• last year
00:00:30Thank you.
00:00:31Muchas gracias.
00:00:32Thank you.
00:00:34Thank you.
00:00:35Muchas gracias.
00:01:04Bernadette, 59.
00:01:06Faster, please.
00:01:33Espera, ¿dónde vas?
00:02:02¿Dónde vas?
00:02:07¿Dónde vas?
00:02:33Just what you wanted.
00:03:00No hay novedades?
00:03:01Nika, no deberías torturarte tanto.
00:03:14El doctor lo dejó claro.
00:03:15No puedes forzar más tu cuerpo.
00:03:19Son muchos intentos de fertilización seguidos.
00:03:22Nika, por favor, no suframos más, te lo pido de corazón.
00:03:26Si seguimos de esta forma, arruinarás tu salud, ¿comprendes?
00:03:30Se te ve mal.
00:03:31Pareces cansada.
00:03:32Así que tengo mala cara.
00:03:38Menos mal que tu pasa estás muy guapo.
00:03:42Tengo una reunión importante hoy.
00:03:44¿Quieres acaso que me ponga a llorar contigo?
00:03:47¿Qué hay de bueno en eso?
00:03:50Teníamos un trato.
00:03:52¿Qué pasa?
00:03:53¿Por qué lloramos?
00:03:54Adivina tú misma.
00:03:57La fertilización no dio resultado.
00:03:58A ver, lo hemos hablado todos.
00:04:03Ahora soy la única que lo necesita.
00:04:04Desde luego yo no lo necesito.
00:04:06Tú claramente sí.
00:04:08Tienes el instinto maternal no gastado.
00:04:10Y claro que no lo vas a desperdiciar conmigo.
00:04:13Me tengo que ir.
00:04:22Yo también quería un hijo.
00:04:24Un hijo.
00:04:25Lo sabes muy bien.
00:04:28También fue muy difícil para mí sobrellevar aquella pérdida.
00:04:33Pero no podemos obsesionarnos, ¿comprendes?
00:04:36Estoy cansado de vivir según tu calendario de ovulación.
00:04:38Pasa, tengo 42 años.
00:04:43Simplemente ya no tengo tiempo.
00:04:45Entonces dedícaselo a tu hija.
00:04:47O a mí, por ejemplo.
00:04:48Por favor.
00:04:49Te lo ruego, intentémoslo de nuevo.
00:04:54Mi médico dijo que en dos meses sería posible.
00:04:56Podemos usar el material de donantes, Pash.
00:04:59No, Nika.
00:05:00Conmigo no cuentes.
00:05:01No participaré.
00:05:02Sabes, Katia tiene razón.
00:05:05Estás perdiendo la cabeza.
00:05:07Ya estás hablando de donantes externos.
00:05:09Dios mío.
00:05:10Busca tú sola al donante.
00:05:13Si tanto lo deseas.
00:05:14Hola, amorcito.
00:05:29Lo siento, no pude responder.
00:05:30Tuve problemas en casa.
00:05:31Sí, por supuesto que nos vemos.
00:05:34Sí, como dijimos.
00:05:44Hola, Nika.
00:05:58No, no me estás interrumpiendo.
00:06:02Estoy en el restaurante.
00:06:04Quiero tomar un café.
00:06:06Derramaron agua en la mesa cinco.
00:06:08Sí, sí, estoy aquí.
00:06:12Venga, suelta la sopa.
00:06:14¿Qué querías decirme?
00:06:15Tu hermano y yo hemos discutido.
00:06:18Dice que ya no quiere ser el donante de esperma.
00:06:22Me da risa.
00:06:23Lo siento.
00:06:24No sabía que nuestro Pasha era un donante de esperma.
00:06:26¿Será el dios de inseminación o qué?
00:06:29Clara, no es gracioso.
00:06:32Dime, ¿realmente tengo un mal aspecto?
00:06:35Bueno, pareces cansado últimamente.
00:06:38Necesitas relajarte.
00:06:40Sí, ¿te vendría bien un masaje o ir a la piscina a nadar?
00:06:47Nina, te voy a despedir y no tendré en cuenta tus méritos especiales.
00:06:54Sí, lo siento.
00:06:58¿Nadar, dices?
00:07:00Quizá debería de ir a la piscina.
00:07:04Tenía un certificado de regalo en alguna parte.
00:07:08Aquí está.
00:07:09¿Fuiste tú a regalarme?
00:07:10¿Dónde lo saqué?
00:07:11Pues genial.
00:07:12El agua lo limpia todo.
00:07:24Pasha, otra vez están ahí esas personas desagradables.
00:07:28Están subiendo.
00:07:29Me ha llamado el guardia.
00:07:30Olga, por favor, dígales que no estoy disponible.
00:07:33Y dígales que no sabe cuándo volveré a estarlo.
00:07:36Le he echado unas gotitas de valeriana.
00:07:40¡Salga de aquí ahora mismo, Olga!
00:07:42Y dígale a Sergey que salga.
00:07:45Él ya sabe a dónde.
00:08:24¿Los viste?
00:08:25Están aquí otra vez.
00:08:26Sí, Olga, están en la sala de negocios.
00:08:29Me dijiste la última vez que lo solucionarías todo.
00:08:31Y aquí están, no ha pasado ni un año.
00:08:33Y ya están detrás de mí.
00:08:34¿Qué pasa ahora?
00:08:35Mira, Verónica había avisado que no anduvieras con ellos.
00:08:38¿Y tú?
00:08:39Si hubiera seguido sus indicaciones, las de Verónica, ahora estaría vendiendo calzoncillos en el mercadillo.
00:08:44Mira, me voy a tener que ir, ¿vale?
00:08:46Tú haz lo que quieras.
00:08:51No lo sé.
00:08:54Aplaza el pago.
00:08:55O pide una nueva financiación.
00:08:57Al fin y al cabo me debes dinero.
00:08:59Así que...
00:09:01Hola, amorcito.
00:09:02Sí, escucha, no pude llamarte.
00:09:04Tengo lío.
00:09:05No, no pasa nada.
00:09:06Me surgieron unos problemas acá en la empresa.
00:09:09¿Pero qué dices?
00:09:11Mujeres, ¿de qué hablas?
00:09:14Tranquila, iremos mañana a las afueras de la ciudad.
00:09:17Te lo prometo.
00:09:18Todo está bien.
00:09:28¿Sabes, Tioma?
00:09:29Estoy harta de toda esa historia ya.
00:09:31Han pasado seis años y ya todavía no lo ha superado.
00:09:34Me siento como si fuera de segunda calidad.
00:09:36¿Y tu padre, qué?
00:09:38Antes también deseaba tener un hijo.
00:09:40En plan jugar al fútbol con él, enseñarle los negocios, ir a pescar.
00:09:44Ahora parece que ya no le interesa tanto.
00:09:46No es un poco tarde para ellos.
00:09:48Hoy en día hasta las mujeres de 50 años dan a luz.
00:09:52Es una nueva tendencia.
00:09:54Los niños retrasados son genios o idiotas.
00:09:57Son más idiotas.
00:09:58Siempre les toca lo mejor.
00:10:02Día 2
00:10:14Buenos días.
00:10:15Le he llamado hoy...
00:10:16¿Erenica Dimitrivna, sí?
00:10:17Sí, saico.
00:10:18Vemos su certificado. Gracias.
00:10:20¿Tiene el informe médico?
00:10:23Mira, nuestro médico tiene la consulta en el segundo piso, la tercera oficina a la derecha.
00:10:27¿Me lo llevo?
00:10:28Sí, claro.
00:10:30Buen día.
00:11:00Día 3
00:11:08Nadas muy bien. Un pasado deportivo.
00:11:11Sí, hace ya.
00:11:14Sería más cómodo con gafas.
00:11:16Puedes tomar las mías.
00:11:22Él mismo.
00:11:23Y yo te he reconocido, Ruyova, por tu forma de caminar.
00:11:26Y pruebas el agua con el pie antes de saltar.
00:11:28Entonces no he envejecido mucho.
00:11:31Atrapas todas las miradas.
00:11:37Mira, vamos a tomar un café.
00:11:39Aquí cerca hay una cafetería. Hacen un café riquísimo.
00:11:42Todavía quería nadar un poco.
00:11:44Así que tonto, tienes que nadar.
00:11:46Te espero en la cafetería dentro de una hora, ¿vale?
00:11:58Día 4
00:12:06Incluso el agua con cloro no puede estropear tu belleza.
00:12:09Para ya esa adolación grosera.
00:12:12Tengo cuarenta y dos años y acabo de mirarme en el espejo.
00:12:16Inclusive sabes apreciar tu belleza.
00:12:29Dime, ¿tienes algún papel por ahí?
00:12:31Puedes ir a buscar.
00:12:36Oh, arranca algunas hojas.
00:12:37Quémalo todo, joder.
00:12:43Estos son tus apuntes.
00:12:44Chumachka, no me los llevaré a Polonia.
00:12:47¿Y para prepararte los exámenes?
00:12:49Mi padre paga por todo.
00:12:50¿Qué exámenes?
00:12:51Venga, quémalo.
00:12:53Entonces, ¿te aceptarán sin exámenes?
00:12:56¿Y eso es verdad?
00:12:57Mi papá dijo que todo estaba en orden.
00:12:59Solo falta el polaco.
00:13:01Entonces seguramente te irás.
00:13:03Sí, ¿y por qué no?
00:13:09Tengo una idea.
00:13:16Ahora entiendo por qué has elegido a Pablo.
00:13:19Es un hombre de verdad.
00:13:21Él sabe lo que quiere.
00:13:23Casi me muero de sufrimiento.
00:13:25Dime, ¿me echaste de menos?
00:13:29¿Te acordabas de mí?
00:13:31No hablemos del pasado.
00:13:33Ah, sí, claro, vale.
00:13:35Está bien.
00:13:37Hablemos de lo que tenemos ahora.
00:13:41Soy soltero.
00:13:42No tengo hijos.
00:13:44Tengo algún negocio.
00:13:47Me gusta algo.
00:13:49Tengo algún negocio.
00:13:52Me gusta viajar.
00:13:55Tengo una hija de 17 años, Katia.
00:14:00Pasa se ocupa de equipos de bombeo.
00:14:03Trabaje con él muchos años.
00:14:05Le doy la contabilidad administrativa.
00:14:07Los últimos años ya no.
00:14:10¿Y por qué?
00:14:13Tú nunca querías estar en casa.
00:14:16Estar en casa no, definitivamente.
00:14:20Ya sabes, la vida en familia es complicada.
00:14:24La hija tiene una pubertad difícil.
00:14:27Pasa y yo...
00:14:31Lo siento.
00:14:32¿Qué pasa?
00:14:35Ya basta.
00:14:36Está bien.
00:14:38Vamos a caminar.
00:14:41Lo siento.
00:14:45Bueno, cuéntame.
00:14:47Tal vez te pueda ayudar con algo.
00:14:50Pero si no puedo, al menos escucharé.
00:14:52¿Sabes lo gratificante que suele ser contarle a un desconocido todo?
00:14:57No eres un desconocido.
00:15:00Ah, sí.
00:15:01Entonces vamos, Rijik.
00:15:02Comparte tu dolor con un viejo amigo.
00:15:04Mira, incluso recuerdo que alguna vez fuiste un Rijik seductor.
00:15:08¿A dónde ha ido todo?
00:15:10Nadie me ha llamado así desde hace años.
00:15:14Ni siquiera sé por dónde empezar.
00:15:23Hace unos años perdí a un hijo.
00:15:27Tuve un embarazo perfecto, nacimiento perfecto, bebé perfecto.
00:15:33Y murió al cabo de un mes.
00:15:38Una muerte súbita.
00:15:41¿Y qué es esto?
00:15:44Un paro respiratorio en el contexto de una salud completa.
00:15:51La autopsia no determina la causa.
00:15:59Dios, lo siento.
00:16:06Sigo preguntándome cómo seré él ahora.
00:16:10¿Qué cuentos le gustaría escuchar?
00:16:12¿Qué dibujos ver?
00:16:14Me estaba volviendo loca y decidí que debía dar a luz de nuevo.
00:16:21Un año de psicoterapia, sexo programado, indeterminables exámenes,
00:16:30tratamiento para mil cosas y resultado cero.
00:16:37Algo así.
00:16:39Mucha fertilización es in vitro.
00:16:42Paso ya no quiere nada, ni al niño, ni a mí.
00:16:47Hasta hace poco soñaba con jugar al fútbol con el niño,
00:16:52a donde lo mandaríamos a estudiar, pero ahora...
00:16:57¿Sabes, Rijik?
00:16:59Los hombres tenemos instintos totalmente diferentes.
00:17:02Y sus preocupaciones femeninas nunca entenderemos.
00:17:06Lamento haberte agobiado con todo esto.
00:17:10Llevamos 20 años sin vernos y ahora tu ex Rijik te montó un show.
00:17:18Los ex Rijiks no existen.
00:17:21Así que nada de disculpas.
00:17:24¿Vienes en coche?
00:17:26Dame las llaves.
00:17:28Te llevaré a casa y volveré en taxi.
00:17:30No se aceptan objeciones. Vamos.
00:17:58Nika, ¿qué camisa me pongo?
00:18:00Tengo una reunión importante hoy.
00:18:02¿Acaso planchaste mi camisa azul?
00:18:04Esa, mi favorita. Me encanta.
00:18:06No, se me ha olvidado.
00:18:12¿Pero qué estás diciendo?
00:18:14Sabes perfectamente que la necesito.
00:18:18¿Pero qué te ocurre? Estás muy rara.
00:18:20Ahí tumbada.
00:18:22¿Dónde está el café y mi desayuno?
00:18:26Ponte esta.
00:18:28Tu barriga no se ve tanto en ella.
00:18:32Te prepararé café ahora.
00:18:37Veamos. No he comprendido bien.
00:18:40¿Acaso piensas que soy gordo?
00:18:43¿No ves que te has quedado sin los agujeros en el cinturón?
00:18:47Pasa, admite que ya no eres un apolo.
00:18:56¿Pero por qué dices eso?
00:18:58¿Quieres discutir?
00:19:00No quería lastimarte.
00:19:02Solo estoy preocupada por ti.
00:19:04Tener sobrepeso a tu edad no es una broma.
00:19:07¿A mi edad?
00:19:09Tenemos la misma edad, Nica.
00:19:11Pero mi peso no ha cambiado desde hace 20 años.
00:19:15De verdad, no entiendo nada de lo que te pasa.
00:19:19¿Quieres ofenderme?
00:19:21¿Dónde está el café?
00:19:24No te preocupes. Aquí está tu café.
00:19:26Aquí está tu desayuno favorito.
00:19:31Tienes un buen aspecto.
00:19:44¿Quién te escribe?
00:19:47¿Por qué de repente te interesa?
00:19:51Rara, estás muy rara.
00:19:53No he dormido bien.
00:19:55¿No llegas tarde al trabajo?
00:19:57Mira la hora.
00:20:01Gracias. Estaba delicioso.
00:20:09Hola, Nikachika.
00:20:11Hola, Lara. ¿Te he despertado?
00:20:13Qué va. Llevo despierta desde las 6 de la mañana.
00:20:16El carnicero ha hecho una oferta.
00:20:18Ya sabes, no podía perdérmelo.
00:20:21Pero ya voy al restaurante.
00:20:23¿Tú qué tal?
00:20:25¿Por qué no tomamos café o...
00:20:27¿Y luego tú vas a trabajar y yo al súper?
00:20:29¿Ha pasado algo?
00:20:34Estoy intrigada. Cuéntame ya.
00:20:37Vi a Igor.
00:20:40¿Acuerdas de él?
00:20:41Paseo y él montaron un negocio juntos hace mil años.
00:20:44Claro que lo recuerdo.
00:20:46¿Y qué hay de él?
00:20:50Es guapo.
00:20:55Es guapo.
00:20:57Aunque tiene la misma edad que Pasha.
00:20:59Lara, si lo vieras nadar...
00:21:02Ya veo.
00:21:03Es que Pashka ha engordado por tu propia comida.
00:21:06Escucha, ¿este Igor está casado?
00:21:09Los detalles cuando nos veamos.
00:21:11Nos vemos donde siempre, ¿de acuerdo?
00:21:15¿Y quién es ese guapo de Igor?
00:21:17¿Y por qué la tía Larissa lo conoce y yo no?
00:21:20Porque éramos amigos antes de que nacieras.
00:21:23Antes de nacer yo.
00:21:24Entonces no me incumbe, ¿no?
00:21:26Que ya no empieces.
00:21:27Mamá, lo has empezado tú.
00:21:29¿Y dónde está mi papito?
00:21:31¿Lo has enviado a donar esperma otra vez?
00:21:35Buenos días a ti también, hija.
00:21:49Es un hombre guapo.
00:21:51Era guapo ya de joven.
00:21:54Y tú lo rechazaste.
00:21:56Recuerdo que él perdió la cabeza por ti.
00:21:59¿De qué estás hablando? No entiendo.
00:22:01Espera ahora.
00:22:04¿Qué más?
00:22:06Se me ha olvidado por completo.
00:22:09Bueno, enséñale el territorio, las salas.
00:22:13Se me ha olvidado por completo.
00:22:15Han llegado unos clientes para ver el restaurante para su boda.
00:22:18¿Es que Pasha no te lo había contado?
00:22:20Muy raro.
00:22:21Igor incluso le regaló su parte de negocio a Pasha.
00:22:24Y desapareció.
00:22:27No importa, ya han pasado 20 años.
00:22:29Nika, ¿qué te está pasando?
00:22:31Por teléfono estabas de buen humor.
00:22:34Y ahora te veo muy apagada.
00:22:39Tuvimos una pelea.
00:22:41Escucha, habla con tu ahijada.
00:22:43Es imposible estar con ella.
00:22:45Contesta mal, es grosera.
00:22:47Está bien, lo haré.
00:22:49Nika, lo siento, me tengo que ir.
00:22:51Igor, adiós.
00:22:55Necesito 300 dólares.
00:22:57Los polacos me pagarán 6,000 por tres meses.
00:23:00Te los devolveré tan pronto lo reciba.
00:23:03¿Y son de fiar?
00:23:05No, todo será por contrato y firmas.
00:23:09Si todo es tan legal, ¿por qué no te descuentan esos 300 dólares del primer salario?
00:23:14Lo necesito para preparar la documentación.
00:23:17Lo necesito ahora. ¿Me ayudarías?
00:23:20Lo necesito mucho.
00:23:22Yo tampoco tengo donde conseguirlo.
00:23:36Mamá, te escucho, ¿sí?
00:23:38He cogido la levadura y harina.
00:23:40Está bien, estaré ahí pronto.
00:23:52Sí, yo mismo.
00:23:54¿No te sorprende que nos encontramos no por casualidad?
00:23:58Me ha parecido que era muy temprano para invitarte a una cita,
00:24:02pero para un encuentro casual mientras estás de compras...
00:24:05¿Qué cita?
00:24:06Te ayudaré.
00:24:07¿Me estás siguiendo?
00:24:09Sí, te sigo desde la casa.
00:24:12¿No te has dado cuenta?
00:24:16Estoy bromeando, claro.
00:24:20Tal vez un té, un café. Vamos a tomar algo.
00:24:23Disculpa, tengo que ir a ver a mi madre.
00:24:25Espera unas amigas para té.
00:24:27Tengo que llevarle la compra.
00:24:29¡Uy! Encuentro social.
00:24:31Lili Alexandrovna sigue socialmente activa.
00:24:33Soy impresionado.
00:24:35¿Te importa?
00:24:37No me importa.
00:24:39Lili Alexandrovna sigue activa.
00:24:40Soy impresionado.
00:24:42¿Te importaría si te llamaría algún día?
00:24:47Sí, llama, por supuesto.
00:24:48Trato hecho.
00:24:49El camino está abierto y el carrito de compras apartado.
00:25:09¿Por qué querrá le amarme?
00:25:16Sigue contándome.
00:25:21Cogí el certificado de regalo y fui allá.
00:25:24Larissa dijo que el agua lavaría todo.
00:25:26¿Sabes a quién encontré Lili?
00:25:27No, ¿a quién?
00:25:29¿Recuerdas a Igor?
00:25:31Claro que lo recuerdo.
00:25:32Es muy bueno.
00:25:33Estaba muy enamorado de ti.
00:25:35No te quitaba el ojo.
00:25:37Un típico enamoramiento infantil.
00:25:39¿Qué edad teníamos?
00:25:41Los enamoramientos en esa edad surgían y se apagaban a diario.
00:25:44Podías juntar un puñado de ellos.
00:25:46¿Y juntaste un puñado?
00:25:48Tuviste uno, pero ni siquiera te diste cuenta.
00:25:53Porque elegí a Pasha.
00:25:54Por supuesto que elegiste, sí.
00:25:56Pero no con el corazón, sino con la cabeza.
00:25:59¿También me conoces?
00:26:01Claro que sí.
00:26:04Escucha, Anika.
00:26:06Venga, dime.
00:26:08¿Qué está pasando entre Pashka y tú?
00:26:11¿Por qué fuiste a esa piscina a lavar no sé qué?
00:26:14¿Lo has lavado?
00:26:16Venga, danisa.
00:26:18Necesitamos medio kilo.
00:26:21Dijo que estaba harto de vivir según mi calendario de ovulación.
00:26:25Y si estoy tan obsesionada...
00:26:28¿Qué puedo encontrar a otro donante?
00:26:31¿Incluso así?
00:26:33Mamá, ¿realmente estoy loca?
00:26:38Pero no importa lo que pensemos.
00:26:40No importa.
00:26:42No importa.
00:26:44No importa.
00:26:46No importa.
00:26:48Pero no importa lo que pensemos.
00:26:50Has encontrado la fuerza para seguir viviendo.
00:26:53Gracias a este salvavidas.
00:26:55Así que agárrate a él.
00:26:57Mientras sea necesario.
00:26:59¿Y qué?
00:27:01¿Panel sigue rechazando la adopción?
00:27:06¿Aún existe la posibilidad de tener un hijo?
00:27:17¿Debería presionarlo?
00:27:19No sé qué vía escogerás.
00:27:22Por Dios, mamá, no soporto cuando hablas con acertijos.
00:27:25¿De qué vías?
00:27:26Mi única vía es la novena de fertilización in vitro.
00:27:32El médico cree que yo misma...
00:27:35...puedo quedarme embarazada.
00:27:37Parece ser que después de todos esos tratamientos...
00:27:40...de toda esa terapia hormonal...
00:27:43...supuestamente el cuerpo de la mujer debe de estar listo.
00:27:46¿Y el de hombre?
00:27:52También hablo sobre el material de los donantes.
00:27:55¿Así que te aconseja que busques otra pareja...
00:27:58...con mayor capacidad reproductiva?
00:28:01Está bien.
00:28:02Mamá, eres inreportable, te juro.
00:28:05Lo siento, tengo que irme ya.
00:28:07Aquí necesitas otros 150 gramos.
00:28:12Eres una niña adulta.
00:28:14Sabrás lo que haces.
00:28:16Y yo...
00:28:17...siempre estaré a tu lado.
00:28:27Ya decidiré yo...
00:28:29...para que no dudes, Pashinka.
00:28:37Rijik, ya me echas de menos.
00:28:39¿Cómo has conseguido mi número?
00:28:42Si te he localizado en el supermercado...
00:28:44...¿no crees que puedo averiguar tu número de teléfono?
00:28:47¿Estás de broma?
00:28:49¿Igor me está siguiendo?
00:28:51Imagínate esta situación.
00:28:53Me encuentras por casualidad...
00:28:55...como tomamos un café...
00:28:56...y luego me echo a llorar.
00:28:58¿Tú no te preocuparías por mí?
00:29:01Sí lo haría, tienes razón.
00:29:05Gracias, estoy un poco avergonzada.
00:29:09No te he encontrado...
00:29:10...y solo quiero volver a verte.
00:29:11Igor, discúlpame.
00:29:12Ya he ligado a casa.
00:29:13Tengo que aparcar.
00:29:15Es incómodo hablar aparcando.
00:29:17Oh sí, lo entiendo.
00:29:18No te detengo más.
00:29:19Te espero esta tarde a las seis en la piscina.
00:29:34Hola, ¿cuándo vuelves?
00:29:36Para ver qué hago para la cena.
00:29:38No cuentes conmigo.
00:29:40Ya te dije que hoy tenía una reunión muy importante.
00:29:44Me reuniré con los socios y...
00:29:46...más tarde cenaremos fuera de la ciudad.
00:29:50Así que no me esperéis despiertas, por favor.
00:29:56Y respecto a la cena de hoy...
00:29:59...decide tú misma.
00:30:01Oye, estoy ocupado.
00:30:02Mañana te llamo.
00:30:04Adiós, amor.
00:30:08Cacha, ¿quieres comer?
00:30:13Pero es que no tenemos nada preparado.
00:30:15¿Aún no?
00:30:17Pero puede cocinar algo rápido.
00:30:19¿Tienes hambre?
00:30:20Qué raro que te interese.
00:30:22Esta mañana no te importó que yo no desayuné.
00:30:25Normalmente no desayunas.
00:30:27¿Por qué me voy a preocupar?
00:30:29Es solo mi impresión o estás buscando la pelea?
00:30:32Mamá, admite que ya no te importó.
00:30:35¿Qué tonterías estás diciendo?
00:30:37Tienes 17 años, ya sabes cocinar.
00:30:40A papá sí que le cocinas.
00:30:42¿Es diferente?
00:30:43Sí, muy diferente.
00:30:45Y también lo harías por Vitalik.
00:30:49No hace falta que cocines para mí algo rápido.
00:30:51Ya veré dónde me darán de comer.
00:31:06¿Y por qué te van a pagar tanto dinero?
00:31:10Por recoger las manzanas y plantar árboles.
00:31:13Algo así creo.
00:31:14¿Trabajarás de agricultor?
00:31:15¡Qué grande!
00:31:16¿Y qué?
00:31:17Iré a verte los fines de semana.
00:31:19Escucha, ¿encontraste la pasta?
00:31:21Te lo devolveré, Cacha, sin falta.
00:31:23Voy a conseguirte ese dinero.
00:31:25¿Se lo pido a mis padres?
00:31:27¿Por qué los tuyos no te ayudan?
00:31:29Seguro que tu padre lo tiene.
00:31:32Pero para mí no.
00:31:34No ayudó ni cuando operaron a mi mamá.
00:31:37La familia nos ayudó.
00:31:39No sé.
00:31:41Quizás pueda vender el scooter.
00:31:43Sería una pena.
00:31:45Ya, vale.
00:31:46Ya pensaré en algo.
00:31:52La natación, en general, es el mejor antidepresivo.
00:31:55Lo probé yo mismo.
00:31:57Lo vi cuando trabajaba con mi padre.
00:31:59Ahora le digo a todos mis amigos,
00:32:01entre alcohol y psicoterapeuta,
00:32:03quédate con la piscina.
00:32:05¿Trabajaste como entrenador?
00:32:07Sí, un poco.
00:32:08Hace tiempo ya.
00:32:10Los años pasan.
00:32:11No he pisado en una piscina durante años.
00:32:16Es raro que nos encontráramos al mismo tiempo,
00:32:19y en la misma piscina.
00:32:21Esto no es casualidad.
00:32:23¿Lo organizaste?
00:32:26¿Lo organizaste?
00:32:29¿Cómo podría serlo?
00:32:33Es que últimamente he pensado mucho en ti.
00:32:36Sobre nosotros.
00:32:38¿Cómo podrían ser las cosas si no hubiéramos tirado la toalla?
00:32:42En aquel momento.
00:32:44Ya sabes, los pensamientos son materiales.
00:32:46Así que te atraje a la piscina,
00:32:48con el poder de los pensamientos.
00:32:59¿No tienes nada de prisa hoy?
00:33:02Parece que las negociaciones se prolongarán hasta el amanecer.
00:33:06El socio resultó ser muy terco.
00:34:26¡Qué vistas!
00:34:28Podría mirarlos sin parar.
00:34:31Es tuyo.
00:34:35Pero ten en cuenta que en un mes dejarás de fijarte en él,
00:34:38y empezarás a fijarte más
00:34:40en el molesto zumbido de aviones que pasarán para allá y para acá,
00:34:44y te esconderás detrás de las ventanas cerradas.
00:34:47¿Ese es tu plan?
00:34:49¿Encerrarme aquí por durante seis meses?
00:34:51Eres un maníaco.
00:34:53Sería fantástico.
00:34:55Pero mi plan es otro.
00:34:58Tendré que casarme contigo después de todo lo que ha pasado.
00:35:02No te preocupes.
00:35:04Te libero de esta obligación.
00:35:07No, no, no. Yo quiero.
00:35:10Es para toda la vida.
00:35:41Hola, abuela.
00:35:43¿Qué tal?
00:35:46Estoy bien, sí.
00:35:51Mira, yo...
00:35:53Yo quería hablar.
00:35:55Me ha caído el té encima del portátil,
00:35:57y si mis padres se enteran, me matan.
00:36:00Necesito 300 dólares para repararlo.
00:36:04Sí, me lo han dicho en el taller.
00:36:07Pero ¿para qué lo voy a enseñar a tu vecino si ya he hablado con el taller?
00:36:12Será más barato.
00:36:14Está bien, lo pensaré.
00:36:51Me tienes hasta las narices con tu Vitalik.
00:37:21No sabía que ibas a venir.
00:37:23Pensé que era una coartada más para Pavel.
00:37:27¿Y no le extraña que últimamente me visites tan a menudo?
00:37:31Creo que a él no le importa en absoluto.
00:37:34Le da igual dónde estoy, con quién.
00:37:36¿Y cuánto va a adorar esto?
00:37:39Puede que la fertilidad sea un problema.
00:37:42No, no, no.
00:37:44No, no, no.
00:37:46No, no, no.
00:37:48No va a adorar esto.
00:37:50Puede que la fertilidad de Igor esté fallando.
00:37:55Mamá, un mes es poco.
00:37:59Ay, Dios.
00:38:00Bueno, ¿qué vas a hacer con Igor si todo sale como tú quieres?
00:38:06¿Le dirás que ya es libre?
00:38:08¿El moro ha hecho su trabajo?
00:38:10¿El moro se puede ir?
00:38:11¿Y lo de Pavel?
00:38:14¿Crees que él creerá en este milagro?
00:38:18¿Acaso te acuestas con él?
00:38:21¿Le harás creer en la Inmaculada Concepción?
00:38:26Igor quiere que deje a Pasha.
00:38:29Igor quiere.
00:38:30¿Y tú qué quieres?
00:38:33Yo quiero cambiar mi vida.
00:38:35Quiero tener algo por qué vivir.
00:38:38Estarás enamorada.
00:38:40No murmures.
00:38:42¿Estás enamorada?
00:38:45¿Y si lo estoy?
00:38:47¿No puedo?
00:39:41Hello. There's a friend of yours who's passing by, and we have something in common.
00:39:45I'm sorry, but I don't want you to see us together.
00:39:47I understand. I'm leaving.
00:39:58Listen, you and I are adults,
00:40:00and I wouldn't like anything romantic than to be in hiding.
00:40:04I want to be with you.
00:40:07I want to sleep and wake up by your side.
00:40:10Travel, make plans,
00:40:13and not hide as if we were teenagers.
00:40:16And if you want the same, we have to make decisions.
00:40:21Do you understand that now it's difficult?
00:40:23I don't understand.
00:40:24If you want the same as me,
00:40:26if we want to have a normal family, kids, what's so difficult about this?
00:40:32You know, there might not be any kids.
00:40:36What do you mean there won't be any kids?
00:40:38We'll adopt.
00:40:40We'll take one from the orphanage and give him a home.
00:40:47Of course we'll adopt.
00:40:54Two espressos for Larissa Sergeyevna and her friend.
00:40:57For Larissa Sergeyevna?
00:40:59She usually doesn't drink coffee after dinner.
00:41:01How observant.
00:41:03I don't know, will it be a serious conversation?
00:41:09Larissa, I understand.
00:41:11The news is unexpected.
00:41:13Speak softly.
00:41:15You know how we've been lately.
00:41:18So what?
00:41:20Do we have to leave it?
00:41:21For Igor?
00:41:23I'm sorry, I understand you didn't expect it.
00:41:26That's why I wanted to tell you first.
00:41:29After all, first you're my friend,
00:41:32and then my husband's sister.
00:41:34Don't forget I introduced you.
00:41:37I'm responsible for your marriage.
00:41:39You're not responsible for anything.
00:41:41In general, there's no one to blame here.
00:41:47We've been separated for a long time.
00:41:50And while we worked together, it wasn't so obvious.
00:41:53But now...
00:41:55Nika, millions of people live like this.
00:41:58Few people manage to live as soulmates.
00:42:01And this isn't a tragedy.
00:42:03Have you thought about Katia?
00:42:05Where is Katia in all this?
00:42:08I thought...
00:42:10I thought...
00:42:12He's going to study in Poland.
00:42:14I hope she doesn't mind.
00:42:16Who is with whom...
00:42:18You already have everything planned from what I see.
00:42:21What do you want me to tell you?
00:42:22Why are you coming?
00:42:23Do you want blessings?
00:42:25Comprehension, Larissa.
00:42:31Nika, I...
00:42:33I could still understand if you found a younger man...
00:42:36With a good genetic pool, so to speak.
00:42:39Not this ghost of the past.
00:42:43I can't say I'm happy for you.
00:42:45This is a hasty decision.
00:42:47Even if it's yours, I just ask you not to tell Pasha yet.
00:42:51He has problems at work.
00:42:54I also need...
00:42:57Prepare me.
00:42:58You don't tell him anything either.
00:42:59No, no, no.
00:43:01I won't tell him anything.
00:43:04Thank you.
00:43:06Come on.
00:43:09Everything will be fine.
00:43:21Pasha, we need to talk.
00:43:23No, it's urgent.
00:43:26I'm going. Goodbye.
00:43:32What did you expect?
00:43:34That you would be able to be like this all your life?
00:43:37I did everything for my family.
00:43:40And personal life.
00:43:42That's it, personal.
00:43:44And you, little sister.
00:43:46Since when do you have morals?
00:43:48How many times did you cover me?
00:43:50My lies.
00:43:51You told Nika such stories and such lies...
00:43:54That even I was hallucinating what you said.
00:43:56And now it turns out that I'm a complete bastard.
00:43:58And who do you think you are?
00:44:00You didn't lose a single skirt.
00:44:02My girls at the hotel have already lost count.
00:44:05How many girls did you take there?
00:44:07I would tell you that I am surprised that Nika has never cheated on you until now.
00:44:12But when she did it...
00:44:14She did it big.
00:44:18Where did this guy come from?
00:44:20They saw each other by chance.
00:44:22But what else does it matter?
00:44:23It doesn't matter, you know?
00:44:24Let her go.
00:44:25And share the business?
00:44:27Yes, yes, yes.
00:44:28She will leave me and go.
00:44:38That guy will get nothing from me, do you understand?
00:44:53What do we have for dinner?
00:44:55Where is Katia?
00:44:59Why are you looking at me like that? Did I do something wrong?
00:45:02For dinner we have...
00:45:04Yogurt cream meatballs with potatoes.
00:45:07Katia is at her grandmother's house and I'm not looking at you if you think so.
00:45:11I'm glad Katia is not here.
00:45:14She would have eaten all the mushrooms.
00:45:20I'm hungrier than a wolf.
00:45:23Pasha, listen...
00:45:25Yes, tell me.
00:45:26I'm listening.
00:45:30I understand that maybe this is not the best time...
00:45:36But I want to tell you now.
00:45:37Now we have the preludes.
00:45:44Pasha, I'm leaving you.
00:45:47I'm sorry.
00:45:49Are you leaving?
00:46:00Are you sure you thought it through?
00:46:03Is this your final decision?
00:46:09I understand.
00:46:14If that's what you want.
00:46:19I love you.
00:46:34Don't go.
00:46:35This that happens to us...
00:46:37We can fix it.
00:46:39It's my fault.
00:46:41I love you, I care about you.
00:46:44I know you love me too.
00:46:46We've been together for 20 years now.
00:46:49These are difficult times, but they will pass.
00:46:53Better times will come.
00:46:54I'll make it happen.
00:46:58We've become strangers for a long time.
00:47:01You're always at work, I'm at home, Katia has grown up...
00:47:06There's nothing that unites us.
00:47:08Except the routine...
00:47:10And my evaluation table.
00:47:12This is just another family crisis.
00:47:18We'll get over it.
00:47:21We'll be able to get over it together.
00:47:28I understand you've found someone, right?
00:47:47I found Igor.
00:47:52So Igor...
00:47:56An old rival...
00:47:58He's on stage.
00:48:03Do you love him?
00:48:05Pasha, it's not about love.
00:48:09I want to live a full life, and Igor...
00:48:12Igor, of course he can give it to you.
00:48:16Listen, you haven't seen him in 20 years.
00:48:18You don't know anything about him.
00:48:20What does he do with his life and what does he do for a living?
00:48:22What does it matter?
00:48:24What if it wasn't Igor?
00:48:27You're right.
00:48:30Or not Igor...
00:48:32That doesn't matter now, but do you know what's more important?
00:48:35What you said.
00:48:37About love.
00:48:38That's not what it's about.
00:48:42We've been through...
00:48:46I think...
00:48:47We can fix it.
00:48:49You know...
00:48:51You and I have...
00:48:53A great union.
00:48:55It's my fault.
00:48:58Forgive me.
00:49:00I just...
00:49:01I got used to...
00:49:04To have you close...
00:49:06To love me...
00:49:08And I love you.
00:49:15Let's try it one more time.
00:49:17And if it doesn't work...
00:49:19We'll go together...
00:49:21To the school of adoptive parents.
00:49:23I already informed myself.
00:49:24We need it.
00:49:25We'll have a child.
00:49:27You'll see.
00:49:28My love.
00:49:38You can trust me.
00:49:44I love you.
00:49:54Let's see...
00:49:55Plastic tray.
00:49:57Three pieces.
00:50:07So she's staying.
00:50:08What did you tell her, Pavlik?
00:50:11Why don't you let her go?
00:50:16Why did it take you so long?
00:50:18Well, a client has been a bit violent in the living room.
00:50:22Valerka and I...
00:50:23Is he calm now?
00:50:25Not completely.
00:50:26But he's very drunk.
00:50:28But you know...
00:50:29He's saying he's a client and he's right.
00:50:44So you behave with me.
00:50:46You retire me.
00:50:47As for Pavlik, he called you with a finger.
00:50:50Look, he trusted you.
00:50:52And you turned out to be a liar.
00:50:54You're just looking for your profit.
00:50:55For God's sake, Igor, what profit?
00:50:57Wait, wait.
00:50:58Didn't Pavel give you the money?
00:51:01You even got bored.
00:51:03And it just seems like you're eternally in love.
00:51:06How well I've fallen for you.
00:51:08I'm sorry.
00:51:09Igor, we...
00:51:11You said you wanted to be with me.
00:51:13I was happy to give you anything.
00:51:16And now there's nothing.
00:51:22Paseo and I lived together for 20 years.
00:51:25What will happen to these years?
00:51:30I'm sorry.
00:51:32I've decided to give us a chance.
00:51:35I understand.
00:51:58For God's sake, what am I doing?
00:52:14I've seen your little Nina.
00:52:17She looks at me in a very strange way.
00:52:20Do you think so?
00:52:22I saw Pasha here the other day.
00:52:24Very handsome.
00:52:26In good shape.
00:52:27With muscles.
00:52:28You know, fresh as a cucumber.
00:52:30And what?
00:52:31Do you give her sex instead of dinner?
00:52:33Lara, please, don't embarrass me.
00:52:35Everything is fine.
00:52:39Go, go.
00:52:42Go, go.
00:52:43You'll clean up later.
00:52:47We're fine.
00:52:49Has it been a month?
00:52:51I don't think so.
00:52:53I think he's forgiven me.
00:53:00What part of what I said you didn't understand?
00:53:03Please go.
00:53:04You'll clean up later.
00:53:05It's okay.
00:53:06I hallucinate with these people.
00:53:08Please repeat.
00:53:09What did he forgive you?
00:53:14My betrayal.
00:53:17We trust each other.
00:53:20Of course, it's harder for him.
00:53:23He hasn't done anything wrong.
00:53:27Your betrayal, of course.
00:53:29So you trust each other.
00:53:32Let's see, wait.
00:53:33Let's focus on what's important.
00:53:35We came here to talk about Pasha's birthday.
00:53:38Lara, we've discussed everything.
00:53:40The menu, the music, the guests, even the clothes.
00:53:43The list should be around here.
00:53:45Don't worry.
00:53:46Everything is under my control.
00:53:48I have to go.
00:53:49I asked for a taxi.
00:53:50Wait, why a taxi?
00:53:51And where is Pasha?
00:53:52He has a kind of dinner with his partners.
00:53:54He said he'd be late.
00:53:56My God, the usual dinners.
00:53:58What are you whispering?
00:54:00I see.
00:54:02I say the taxi has already arrived.
00:54:05Come on.
00:54:06Take care.
00:54:19Hello, Pashenka.
00:54:21What are you doing, damn it?
00:54:23She trusts you, and you?
00:54:26I just scolded Nina.
00:54:28And you have dinner with your partners?
00:54:33You know what you're going to do.
00:54:36Okay, okay.
00:54:37All right.
00:54:50Friends, I also want to make a toast.
00:54:54Because Nika's toast had nothing more than I love you so much.
00:54:59But we're used to it.
00:55:02You know we don't love you just for your eloquence.
00:55:04Thank you.
00:55:07I want to talk about my brother.
00:55:10My dear brother.
00:55:12My little brother.
00:55:13My treasure.
00:55:15And my cross.
00:55:18Since you came into my life,
00:55:20you filled it so much that no one else could fit in it.
00:55:24I didn't want it either.
00:55:26I spent all my childhood with you.
00:55:29Taking care of you and protecting you from everyone.
00:55:32I even married you to my best friend to keep you close.
00:55:38I baptized your daughter.
00:55:40I hope I will also take care of your grandchildren.
00:55:44And you know, there is no secret that I do not know about you.
00:55:49But there is no problem that you do not help me solve.
00:55:53Thank you.
00:55:55I am very happy to have you.
00:55:58And be happy little brother.
00:56:00Thank you.
00:56:02Thank you little sister.
00:56:04I'm glad to know that you still love me.
00:56:07You know, you didn't have to tell me about the secrets.
00:56:10Don't start.
00:56:11Why do you have to talk about my grandchildren?
00:56:15For your information, I'm preparing to be a father.
00:56:21Why do you do that in front of everyone?
00:56:24This is our family.
00:56:26Calm down, dear.
00:56:28Do you think anyone here is aware of our affairs with the spirit?
00:56:32Let's see, when did you get so drunk, brother?
00:56:35Watch what you say.
00:56:39All right.
00:56:42You are breaking the tradition.
00:56:44I'm surprised.
00:56:46I've been snoring all afternoon near the kitchen and ...
00:56:48My God.
00:56:49How could I forget?
00:56:51I have prepared a traditional gastronomic surprise for you.
00:56:56He who guesses what will be served today for our birthday.
00:56:59And of course, all of you.
00:57:02Will take the gift recipe.
00:57:04Let's go there.
00:57:05Let's see.
00:57:07I think it's beef under truffle sauce.
00:57:10Well, no.
00:57:11Dad's favorite dish, duck with apples.
00:57:14Cake with bird's milk.
00:57:16Cake for the first course.
00:57:18What are you saying?
00:57:19Let's see if Lara gives us the recipe and you make it for me too.
00:57:27Can you explain your behavior?
00:57:32Do you want to talk?
00:57:35Right now.
00:57:37All right.
00:57:39I was ...
00:57:41Waiting for the right time.
00:57:52I'm with another woman.
00:57:54We will have a son.
00:57:56A child.
00:57:58I'll leave you.
00:58:02Are you deaf?
00:58:04I'm leaving.
00:58:07Prepare me some clothes for a few days.
00:58:10Olga Mikhailovna will come for it.
00:58:48Mom, I'm leaving.
00:58:51Mom, I have to go.
00:59:01Mom, dad called me.
00:59:04Okay, honey, don't be late, okay?
00:59:22Olga Mikhailovna is already here.
00:59:25Okay, go up.
01:00:05Olga Mikhailovna, good afternoon.
01:00:07Just don't say anything.
01:00:09I'm not going to say anything, I'll shut up, I'll shut up.
01:00:12Thank you.
01:00:14No, I can't stay quiet.
01:00:16Veronika Dmitrievna, look.
01:00:21You can count on me for anything.
01:00:24For everything.
01:00:26Just, God forbid, don't think I knew I was covering for you.
01:00:30Olga Mikhailovna, don't think that at all.
01:00:33What does it matter if you knew or not?
01:00:35Not for you, but for me, yes.
01:00:38Because your family, you and Pasha...
01:00:41I say, Pavel Sergeevich, you are like a family to me.
01:00:45If I had noticed something, I could have warned you, I could have done something.
01:00:52Do what, Olga Mikhailovna?
01:00:54Put a seat belt on them?
01:00:56Poison the lovers?
01:00:58Not you, but I must have noticed something, and now it doesn't matter.
01:01:01Now, are you going to have a child?
01:01:04Are you coming in a taxi?
01:01:06Pavel Sergeevich has left me a car.
01:01:08Victor is waiting for me.
01:01:29Hi, have you been waiting for me for a long time?
01:01:32Sorry, the teacher wouldn't let us out.
01:01:35The university is crazy, at home I have chaos.
01:01:38Mom either cries or is silent.
01:01:40She hasn't let her grandmother in.
01:01:42She would prepare something for us.
01:01:44Come on.
01:01:45And what do you know about your father?
01:01:47Is he still with the lover?
01:01:48No, it seems he's fine there.
01:01:50He has a new wife, a new baby, a new life.
01:01:54And have you seen that new love?
01:01:56No, I just know she's a coach.
01:01:59I think her name is Olena.
01:02:01Well, that's what Aunt Larisa told me.
01:02:04But she's not very aware either.
01:02:06Mom doesn't leave the bedroom.
01:02:09Well, your mother has her own plans.
01:02:12And she was also abandoned, but you didn't.
01:02:15For you, little daughter, nothing will change.
01:02:17I will always be your father and I will always love you.
01:02:20And specifically?
01:02:21He said he would give me the money for Poland, but later.
01:02:24Problems at work.
01:02:26See? Problems at work.
01:02:28Then the child will be born.
01:02:30And the problems with the child will begin.
01:02:33And then the new girlfriend, new braids, new teeth.
01:02:37And there will be more problems.
01:02:38Then the new car.
01:02:40Do you understand?
01:02:41And what do you want me to do?
01:02:43For the moment, nothing.
01:02:44You won't do anything that doesn't bother you.
01:02:46And second, you'll have to try to make friends with that new girlfriend of yours.
01:02:51And third, ask for money for the studies.
01:02:53And that's it.
01:02:54So as not to go in the middle of the quarter.
01:02:55I'm sorry, miss.
01:02:56There's no money left.
01:02:57Look how smart.
01:02:58Look how they don't kick you out of Poland.
01:03:00I have everything under control.
01:03:04I'm not going to be anyone's friend.
01:03:20Yes, hello.
01:03:23No, it can't be today.
01:03:24I'll be home.
01:03:28Let's go on the weekend.
01:03:31Yes, come on.
01:03:55What are you looking for?
01:03:56I want to eat.
01:03:57Why didn't you let Grandma in?
01:03:59At least she would prepare something.
01:04:01For now, without Grandma, please.
01:04:02Because if she doesn't come, she'll start saving everyone.
01:04:05And now I can't.
01:04:11Buy something done or cook something.
01:04:13Mom, but you know I don't have time.
01:04:15The uni, plus the Polish classes.
01:04:22So your plans haven't changed.
01:04:25Did you talk to Dad?
01:04:26Yes, I talked to him.
01:04:28And he wants to introduce me to his girlfriend.
01:04:52Mom, forgive me.
01:04:55I'm not going to meet her.
01:04:56I promise.
01:05:02Let's make your relationship with Dad yours.
01:05:06Away from me, please.
01:05:12Okay, I understand.
01:05:19I've met a psychotherapist.
01:05:21He specializes in post-divorce syndromes.
01:05:26Are there such syndromes?
01:05:28Do you think you're the only one?
01:05:30Do you know how many women are going through a crisis like this?
01:05:33Women, right?
01:05:34And what happens to men?
01:05:36The apocalypse of the second youth?
01:05:40My dear.
01:05:41Stop thinking about him.
01:05:43There's a fact.
01:05:44He'll have a son.
01:05:45He needs a divorce.
01:05:46He needs a divorce.
01:05:47He needs a divorce.
01:05:48He needs a divorce.
01:05:49He'll have a son.
01:05:50He needs a divorce.
01:05:51And then...
01:05:53He'll want to separate the assets.
01:05:56You're cruel.
01:05:57And why am I cruel?
01:05:58For the body to live, you have to cut off the sick parts.
01:06:03You talk like a surgeon.
01:06:04But come on, I understand everything.
01:06:06My name is Andre.
01:06:07I'm his lawyer.
01:06:09I'll meet him tomorrow.
01:06:11He doesn't answer my calls.
01:06:13He's quiet.
01:06:14He's behaving strangely.
01:06:20Did you talk to Pasha?
01:06:23Pasha disappeared completely.
01:06:25He only sends me text messages.
01:06:27I'm fine.
01:06:30And what should I do?
01:06:31And what are you going to do?
01:06:32Meet with the divorce lawyer.
01:06:34Sign papers.
01:06:38Live, Nica.
01:06:43Good morning.
01:06:44My name is Veronica Saikou.
01:06:46Andrit Kach.
01:06:47Andrit Kach.
01:06:49He called me.
01:06:50Good morning.
01:06:52Yes, yes.
01:06:53He's waiting for you.
01:06:55Good morning.
01:06:56I called him.
01:06:57Come in.
01:06:58Thank you.
01:06:59Good morning.
01:07:06Sit down.
01:07:10Veronica Dimitrevna.
01:07:11Pavel Sergeevich asked me to present his interests in the divorce process.
01:07:16The report too.
01:07:17You can take a lawyer to accompany you to the divorce.
01:07:21Do you think I can't do it alone?
01:07:22Customers usually prefer to minimize their participation.
01:07:29Pavel Sergeevich will be very busy now to solve his personal problems.
01:07:34But I can.
01:07:36So if I need the help of a lawyer, I'll get it.
01:07:39Don't doubt it.
01:07:41I have no doubts.
01:07:50This case of divorce.
01:07:52Let me join.
01:07:54No, Irina.
01:07:55This is my client.
01:07:56Thank you.
01:07:57It's not necessary.
01:07:59But let me know if you need anything.
01:08:05I see.
01:08:06I've seen that it's not a client, but a client.
01:08:10Very handsome, by the way.
01:08:12But our iron man.
01:08:14I haven't even offered him a coffee.
01:08:21Marta, my dear.
01:08:25Bring some water for Marta.
01:08:29So, my dear.
01:08:30Drink some water.
01:08:32You'll be fine.
01:08:34Don't you want?
01:08:35You'll be fine.
01:08:37So what?
01:08:38You say you've met Pavel's lawyer?
01:08:42You have to see it, Mom.
01:08:44The clothes well ironed.
01:08:46Arrows in the pants.
01:08:48That you can cut.
01:08:50And he behaved as if I were the one who is requesting the divorce and the guilt of my husband.
01:08:55And you have an unhappy poor man.
01:08:57Who worked all his life.
01:08:58He put a business in my name.
01:09:00And now, when he met his only woman, disinterested.
01:09:04I want to get rid of him.
01:09:05And why do you think he has to talk to you differently?
01:09:09His client is Pavel.
01:09:10Not you.
01:09:11You know, Mom.
01:09:13At least you could support me.
01:09:14To vary.
01:09:15I wanted to support you.
01:09:18But you didn't let me.
01:09:21I've already told you I'm sorry.
01:09:22Okay, you're forgiven.
01:09:23But I won't let you get discouraged.
01:09:26The unloved husband is gone.
01:09:29But how can you?
01:09:30And what?
01:09:31Well, if I can.
01:09:32And stop fooling yourself.
01:09:33You needed a son.
01:09:34Both Pavel and Igor were there for this.
01:09:37But that's all.
01:09:38This topic is no longer relevant.
01:09:41Listen to what that Andrei wants to tell you.
01:09:44Read all the documentation.
01:09:45And start acting.
01:09:54If you have any questions, please.
01:09:56You can tell me.
01:09:58Divorce papers matter everything.
01:10:00That's why there can be nothing unnoticed.
01:10:03Thank you, Andrei.
01:10:06Apparently everything is clear.
01:10:09In the documents.
01:10:11Tell me.
01:10:12How does all this happen?
01:10:13In your case.
01:10:14Due to the division of assets.
01:10:15The process is not fast.
01:10:17After all.
01:10:18They set up a company together.
01:10:20But Pavel Sergeyevich is in a hurry.
01:10:22And wants to get a divorce as soon as possible.
01:10:25I don't really agree with that.
01:10:26But I do what he tells me.
01:10:31We'll get a divorce in court.
01:10:33You have a younger daughter.
01:10:35And therefore.
01:10:36You have to do it.
01:10:38The meeting will take place in a few days.
01:10:40I'll let you know.
01:10:41It won't take long.
01:10:43But a little formality in the agreement.
01:10:45And that's it.
01:10:47What if I refuse to get a divorce?
01:10:49I don't advise it.
01:10:51I'll divorce you anyway.
01:10:52It will only complicate your life.
01:10:57My life is already complicated.
01:11:08A few days later.
01:11:16How much is left?
01:11:18What do you want to see?
01:11:19Come on, get out of here.
01:11:21I want to be here, period.
01:11:23Well, well.
01:11:24Have you seen your father?
01:11:26Mom did come in.
01:11:28Maybe I missed him.
01:11:33Has the husband arrived?
01:11:35Not yet.
01:11:37Andriy Georgievich can't wait any longer.
01:11:40The judge is already upset.
01:11:41His working day ended half an hour ago.
01:11:43Let's put another hour.
01:11:46What's going on?
01:11:47Where is peace?
01:11:48He hasn't answered my calls.
01:11:52I'm going to apologize to the judge.
01:11:53And we postpone the trial.
01:12:00I'll get in touch with you as soon as possible.
01:12:04You can leave for today.
01:12:06Can you explain to me what's going on?
01:12:08Where is he?
01:12:11I'll let you know in a little while.
01:12:13For now, goodbye.
01:12:15What do you mean, goodbye?
01:12:16Has he disappeared?
01:12:22Don't tell me we have to wait three days before denouncing the disappearance.
01:12:27I know Apasa.
01:12:28It's not typical of him to disappear like that.
01:12:31Has something happened?
01:12:34I'll do what I can for the trial.
01:12:39Well, what's new?
01:12:40Mom just went out with a man.
01:12:43And your dad?
01:12:46What if he changes his mind?
01:12:47Maybe he'll come back.
01:12:49Sometimes it happens.
01:12:50Look, I don't know, Katia.
01:12:51Let's go.
01:12:52We've been here all day.
01:12:53Let's go.
01:13:02You already know this place, man.
01:13:04You won't find anything there.
01:13:32They said he was with a pregnant woman at the gas station.
01:13:34They fought.
01:13:36Now the pregnant women didn't drown here.
01:13:38No, no.
01:13:39She went back to the city.
01:13:40The one at the gas station saw her leave.
01:13:42Will they recognize her in the car?
01:13:43It's a silver Jeep.
01:13:44Check the cameras.
01:13:45Of course.
01:13:46Go ahead.
01:14:04Leo, damn it.
01:14:07Where are you?
01:14:08What is this?
01:14:09Why are the customers complaining?
01:14:11The rice is undercooked and burned.
01:14:14Tell this baker to finish washing the dishes.
01:14:23They found Pasha's car.
01:14:27Okay, calm down.
01:14:29Okay, calm down.
01:14:32Let's get out of here.
01:14:33Let's go, let's go.
01:14:34Calm down.
01:14:36Let's see.
01:14:38What do you say?
01:14:40Where did they find the car?
01:14:42And Pasha?
01:14:43What about Pasha?
01:14:44Did they find him?
01:14:45They found him.
01:14:47They just found the car.
01:14:49Sit down.
01:14:50And the clothes.
01:14:54Calm down.
01:14:56Tell me calmly.
01:14:57Where did they find the car?
01:15:05The cliffs.
01:15:06On a slope.
01:15:07We played there in childhood.
01:15:11We were forbidden to jump there.
01:15:13Well, there.
01:15:16Everything is fine.
01:15:17Pasha knows that place like the back of his hand.
01:15:20God, Marisa.
01:15:21There is a whirlpool.
01:15:22It is possible that the body will never find us.
01:15:24God, what nonsense.
01:15:29I don't even want to hear about it.
01:15:33How absurd.
01:15:35Let's see.
01:15:36Calm down.
01:15:38What does the police say?
01:15:40What versions do they have?
01:15:41Is it a robbery?
01:15:42A robbery?
01:15:43A kidnapping?
01:15:45They asked me if I had...
01:15:49attempted suicide.
01:15:50But that's ridiculous.
01:15:51Pasha would never do something like that.
01:15:56And what do you know about his relationship with this...
01:15:59Maybe something happened to Lee?
01:16:03They were...
01:16:05Allegedly, Elia left before.
01:16:09You know?
01:16:11That's what Elia says.
01:16:12That it is not known if he tells something.
01:16:18Nika, dear.
01:16:19Listen to me.
01:16:20No woman would be able to make Pasha commit suicide.
01:16:24Do you understand?
01:16:27My God.
01:16:31Do you think...
01:16:33he's alive?
01:16:34I don't think anything.
01:16:36Right now I can't think of anything.
01:16:40how is Katia?
01:16:48Elia doesn't know anything.
01:16:49She's at my mother's house.
01:16:50I'll go with her, Lara.
01:16:56He wouldn't do that to me, would he?
01:17:01Nika, I'm sorry.
01:17:02I can't talk about that now.
01:17:04You go.
01:17:23I don't understand how this could happen.
01:17:27I can't even believe it.
01:17:31I know this place.
01:17:33Accidents always happen there.
01:17:39And mom, as always.
01:17:41Did I miss something?
01:17:42Are you crying because dad didn't come to court?
01:17:46But it's something good, right?
01:17:50Katia, come here.
01:17:55What is it?
01:18:00Your mother and I have something to tell you.
01:18:03It's just that...
01:18:07your dad...
01:18:09had an accident.
01:18:13Is he alive?
01:18:16We don't know.
01:18:18The car was found near the river.
01:18:22There's a chance that...
01:18:35It's your fault.
01:18:38It's all your fault.
01:18:44Wait, Katia.
01:18:48Katia, wait.
01:18:52Wait, I said.
01:19:17I'm sorry.
01:19:24So what?
01:19:29Katia isn't answering.
01:19:30I've written to Artyom.
01:19:32Give him time.
01:19:44It's all my fault.
01:19:48And with my own hands I took and destroyed my family.
01:19:54Dios was crazy to have a child.
01:19:56Maybe you were.
01:19:57But at least you were honest with him.
01:19:59However, he didn't go with you.
01:20:01Karma came to him.
01:20:03Mom, what are you...
01:20:04What karma?
01:20:07A madness.
01:20:08This shouldn't have happened.
01:20:10He knows how to swim very well.
01:20:11He once saved a man in the sea.
01:20:14Even those who know how to swim drown.
01:20:17It's karma for thinking he could do whatever he wanted.
01:20:22Both in the water and in relationships.
01:20:29So you think Paso died?
01:20:31You think he went all the way?
01:20:35I'm sorry, it's just an allegory.
01:20:41Artyom doesn't know where Katia is.
01:20:43Where is Katia?
01:20:45Dios, what do we do?
01:20:49Pablo Sergeevich's search continues, so...
01:20:52Maybe he's taking a break or something.
01:20:55We'll be happy if they find him.
01:20:58I hope Pablo Sergeevich is healthy and safe this year.
01:21:01But this has nothing to do with business.
01:21:04The debt is here.
01:21:07The payment deadline has expired.
01:21:09We want our money.
01:21:14As far as I know, Pablo Sergeevich was going to close this case, but...
01:21:18Now, due to his absence...
01:21:20He was going to close it, but he didn't.
01:21:23He disappeared.
01:21:24Maybe with money.
01:21:26But who is in our documents?
01:21:28It's Veronica Dmitrievna.
01:21:30She hasn't disappeared.
01:21:33Let her pay the debt.
01:21:35I agree, Andrews.
01:21:38Yes, definitely, but...
01:21:40I would ask you to wait a little...
01:21:43Until something is clear with my client's disappearance.
01:21:46Veronica Dmitrievna left the business a long time ago.
01:21:50And what?
01:21:51You can wait.
01:21:52We'll do it.
01:21:55Everything is here.
01:21:56Numbers, percentages, penalty for delay.
01:21:59And her signature.
01:22:01So if I were her, I'd hurry.
01:22:11I don't understand how it could happen.
01:22:14Wow, are you crazy?
01:22:16What was I thinking, accepting these conditions?
01:22:20What was I thinking?
01:22:21I was jumping into an abyss.
01:22:24Do you think it's because of the debt?
01:22:26I don't know, but what's that amount?
01:22:31Did you tell Veronica about the abyss?
01:22:37Did you tell Veronica about the debt?
01:22:41She knows about this.
01:22:43She has been away from the matter for many years.
01:22:53Katia, nothing is known yet.
01:22:56We have to wait for your father to recover.
01:22:59And what?
01:23:00And where did he go?
01:23:01Did he run away?
01:23:03I don't know.
01:23:06I just hope so.
01:23:07And what should I wait for?
01:23:09He promised to give me money to study in Poland and for life in general.
01:23:13And now what?
01:23:15We're all worried about whether he's alive or not.
01:23:18And you're talking about money.
01:23:22Tell me, Nika.
01:23:23Lara has already disappeared.
01:23:25I told her about Pasha, Elia...
01:23:27She's with me.
01:23:28Okay, I'm going.
01:23:31What's wrong?
01:23:32Do you care?
01:23:33Alive or not, the most important thing is money.
01:23:35He doesn't care if I'm alive or not.
01:23:37And her?
01:23:38Do you think she cares?
01:23:39I'm not Vitalik.
01:23:40I'm not dead for them to worry about me.
01:23:42What are you saying?
01:23:44I can take care of myself.
01:23:45So tell your little friend.
01:23:51Oh God.
01:24:00You lost your son six years ago.
01:24:03You gave birth and buried him after a month.
01:24:06But now, Nika, you risk losing your daughter,
01:24:09whom you have raised for 17 years.
01:24:12Katia feels lonely and unhappy.
01:24:16Talk to her.
01:24:18What should I talk to her about?
01:24:21Elia doesn't listen to me.
01:24:23He does everything the other way around.
01:24:24Just tell him you love him.
01:24:25It's that simple.
01:24:26You sit next to him and tell him.
01:24:28Tell him you love him more than anyone else in the world.
01:24:30And hug her.
01:24:32This is so important.
01:24:34What else does a girl need?
01:24:36As I understand, Katia's trip is cancelled.
01:24:39And what will happen to the company?
01:24:42Who will take care of all this until Pasha returns?
01:24:45I have to go back to the company, Andres.
01:24:48He says that for now,
01:24:50I'm like Pasha's substitute.
01:24:53Pasha's substitute.
01:24:54Pasha's substitute.
01:24:56And legally, when should his disappearance be recognized?
01:25:00Andres says in a year.
01:25:02You only talked to Andres.
01:25:04Andres said, Andres did.
01:25:05Who else should I talk to about this?
01:25:08He's the only one who knows everything.
01:25:10You have to be aware of everything.
01:25:13And the most important thing should be Katia.
01:25:22You have to get to her.
01:25:25This is your girl.
01:25:27Your flower.
01:25:31My girl.
01:25:39Everything will be fine.
01:25:42I know he is, Gatiko.
01:25:43He got angry with his girlfriend or something.
01:25:46He got drunk or owes money to someone.
01:25:48And he would have heard.
01:25:50It happened to my cousin too.
01:25:51My father doesn't get drunk and doesn't play.
01:25:54I'm just guessing.
01:25:56Everything happens in life.
01:25:58Let's go out there, come on.
01:26:00Yes, only for a short time.
01:26:02Because they will soon start looking for me with the dogs.
01:26:05Look, I think something else.
01:26:07It wouldn't be bad if you found out about the inheritance.
01:26:10It would be easier if your dad really died.
01:26:13You know how in the movies, alive, right?
01:26:15Stop. You're talking about my dad.
01:26:17And what? I say lies or what?
01:26:19But what inheritance? One is 18 years old.
01:26:21Are you stupid or what?
01:26:22My father disappeared.
01:26:23Do you understand?
01:26:24More than you, no.
01:26:25But now you can forget about Poland.
01:26:28Lie. My father promised me.
01:26:49Mom, what are you doing?
01:26:52No, no.
01:26:54There is still no news.
01:26:56I think it's good for now.
01:26:58Come on, I'll give you food.
01:26:59I don't want to eat.
01:27:10Mom, you didn't have to pressure dad so much with the kid.
01:27:15Just like with the rest.
01:27:17They would live as always.
01:27:19You know, now I think I didn't have to insist.
01:27:26I just thought that the baby would join us.
01:27:30When a little boy appears in the family, people become closer.
01:27:35They want to give their love, surrender.
01:27:38People start jumping around their children like...
01:27:43I don't know.
01:27:44People start jumping around their children like...
01:27:49They become subnormal of that love and they want to throw up.
01:27:56How can love make you want to throw up?
01:28:01I love you.
01:28:03I'm sorry.
01:28:06I neglected you.
01:28:08I didn't want to offend you.
01:28:11Come here.
01:28:14Let's eat.
01:28:16Grandma brought her delicious croquettes.
01:28:19Let's go.
01:28:31Why did you take so long?
01:28:33Aren't we late?
01:28:37I don't know if I'm late, Jim.
01:28:40I was informed as if I...
01:28:44I had to pick up a package from the post office.
01:28:49I came for a body search.
01:28:51What pills did you take today?
01:28:54I thought you'd be hysterical.
01:29:00Mom gave me something.
01:29:02She said it was just in case.
01:29:05I think...
01:29:12Looks like mom's pills aren't enough.
01:29:15Let's go.
01:29:17Come on.
01:29:20Come in.
01:29:25Come in.
01:29:31Are you ready?
01:29:35Let's go.
01:29:45Is this Pablo Sergio Yzanko?
01:29:52It's not him.
01:29:54Take a closer look.
01:29:56Death can change a person.
01:29:58I'm sorry.
01:30:00I have to go.
01:30:06Don't worry.
01:30:12What a day.
01:30:15Larisa, it's time.
01:30:17Andrei called me.
01:30:19I have to go see him.
01:30:21Do you want me to take you somewhere?
01:30:23To the restaurant?
01:30:25No. Take me to my car.
01:30:36Hello, Max.
01:30:38How are you?
01:30:40Everything okay?
01:30:42Yes, everything's fine.
01:30:44How are you?
01:30:46I'm fine. It wasn't Pasha.
01:30:48Actually, I knew it.
01:30:50I didn't have to go.
01:30:52I know he's alive.
01:30:54I can feel it.
01:30:58I still have some errands to run.
01:31:00Tell me.
01:31:02Will it take long? Will you be there today?
01:31:03I don't know.
01:31:05I miss you.
01:31:12Here's the agreement for the purchase of the pumping stations.
01:31:16And this is another additional agreement.
01:31:18Did you see the sum?
01:31:21And this is another contract.
01:31:24Those astronomical numbers...
01:31:26I don't understand. Pasha has always been so careful.
01:31:29This is a credit contract that Pablo Sergeevich withdrew.
01:31:31Pablo Sergeevich withdrew.
01:31:38Wait, what about the deadlines?
01:31:42Unfortunately, we're out of time.
01:31:49I don't understand.
01:31:51How could this happen?
01:31:53Okay, I'll take care of that later.
01:31:57Do you want some water?
01:32:20Andrei, let's see if I understood correctly.
01:32:22To pay off my debts...
01:32:24I have to sell the company.
01:32:27That's right.
01:32:31And the apartment too?
01:32:33It could be, but the apartment can wait a little.
01:32:40Will you help me?
01:32:45What are you looking at?
01:32:47Did you think I'd get hysterical?
01:32:49Unfortunately, my hysteria won't help us.
01:32:52Can I count on you?
01:32:58Yes, of course.
01:32:59And another question.
01:33:03Can these creditors be related to the disappearance of Pavel?
01:33:09As far as I know, the police don't consider this version.
01:33:15Is my family in danger?
01:33:19I don't have that information.
01:33:24Everything is possible.
01:33:26We have to hurry.
01:33:28Okay, prepare the documents.
01:33:30I'll sell the company.
01:33:43Yes, what a glove he has.
01:33:45If I were at least in his place...
01:33:49I would...
01:33:51take a little valerian.
01:33:56Who understands them?
01:34:06Olga Mikhailovna, good afternoon.
01:34:11Pavel Sergeevich...
01:34:13Let's not cry in vain.
01:34:17Do you think he could be...
01:34:19I don't draw hasty conclusions.
01:34:21I wanted to ask you something.
01:34:23Yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
01:34:25Tell me.
01:34:27I'll answer any question.
01:34:29Pavel Sergeevich is like a son to me.
01:34:31He told me once...
01:34:33that he was going to meet his old friend,
01:34:35a classmate.
01:34:39You know, he left me his card.
01:34:42One moment.
01:34:44One moment.
01:34:46Here I have everything in perfect order,
01:34:48both in documents and in contacts.
01:34:50That one, right?
01:34:54Here it is.
01:34:56Olga Mikhailovna, you have no price.
01:34:58What's wrong with this Oleg?
01:35:00You know, I didn't like anything.
01:35:02It's not your circle.
01:35:04Goodbye, Olga Mikhailovna.
01:35:06I'm in a hurry.
01:35:21I'm in a hurry.
01:35:45Hi, Oleg.
01:35:47Hi, I'm Larisa, Pasha's sister.
01:35:49Yes, I agree.
01:35:51An unexpected call.
01:35:53How many years have passed?
01:36:00Everyone is involved in their own business.
01:36:04Oleg, I have a question.
01:36:06A little weird for you.
01:36:08Just between us.
01:36:12Pasha has problems.
01:36:14I'll explain it to you in detail later.
01:36:16Do you remember the fight they had at the institute?
01:36:19And then Pasha disappeared.
01:36:22That's when they called the police.
01:36:27I think he was at his country house.
01:36:30Where was that place?
01:36:33Thank you.
01:36:35Yes, understood.
01:36:37Yes, I'll tell you everything later.
01:36:47Mom, Kati and I came to live with you.
01:36:50I'll rent my apartment.
01:36:54It's just that Pasha owes a lot of money.
01:36:57Everyone doesn't know the circumstances.
01:37:00His financial boss, his lawyer.
01:37:02Renting your apartment will help solve the problem?
01:37:05It won't help, but it will give us food.
01:37:07Please, don't ask me questions.
01:37:09Just let us live here.
01:37:11How can I help you?
01:37:15Mom, just stay by my side.
01:37:18And next to Katia.
01:37:21Drink some water.
01:37:23Everything will be fine.
01:37:25There is no way out, you told me.
01:37:27And I'll find it.
01:37:29I just have to see that way out.
01:37:31Okay, you see it.
01:37:35It's not clear yet.
01:37:37Drink water and calm down.
01:37:39I have to fix the company.
01:37:41Why is there no money in the account?
01:37:43Why did I need so much?
01:37:46And why do I accept a loan with such abusive terms?
01:37:50And I have to find a job.
01:37:52And how are you going to get the accounting job?
01:37:55You have not worked for two years.
01:37:57The financial area has changed a lot.
01:38:00At the moment I will not take this job.
01:38:02We need the money, but now.
01:38:05I will work with Larisa as a waitress or a taxi driver.
01:38:08A taxi driver?
01:38:10Well, then I ...
01:38:13as a phone operator.
01:38:40After five years
01:39:04Pasha, open that hole.
01:39:06Pasha, I know you're alive.
01:39:07I know you're alive. Please, I'll help you in everything, Pavlik.
01:39:12Oh, damn it.
01:39:22Let's see...
01:39:37Mom, I can't talk right now. I'm waiting for the client. If it's the last one, I'll come back home. That's it. Bye.
01:40:07Thank you.
01:40:38Yes, the world is changing.
01:40:42You know, now a woman decides for herself what she should wear, what time of day to drive, in which seat to sit, even if she's handsome or not.
01:40:57The world is going crazy.
01:41:01A beautiful woman, driving a taxi at night instead of being in the back seat, with a nice dress, and mysteriously looking out the window.
01:41:10She can, but it's not necessary. The best thing for me will be an adequate payment for my work.
01:41:18Yes, men's achievements are now taken as...
01:41:21Circumstances are now like that.
01:41:24Only money.
01:41:25Yes, this word. Harassment. Harassment, yes.
01:41:31And you can't make achievements without being accused of harassment as well.
01:41:38A woman of all times. The merchant situation is all that matters, and she forgets about the person and the human being.
01:41:44Now, everyone...
01:41:45Thank you.
01:41:46Thank you.
01:42:08Thank you.
01:42:20Vernadsky, 59.
01:42:22Faster, please.
01:42:38A woman of all times.
01:42:40A woman of all times.
01:42:41A woman of all times.
01:42:42A woman of all times.
01:42:43A woman of all times.
01:42:44A woman of all times.
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01:44:53A woman of all times.
01:45:13Miss, don't be shy.
01:45:14Come in, and we will help you.
01:45:15How is it going?
01:45:17No, no, no…
01:45:19It's fine...
01:45:20Don't worry, everything is okay.
01:45:24Lilichka, dear, hello.
01:45:27Can I congratulate you?
01:45:30I saw Veronica through the window.
01:45:32At first I couldn't believe it.
01:45:34Then I thought, thank God.
01:45:37The Lord at last heard her prayers.
01:45:40I'm not religious, as you know.
01:45:42Yes, I know, I know, but this is a miracle.
01:45:45They decided to take the orphanage boy.
01:45:48At least he's in good health.
01:45:50I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry.
01:45:52Did you see that?
01:45:54A proud aunt.
01:45:55She doesn't let anyone go.
01:45:57I treat her with all my heart, Tanychka and Petrovna.
01:46:0030 years in the same house, it's not a joke.
01:46:03We're almost relatives.
01:46:05God doesn't want it, God doesn't want it.
01:46:12What did you bring?
01:46:13Mom, I boiled the water.
01:46:17You have to sterilize the pacifier, the bottle.
01:46:19One second.
01:46:20And stir the mixture.
01:46:22Wash your hands first.
01:46:24As if I didn't know.
01:46:26By the way, what will we tell the people?
01:46:29All the neighbors already know.
01:46:31And what will you tell the girl?
01:46:33Kate is about to come.
01:46:36The neighbors already know.
01:46:43Grandma is worried.
01:46:51I'm sorry.
01:47:03So what do you think?
01:47:07Yes, I'll tell the truth.
01:47:10God, have you bought diapers?
01:47:12You just asked for food.
01:47:16Okay, call Kate, I'll buy her.
01:47:18That easy?
01:47:19And what do I tell her?
01:47:20Buy several packages of diapers for a newborn?
01:47:23Just call her and tell her.
01:47:26I hope you know what you're doing.
01:47:29Mom, give me a bottle and a phone.
01:47:32I'll call Kate.
01:47:34By the way, have you talked to Larissa?
01:47:37No, I haven't.
01:47:38Of course, you're afraid she won't approve it.
01:47:45I'm not afraid of anything.
01:47:48I'm not afraid of anything.
01:47:58Hello, yes mom, what do you want?
01:48:00I'm already next door.
01:48:02Buy what?
01:48:05Mom, who's there?
01:48:09What happened now?
01:48:11I don't know, mom wants me to buy diapers.
01:48:14And then, and cry a baby and hang me.
01:48:19I don't understand.
01:48:20You're stupid, let's buy diapers.
01:48:22There's a baby crying.
01:48:23What's going on?
01:48:24And I don't know.
01:48:28What the fuck?
01:48:49It's a little ugly.
01:48:51Most babies are not beautiful.
01:48:54I would choose one of the minority.
01:48:57Kate, I didn't choose him.
01:48:59But where did he come from?
01:49:02You won't believe me.
01:49:03They left him in the car.
01:49:05So he's an exposed child.
01:49:07I thought that only happened in the movies.
01:49:09So why did you bring him here?
01:49:11You have to take him to the police or the child's house.
01:49:22Didn't you steal him?
01:49:25What are you saying?
01:49:27Well, who knows.
01:49:31I left the passengers near the maternity ward.
01:49:34And a woman got in the car.
01:49:37But then she ran away.
01:49:39At the traffic light.
01:49:41So what?
01:49:42In those cases, you have to take the child home.
01:49:45Let's also adopt bald dogs, homeless cats.
01:49:48I told her the same thing.
01:49:51I understand everything.
01:49:53I'm not an idiot.
01:49:54No, I'm sure.
01:49:57Yes, I understand that I had to take the child to the maternity ward immediately.
01:50:01I'm sure...
01:50:03...that his mother will change her mind.
01:50:06I'm sure she remembers the number of my car.
01:50:11I'm sure she did it under stress.
01:50:14Otherwise, why wouldn't she leave him at the hospital?
01:50:16I'm sure she knew that your dream and all your hopes are in someone giving you a baby.
01:50:21Let's wait a few days.
01:50:24If he doesn't show up...
01:50:27...I'll take him to the hospital myself.
01:50:29I promise.
01:50:30And if you don't do it, I'll do it.
01:50:32I promise you too.
01:50:38Wash your hands well.
01:50:41As if we had no problems.
01:50:46You're not a problem.
01:50:49You're a gift.
01:50:59What if the company goes bankrupt?
01:51:02The owner of the company doesn't take responsibility for his debts, right?
01:51:07I don't think that's our issue.
01:51:09By law...
01:51:11...the founding manager is responsible for the company's insolvency and assets.
01:51:16He is responsible for the creditors' assets and personal funds.
01:51:20This is in case the company's sales don't cover his expenses.
01:51:24So, I wouldn't declare bankruptcy.
01:51:30Someone has set him up.
01:51:32He couldn't have made those mistakes.
01:51:40I'm sorry, Andrei.
01:51:41I can't do this anymore.
01:51:43I understand.
01:51:44Would you like some more coffee?
01:51:49One more coffee, please.
01:51:55Now, the most important thing...
01:51:57...is time.
01:51:58It works against you now.
01:52:04What time is it?
01:52:06I'm sorry.
01:52:07I have to go.
01:52:08I have a son.
01:52:09What's wrong with you?
01:52:10I'm sorry.
01:52:11What's wrong with you?
01:52:14Don't worry.
01:52:15I was going to tell you.
01:52:16You're so sweet.
01:52:19...have a son.
01:52:22A very small one.
01:52:24This is a very strange story.
01:52:26I'm sorry.
01:52:27I have to go.
01:52:28I'll explain later.
01:52:29I see.
01:52:36Thank you very much.
01:53:00Why are these babies chasing me?
01:53:04...not you.
01:53:05How do I explain to her that this baby isn't Vitalik...
01:53:07...and that he's back with her?
01:53:09This baby has to be delivered anywhere.
01:53:11She thinks she's her mother.
01:53:13And it seems she doesn't even remember what happened to Dad.
01:53:15Katia, I've told you many times.
01:53:17If this kid doesn't have parents and no one is looking for him...
01:53:19...they can really sell him.
01:53:21I'm really telling you.
01:53:22I've seen ads too.
01:53:23Sell him.
01:53:24Sell him.
01:53:25Sell him.
01:53:26Sell him.
01:53:27Sell him.
01:53:28I've seen ads too.
01:53:29Sell kids.
01:53:30And if they really look for him...
01:53:31...they're already looking for him.
01:53:33How do I know he's not anyone's?
01:53:35And if they look for him...
01:53:36...and if they're already looking for him...
01:53:38...they can put us in jail.
01:53:39Not us.
01:53:40Your grandmother and your mother can.
01:53:42We're not going to tell anyone, okay?
01:53:44We have to find out who the parents of that child are.
01:53:46I'll do it.
01:53:49Mom said she passed by a maternity ward.
01:53:51A classmate of mine has been practicing there.
01:53:59Nica, wait.
01:54:01Is that you?
01:54:05I just found out what happened to Paul.
01:54:07I went to your house and the concierge told me you weren't there.
01:54:12I thought if I didn't find you, you'd be at Lilia's house...
01:54:15...and I'd call you.
01:54:16But I was afraid you wouldn't answer.
01:54:18This is a disaster.
01:54:19How are you?
01:54:21No wonder you're scared.
01:54:22I have your number.
01:54:23I'll call you.
01:54:24I'll call you.
01:54:25I'll call you.
01:54:26No wonder you're scared.
01:54:27I have your number.
01:54:29My dear, please forgive me.
01:54:31I behaved badly.
01:54:32I'm an idiot.
01:54:33Please forgive me.
01:54:35Just everything I had dreamed of...
01:54:37...collapsed in an instant...
01:54:39...and I didn't realize it.
01:54:41I understand these are pathetic excuses, but...
01:54:45...I thought a lot about us, about you...
01:54:48...and of course you were right.
01:54:50We had to give ourselves a chance.
01:54:52We had to give the family a chance.
01:54:54Forgive me.
01:54:56Tell me, please.
01:54:57I want to help you.
01:54:58I really want to help you.
01:54:59I don't think we should.
01:55:00This isn't a good idea, Rizrik.
01:55:03Don't rush.
01:55:04I just want to help you...
01:55:05...as a friend...
01:55:07...as a husband and a friend.
01:55:09I hadn't told you, but...
01:55:11...I have many possibilities...
01:55:14...and I can help you a lot.
01:55:18Thank you.
01:55:19Okay, I'll think about it.
01:55:20I'll call you, okay?
01:55:24I'll wait.
01:55:31I don't know.
01:55:32Maybe it's stupid.
01:55:36Mom decided to use any option.
01:55:38Don't talk with riddles.
01:55:45I saw Igor near the house.
01:55:47Oh, and what did he want?
01:55:52He apologized.
01:55:54He promised to help.
01:55:56He said he could find out...
01:55:58...where such debts and credit come from...
01:56:00...in general, why everything...
01:56:02...got so messed up.
01:56:05...did you forgive him?
01:56:08I didn't even think about it.
01:56:10I decided to give him the documents...
01:56:12...so he could orient himself in the situation.
01:56:15I have nothing to lose.
01:56:18Did you tell Andrei?
01:56:24I don't want to involve him.
01:56:55Look, he's coming.
01:57:03Uh, this is Dasha.
01:57:06Listen, are we going to eat shawarma?
01:57:08Yes, go buy us one.
01:57:10And the pasta?
01:57:11I paid last time.
01:57:18How cool, the pasta.
01:57:20And you pay?
01:57:21That's not fair.
01:57:23And you pay?
01:57:24That's our business.
01:57:25Okay, okay.
01:57:26What were you looking for me for?
01:57:28Why can't we talk on the phone?
01:57:32Do you work at the maternity hospital?
01:57:36Are you pregnant, girl?
01:57:38Can I help?
01:57:39Expensive, but fast?
01:57:40No, I'm not pregnant.
01:57:41I need to know who gave birth last week.
01:57:44Only kittens are born for free.
01:57:46Come on, if we were friends...
01:57:48Okay, then tell me why you want it.
01:57:52I'll pay you.
01:57:53How long does it take to get it?
01:57:55A few days.
01:57:56A hundred dollars?
01:57:58Look, it's Alfonso Gonzalerma.
01:58:00I'm not Alfonso, I'm Artyom.
01:58:02Besides, poor is a fool.
01:58:07Well, people, I'm leaving.
01:58:08Eat your junk food without me.
01:58:13What junk food?
01:58:14Oh, never mind.
01:58:15Give me my burrito.
01:58:16What matters is that he has accepted.
01:58:18And where will we get the money from?
01:58:20We'll have it.
01:58:21I'll get it.
01:58:28Grandma, have you seen my black pants with fringes?
01:58:34With holes in the knees?
01:58:38I washed it.
01:58:40You washed it?
01:58:45Don't worry.
01:58:46I always check my pockets before washing.
01:58:58Tell me.
01:58:59Is it your mother's money?
01:59:02Are we going to steal the parents now?
01:59:05I really need it, Grandma.
01:59:07You could have asked me.
01:59:09And I did.
01:59:11Grandma, I really need a hundred dollars.
01:59:13Please, I'll give it back.
01:59:15Of course you will.
01:59:16I still have work to do here.
01:59:18You'll work.
01:59:20I'm going to tell Mom.
01:59:21Yes, I'm going to tell her.
01:59:22Because I want to finish her completely.
01:59:24Telling her that her daughter steals from her.
01:59:26She thinks she's the father.
01:59:28And that she keeps thinking like that.
01:59:34Thank you anyway.
01:59:35You're the best.
01:59:36I love you very much.
01:59:37Oh, come on.
01:59:40I'm glad you came by.
01:59:41I couldn't go out today.
01:59:43There's a lot to read.
01:59:47There's not much, but there's a lot to read.
01:59:53Give it to me.
01:59:54I have it, and you read it.
02:00:01Give it to me.
02:00:02I have it, and you read it.
02:00:14Shh, shh, shh, shh.
02:00:19It's all right, read it.
02:00:55Thank you.
02:01:02What if we knock it down?
02:01:04No, no, it's fine.
02:01:05It's very light for me.
02:01:08It's all right.
02:01:19I really appreciate it.
02:01:21I can imagine what I've gotten you into.
02:01:26I don't think you can imagine it.
02:01:29But it's also been my idea.
02:01:33There's a question...
02:01:36that worries me a lot.
02:01:40Has your client left?
02:01:42And your paychecks?
02:01:44I understand.
02:01:45It's not my first day as a lawyer, so...
02:01:49Lately, I charge 100% advance payment.
02:01:52So, don't worry.
02:01:57Thank goodness.
02:01:59We're not going to bother you now, okay?
02:02:01So what?
02:02:02The date is even specified in the agreement.
02:02:04And you can't postpone it.
02:02:06At least for a few months.
02:02:08But the Poles are with the agricultural season,
02:02:10and that's why they're recruiting.
02:02:12And what should I do?
02:02:13I was leaving too.
02:02:15But how?
02:02:16Mom doesn't give me money for Polish classes.
02:02:18She spends it all on that baby.
02:02:20Soon we won't have anything to eat.
02:02:22The house is full of all those baby things.
02:02:25It's cost me a lot to get $100 to pay Dasha.
02:02:29Listen, let's do this.
02:02:31We'll leave the baby in good hands.
02:02:33It'll be better abroad.
02:02:35And you'll have the money to go to Poland and that's it.
02:02:37Enough. I've changed my mind.
02:02:39Have you heard about the transplant black market?
02:02:41Listen, it's normal people.
02:02:43Many sell their children to them, and it's normal.
02:02:45Artyom, forget it.
02:02:47Yes, I don't want him here.
02:02:49But let his mother take him.
02:02:51Or the police, or the guardians.
02:02:54I don't care.
02:02:55But I won't sell a living person.
02:02:57Why don't you sell your sister?
02:02:59So maybe your father will come home.
02:03:01What do you want?
02:03:11What do you want?
02:03:29I've heard everything.
02:03:30It's none of your business.
02:03:32Just don't talk too loud or you'll wake the baby.
02:03:36Listen, this isn't my problem, but...
02:03:39In your case, tell your boyfriend that human trafficking is a criminal offense.
02:03:44Article 149.
02:03:465 to 12 years in prison.
02:03:50And about the guardians...
02:03:53Let your mother take care of it.
02:03:57And I'm sorry to bother you.
02:04:05Let's go.
02:04:07Unfortunately, there's no good news.
02:04:09I checked all my channels and Pablo met with very serious people, but...
02:04:16The money Pablo wanted to steal wasn't a lot.
02:04:21But because of the principles, he's bothered them.
02:04:24Well, then what should I do?
02:04:26Transfer them to my business.
02:04:28I have nothing, just the apartment.
02:04:30I can help you with your apartment.
02:04:34Besides, it doesn't cost much to solve the problem.
02:04:38They wanted to punish Pablo, not you.
02:04:41Do you understand?
02:04:44I'm very grateful to you.
02:04:46Forgive me.
02:04:47It's okay, don't worry.
02:04:49You have nothing to thank me for.
02:04:52My dear friend, I'll really help you.
02:04:56You don't know everything about me.
02:04:58It can't be.
02:05:00I know everything already.
02:05:02I have a son.
02:05:05What do you mean? Katia?
02:05:08One more.
02:05:11Don't interrupt me.
02:05:12I'll tell you everything.
02:05:14A week ago, they left me a baby.
02:05:18The passenger left him in my car...
02:05:20near the hospital.
02:05:22I know I had to inform the police first.
02:05:24I waited, but I thought maybe he'd come back.
02:05:27It doesn't matter.
02:05:28I have a son now.
02:05:30Do you understand?
02:05:32Are you crazy?
02:05:33No, I'm happy.
02:05:37I thought maybe...
02:05:39You have so many contacts.
02:05:41You can help me solve all those bureaucratic rules.
02:05:46So I can adopt the baby.
02:05:49But you have to give it to him.
02:05:52What are you saying?
02:05:56I'm sorry, I have to go.
02:06:00You have to give it to him.
02:06:02Otherwise, you'll have a lot of problems.
02:06:04I'm sorry.
02:06:20Yes, thank you, comrade.
02:06:23What do you mean?
02:06:26Yes, I'm reading.
02:06:28You even sent the medical records to the midwives.
02:06:33Of course, of course.
02:06:34I'm completely confident.
02:06:37Yes, good. Thank you very much.
02:06:40See you later.
02:06:48What a surprise.
02:06:52So the baby isn't just a baby.
02:06:57And how will I tell her?
02:07:00So, tell me, what do you do?
02:07:03I'm a nutritionist.
02:07:05Specialized in healthy nutrition and a yoga coach.
02:07:08Is eating well a diet?
02:07:11Not exactly.
02:07:12A diet helps fight overweight or gastrointestinal problems.
02:07:17I make sure these problems don't arise at all.
02:07:20That's just what I need.
02:07:22So there are no problems of any kind.
02:07:31Answer me, bitch.
02:07:34I'm going to the bathroom.
02:07:36I'll be right back.
02:07:59Yes, hello.
02:08:00So, what did you do to your son?
02:08:03How do you know?
02:08:04In general, what do you want from me?
02:08:06Did you think I was going to keep him or what?
02:08:08And you decided to look for someone to leave him with.
02:08:10I'll do what I can, okay?
02:08:11Goodbye, I'm busy.
02:08:34Yes, hello, I'm sorry.
02:08:36The connection is bad.
02:08:40I'll do whatever you want.
02:08:50Damn it, I'm about to give birth and we're not there yet.
02:08:53My love, I'll get a divorce, I'll split the property, we'll get married.
02:08:56I don't retract my words.
02:08:58Look how honest we are.
02:09:00What did you just say?
02:09:01Problems with business, no money.
02:09:03Do you feel sorry for the money or not?
02:09:05Enough, shut up.
02:09:06I'm doing what I can, okay?
02:09:08I'm trying to save my business.
02:09:10Tomorrow is the trial and I'm getting a divorce.
02:09:12Then I'll split the property and we'll get married, okay?
02:09:17You're going to split the property?
02:09:20Don't take me for a fool.
02:09:21You know, I don't care.
02:09:22After all, I can start from scratch.
02:09:24You're kidding.
02:09:25But who's going to love you with this child and without money?
02:09:28What are you saying?
02:09:29I don't understand.
02:09:39Don't touch me.
02:09:41What do you think you're doing?
02:09:44Leave me alone.
02:09:48Let them all go.
02:10:06Fine, yes.
02:10:08Dasha has sent me the list with the names.
02:10:10I'm just looking for the aunts on social networks.
02:10:13Some of them show off their children every day.
02:10:20How bored I am of all this.
02:10:23Okay, I have a dozen more here.
02:10:29When I have something, I'll tell you.
02:10:41Can you hear me?
02:10:45Did you ever think that all this was not accidental?
02:10:48Your car, the child, you.
02:10:52Do you know who you're almost breastfeeding here?
02:10:56It's my dad's son.
02:10:57My brother.
02:10:58Why do you say that?
02:10:59He shouldn't have been born yet.
02:11:00It's just that he doesn't owe anyone anything.
02:11:02It's just that he doesn't owe anyone anything.
02:11:04It's just that he doesn't owe anyone anything.
02:11:06It's just that he doesn't owe anyone anything.
02:11:07It's just that he doesn't owe anyone anything.
02:11:08It's just that he doesn't owe anyone anything.
02:11:09It's just that he doesn't owe anyone anything.
02:11:18It's her.
02:11:32You forgot why I paid you.
02:11:34So I'll remind you.
02:11:36You had to get Pablo to get a divorce.
02:11:38And that's it.
02:11:40We didn't talk about any child at all.
02:11:42And even more.
02:11:43Leaving him to Pablo's wife.
02:11:45It was unintentional.
02:11:47You're stupid.
02:11:49You don't know where the kids come from.
02:11:51You don't know what to do so that this doesn't happen.
02:11:53It's just that I liked him.
02:11:55No more details.
02:11:58Tell me.
02:11:59Do you want to get the rest of the money?
02:12:02Pick up the child.
02:12:04And we'll find him a place.
02:12:05I promise you.
02:12:06But Veronica doesn't have to have a son from Pablo.
02:12:08Do you understand that?
02:12:10Have you brought me to his house?
02:12:12I'm not going anywhere.
02:12:13He'll call the police.
02:12:14I'm scared.
02:12:15I'm not going.
02:12:16No, wait, wait, wait.
02:12:17Tell them you've regretted it.
02:12:19That you miss him a lot.
02:12:20That you need him.
02:12:21And you look for him.
02:12:23And cry if necessary.
02:12:25You can cry too, right?
02:12:29Well then.
02:12:30Come on.
02:12:31Come on.
02:12:32I'll wait for you here.
02:12:34Get out.
02:13:00The child is sleeping.
02:13:01Put him at the door.
02:13:02Why are you ringing?
02:13:05Come in.
02:13:11Come in.
02:13:20I knew you'd keep the baby.
02:13:25Forgive me, please.
02:13:29I really...
02:13:31I didn't know what I was doing.
02:13:32I was confused.
02:13:34My husband left me.
02:13:35I was left alone.
02:13:36Without money.
02:13:37Without anything.
02:13:40Where is my boy?
02:13:41Where is my son?
02:13:45I miss him a lot.
02:13:46I want to give him a breast.
02:13:49He won't stop...
02:13:51...giving me milk.
02:13:55It's the truth.
02:13:56It was a kind of madness.
02:13:58My husband turned out to be an asshole and...
02:14:05I know who you are,
02:14:06so you don't have to make up the story of the asshole husband.
02:14:14Thank goodness he's here.
02:14:16I hope he can take care of his son.
02:14:19Can I?
02:14:23I'm going to the car to get the baby's basket.
02:14:26Stay here.
02:14:54Igor, something's wrong.
02:14:56I need to see you urgently.
02:14:58Riek, I'd love to, but I'm not in town.
02:15:00I'll call you as soon as I get back.
02:15:02I'll even go there.
02:15:15I won't give you the baby.
02:15:17I don't believe you.
02:15:19If you want, you can go back to the police.
02:15:30Mom, what are you doing?
02:15:31This is her son.
02:15:33Can she really go back to the police?
02:15:36She won't.
02:15:37Let's see.
02:15:38What's going on?
02:15:39I'll explain everything.
02:15:41But later.
02:15:42Have you prepared the baby's things?
02:15:45Do it.
02:15:46Katia, help me.
02:15:47Bring me a bag.
02:15:48I have to go.
02:15:50I'll explain everything.
02:15:51Everything will be fine.
02:15:52Please, don't just stand there.
02:15:53Help me.
02:15:55Come, I'll help you.
02:15:58I'm going to tell you something.
02:16:00You won't believe it.
02:16:01Do you know who that woman was?
02:16:11Hi, Laruchka.
02:16:12It's me.
02:16:14Hi, brother.
02:16:17You're late.
02:16:20You know I saw you, right?
02:16:22I can't hide from you.
02:16:24You'll see.
02:16:25I'm coming.
02:16:35It's all like 25 years ago.
02:16:38You hide in my house.
02:16:40The bonfire.
02:16:42And in Dijabu.
02:16:43You know, I thought that too.
02:16:45I don't even know how I got here.
02:16:48I wouldn't have imagined looking for you here.
02:16:50If I were...
02:16:51Or Larka.
02:16:52She knows you like the back of her hand.
02:16:57Did you call her?
02:16:59Yes, she's on her way.
02:17:01So, what are we waiting for?
02:17:04Come on, one more.
02:17:05Before she gets here.
02:17:06Do you know why we're toasting?
02:17:08So that all your problems are solved.
02:17:10Thank you, Oleg.
02:17:14Everything has come out of control.
02:17:16It was necessary that...
02:17:18I retire to think.
02:17:21Don't worry so much.
02:17:24Pasha, it's none of my business.
02:17:26I won't ask you unnecessary questions.
02:17:29There's a woman involved.
02:17:33And not just one.
02:17:37Of course.
02:17:38Who are we going to blame?
02:17:39The women.
02:17:42Hi guys.
02:17:44Thank you for your hospitality.
02:17:46Pasha, pack your bags.
02:17:47I'm in a hurry.
02:17:49Thank you, friend.
02:18:07Veronica is here.
02:18:09I have accompanied her to her office.
02:18:11And she is not alone.
02:18:21Where can I throw a used handkerchief?
02:18:25Oh, girl.
02:18:26Who is it?
02:18:30Let me introduce you.
02:18:32This is your nephew.
02:18:34Pretty, right?
02:18:40Don't look at me like that.
02:18:41I'm not crazy.
02:18:43Do you want to take it?
02:18:46Then listen.
02:18:48Don't worry.
02:18:50Aliona gave birth to the baby.
02:18:51Pasha disappeared.
02:18:52There is no husband.
02:18:53There is no money.
02:18:54What are you going to do with the baby?
02:18:56That's right.
02:18:57Leave it to someone.
02:18:58Wait, I don't understand.
02:19:00What do you mean, leave it to someone?
02:19:02Marisa, I'll tell you everything later.
02:19:04Today he came to see me.
02:19:08He wanted to take the child.
02:19:10I didn't allow him.
02:19:11Nor Lore.
02:19:13I don't know what I'm going to do.
02:19:14That's why I brought it to you.
02:19:16I'm afraid he'll try to steal it from me.
02:19:18Will you help me?
02:19:21I will help.
02:19:22But how?
02:19:28Will you help?
02:19:32Yes, Nika.
02:19:33But understand me.
02:19:34Suddenly I have a nephew.
02:19:36It's hard for me to assimilate him.
02:19:38Will you do it?
02:19:39Yes, yes, of course.
02:19:44Here you have a drink.
02:19:45Milk, diapers.
02:19:46Everything is here.
02:19:47Don't you want a drink?
02:19:48It's still very small.
02:19:50A few days.
02:19:53I need to find out something.
02:19:56You'll like them.
02:19:57Call me anything.
02:19:58Be careful.
02:19:59Watch him.
02:20:09Now we'll take a picture as a souvenir.
02:20:11And we'll send it to our dad.
02:20:17We'll send it to him.
02:20:20I have your son.
02:20:25And what?
02:20:31He doesn't want a drink.
02:20:33Look how proud you are.
02:20:41Andrei, I'm sorry to bother you so late.
02:20:43It's very important.
02:20:46I need to find out about a person.
02:20:50It's about Igor Semyonov.
02:20:52I think he's related to Alena.
02:20:55You know Alena?
02:20:56Yes, I was lucky to meet her.
02:20:59She's the mother of my baby.
02:21:00I understand.
02:21:02Aren't you surprised?
02:21:04I just found out too.
02:21:05I didn't know how to tell you, but...
02:21:07There you go.
02:21:09Andrei, I need to know everything about him.
02:21:12I think you're overestimating me.
02:21:14I'm not a detective.
02:21:15I'm a lawyer.
02:21:17Let's try.
02:21:22Give me the data.
02:21:23Igor Semyonov, 42 years old.
02:21:26He works as a swimming coach.
02:21:28I found him in the pool.
02:21:31He'll send you the address of the pool and his house.
02:21:33Igor Semyonov, 42 years old.
02:21:34He works as a swimming coach.
02:21:35He'll send you the address of the pool and his house.
02:22:04You came so fast.
02:22:07Hold on, baby.
02:22:08Your heir.
02:22:10Be careful.
02:22:12Like this.
02:22:16He looks like me, right?
02:22:17Don't even dream about it.
02:22:21The child is still very young.
02:22:23He doesn't look like anyone.
02:22:26Look at him a little and leave.
02:22:28What you were missing was...
02:22:30They'll catch you here.
02:22:31I hope you asked the taxi to wait for you.
02:22:51Good morning.
02:22:54I was a former client.
02:22:56I had a personal training.
02:22:58My coach was called Strelitskaya.
02:23:00I really want to go back to her.
02:23:02Unfortunately, Strelitskaya doesn't work anymore.
02:23:05I understand.
02:23:07But we can offer you other specialists.
02:23:09No, thank you.
02:23:10I'm not interested in the others.
02:23:18Yes, hello.
02:23:19I was waiting for your call.
02:23:21Did you find anything?
02:23:24So this is his company and it's registered in Cyprus.
02:23:29Of course.
02:23:30Thank you, friend.
02:23:31I owe you one.
02:23:37I wanted to have a coffee with you.
02:23:39But I see that you have plenty.
02:23:42A difficult case?
02:23:44Well, not in general, but it has hooked me.
02:23:46Is it the same case of the divorce and the division of property?
02:23:50Let me help you.
02:23:51No, it's not necessary.
02:23:52I don't remember that it was about the determination of paternity.
02:23:56What paternity?
02:23:58Yes, for the blood group.
02:24:00It's normal in this case.
02:24:03No, it's another one.
02:24:05Well, if you don't need help, I'm going home.
02:24:09Yes, thank you very much.
02:24:15See you tomorrow.
02:24:26The parents with the first blood group with a third child can't do it.
02:24:32Our baby is like that.
02:24:44Why are you coming?
02:24:45To say goodbye before you go to Poland?
02:24:47It's not going to work.
02:24:48Grandma is at home.
02:24:50Do you want?
02:24:51Well, yes.
02:24:52So, what did Dasha discover?
02:24:56That boy is my little brother, imagine.
02:24:59That's crazy.
02:25:02So, we're not going to send him to the orphanage anymore?
02:25:05And why were we going to do it?
02:25:23I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd react like that.
02:25:26If I knew, I wouldn't throw all that avalanche of information on you.
02:25:30I was going to marry him.
02:25:35I was going to go with him.
02:25:37And why didn't you go?
02:25:40Pasha didn't let me.
02:25:43Apparently, he's the only one who can leave the family.
02:25:47So, the beneficiary of our company is Sigir Simeonov.
02:25:52And everything that happened, the dubious contract, his failure, the debts, it's all his work.
02:25:59Yes, and the main question is, why?
02:26:03I don't think Simeonov is interested in Pablo's business.
02:26:06He flies much higher.
02:26:09I don't understand.
02:26:11I don't understand.
02:26:15Then we need to find out.
02:26:26Nina, feed the baby, I have to meet with the clients.
02:26:32Pasha, I can't now.
02:26:33Lara, give me a second, please.
02:26:36You told me yourself that there was news about Nika.
02:26:40She found out something.
02:26:42And she stopped the company's sale.
02:26:44She said she would give me the details later.
02:26:46What have you decided?
02:26:47I want to go back with her.
02:26:49When we decide all the details.
02:26:53But Nika has changed a lot.
02:26:55Well, now she has a son.
02:26:59She will forgive me.
02:27:01I have it clear.
02:27:02And if not?
02:27:04Pasha, Pasha, what is that noise?
02:27:06Where are you now?
02:27:11I'm sorry.
02:27:14Hey, is Ninka there?
02:27:16Why don't you tell her to call me?
02:27:18What? Ninka?
02:27:20Pasha, are you drunk?
02:27:22Hello, I asked you not to go out.
02:27:26Hello, Pasha.
02:27:31Yes, for Sergievich. We had an appointment.
02:27:58I'm sorry, honey.
02:28:00I've been very busy. I couldn't go out earlier to see you.
02:28:03How are you?
02:28:04Any news?
02:28:06What news are you talking about?
02:28:08My husband?
02:28:10The child?
02:28:11Or the company?
02:28:13I'm worried about you.
02:28:15Tell me everything.
02:28:19Nothing is known about Pasha.
02:28:22The mother came to pick up the child, I didn't let her.
02:28:25But for a short time, I give the company to the creditors.
02:28:29What a risk.
02:28:31Enough, Igor.
02:28:33I know everything.
02:28:36I know it was you who set up Pasha using Leona.
02:28:39And I know who the baby is.
02:28:41I even know that I'm giving the company to you now.
02:28:44I just don't understand why all this.
02:28:51Because I love you very much.
02:28:52And I've never stopped loving you.
02:28:54Don't lie.
02:29:0020 years ago, a few months before your wedding, Pasha confessed to me that he wanted to break up with you.
02:29:08He was seeing another girl.
02:29:11From a very rich family.
02:29:13He had big plans for this marriage.
02:29:16You're lying now.
02:29:18And he proposed to me that I buy you from him.
02:29:24In exchange for participating in business.
02:29:28So I was a selling point?
02:29:33I accepted him thinking that if he disappeared from your life, I would have more opportunities.
02:29:39Why didn't he marry that girl?
02:29:42Olga's father didn't like her.
02:29:45How do you know all this?
02:29:48Because she ended up marrying me.
02:29:51Actually, I owe my success in business to my father-in-law.
02:29:56We broke up in a few years, but we're still good friends.
02:30:01There were no children in the way.
02:30:10Why did you appear in my life again?
02:30:12I've never lost sight of you.
02:30:16The one who wanted a divorce was Olga.
02:30:19She said she didn't want to share me with another woman.
02:30:23I don't believe you.
02:30:29But I didn't forget about Pashka either.
02:30:32I thought revenge was waiting for the right time.
02:30:36And when I came up with the plan with Elena, it turned out to be a mistake.
02:30:40Because Pasha wouldn't stop talking.
02:30:44You're lying.
02:30:48I love you very much.
02:30:51I've loved you all my life.
02:30:54It's true.
02:30:56And you can trust me.
02:31:00You left me without money.
02:31:10With my husband's baby.
02:31:12I work from dawn to dusk so we can eat.
02:31:16So, do you love me?
02:31:21Maybe Pasha is an asshole, but you're disgusting.
02:31:29Oh, be more careful.
02:31:35Yes, hello, Igor. What do you want?
02:31:38I'm not going back there.
02:31:40That crazy woman doesn't want to give me back the baby.
02:31:43You have to sign a child's resignation.
02:31:45What else?
02:31:47What will be my schedule?
02:31:49If you pay, I'll sign.
02:31:51Who's going to love you with a child?
02:31:53I heard you have everything under control.
02:31:55A new Pope has appeared, by the way, I know him.
02:31:58And you don't want him to know what you're doing with his babies.
02:32:04What do I have to sign?
02:32:05Wait for me.
02:32:07I'll be there in a few hours.
02:32:12Can you come?
02:32:14Just for a few minutes.
02:32:36And why just a few minutes?
02:32:39I've asked for half an hour off.
02:32:42What's wrong?
02:32:44Maxim, my God, but not now.
02:32:47But not now, I beg you.
02:32:49I have so many things to do.
02:32:54So many things that I even forgot about your birthday.
02:32:57But better later than never.
02:32:59This is for you.
02:33:01For what, Lara? I forgot about my birthday myself.
02:33:03Look, let's see.
02:33:18Yes, very expensive.
02:33:20From the latest collection.
02:33:22I like it, thank you.
02:33:24There's also a postcard.
02:33:34Lara, what is this?
02:33:37A prize.
02:33:40And what have I done to deserve a prize?
02:33:43Max, this is a gift.
02:33:45I know what your salary is.
02:33:52Tell me why I feel like a yugolo now.
02:34:00I didn't know you'd react like that.
02:34:03I thought it was normal.
02:34:05And what's normal?
02:34:07Receiving money for sex?
02:34:09I'm sorry, I think I misunderstood our relationship.
02:34:21If I knew that after leaving the hospital,
02:34:24I couldn't give up the baby, I wouldn't even look at him.
02:34:27I swear.
02:34:29You weren't going to be a mother.
02:34:30That wasn't for me, Pashka wanted it.
02:34:33What am I supposed to do with him now?
02:34:35I can't explain how he didn't drown in your love.
02:34:39Enough, what do I do now?
02:34:41We'll try to erase the law.
02:34:43You'll ask for permission to adopt your son,
02:34:46but not for an ex...
02:34:48but for the father's wife.
02:34:50Well, is everything decided?
02:34:52The notary is waiting.
02:34:54Wait, please, don't rush us.
02:34:56What else do you need?
02:34:58Let's say...
02:35:00you're not the baby's father.
02:35:05I thought you were,
02:35:07but at the hospital it was obvious that you weren't.
02:35:10And who else knows?
02:35:12No one. You, me and the hospital staff.
02:35:15And the baby's father?
02:35:17And what? I don't know who the father is.
02:35:23Let's do this.
02:35:25You don't know anything.
02:35:27No one told you anything about the hospital.
02:35:28The father is Pablo.
02:35:32Go and sign the consent for adoption.
02:35:34Let's go.
02:35:47Here you go.
02:35:49Thank you.
02:36:01Elie has left me the baby.
02:36:03He signed the consent for adoption.
02:36:05And he just sent me the scanned document.
02:36:07I'll go and pick up the original.
02:36:09Then I'll pick up the baby.
02:36:11Tell me, when can I adopt him?
02:36:13It'll take a long time.
02:36:15Will you help me?
02:36:17Of course.
02:36:19Thank you.
02:36:31go to sleep.
02:36:40Go to sleep.
02:36:42Lara, you're like Julius Caesar.
02:36:44So many things at once.
02:36:46I have good news.
02:36:48Alon has signed the papers.
02:36:52Now I can adopt you.
02:36:59Can you imagine?
02:37:01I'm going to have a son.
02:37:03I'm very happy for you.
02:37:09if Pasha comes back,
02:37:11if Pasha comes back,
02:37:13then we'll talk.
02:37:16Do you know all that story?
02:37:18The meeting in the pool,
02:37:20the sudden romance,
02:37:24everything that happened
02:37:26with the company, debts,
02:37:28everything was done by Igor.
02:37:31What are you saying?
02:37:35You know better
02:37:37what happened between them 20 years ago.
02:37:41But why now?
02:37:43Why all this?
02:37:47The usual revenge.
02:37:49Larissa, help me please.
02:37:51I want to take him home.
02:37:53Mom, I've missed you so much.
02:37:55So many things to buy.
02:37:56Here, take everything.
02:37:58Thank you.
02:38:00Good luck then.
02:38:02Don't worry.
02:38:05I'll take the rest later.
02:38:09Lara, thank you very much.
02:38:14Sleep, sleep.
02:38:20And he didn't tell you?
02:38:24And he won't tell him?
02:38:27What do you care?
02:38:29The fact that you're sleeping with Pasha
02:38:31doesn't give you any privilege.
02:38:33You can go.
02:38:41You're so difficult, Pavlik.
02:38:44All my life.
02:38:52Do you remember everything?
02:38:54Eat, walk, bathe,
02:38:56and if I don't come back,
02:38:58feed him again.
02:39:00But we already know everything.
02:39:02You're great.
02:39:04I'll try as fast as I can.
02:39:06I'll just take the documents.
02:39:08Take them carefully.
02:39:17What happened?
02:39:19Why aren't you at the office?
02:39:21There's a problem.
02:39:22The husband's consent.
02:39:24I don't understand.
02:39:26Before adopting a child,
02:39:28you need the consent of another spouse.
02:39:32And what should I do?
02:39:34Wait until I find Pasha?
02:39:37Or wait a year until they recognize him as missing?
02:39:40I haven't had time to investigate it.
02:39:42Give me the documents and I...
02:39:45I'll show them to the professionals in adoption.
02:39:48Maybe there are some legal gaps.
02:39:50Thank you.
02:39:52How did the girls receive him?
02:39:57You mean mom and Katya?
02:39:59Everything's fine.
02:40:01Katya even offered me her help.
02:40:04Come and see us today.
02:40:09Is this your VIP client
02:40:11for whom you abandoned the rest of your affairs?
02:40:14And what made this taxi driver
02:40:16crash into someone?
02:40:19First of all, she's not a taxi driver.
02:40:20And she didn't crash into anyone.
02:40:22She's just a girl trapped
02:40:24in an unpleasant situation.
02:40:26You're also trapped now.
02:40:28Or rather, you've fallen in love.
02:40:30You didn't even know
02:40:32our Iron Man had a heart.
02:40:35It turns out he does.
02:40:40Taxi driver, that's crazy.
02:40:46Hey, they've already started
02:40:48with the adoption thing.
02:40:50But it looks like they still need the papers.
02:40:52What do I do?
02:40:54Everything I told you before.
02:40:56And right now.
02:40:58What are you waiting for?
02:41:00But if I go back without him,
02:41:02they'll kill me.
02:41:04They'll yell at you and calm down.
02:41:06They shouldn't protest.
02:41:08You'll have done everything
02:41:10according to the law.
02:41:12Look, an address.
02:41:15My phone is out of battery.
02:41:17Let me look for it.
02:41:18Take the cart.
02:41:24Look, bastard.
02:41:26You chose the wrong family.
02:41:28This is my territory,
02:41:30so I'm sorry.
02:41:37Mom, Katia is at home.
02:41:39Where are you?
02:41:41Oh, Nika.
02:41:43I just finished making a soup.
02:41:45Katia took the baby out for a walk.
02:41:46The only thing is,
02:41:48I'm a little worried.
02:41:50It's taking a long time.
02:41:52I also asked her to get Marta out,
02:41:54but she didn't want to.
02:41:56And her phone doesn't answer.
02:41:58When was that?
02:42:00Well, when you left.
02:42:02She left right away.
02:42:04It's been three hours.
02:42:08It doesn't answer either.
02:42:10Okay, I'll go get them.
02:42:12Something happened.
02:42:14Maybe the car broke down.
02:42:22I'm sorry.
02:42:24Have you seen a girl with a car?
02:42:26No, I haven't.
02:42:28I told you, I told you.
02:42:30Excuse me,
02:42:32have you seen a girl with a cart
02:42:34with colored hair?
02:42:36What happened to your voice?
02:42:38Katia took the baby and disappeared.
02:42:40I'm on my way.
02:42:42Where are you?
02:42:44I'm in the corner of our square.
02:42:58I'm sorry.
02:43:17I can't find her anywhere.
02:43:19Have you called her boyfriend?
02:43:22No, it didn't cross my mind.
02:43:27Hello, Artyom.
02:43:29This is Veronica, Katia's mother.
02:43:31Do you know where she is?
02:43:33Give it to me.
02:43:37I know what you and Katia want to do.
02:43:39Her business.
02:43:41And if you don't want any trouble,
02:43:43I don't want to do it now.
02:43:44Tell me where Katia is and where the baby is.
02:43:48When did it happen?
02:44:02Hello, can you talk?
02:44:05Listen, you wanted to pick up the scooter, right?
02:44:10Take it, I'm leaving.
02:44:12For about three months.
02:44:14Then we'll see how.
02:44:18Okay, okay, everything is fine.
02:44:20We'll meet like this then.
02:44:31Good afternoon.
02:44:33Tell me please, have you seen a girl here?
02:44:35With a little car maybe.
02:44:37Her hair is long, with purple ribbons.
02:44:40No, I haven't seen her.
02:44:56Excuse me please.
02:45:00Have you seen a girl here?
02:45:02With a little car maybe.
02:45:04Her hair is long, with purple ribbons.
02:45:07No, I haven't seen her.
02:45:09I've seen them.
02:45:11They were here next to the police station for half an hour.
02:45:15The boy tried to drag her to the reception,
02:45:18but she resisted and didn't want to.
02:45:20Finally they fought and he left.
02:45:22And then she took the boy and left too.
02:45:25And where did Elia go?
02:45:27No, I don't know.
02:45:29Maybe feed him or change diapers.
02:45:31Modern mothers are like that, you know.
02:45:33The boy cried and she too.
02:45:35Yes, thank you.
02:45:37I asked the guards.
02:45:39No one came in today.
02:45:41They called the hospital and there's no news either.
02:45:43Shit, my phone is out of battery.
02:45:45Mom will be in a hurry to not be able to contact anyone.
02:45:48Then go home, calm mom down and charge the phone.
02:45:51We will act according to the circumstances.
02:45:53Yes, thank you.
02:45:55See you later.
02:46:02Nica, where were you?
02:46:04I called you a million times.
02:46:06Everything is fine, look.
02:46:12Shh, my little one.
02:46:16Mom, please forgive me.
02:46:19I didn't want him here.
02:46:22I just didn't want to have another Vitalik.
02:46:25I was so angry with you.
02:46:31Forgive me, please.
02:46:33He's so cute.
02:46:34He smiles at me.
02:46:36Come here.
02:46:39Of course.
02:46:41Silly, you were confused.
02:46:44You look so happy next to him.
02:46:47Next to you too.
02:46:50You are my daughter.
02:47:02Hello everyone.
02:47:04Maybe you thought I was dead, but I'm alive.
02:47:11Katia, my daughter.
02:47:13Forgive me.
02:47:15I behaved like a complete idiot.
02:47:17In front of you and your mother, but I had no other option.
02:47:20And now you have it?
02:47:22Go, better get out of where you came from.
02:47:24We've all cried to you.
02:47:28What grandma?
02:47:29Are you happy?
02:47:31Why are you quiet?
02:47:33She disappeared.
02:47:35She was doing time somewhere.
02:47:37She made us think she had drowned.
02:47:39And she actually left us all here so we could drown.
02:47:42She didn't feel sorry for anyone.
02:47:44I see you haven't changed a bit.
02:47:46Honestly, I didn't expect you to be happy.
02:48:00I understand.
02:48:06I don't know how to explain it, but...
02:48:11I didn't think and I didn't expect everything...
02:48:13to turn out so bad.
02:48:15That those guys would come for the money.
02:48:17You didn't expect it.
02:48:21And how did you find out?
02:48:26Larissa told me.
02:48:29Of course.
02:48:31There's no secret about you that she doesn't know.
02:48:35And why are you here?
02:48:40I want to be with my son.
02:48:46Here's my daughter, my wife, my mother-in-law, my lawyer.
02:48:52Good morning, Pablo Sorgevich.
02:48:54Good morning, Pablo Sorgevich.
02:48:55Good morning, Pablo Sorgevich.
02:49:01You think all this is funny?
02:49:09Help me.
02:49:12I don't...
02:49:14I don't recognize you.
02:49:16This moment is really hard for me.
02:49:18Okay, okay.
02:49:20We're not going to stand here.
02:49:22Let's go into the room.
02:49:39You're the only one who's happy to see me.
02:49:43Katia, bring me...
02:49:45a kitchen chair, please.
02:49:47Why don't you do it?
02:49:52Of course.
02:50:09Andrei, I find it strange to see you here.
02:50:13Is this a family reunion?
02:50:22Do you want to tell me something?
02:50:34You and I need to talk.
02:50:38Let's talk.
02:50:40But not here.
02:50:42In front of everyone.
02:50:44A lot of things have changed recently.
02:50:47In general, everything has changed.
02:50:49Therefore, it's not strange here.
02:50:53Sit down.
02:50:55Sit down.
02:51:03I'll help you.
02:51:07You had a wonderful family.
02:51:09A more or less stable business.
02:51:12Something about your personal life.
02:51:15Obviously, you wanted more.
02:51:17You decided to take a risk.
02:51:19Now you don't have a business or a family.
02:51:22I'm not going to judge your personal life.
02:51:27You took a risk.
02:51:29And you lost us.
02:51:32Nika, forgive me.
02:51:34I'm guilty of everything.
02:51:36Please leave that.
02:51:38We'll sit down.
02:51:41We'll have tea.
02:51:43And then you'll go home.
02:51:45Igor has returned your apartment.
02:51:47So you're no longer homeless.
02:51:49You can thank him.
02:51:53But what does he have to do with all this?
02:51:56Didn't Larissa tell you?
02:51:58He wouldn't have wanted to traumatize you.
02:52:02You lost everything because of him.
02:52:09Just give me my son.
02:52:11And I'll go.
02:52:16You have no right.
02:52:19I don't care.
02:52:21Pavel Sergeevich, I'm very sorry.
02:52:24But as for the child...
02:52:27There are some legal issues.
02:52:30But Veronica and I will solve it.
02:52:32But you don't care.
02:52:34What do you mean I don't care?
02:52:36I don't understand anything.
02:52:38I'm the father.
02:52:40And by the way, what does Veronica and I mean?
02:52:43What's going on? Has he hired you?
02:52:46Nika, are you paying him?
02:52:48No, nobody hired me.
02:52:49Nobody pays me.
02:52:51That's not important.
02:52:54What matters is that you can't be the father of this child.
02:52:59But what are you saying?
02:53:01Andrei, where did you get that information from?
02:53:04Oh my God.
02:53:06How crazy is all this?
02:53:08That's more absurd than any soap opera.
02:53:12From the data of his blood type, Pavel Sergeevich.
02:53:20You can't be the father of this child.
02:53:32That explains a lot of things.
02:53:35You can't be a father.
02:53:40That is to say, all this time you thought I was the cause of our failures, right?
02:53:45Of course.
02:53:46Of course.
02:53:48Of course I'm to blame.
02:53:50Yes, I'm to blame for everything.
02:53:55And I deserve all this.
02:53:57He's not my son, but he's not yours either.
02:54:01I don't understand who the son is at all.
02:54:04Nika, he's a stranger to you.
02:54:10He's not a stranger to us either, Andrei.
02:54:16I don't understand.
02:54:26I don't understand.
02:54:36He hasn't even had his tea.
02:54:39He's offended.
02:54:41Go feed the child and bathe him.
02:54:47Katyusha, let's clean up.
02:54:51And I'll have some valerian.
02:55:12Pavlik, for God's sake, what happened?
02:55:14What happened?
02:55:16He's not my son.
02:55:18What do you mean he's not yours?
02:55:22And who is he then?
02:55:24No, no, Pavlik, they're lying to you.
02:55:26Nika has an affair with this lawyer.
02:55:28It was determined by the blood group.
02:55:30They have the birth certificate.
02:55:32Before, the urologist told me that there were few possibilities,
02:55:36but I, silly, thought that a young woman, young blood ...
02:55:39What the hell!
02:55:41For God's sake, Pavlik, I told you.
02:55:44She has been a bitch from the beginning.
02:55:47Like all the ones who were before.
02:55:50And Nika, what does Nika say?
02:55:56She won't forgive me.
02:55:58And me neither.
02:56:01Pavlik, how did you get into all that?
02:56:06If they were a happy family.
02:56:09You wanted young blood, right?
02:56:11A little party?
02:56:12Nika is wonderful.
02:56:14Yes, she has a soul.
02:56:16How long did Semyonov wait for her?
02:56:19How much effort, how much money did he spend to get her back?
02:56:22In fact, I have to settle accounts with him.
02:56:26Let's go.
02:56:31Well, the consent to the adoption of the mother ...
02:56:38It's guaranteed, right?
02:56:40It's guaranteed, right?
02:56:43Are we going to register it?
02:56:45Excuse me.
02:56:48What do you need, Sigary?
02:56:53Are you offering me a job?
02:56:57You know, I'm really going back to business,
02:57:00but I'm not going to work with you.
02:57:05Excuse me.
02:57:08Yes, I'll explain it to you later.
02:57:11Should we continue?
02:57:13Yes. What name do we give him?
02:57:20What patronymic do we give him?
02:57:29In honor of the future godfather.
02:57:35Well, I don't want to be his godfather.
02:57:39But I will accept to be his father.
02:57:53I mean it.
02:57:55About Baghdan and about us.
02:57:58Andrei, I am so grateful to you.
02:58:01When we met, I thought you would crush me.
02:58:05You had such armor.
02:58:07I thought I couldn't reach you.
02:58:10And then you saved me.
02:58:12You've become a true friend.
02:58:14I'm not talking about friendship at all.
02:58:17The black streak is over.
02:58:19The lucky streak begins.
02:58:21While Baghdan is a little girl, Sigary is a taxi driver.
02:58:24At least I'll have freedom of schedule.
02:58:27And then...
02:58:29I enrolled in courses.
02:58:31I want to go back to business.
02:58:33Now I have two children to feed.
02:58:34I'm sorry, my emotions are at their peak.
02:58:36Yes, I'm listening.
02:59:02God, I'm so stupid.
02:59:05God, I'm so stupid.
02:59:08You don't have to say anything right now.
02:59:11Everything that has fallen on you lately,
02:59:14you won't be able to start a new relationship.
02:59:18I just want you to know that you can always
02:59:24trust me.
02:59:34I love you.
03:00:04I love you.
