Fazzini (personal trainer): "Non stoppare mai l’attività fisica nemmeno in 'quei giorni'"

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “CFTrainigs è un metodo che cura la donna a 360°” Favorisce infatti l'elasticità muscolare e la circolazione sanguigna, mitigando gli squilibri ormonali. Agevola la produzione di endorfine e dopamina, che riduce il dolore, aiuta a calmare le variazioni d'umore e l'affaticamento. Quindi: “allenarsi durante il ciclo assolutamente sì, però conosciamo bene il nostro corpo, studiamo bene le sensazioni che ci da, ascoltiamo il nostro corpo, e calibriamo l’attività fisica”


00:00 [Music]
00:03 With the first days of spring,
00:08 more and more characterized by the heat,
00:10 it's time to refresh the routine and physical activity.
00:13 And this also because it is approaching the fateful test of habit.
00:16 For many women, however,
00:17 training during the period of menstruation
00:19 may seem an impossible task,
00:21 and often it is preferred to give up
00:23 to avoid that the pains,
00:24 typical in many cases of this phase of the month,
00:26 do not increase.
00:27 Yet, as Chiara Fazzini explains,
00:29 a doctor in motor science and personal trainer
00:31 specialized in kinesiology
00:33 and promoter of the CF trainings method,
00:35 doing sports even in those days is good,
00:38 and it is a real health touch for the body and mind.
00:40 Recommended or not recommended,
00:42 there are thousands of opinions around.
00:44 What I can say is that every woman has a cycle
00:46 that is different from the cycle of another woman.
00:48 For example, mine can be more or less painful
00:50 than that of another person.
00:52 So first of all, know your own body.
00:54 In the maximum line,
00:55 from the first to the fourteenth day of the cycle,
00:57 it is the best phase,
00:59 with which we can also get a little more crazy.
01:01 From the fourteenth day,
01:03 the flying phase arrives,
01:04 so a little pain begins,
01:05 psychological discomfort.
01:07 So it is good to reduce
01:09 the intensity of our workouts
01:11 until the menstruation
01:13 around the 28th day,
01:15 which for many women is problematic,
01:17 painful,
01:18 it has to do with abundant cycles, amenorrhea.
01:20 So in that phase I recommend
01:22 to change the type of workouts a little,
01:24 rather than going to do
01:26 stretching, mobility, pilates,
01:28 walking outdoors to release the tension,
01:30 but not stop physical activity.
01:32 And why is it so important?
01:34 Because the movement produces endorphins,
01:36 produces dopamine,
01:38 produces hormones that at the psychophysical level
01:40 make us feel good,
01:41 but also at the physical level,
01:43 because, for example, dopamine is an antidolorific,
01:45 so it will help us to counteract
01:47 the classic cycle pains.
01:49 In our work method,
01:51 we are surrounded by a team of professionals
01:53 in the sector that help women
01:55 to treat, from every point of view,
01:57 me at the level of physical activity,
01:59 the nutritionist doctor
02:01 at the level of food,
02:03 of food balance,
02:05 and our osteopath doctor
02:07 as regards the part of the breathing
02:09 which is very important and often undervalued,
02:11 posture, check, mobility
02:13 and all these things here.
02:15 So let's say we created a method
02:17 that goes to treat the woman at 360 degrees.
02:19 So every professional takes care of
02:21 his micro-nipple,
02:23 and in the end,
02:25 in a few months of work,
02:27 because it is a matter of doing things
02:29 self-taught, a bit at home,
02:31 it is a matter of having 3 professionals
02:33 who manage you by the book
02:35 everything that needs to be improved.
02:37 CF trainings, underlined by Chiara Fazzini,
02:39 is a method based on scientific studies
02:41 and on the hearing of the person,
02:43 which does not only provide training,
02:45 but also a complete care of the individual.
02:47 It favors motor elasticity
02:49 and blood circulation,
02:51 and it also enables the production of endorphins,
02:53 helps to calm mood variations and fatigue.
02:55 In the extreme synthesis, therefore,
02:57 training during cycling, absolutely yes,
02:59 but we know our body well,
03:01 we study well our body, the sensations it gives us,
03:03 we listen well to our body
03:05 and we calibrate a physical activity.
03:07 (upbeat music)
03:09 (upbeat music)
