• 7 months ago
Kats Cradle Cat Rescue, Wolverhampton are in desperate need of funds after reaching an £8000 vets bill.


00:00 Hi, I'm Debbie, I run Cats Cradle Cat Rescue. We are really struggling at the moment with
00:05 an enormous £8,000 vets bill due to the amount of cats that have come into our care with
00:10 serious conditions, including Lucy here, who was found in a gardeners' estray. She actually
00:16 had to have an emergency operation to remove an infected womb and was very, very poorly.
00:23 She's since then been diagnosed with diabetes and she's now on daily insulin injections
00:27 twice a day. We are really, really hoping that people can help us to pay off our huge
00:32 vets bill so we can continue our good work.
