Successor's Billionaire Husband (1)

  • 4 months ago


00:00 *sad music*
00:17 Come on, bitch.
00:19 *sad music*
00:31 And with that, we say goodbye to Mr. Garner.
00:35 A great man with a great legacy.
00:38 Goodbye, dad.
00:40 *sad music*
00:43 Thank you.
00:45 *sad music*
00:52 We must get rid of her.
00:54 The little bastard.
00:57 Don't worry, mom.
00:59 I'll take care of her.
01:01 And him.
01:03 *sad music*
01:09 Norma?
01:11 Henry?
01:13 Oh my god, did we-
01:15 Okay, guys.
01:17 Next up on the tour of my house is my bedroom.
01:19 Please, please follow me to here.
01:21 *sad music*
01:25 *gasp*
01:27 Norma!
01:28 You're fucking my husband!
01:29 It's fucking a bar!
01:31 I don't know what's going on!
01:33 I knew you!
01:35 I knew you always liked him!
01:37 My dad just passed away!
01:39 How could you do this to me?
01:41 *sobbing*
01:43 Oh my god.
01:45 Are you so desperate for a man?
01:47 *sobbing*
01:49 *sobbing*
01:51 *sobbing*
01:53 Who the fuck are you?
01:55 This is family business. Stay out of this.
01:57 Family business?
01:59 You don't know what you're talking about. Put that away.
02:03 *sobbing*
02:05 Miss.
02:07 Are you alright?
02:09 Are you alright?
02:11 *sobbing*
02:37 Miss. Garner.
02:39 Sir, you can let me down now. I can walk by myself.
02:43 Miss. Garner.
02:48 Your father declared you as the sole Garner Corp in his will.
02:51 You will inherit the entire estate.
02:53 *sobbing*
02:55 *sobbing*
03:23 Oh, yeah.
03:25 So you're a Garner.
03:37 I thought they only had one daughter.
03:41 Well, my father, he left me and my mother a really long time ago.
03:47 And he just passed away.
03:49 I came to attend the funeral, but
03:51 I didn't expect...
03:53 Did you know our stock price dropped again today?
04:03 God damn it.
04:05 I knew you couldn't take over.
04:07 Stockholders have no trust in a bachelor.
04:09 They think all you're thinking about is girls.
04:12 You've got to settle down, marry a nice girl, start a family.
04:18 Thanks, Dad.
04:21 Look at us, both feeling over our father's shoes.
04:24 I guess so.
04:27 Well, I gotta get to work.
04:32 But you're more than welcome to stay as long as you need.
04:36 So, just call me if you need anything.
04:39 Yeah.
04:40 Okay.
04:42 *phone ringing*
04:44 Hello?
04:51 Cassie? What's wrong?
04:54 Norma, are you in New York now?
04:56 Listen, I need to send you an email.
04:58 I need you to bring it to Mr. Smith's house and have him sign it.
05:01 In order to secure his investment, the entire team has been working for several months.
05:05 So hurry up, don't mess it up.
05:07 But I'm on vacation.
05:10 Hello? Hello?
05:12 Mr. Smith, Cassie said that these documents are really urgent and require your signature immediately.
05:35 *phone beeps*
05:37 *phone beeps*
05:39 *phone beeps*
05:40 *phone beeps*
05:42 *phone beeps*
05:44 *phone beeps*
05:46 *phone beeps*
05:48 *phone beeps*
05:50 *phone beeps*
05:52 *phone beeps*
05:54 *phone beeps*
05:56 *phone beeps*
05:58 *phone beeps*
06:00 *phone beeps*
06:02 *phone beeps*
06:04 *phone beeps*
06:07 *phone beeps*
06:08 *phone beeps*
06:10 Are you okay?
06:11 Hello, Ms. Garner?
06:15 Can you hear me?
06:18 Okay.
06:20 Alright, I think we're done here.
06:24 Let's go.
06:27 *phone beeps*
06:29 *phone beeps*
06:31 *phone beeps*
06:33 *phone beeps*
06:36 *phone beeps*
06:37 *phone beeps*
06:39 *phone beeps*
06:41 It's that old rapey bastard.
06:44 No! Alan, get off me!
06:56 Don't do it, Alan!
06:58 Stop it, please! I'm begging you!
07:01 Don't touch me!
07:02 No, don't!
07:03 You wanna play games?
07:05 I don't wanna play games!
07:06 Alright, one more?
07:07 *sighs*
07:09 Okay.
07:10 What the fuck?
07:12 What the fuck are you doing?
07:14 Oh my God!
07:19 Alan Smith!
07:20 *sobs*
07:23 Sorry.
07:28 It's okay, it's okay. I'm okay now.
07:34 What do you need to know?
07:35 You ain't seen the last of me.
07:38 Peace.
07:41 Cassie?
07:54 Listen.
07:56 Since your people know Chris Hart so well,
07:58 why don't you get your money from him?
08:02 'Cause I'm out!
08:03 *sighs*
08:07 *sighs*
08:08 *sighs*
08:09 *sighs*
08:11 *sighs*
08:13 *sighs*
08:14 *sighs*
08:16 *sighs*
08:18 *sighs*
08:20 *sighs*
08:22 *sighs*
08:24 *sighs*
08:26 *sighs*
08:28 *sighs*
08:30 *sighs*
08:32 *sighs*
08:34 *sighs*
08:36 *sighs*
08:38 *sighs*
08:41 *sighs*
08:42 *sighs*
08:44 *sighs*
08:46 *sighs*
08:48 *sighs*
08:50 *sighs*
08:52 *sighs*
08:54 *sighs*
08:56 Oh, it's so hot here.
08:58 *smooch*
08:59 *sighs*
09:01 *sighs*
09:03 *sighs*
09:05 *sighs*
09:07 *sighs*
09:10 *sighs*
09:11 *sighs*
09:13 *sighs*
09:15 *sighs*
09:17 *sighs*
09:19 *sighs*
09:21 *sighs*
09:23 *sighs*
09:25 *sighs*
09:27 *sighs*
09:29 *sighs*
09:31 *sighs*
09:33 *sighs*
09:35 *sighs*
09:37 *sighs*
09:39 *sighs*
09:40 *sighs*
09:42 *sighs*
09:44 *sighs*
09:46 *sighs*
09:48 *sighs*
09:50 *sighs*
09:52 *sighs*
09:54 *sighs*
09:56 *sighs*
09:58 *sighs*
10:00 *sighs*
10:02 *sighs*
10:04 *sighs*
10:06 *sighs*
10:09 I don't sign this.
10:11 *sighs*
10:13 Norma, Norma, Norma.
10:15 I tried to be nice,
10:17 but you wasted that chance.
10:20 If you don't sign this,
10:22 we're gonna come after you
10:24 with everything that we have.
10:26 Who do you think that you are?
10:29 *scoffs*
10:31 Who do you think you are?
10:32 What rights do you have to negotiate with us?
10:34 You're just a wild child.
10:35 Do you really know how much shame you have brought to your family?
10:38 Your father's body is not cold yet.
10:40 That's enough, both of you.
10:42 I'm gonna take charge of the company
10:44 and I'm gonna inherit the estate.
10:47 Because that's what father wanted.
10:49 Make your rest in peace.
10:51 Miss Garland,
10:54 I truly apologize for the confusion
10:57 regarding the will that was left by your father.
10:59 Actually, he made changes to it a week before his passing
11:02 and you're no longer listed as a heir.
11:04 I'm truly sorry, Miss Garland,
11:06 but actually he did give you your house in Long Island.
11:09 So you're no longer going to inherit after all.
11:13 I guess that does make sense.
11:17 Well, in this case, they can have it all.
11:21 I never even belonged in this family anyway.
11:23 And it's a chapter of my life, I know.
11:26 But this house still requires a signature, Miss Garland.
11:31 [sips tea]
11:33 Norma, you don't need to come here anymore.
11:40 Did I get that right? Are you firing me?
11:43 Norma, I thought you were smart.
11:45 I don't want to tell you, but the most important investment
11:48 for the next year is from Alan's group.
11:50 And now it's all gone because of you.
11:52 Is that enough reason for you?
11:54 That's just an excuse. I know that you want to fire me.
11:57 Why would you do such a thing to me?
12:00 Ugh, what a dump.
12:02 So dusty in here.
12:04 I think I'm allergic.
12:07 Achoo.
12:09 Good thing we're getting somebody to come and clean up the trash.
12:13 [sobs]
12:15 What do you want me to do with Nina?
12:38 I don't have a good answer.
12:43 [phone rings]
12:45 The news about you and that woman is spreading like wildfire.
13:04 The investors have been calling me.
13:06 What are you going to do?
13:08 I'll take care of it.
13:11 [phone rings]
13:13 Hey Norma, are you home?
13:18 Okay, I'll be there in ten minutes.
13:20 Wait for me outside.
13:22 [whistles]
13:33 [phone beeps]
13:35 Chris Hust, it's been a long time.
13:48 Lola Walton.
13:53 Lola Walton.
13:57 I thought you were supposed to be in the UK.
13:59 When did you come back?
14:02 I heard that Cole is looking for a fiancée for you.
14:06 So, if I didn't back, would you have gotten married without telling me?
14:11 Maybe.
14:15 Just kidding.
14:17 I made the dates when we used the sun baths on the beach like kids, so I came back.
14:22 And now I'm a partner of Hurst Group.
14:25 So Chris, aren't you happy I'm back?
14:30 Of course I'm happy.
14:32 Welcome back.
14:34 Anyways, I heard the rumors about you.
14:36 But that can't be true, right?
14:38 The heir of Hurst Group involved with an illegitimated daughter who's lost all her inheritance.
14:48 You know Lola, I never pegged you as someone to judge someone solely on their last name or how much money they have in their bank account.
14:57 I mean, that wasn't you before.
15:00 That was everyone else.
15:04 But I mean, if that's who you are now, then I guess...
15:09 I don't think I have much left to say to you.
15:13 So, I should just get going here.
15:16 No, I'm still Lola, you remember.
15:19 I just meant Cole probably won't accept her.
15:22 That's all. I'm on your side.
15:24 No matter what.
15:26 Let's go to see Cole. He's waiting for you.
15:29 Why are you taking me?
15:45 I know.
15:48 Oh my god, Ronnie.
15:50 New VV's on my wrist, new watch, get your eyes down.
15:53 Who's screaming when I walk in, tell them house pipe down.
15:57 Shoot us, get snappy, I'll then press a bike down.
16:01 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, hit.
16:03 How much?
16:05 55.
16:07 55, jeez.
16:09 I don't know.
16:12 Do your job, calm down.
16:19 Let me go, let me go.
16:22 Put me down.
16:24 What are you doing? Let go of me.
16:27 Put me down.
16:29 My friends are going to notice I'm missing.
16:32 Put me down, I said.
16:34 New VV's on my wrist, new watch, get your eyes down.
16:37 Oh my god, Ronnie.
16:38 Who's screaming when I walk in, tell them house pipe down.
16:41 Put me down, let go of me.
16:44 Let go of me.
16:46 Alice Smith?
16:52 Norma Garner.
16:54 The last time I saw you, you were still a Garner girl.
16:57 How did you end up here?
17:00 You know, I heard all about you.
17:03 Your god isn't hurting you.
17:05 And your stepsister kicked you to the curb.
17:08 Don't touch me.
17:10 Come on, Norma, you were already here.
17:13 Drop the act, make me happy.
17:16 And I promise, I'll be more generous than Chris.
17:20 I said get your hands off me.
17:22 Fucking bitch, who do you think you are?
17:25 Chris doesn't give a shit about you.
17:28 And then one woman like you should know her place.
17:31 And today, I'm going to make you pay.
17:34 Feeling?
17:42 Are you fucking crazy? I'm your brother.
17:45 If you really consider me your brother, stay away from here.
17:49 Whatever.
17:51 Yeah, get the fuck out of my place.
17:54 (crying)
17:58 You do remember when I took you in and let shit roll when I finished you?
18:16 Without me, you'd be sleeping under a bridge.
18:22 Now what?
18:24 You're going to ruin my company?
18:26 With that whore?
18:28 She's not a whore.
18:30 She slept with her fucking brother-in-law.
18:33 Uncle Kyle, don't lose your temper over this.
18:37 Chris never said in public he was going to marry Norma, right?
18:41 If he knew the difference between trash and class, I wouldn't get involved.
18:50 But he's just as foolish as my sister.
18:53 My sister.
18:56 My father adored her so much, that he wanted to give the entire family a fortune.
19:02 But she loved some bastard.
19:06 That didn't work out.
19:08 You know why?
19:11 I have to keep it from Kyle before I can confirm Norma's mother's identity.
19:15 I'm worried he might go after Norma for the inheritance.
19:19 I understand.
19:21 I will marry Lola so I can make you happy and take over the company.
19:29 Norma?
19:32 What are you going to do?
19:34 I need time.
19:38 Just give me time.
19:43 I'm sorry.
19:45 You probably don't even remember me.
19:53 But I never forgot you.
19:58 I never did.
20:01 Norma, where are you?
20:07 Where's your hands?
20:10 What?
20:12 What the fuck?
20:18 I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.
20:35 Please contact my assistant for proper compensation.
20:39 Mr. Vice President.
20:41 Very impressive.
20:42 Listen, I don't need your money.
20:44 Actually, after what my brother did, consider us even.
20:49 Hey, I think it's time for you to go.
20:57 Me? I can do as I please.
20:59 You're not even her boyfriend, are you?
21:02 It's okay.
21:04 Why don't you get the hell out of here before I do something money can't fix.
21:09 I'm sorry.
21:11 Fine, tough guy.
21:15 I'm going to step back this time.
21:17 But when you are here, I'll make sure you never see her again.
21:24 [Music]
21:41 Where were you?
21:43 I needed you.
21:45 How do you feel?
21:50 It hurts all over.
21:52 All over?
21:53 Yeah.
21:54 Where? Here?
21:55 Here.
21:56 Here?
21:57 Here.
21:58 Here?
21:59 You know what I think is good for that?
22:03 A bath.
22:05 A bath sounds good.
22:07 I'll be right back.
22:09 [Music]
22:33 Hi.
22:34 You better have a good reason for this.
22:37 Boss, we have found the person who kidnapped Norma Garner.
22:40 They entered Lola's room.
22:42 It's her.
22:43 Okay, I'm on my way.
22:46 Invitel Strip Club?
22:57 Really? Are you fucking kidding me?
23:00 [Music]
23:12 Whoa, hey, let her go.
23:14 What do you want, man? Just name the price.
23:16 I'll give you whatever you want.
23:18 Hey, don't come any closer.
23:20 Chris, don't worry about me. Just save yourself.
23:23 Hey, man, let her go.
23:26 What do you want? Just name the price, man.
23:28 I'll give you whatever you want.
23:30 Just calm down, okay? You don't need to do this.
23:33 I want your girl gone.
23:35 Okay.
23:38 It's gonna be okay.
23:40 You know?
23:42 I'm so sorry.
23:46 Look.
23:50 Chris.
23:56 Oh, you.
23:58 Hi.
23:59 You saved me yesterday. Who are you?
24:01 Elon Smith.
24:03 I want to apologize for what my brother did yesterday.
24:08 But don't worry. I won't let that ever happen again.
24:11 It's okay. You didn't have to come all the way to say that. It's fine.
24:15 By the way, have you heard the name of Lola Walton?
24:19 I believe she's the one behind all that happened to you yesterday night.
24:25 Walton? I don't even know anyone named Lola Walton.
24:30 Why would she want to do something like that to me?
24:33 Norma, Norma, Norma.
24:35 You're so kind, so innocent, so pure.
24:38 It's like in your eyes, the whole world is perfect.
24:41 Nobody will ever harm you.
24:44 But let me tell you something.
24:46 There are some bad people out there with plenty of reason to harm someone like you.
24:50 Did you know that Chris and Lola know each other from childhood?
24:54 She sees you as a threat because she's involved with him.
24:57 So you better tell Chris about it.
25:00 You're right. I'm going to call him right now.
25:03 You better do.
25:05 We're sorry. Your call cannot be completed as dialed.
25:15 Please check the number and dial again.
25:17 I know what we had before was great. We had so many good times.
25:23 Remember that?
25:25 I do.
25:27 But that was in the past.
25:31 I've moved on. There's someone else that I love.
25:36 That's straightforward rejection.
25:39 Thank you, Chris.
25:41 You always know what you want and that's what's so attractive about you.
25:45 Even though I know in the end you're going to hurt me.
25:50 [Crying]
25:52 This is urgent. I gotta take this.
25:58 Norma! Miss me already?
26:11 Chris, I know who kidnapped me.
26:15 Who? I'll make them pay.
26:18 It was actually your friend, Lola Walton.
26:22 No! Norma's my good friend. She just came back to help me.
26:27 I'm sure this is a misunderstanding, but don't worry.
26:30 I'll get to know who's behind this.
