you.
01:26:54Is that it?
01:26:56That's it.
01:27:21Caroline, cry and help some people a lot.
01:27:36Some people it doesn't help.
01:27:55You folks all right?
01:27:56Oh, yes.
01:27:57Well, what about the dancers?
01:27:58They were hit pretty bad.
01:27:59Ben and little Asa were killed.
01:28:01And Caroline?
01:28:02Caroline's all right.
01:28:03Well, didn't you bring her back with you?
01:28:04It's dangerous where she is.
01:28:05She wouldn't come.
01:28:06She doesn't like towns.
01:28:07Well, she'd better get to like them if she's marrying you.
01:28:09She's not.
01:28:10She's marrying Blazer.
01:28:34Well, what did I tell you?
01:28:41About what?
01:28:42About the trouble that always comes.
01:28:44And your crescent-backed string was destroyed over in the Applegate.
01:28:48Scottsburgh outfit's gone too.
01:28:50Blazer got clear.
01:28:52You know how you stand, Logan?
01:28:57You're broke.
01:29:11This is what you like cameras.
01:29:15Where is he?
01:29:19Indians get him?
01:29:21One of the boys.
01:29:24Never mind which one.
01:29:33There was a lot of good in George.
01:29:35He sure panned out no color.
01:29:38It's a thin margin, Johnny, between what could be and what is.
01:29:43Which thinned for you last night.
01:29:46We were a mind to hang you.
01:29:55You see how thin the margin is?
01:30:00Did you know about this?
01:30:04In some other kind of country, you might have made the grade.
01:30:13There's not much left, is there?
01:30:15Not much.
01:30:16Well, Logan, now you haven't got any store.
01:30:20But you've got lots of time.
01:30:23I guess I'll have to make that trip to San Francisco after all.
01:30:26See if I can rustle up some credit.
01:30:28Want some company?
01:30:30If you can keep up with that mule.
01:30:33I'll see you.
01:30:36When are you leaving?
01:30:37In the morning.
01:30:43Would you mind having your woman on your hands?
01:30:52Oh, buttermilk sky.
01:30:55Can't you see my little donkey and me?
01:30:58We're as happy as a Christmas tree.
01:31:00Heading for the one I love.
01:31:03I'm going to part with the question.
01:31:05That question.
01:31:07Do you, darling, do you do?
01:31:10It'll be easy, so easy.
01:31:13If I can only bank on you.
01:31:15Oh, buttermilk sky.
01:31:18I'm telling you why.
01:31:20Now you know.
01:31:21Keep it in mind tonight.
01:31:24Keep crushing those clouds from sight.
01:31:26Oh, buttermilk sky.
01:31:29Don't you fail me when I need you most.
01:31:32Hang a moon above her head too close.
01:31:35That's what you do to the one I love.