The Plough and the Stars 1936

  • 5 months ago
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00:02:23 A penny for them, Jack.
00:02:25 They'd be of no interest.
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00:02:35 You'd like more tea, perhaps?
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00:02:40 I've had plenty, thank you.
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00:03:05 Are you as anxious as that to be off to the meeting in the citizen army, Jack?
00:03:09 I promised you I'd have no more to do with it.
00:03:15 Then let's forget about it.
00:03:26 How quiet the house is tonight.
00:03:33 We'll let the dishes go for a while.
00:03:37 Oh, ho, so the honeymoon is over and housework is getting dull.
00:03:43 Mrs. Clitheroe that was supposed to set such store by her home.
00:03:47 There are things more important than dishes.
00:03:51 What, for instance?
00:03:54 You.
00:03:55 And what's the matter with me?
00:03:57 Nothing.
00:04:00 As long as we're together like this.
00:04:04 Kiss me, Jack.
00:04:10 You haven't grown tired of me, Jack.
00:04:13 Tired of you?
00:04:17 No, I know we're a grand couple.
00:04:19 Make no mistake about that.
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00:04:34 Play it for me, Jack.
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00:06:17 What's the matter?
00:06:23 Nothing.
00:06:33 Nothing.
00:06:44 Why did you do that?
00:06:49 Promise me you'll never go away and leave me.
00:06:53 What's got into you, Nora?
00:06:55 I never saw you like this.
00:07:01 And where would I be going anyhow?
00:07:05 Pay no heed, they'll go away.
00:07:07 I'll just see.
00:07:08 No, we don't want to see anyone.
00:07:10 Clitheroe!
00:07:13 Where's Ned?
00:07:14 Oh, don't mind him.
00:07:15 Let's pretend we're not in.
00:07:16 Let's forget everything tonight but ourselves.
00:07:18 I'll send a vows.
00:07:19 No, Jack, please.
00:07:20 Please don't open it for my sake.
00:07:21 Oh, now, darling.
00:07:30 The dispatch from General Connolly.
00:07:36 I don't understand.
00:08:01 Why does General Connolly call me Commandant?
00:08:04 The staff appointed you Commandant.
00:08:07 And the General agreed with their selection.
00:08:12 When did this happen?
00:08:13 Two weeks ago.
00:08:16 How is it word was never sent to me?
00:08:18 But word was sent to you.
00:08:20 I myself brought it.
00:08:23 Who did you give it to then?
00:08:27 I think I gave it to Mrs. Clitheroe there.
00:08:34 Nora, do you hear what he says?
00:08:42 Do you hear it, Nora?
00:08:45 Captain Brennan says that he brought me a letter and that he gave it to you.
00:08:48 Where is it?
00:08:53 It doesn't matter now.
00:08:56 You've got your message.
00:08:58 But I want to know, Nora.
00:08:59 I have a right to know.
00:09:04 I burned it.
00:09:07 Burned it?
00:09:09 How could you do such a thing when you know how much it means to me?
00:09:12 It means to you?
00:09:13 And what does it mean to me?
00:09:15 That I'm to sit here wondering where you are, whether you're alive or dead,
00:09:18 trembling at every knock that comes on the door,
00:09:20 but fear it's news of the rebellion and that you've been called?
00:09:23 Do you think your being commandant is worth all the agony we'll both live through?
00:09:27 There's no way to talk, Nora.
00:09:29 You should be proud your husband was selected.
00:09:32 Proud?
00:09:35 My mother was proud when she saw my father go marching off to war.
00:09:40 But there was a little pride in her weeping when she knew he'd not come back.
00:09:45 Don't worry.
00:09:46 I'll be back.
00:09:48 Now don't wait up for me.
00:09:50 I may be maneuvers from you.
00:09:51 You can't go.
00:09:52 You can't leave me like this.
00:09:54 All the things you said can't be forgotten so easily.
00:09:56 All your love for me can't die.
00:09:58 Did you marry me with a citizen, Harmony?
00:10:01 Nora, you talk like a child.
00:10:03 I have a duty.
00:10:05 Highland is my country, and when she calls, I must go.
00:10:07 I'm your wife, and you have a duty to me, too.
00:10:10 And I'm asking you to stay.
00:10:13 I'm ashamed of you, Nora.
00:10:15 A man must fight.
00:10:17 I...
00:10:25 You'll do the fighting.
00:10:29 But the weeping will be for the women.
00:10:33 [door closes]
00:10:35 [footsteps]
00:10:40 [music]
00:11:09 Can I come in, Mrs. Clitheroe?
00:11:32 Mother's gone to the meeting.
00:11:34 I was feeling terrible lonely.
00:11:37 So I came up to see if you'd let me sit with you.
00:11:50 I do be terrible afraid I'll die sometime, but...
00:11:53 when I'm by meself.
00:12:02 I often envy you, Mrs. Clitheroe.
00:12:07 Seeing the health you have, and the lovely place you have here.
00:12:12 And wondering if I'll ever be strong enough to be keeping a home together for a man.
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00:13:37 Hello, cutie boy.
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00:13:48 Halt!
00:13:50 Left face!
00:14:00 One...
00:14:02 Two...
00:14:08 Comrade soldiers of the Irish Volunteers, and of the Citizen Army,
00:14:13 in the hearts and minds of those who stand here,
00:14:17 Ireland has this night become a nation,
00:14:20 taking her rightful place among the other nations of the world.
00:14:25 We are a sovereign people, and this night you have told it to the world.
00:14:31 You have shouted it from the house tops,
00:14:33 that in the hearts of our young men have flowered the seeds,
00:14:37 planted by all those men of other generations,
00:14:41 who died in the hope that one day Ireland might be free.
00:14:47 And Ireland will be free!
00:14:51 She will no longer be denied.
00:14:54 It is a sacred heritage that has been handed down to you, my comrades.
00:15:00 And you must not be found wanting from the graves of our dead.
00:15:06 Come forth and cry to you, "Titans!"
00:15:10 We must not have died in vain.
00:15:14 Comrades, how will you answer them?
00:15:19 [shouting]
00:15:25 Attention!
00:15:28 We won't long to wait now.
00:15:30 The time is rotten ripe for action.
00:15:32 You have a mother, Langham.
00:15:33 Ireland is greater than a mother.
00:15:35 You have a wife, Clitheroe.
00:15:37 Ireland is greater than a wife.
00:15:42 I like to hear the speakers, Tommy.
00:15:44 It's that sacred truth they've been saying.
00:15:46 Aye.
00:15:47 And if I was only a little younger,
00:15:48 I'd be plunging mad into the middle of it myself.
00:15:50 Give it a point, Tommy.
00:15:52 Great meeting outside.
00:15:54 Aye.
00:15:56 Well, it's up to us all anyway to fight for our freedom.
00:16:00 Freedom?
00:16:01 What's the use of freedom for self-economic freedom?
00:16:03 I use them very words myself just before you come in.
00:16:06 A lot of tricksters, says I,
00:16:07 that wouldn't know what freedom was if they got it from their mother.
00:16:10 Didn't I, Tommy?
00:16:11 I just remember.
00:16:12 Well, up to the Red House.
00:16:22 There's the men marching out into the dread dimness of danger,
00:16:26 like me own boy,
00:16:29 while the vermin is crawling about, drinking,
00:16:32 and feeding on the fleshes of the lambs.
00:16:35 Now, don't pay no attention to her.
00:16:37 She has the drop taken.
00:16:38 Well, that was a grand meeting.
00:16:40 A grand meeting.
00:16:43 The memory of all the things that was done
00:16:45 and all the things that was suffered by the Irish people
00:16:49 was booming in me brain.
00:16:52 You know, every nerve in me body was quivering to do something desperate.
00:16:58 Listening to the speeches,
00:16:59 patting on the people's heads like rain falling on the corn,
00:17:03 every derogatory thought went out to me mind,
00:17:07 and I said to meself, "You can die now, Flutha."
00:17:14 There.
00:17:17 Do you see them babes?
00:17:19 Well, the blood was boiling out.
00:17:29 I can't for the life of me understand
00:17:31 how they can call themselves patriotic
00:17:33 when they won't lift a finger to help poor little Belgium.
00:17:37 What about poor little Ireland?
00:17:38 You mind your own business, ma'am,
00:17:40 and stupefy your foolishness by getting drunk.
00:17:42 [arguing]
00:17:44 Wait till they're sitting in a straffle row with someone.
00:17:46 There was a storm of anger tossing in me heart,
00:17:49 thinking of all the poor tummies.
00:17:51 I'm with them, me own son,
00:17:53 drenched in water and soaked in blood,
00:17:56 groping their way to a shattered death in a shower of shells.
00:18:00 Ah, to look at some of the women that's mucking about now.
00:18:03 It's enough to make a body sigh.
00:18:05 A woman on her own drinking with a crowd of men
00:18:07 is hardly an example to our sex.
00:18:09 Ginny Gogan's a woman living for nigh on 25 years in her own room,
00:18:14 and beyond fitting the time of day to her neighbors,
00:18:16 never gets as much as nodded her head
00:18:19 in the direction of other people's business.
00:18:21 Bessie Burr just doesn't put up to no much,
00:18:23 never having a swagger in mind.
00:18:26 For the sum she knows decorating their finger
00:18:29 with a well-polished wedding ring would be hard put to it
00:18:32 if they were asked to show their wedding line.
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00:47:13 [Gunshots]
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00:50:50 [Music]
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00:51:44 [Drumming]
00:51:54 [Drumming]
00:52:05 [Inaudible]
00:52:07 Where's my wife? Where's North?
00:52:09 Now you'll have to waken her up with all your...
00:52:11 [Music]
00:52:39 Little red-lipped Nora.
00:52:41 Oh, Jack.
00:52:43 [Music]
00:52:47 Jack.
00:52:49 [Music]
00:52:51 You've come back to me.
00:52:53 [Music]
00:53:04 And I thought I'd lost you forever.
00:53:07 [Music]
00:53:09 We're together again.
00:53:11 [Music]
00:53:22 They're following me over the roofs.
00:53:24 [Music]
00:53:26 Jack, if they find you here, they'll shoot us all.
00:53:28 They must have spotted me. I'll have to make a run for it.
00:53:30 No, Jack, no.
00:53:31 Don't be afraid, darling. I can't stay here.
00:53:33 I'll shoot a man with them on the stairs.
00:53:34 Jack, no.
00:53:35 It's too late, Jack. It's too late. They're coming up the stairs.
00:53:37 [Music]
00:53:43 Your belt, Jack. Your belt.
00:53:45 It's no use, Nora. They'll make a search.
00:53:47 [Music]
00:53:49 Keep away from that window. The snipers.
00:53:51 [Music]
00:54:01 It's the only place, Mrs. Corgan.
00:54:03 Surely they won't open it.
00:54:05 I sure as shit want to do it for you.
00:54:08 [Music]
00:54:15 You're right.
00:54:17 [Music]
00:54:21 We've got to get on the floor, Jack.
00:54:23 [Music]
00:54:24 It's a baby.
00:54:25 [Music]
00:54:34 [Knocking]
00:54:35 Out up there.
00:54:36 [Music]
00:54:37 [Knocking]
00:54:39 Jack, Jack.
00:54:41 [Music]
00:54:44 [Knocking]
00:54:46 [Music]
00:54:49 [Knocking]
00:54:51 [Music]
00:54:57 Hello, hello.
00:54:59 Kind of taking your time, ain't you?
00:55:01 [Music]
00:55:13 He's in there all right.
00:55:15 Come on, open up.
00:55:17 Come on, open up, you heavenly God.
00:55:19 [Knocking]
00:55:21 We saw you down there, now.
00:55:23 Come on, get over here now.
00:55:25 Open up for me.
00:55:27 Well, why don't you open up?
00:55:29 And let the snipers in and be shot for it.
00:55:31 Come on, open up, open up.
00:55:33 [Knocking]
00:55:36 Get down here, all of you. Get down here.
00:55:38 Come on, open up.
00:55:40 [Knocking]
00:55:43 Where'd he go, Corporal?
00:55:45 Who? The snipers?
00:55:46 We checked him out a little, but he folded up down here.
00:55:49 Is anyone hiding in here?
00:55:51 Wouldn't it be nice to rock a little, you missus, if there was?
00:55:55 Do you know what'll happen if I find a gun in here?
00:55:58 I know what'll happen if I got me hands on it.
00:56:04 Make a search.
00:56:07 [Footsteps]
00:56:10 They're gone, find the snipers.
00:56:21 Shut up, shut up.
00:56:25 Find anything?
00:56:34 No.
00:56:36 Corporal, he looks like the one who chased in.
00:56:40 Stand up.
00:56:42 What's your name?
00:56:53 Clifford Rowe.
00:56:55 Do you live here?
00:57:00 I do.
00:57:02 How many men's in this house?
00:57:04 How many men is in this house?
00:57:06 Don't you see them?
00:57:08 Is that all?
00:57:10 All that's left, yes.
00:57:13 If I had my way, I'd make you all joy up and do your bit.
00:57:16 But I suppose you're all shinners now.
00:57:18 Bessie Burgess is no shinner.
00:57:20 I never had no crop with anything spotted between the fingers of the Fenians.
00:57:24 All right, search him.
00:57:31 Who's a stiff?
00:57:32 It's Mulder, Mrs. Golden's child.
00:57:35 Was she plucked?
00:57:36 No, consumption.
00:57:38 Do you know, comrade, there's more joy of consumption than are killed in the war?
00:57:49 And it's all because of the system we're living under?
00:57:52 I know, I know. I'm a socialist myself.
00:57:55 But I have to do my duty.
00:57:57 Duty?
00:57:58 The only duty of a socialist is the emancipation of the working class.
00:58:02 A man's a man and he has to fight for his country, hasn't he?
00:58:05 Fight for his country?
00:58:08 You're not fighting for your country over here, are you?
00:58:11 No, no, Flutha, none of that, none of that.
00:58:13 Ah, cheated, Paddy, cheated.
00:58:15 Will we take a look at that?
00:58:16 Now, report to Sergeant Tidley.
00:58:18 Tell him I'll stay here till he comes.
00:58:20 And he'll open it.
00:58:22 Fight for your country.
00:58:28 First things in the town, Tommy.
00:58:31 It's only a bit of a dogfight.
00:58:34 They'll soon be shoving up the white flag.
00:58:36 Only a bit of a dogfight.
00:58:39 Come on, come on, the cards, boys, never mind him.
00:58:43 Hey, you, D, Flutha.
00:58:45 Only a bit of a dogfight.
00:58:50 Give us a good hand there.
00:58:55 Good morning, sir.
00:58:57 Good morning.
00:58:58 It's time.
00:59:00 Oh.
00:59:04 Thanks.
00:59:12 Thanks.
00:59:41 What sort of a morning is it?
00:59:43 Lovely, sir, the sun shining.
00:59:45 Do you forgive these men, my son?
01:00:10 I forgive all brave men who do their duty.
01:00:13 Sir.
01:00:17 Ready?
01:00:19 Fire!
01:00:21 Order arms!
01:00:23 Sergeant!
01:00:29 These four are all that's here?
01:00:38 That's all, Sergeant.
01:00:39 I heard the ambulance pass again.
01:00:41 Any of our men hit?
01:00:42 Private Taylor.
01:00:43 Got it right through the chest he did.
01:00:45 Gang of assassins.
01:00:47 Probably knifed us from behind roofs.
01:00:49 Assassins.
01:00:51 Who turned artillery on us?
01:00:52 Nothing they'd play in a game.
01:00:54 Why don't they come out in the open and fight fair?
01:00:57 Fight fair?
01:00:59 A couple of hundred straws of fellas with rosary beads and shotguns
01:01:04 against a hundred thousand armed men with horse foot and artillery.
01:01:10 And he wants us to come out and fight fair.
01:01:12 Do you want us to come out in our bare skins and throw stones?
01:01:15 Go on, get out.
01:01:17 None of our men goes west.
01:01:18 You go with him.
01:01:20 Hey!
01:01:21 Hey, Chuck and Ed!
01:01:22 Get out, Chuck Blighter.
01:01:23 Hey!
01:01:24 I'm a Dublin man born and bred in the city, you see.
01:01:28 I don't care if you're a Brian Baruch.
01:01:30 Get out.
01:01:31 Come on!
01:01:32 You and your guns.
01:01:33 Put them down there and we'll beat the two of you without sweat.
01:01:36 Come on.
01:01:37 Come here.
01:01:38 Let me get in the smoke.
01:01:40 Let me get in the smoke.
01:01:42 Go.
01:01:43 Go on.
01:01:44 Go on.
01:01:45 All clear.
01:01:48 All clear.
01:01:50 All clear, Sergeant.
01:01:52 It's a little stiff, eh?
01:01:54 It's her kid she wants to take to the church.
01:01:56 Shall I open it?
01:01:59 Ah, never mind.
01:02:01 Take it along.
01:02:02 Take it down.
01:02:03 Take it down out in the street with it.
01:02:05 Get a move on you.
01:02:07 [music playing]
01:02:11 [music playing]
01:02:14 [music playing]
01:02:18 [music playing]
01:02:22 [music playing]
01:02:25 [music playing]
01:02:46 [music playing]
01:02:49 [music playing]
01:02:52 [music playing]
01:02:55 [music playing]
01:02:58 [music playing]
01:03:01 [music playing]
01:03:26 [music playing]
01:03:29 [music playing]
01:03:48 [music playing]
01:03:51 The rising is over.
01:04:03 And thousands are dead.
01:04:07 What was it all for?
01:04:11 What they said with their blood won't die, Nora.
01:04:15 This is only the beginning.
01:04:20 Beginning?
01:04:23 Beginning of what?
01:04:26 Of more men lying dead?
01:04:29 Of more women sorrowing and grieving?
01:04:33 Is that all that death means?
01:04:36 Must the fighting go on and on and on?
01:04:41 Is there no end to it?
01:04:43 Yes, Nora.
01:04:45 There is an end.
01:04:49 We'll live to see Ireland free.
01:04:52 We'll go on fighting till we do.
01:04:56 Right.
01:04:57 And we'll go on weeping.
01:05:03 [music playing]
01:05:06 [music playing]
01:05:12 [music playing]
01:05:15 [music playing]
01:05:19 [music playing]
01:05:22 (gunshot)
01:05:24 [BLANK_AUDIO]