Al Sur Del Corazon - Capitulo 21 - LAT Channel

  • 4 months ago
Al Sur Del Corazon - Capitulo 21 - LAT Channel


02:30It is coming from me with the notion
02:32in the castle
02:34The Luna's are mean
02:36That's a bad young lasolas
02:40But it's so cool
02:42The river
02:44The river
02:48We do it like when we were kids
02:52I'm a little nervous
02:54You are the key
02:56Now live in this dream
02:58Are you or are you not a brava?
03:04Obviously I'm a brava
03:16I'll be there
03:20I'll let you know when you can arrive
03:22I don't want it
03:28I think we are
03:30more and more crazy
03:36Nothing worse than people
03:38Rope and rope
03:46Hello Judith
03:48You know
03:50I'm not going to eat anything
03:52I'm going to go to bed early
03:56If I know him
03:58Then I'll lower his appetite
04:00And he'll be eating anything
04:02I don't care
04:04Are Vale and Felipe at home?
04:06Valentina is in her bedroom
04:08You know she prepared a special meal
04:10for the boss
04:12She said it was to give him a gift
04:14That's good
04:16Well, don't worry about me
04:18Let me prepare something for him
04:20You know, my grandmother always said
04:22The worst thing is to sleep with the gut
04:24Look, it can be a salad with fruit
04:26A consomme with eggs
04:28No, really, it's not necessary
04:30I'm dead tired
04:32The only thing I want is to go to bed
04:34Take advantage of everything, go to bed early
04:36Let these guys fix everything
04:38What do you think?
04:40But Valentina left me the curtain
04:42The kitchen, hey
04:44Not like the other time she made cookies
04:46She touched the pan and it got dirty
04:48But it's not that bad
04:50You can wash it tomorrow
04:52Take advantage of the rest
04:54Besides, it doesn't look good
04:56That you go over what she did
04:58But you know I like the kitchen to shine
05:00So no, no, boss
05:02I'll stay here cleaning
05:04But how can you be so lazy?
05:06Go to bed, I'm telling you
05:08Take advantage of doing your things
05:10I don't know, reading, watching TV
05:12Hey, what are you doing to me?
05:18No, no, what happens is that
05:20I've been thinking for a long time
05:22That you're working too much, Judith
05:24Too much
05:26Yes, that's true
05:28Look, let's do this
05:30I'm going to leave everything ready for Don Felipito
05:32And Valentine's date
05:34I'm going to put the table and from there I scrape my piece
05:36To iron the ear, okay?
05:38I'm going to the office
05:40I do a couple of things and I'm going to bed
05:48And what the hell did the boss say?
05:56Excuse me, I'm busy
05:58I'm reviewing the budget that Soramira made
06:00And it's great
06:04Sorry to interrupt you, mom, but
06:06I'm worried
06:10About Trini
06:12What happened now?
06:14Nabila asked me
06:16Why I thought you didn't want to tell us
06:18Who Trini's father was
06:20And what did you tell her?
06:22That we didn't have to get into your privacy
06:24Or those things
06:30This is never going to end
06:32And he told me that
06:34At some point we're going to have to
06:36Let Trini get close to my dad
06:38Because if not, he's going to start suspecting
06:40And I think he's right
06:42I don't know what to tell him
06:44Every time he asks me to see him
06:48We have to keep insisting that Francisco
06:50Wasn't a good dad, that he abandoned them
06:52Which is true
06:54We both know that the truth
06:56Is much more complicated than that
07:04Do you think Trini
07:06Will ever be able to see him?
07:08No, my love
07:10I'm going to do everything I can
07:12So that doesn't happen
07:20Now, write it down
07:22We have to see the electric circuit
07:24The painting
07:26Write it down
07:28The doors, the windows
07:30All of that
07:32And if we make a stage
07:34A beautiful stage
07:36With beautiful lights
07:38Something like a stage, it wouldn't cost us anything
07:40A stage? Why do you need a stage?
07:42For those who can dance
07:44Yes, there has to be live music
07:46Everyone dancing
07:48With these beautiful musicians
07:50Dressed in smoking
07:52Write it down, smoking
07:54Rita, wait, let's take it easy
07:56Music is important
07:58If not, we're going to spend a lot of money
08:00Yes, you're right
08:02I start packing
08:04And I start imagining how the party would have been
08:06At that time
08:08Imagine all the people dancing
08:10Each sheep with her partner
08:12That party must have been incredible
08:16Hey, did you know that Manuel's grandfather
08:18Was the king of La Chuchoca?
08:22And that same guy later got involved with Emilia's grandfather
08:24Did you know that?
08:26But I had no idea about Manuel's grandfather
08:28And Emilia's grandmother
08:30They say that
08:32The bride who is appearing here
08:34Is her
08:36Again with the ghosts
08:40But it's true
08:42Tell me
08:44Well, they say that
08:46Mrs. Hilda's mother
08:48Is the bride who died of grief
08:50Because this old man robbed her
08:52If he was going to marry her
08:54It turns out that this old man had another family
08:56You can't believe it
08:58He left her with the party, with the guests
09:00With everything, with everything
09:02And he sent himself to change
09:04And he left her waiting for the poor lady
09:06With her beautiful wedding dress
09:08And with Mrs. Hilda in her arms
09:10Because Mrs. Hilda was still a little girl
09:12And she died of grief?
09:14Of grief, that's what they say
09:16Well, that's as far as I know the story
09:18Mrs. Hilda was raised by her grandmother
09:20Is the story good? I had no idea
09:22It's very old
09:24I knew something about a bride
09:26I had no idea she was Emilia's grandmother
09:28Yes, well, if the curse of the brave
09:30It's serious stuff
09:32Where did you come to get yourself, Carlitos?
09:36Hey, and
09:38Are you still interested in Emilia
09:40Or are you already giving up like that?
09:44And that question
09:46Why, why would it be?
09:50We had agreed that
09:52We were going to be partners, right?
09:54Yes, I'm not fresh
09:56If I only ask you about coffee
09:58No, yes
10:00I'm still single, I think
10:02For a long time
10:04I'm going to stay like this
10:06Until I find someone
10:08That seems interesting to me
10:12And that's an indirect?
10:14Let's say it's a
10:16Declaration of principles
10:42And that doll house
10:46But so many years that I did not see
10:50I had it hidden
10:52Do you remember when I gave it to my dad?
10:54Oh, how can I not remember?
10:56I had months playing with you
10:58Hey, but
11:00And where was it that I had not seen it?
11:02In the attic
11:04I always kept it to remember him
11:08Did you get nostalgic?
11:12Yes, a little
11:14I was with him
11:16My girl
11:18You always pretend to be strong
11:20But deep down
11:22You have a heart of alcohol
11:24Soft and soft
11:26I'm not going to tell anyone
11:28That you are a bread of God
11:32Look at all the potatoes I harvested
11:42And that house
11:44All dirty
11:46I thought you had thrown it
11:48It's not heavy
11:50But my daughter is all dirty
11:52Oh, I have good memories
11:54Oh yeah?
11:56Then let me refresh your memory
11:58Because all the gifts your dad gave you
12:00They were for guilt
12:02Look, he gave you that house
12:04And then he left as if he had put a hen
12:06The duck to get together with the other
12:08With the ordinary with which he left
12:10But Mrs. Hilda, don't talk to the girl like that
12:12Hey, why not? If it's the truth
12:14You have to be frank
12:16My dad wasn't bad and he's not dead either
12:18For me, yes, dead in life
12:20Well, I don't care if you don't like it
12:22What do you care if I see the good in him?
12:24He has nothing good
12:26A man like him, little thing, little man
12:30He doesn't deserve my respect
12:32And I hope yours doesn't either
12:34Well, I want to rebuild my relationship with him
12:38After all this time?
12:40But he's practically a stranger
12:42For the same reason
12:44Well, do you like it or not?
12:46Do I like it or not?
12:48Let's see
12:50It's not like that here
12:52Don't get it wrong, don't get it wrong
12:54It's a miracle
12:56You don't disrespect me
12:58I'm fed up of your disrespect
13:00Hey, don't you dare take me
13:02This is my house
13:04And here what I say is done
13:06Just like that?
13:08Just like that
13:12I'm going straight to the point
13:14That I can barely leave this house
13:16Because I'm not interested in living with his rules
13:24Are you angry or what did you do?
13:38I have good news for you
13:40How did you know?
13:42It's what I love the most in the world
13:44And I asked God for it every night
13:46Did he hear you?
13:48Trini, I understand that
13:50You need to get closer to him
13:52Before it was different
13:54You hadn't seen him, you didn't know him
13:56But now it doesn't make sense to keep forbidding you
13:58They're finally not going to bully me anymore
14:00At school
14:02They said that my dad didn't love me
14:04And that's why he had abandoned me
14:06Also because we were weird
14:08Why didn't you tell me?
14:10Because I didn't want to make you suffer
14:12No, you can tell me anything
14:16The only thing that can make me suffer
14:18Is seeing you sad
14:22You have to tell me everything
14:24Promise me
14:26You know, Graciel
14:28Although we always fight
14:30I love you a lot
14:32And I love you more
14:34Do you know how I feel?
14:38That even if you make me angry
14:40You're like my second mom
14:42Because you always take care of me
14:46I love you, little girl
15:07Thank you
15:15You look really beautiful
15:17It's beautiful isn't it?
15:19Seems like some romantic movie
15:22I consider you look really good too
15:24Thank you
15:26You have those curves
15:28I claws and what not
15:30Thank you
15:32Philipe has to arrive now
15:34If you can, listen, remember, put the cake in the oven 15 minutes before serving.
15:40Then you pour the egg on top and you have but to suck your fingers.
15:43Already, I will not forget, really.
15:46And do not go to line the salad that gets ugly.
15:48That, yes, I will not forget, really.
15:52I would love to help you set the dishes, to serve.
15:56No, do not worry Judith, I'm fine, you already helped me too much, really, thank you.
16:00Well, it seems that today no one needs me.
16:03You know what? The boss sent me to rest.
16:05He told me that he also goes to bed early.
16:07So, I'm going to watch a movie.
16:10Well, how rich, you can take advantage, good night.
16:13Good night shepherds.
16:23Feli, how long are you missing?
16:25I'm waiting for you to eat.
16:26I have a surprise for you.
16:33Hey, are you missing a lot?
17:04We feel it.
17:06The phone you dialed does not answer.
17:08Try later.
17:14I'm going to accept the last one, huh?
17:16Look, I'm already tuning in.
17:17Well, and what is the problem with tuning in from time to time, Mr. Felipe?
17:20No, that's true too, but the problem is that when one has questions in his head,
17:24when he is a bit tangled, it is not a very good combination.
17:26Well, I imagine.
17:28I'm going to tell you what has it like this or not.
17:32I don't know why I think that a certain brave lady has it so complicated or not.
17:39I don't know what happens to me with grace, Pablo.
17:41I don't know.
17:42Maybe it's that witchcraft you say.
17:44Of course, that has to be the curse.
17:50I have come to think that this matter of the curse is true,
17:52because what I at least, I walk like a fool, I walk like a witch.
17:57Look, I think that when a woman has it like that,
18:00she is not a good woman.
18:02No, it's not a good relationship.
18:05Well, you're right about that.
18:06Yes, because if one is with someone, it is to be happy, not to be sad.
18:10Of course, but the problem is that one cannot choose that.
18:12How can one not choose?
18:14Look, if it were up to me, I would be calm with Vale.
18:17I would be fine.
18:18But I don't know.
18:19This issue that is happening to me with grace, I don't understand it.
18:22It escapes me.
18:23It is superior to me.
18:24I can't explain it.
18:25I can't understand it.
18:26I don't know.
18:27You speak as if the relationship you had with Miss Valentina was a tragedy.
18:33With all due respect, but what I have seen is that she loves you, respects you.
18:37She is a good woman.
18:39I think you would leave things there and would not continue to heat up existence.
18:43Yes, I don't know.
18:44I know that Vale is a wonderful woman.
18:46I love her very much.
18:48But I can't stop thinking about grace.
18:51I can't.
18:52I can't stop thinking about how beautiful she is.
18:55In her eyes, in her mouth.
18:59In this mixture that has fragility and strength at the same time.
19:04But have you seen how we look at each other today?
19:06Ah, but it's like being close.
19:08And another thing, because it looks like I'm in a pickle.
19:10It doesn't look like it.
19:11It looks like it.
19:12It looks like it, but I know it's wrong.
19:14I know this shouldn't be happening to me.
19:16In fact, she asked me not to get away from her.
19:18And that hurt me a lot.
19:20I think the best thing in this case, Mr. Felipe, is to be honest.
19:25Talk to her.
19:26Talk to things.
19:27It's the best.
19:28It's not that easy.
19:29I don't know.
19:30I already told you.
19:31I don't understand what's happening to me.
19:32I'm not entangled.
19:34Look, the only thing I'm clear about is that I don't want to be far from grace.
19:37I don't want to.
19:38Well, then talk to Miss Valentina.
19:40Don't keep treating her and let her go.
19:43What I least want in life is to make Vale suffer.
19:47I don't want that.
19:49And you think you're not going to suffer with someone who doesn't love you?
19:56Let's talk about that.
20:09Excuse me.
20:11Can I come in?
20:12Yes, of course.
20:15How nice, Mom.
20:16Are you going out?
20:26With Manuel Toro.
20:31What is Grandma going to say?
20:33Grandma doesn't have to know.
20:36What's going on between you and Manuel Toro?
20:43It's a story...
20:44It's an old story.
20:46And it's very long.
20:48Mom, I don't understand.
20:50What happened with all the speech you give us with Grandma?
20:53That men are going to hurt us?
20:54That we should stay away from them?
20:56That it's just us.
20:57We don't need anyone else.
21:01Well, it could be that now that I'm older,
21:04I don't want to keep repeating a story about my mom.
21:10And it could also be that I was wrong.
21:14What I want to do now is...
21:19Dare to what?
21:25To let out what I feel.
21:33And aren't you afraid?
21:35A little.
21:38The truth is, I'm very afraid.
21:41But as the saying goes,
21:43it's better to regret what you did
21:46than to regret what you haven't done.
21:49Because of fear or because of what your mom might think.
21:54I don't know what to tell you.
21:58No, don't tell me anything.
21:59Because doing this scares me.
22:03But I want to dare.
22:10And I'll support you.
22:12Like you've always done with me.
22:17Thank you.
22:19Thank you.
22:39What about you?
22:41Haven't you finished eating yet?
22:43No, father-in-law.
22:44The truth is, I haven't even started eating.
22:49That, because Felipe hasn't arrived,
22:51he doesn't answer my phone,
22:53and the food has already gotten cold.
22:55But it's already too late.
22:56Didn't he tell you where he was going?
22:59I mean, I think he was late.
23:01He told me he had a lot to do,
23:03and the truth is, I'm really tired.
23:06So I'm going to go to bed.
23:08No, do you mind if I leave everything like this?
23:11No, no, no, don't worry.
23:12I'll fix it.
23:13But are you okay?
23:16No, the truth is, no.
23:17But it's really my fault.
23:21Why do you say that?
23:22It's not your fault.
23:23No, well, because...
23:25Well, I prepared this surprise meal for him,
23:27but he had no idea.
23:29So, nothing.
23:30Let me call him.
23:32No, no, no.
23:33No, yes.
23:34No, no, no.
23:35No, yes.
23:36It doesn't matter anymore.
23:38Well, I'm going to bed.
23:39I'm super tired.
23:40And sorry again.
23:42No, don't apologize to me.
23:43Good night.
23:44Good night.
23:52Where did you go, bastard?
24:21What happened?
24:22What happened?
24:23What happened?
24:24What happened?
24:26I saw her.
24:27I saw her through the window.
24:28Who did you see?
24:29I saw her.
24:30I'm sure I saw her.
24:31Who did you see?
24:32Who did you see?
24:35She was my girlfriend.
24:36I saw her.
24:37She was looking at me again.
24:38This bastard is talking nonsense.
24:40Calm down.
24:41Calm down, son.
24:44Calm down.
25:02Calm down.
25:03Calm down.
25:04Calm down.
25:05Calm down.
25:06Calm down.
25:07Calm down.
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26:25Calm down.
26:26Calm down.
26:27Calm down.
26:28Calm down.
26:29Calm down.
26:33Calm down.
26:47Take this.
26:48It's okay.
26:52You're in a shock.
26:54The worst thing is that you're following me now, because it's no longer enough for you to buy me at the Sentinel,
27:00but now you're going to come to see me here at the hostel too?
27:02Stop talking nonsense, do you want to?
27:03Let's see, Rodri, look, I think, look at me, look at me.
27:06I think you saw something, a shadow, an avalanche, a branch, a branch.
27:11No, how could I have seen a branch, Mrs. Neche, if it was the bride, I'm sure I saw her.
27:15No, this guy is high.
27:17Look, I never trusted you, because I told you, he's crazy, he's crazy.
27:21But how am I going to walk around smoking marijuana at work hours?
27:24Look, it was the ghost of the bride, I closed my eyes.
27:26There are no ghosts, they don't exist.
27:36Evelyn, it was you.
27:38So here you are, you bastard.
27:40Mr. Luis.
27:41Good evening, I don't know what I saw in this bastard.
27:44Excuse me, who are you?
27:46Luis Antonio Pessoa, nice to meet you.
27:47Yes, Evelyn's father.
27:48Yes, I am the mother, my name is Tamara.
27:52You know we've been waiting a long time.
27:53Cabros, bring the priest.
27:56The priest?
27:59If you weren't a little man enough to go to church, we'll bring you to church.
28:04That's right.
28:05Excuse me, what are you telling me?
28:07The show is over.
28:08Yes, they are going to get married right now.
28:10And it was.
28:51Felipe, what time is it?
28:53Sorry, sorry.
28:55It's late, my love, I didn't want to wake you up.
28:59Where were you?
29:00I was calling you, texting you, nothing.
29:03It's just that my dad told me that he was with Pablo and we didn't ...
29:07We had things to do and we started drinking a beer and the time passed.
29:11Did you turn off your phone?
29:13No, no, no.
29:14I thought I was going straight to your mailbox.
29:16I ran out of battery.
29:18What's wrong with you?
29:19I ran out of battery.
29:21But I'm going to charge it.
29:22And you didn't think of letting me know?
29:25I was worried.
29:26Yes, but I'm here, my love, I'm here.
29:29Everything is fine.
29:31Everything is fine?
29:33No, Felipe, everything is wrong.
29:35I mean, don't you care that you didn't think of calling me?
29:40Sorry, love, it happened to me.
29:43But you could have asked Pablo to tell your dad or send a message to Judith, I don't know.
29:49Well, it was a misunderstanding.
29:51Sorry, sorry.
29:53The excuse of the year?
29:55I mean, did you realize that I was preparing a meal especially for the two of you?
29:59And how am I going to know that, Vale?
30:01I had no idea.
30:03I don't know why I worked so hard preparing a delicious meal,
30:06putting it on the table so that you didn't care about anything.
30:10But, Vale, it's not that big of a deal.
30:12Felipe, I left everything for you.
30:15I left my job in Santiago, I left my family, I left my friends,
30:18everything to sit in the dining room in your dad's house
30:23while you went out to drink with the boss, having a good time.
30:27There's no problem, I can't have friends.
30:29Of course you can have friends, you can have all the friends you want.
30:32Yes, but finally, let me know.
30:34I mean, I could have gone out, I could have gone to Frutillar, to Puerto Varas, I don't know.
30:38My time is also valuable.
30:40Of course it is.
30:41I know your time is valuable too.
30:43But you couldn't wait for me to spend all my life around you
30:45because you came up with the idea of living here, Vale.
30:47Oh, no. You went too far.
30:51Come on.
30:52Let's not fight, please. Let's not fight.
30:54Don't be so dramatic.
30:59It's not dramatic.
31:02It's just that all this time, I met a charming Felipe.
31:07An educated, affectionate, nice guy.
31:14But the one who's here,
31:17Octavio's peasant,
31:21I don't know that Felipe.
31:24And he's not the Felipe I fell in love with.
