Super7 G.I.JOE Ultimates Storm Shadow Figure Figure
00:00A ninja trades in his black belt in favor of a Cobra patch. Here's a look at the
00:04brand-new Super 7 G.I. Joe Ultimate Storm Shadow Cobra Ninja.
00:30With shifting allegiances and a mysterious past, it's hard to know where
00:49Storm Shadow's loyalty truly lies. But this ninja comes from a long line of
00:52assassins and is a deadly foe to anyone who'll face him in battle. This 7-inch
00:56scale highly articulated G.I. Joe Ultimate's figure Storm Shadow features
00:59premium decoration and comes with interchangeable heads and hands as well
01:02as a healthy arsenal of weapons. What we know is Storm Shadow he may award you
01:07with honor now but you'll be enemies again when you meet in battle. Just of
01:10course before we get a close look at the new Super 7 G.I. Joe Ultimate Storm
01:13Shadow, the tape measure is gonna tell us that the figure stands almost seven
01:17inches in heights or is about 17 and a half centimeters tall. I know in most
01:21fandoms they tend to make mortal enemies out of Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes
01:24simply just because they both come from the Rashikaji clan. Funny though in
01:28Japanese Arashi means storm and Kaji means shadow. So Rashikaji literally
01:32means Storm Shadow. But though in the original Sun Vow cartoon though Storm
01:36Shadow often was at war with spirits. A figure that I hope at some point we're
01:40gonna be getting before Super 7 also cancels the G.I. Joe Ultimate's line.
01:44Let's bring in some other Cobras right now. Not long ago in fact we
01:49actually looked at Zartan. We can bring him certainly in. Zartan's about the
01:52same size as Storm Shadow though I can't help but notice that Storm Shadow has a
01:55much bigger head. We also looked at well as Baroness. We can also bring in as
02:00well Destro. And here's as well what he looks like with the Cobra commander.
02:03Speaking of Arashikaji, Storm Shadow's real name in fact was Thomas S. Arashikaji.
02:08So his last name literally was Storm Shadow. He wasn't being very creative
02:11when it came to coming up with this Cobra ninja name. Though the figure does
02:14come included some pretty nice ninja accessories. Some of which are as well
02:18references to the original Sun Vow series. The figure first of all and
02:21probably likely the things I'm gonna be losing easily the most is the figure
02:24comes include not one not two but if I can grab actually the third one he comes
02:28with a pair of shurikens. These shurikens all seem to be of the same size. They're
02:33all molded here in silver plastic. Again I'm likely probably gonna be losing
02:36these. He does actually already have two of them permanently molded to the sashed
02:40belt that he has. There is also technically a slot in between this
02:44shuriken and the one off to the side here that I suppose you could take
02:48another one of these shurikens. Just again showing you guys what that looks
02:51like up close and personal. You could put that in there as well but I think it
02:54actually more rightfully belongs to his tanto. His tanto by the way is one of the
02:58smallest of the swords that he comes included with. It's a small bladed weapon
03:02with the handle about the same size really as both the katana and the
03:06waza-kaji which is actually that slightly shorter version of a similar
03:09style of katana. Though with the tanto the interesting thing about this
03:13obviously is that the handle allows him obviously universally to hold these but
03:17if you also look at the sashed belt if you look at the top here you can
03:21actually see there's a hole that goes straight through. In theory you could I
03:24suppose take another shuriken and just feed that in there but I'm sure it's
03:28just gonna drop in there and then you're gonna have a hard time to fish it out.
03:30Instead if you look to it you can actually see there's a hole that goes
03:33straight through it. You can take yourself the tanto and feed it straight
03:37through the hole. Not the easiest thing granted to do. A lot of times you have to
03:41kind of make sure without bending it of course that you have to fit it all the
03:44way through and slides in right in the front. The only thing it will do is
03:48prevent a little bit of leg articulation that we'll talk more about
03:51in a moment and of course you're probably gonna have a little more of a
03:53harder time to bend his torso but there's at least a place to store the
03:56tanto. Speaking of which though the figure also like I said comes included
03:59as well with both a katana and a waza-kaji. Waza-kaji is actually a
04:03slightly smaller bladed sword but you can see it it's a very similar style of
04:08sword both cast here in silver plastic and again like the handle it doesn't
04:11really look like they've put a much much paint at all really on the handles
04:14themselves. I've got a little lip of plastic. I'm gonna have to maybe see if I
04:18can take myself the little nail clippers I use at the beginning of these reviews
04:21see if I can trim off that little bit of that burr of plastic that's sticking out.
04:25He could technically of course hold any one of these accessories but he also has
04:29as well on the back a place to store at least the swords. I mean you kind of have
04:32to go by length so you can take yourself the katana that slides very easily take
04:36the waza-kaji that also slides in and it's also as well and then there's also
04:39a secondary storage place a quiver if you will to store then the provided
04:44arrows that he also comes included with as well. The figure has with with these
04:48not only a bow and what I do like about the bow is that they didn't mold this
04:52just in plastic as she gave it a real cording line so it has a little bit of
04:55elasticity to it and then he also comes included with fairly thick looking
05:00arrows. The arrows themselves at least have a little bit of silver on the end
05:03of them other than that though they're pretty much just all molded here in a
05:06very matte gray plastic. The thing I have about this as I'm waving my finger around
05:10if you go to store the arrows in the quiver on the back of his body I find
05:15that they don't all seem to go in there I mean there seems to be enough space
05:18that you can accommodate I mean there's there's one already you would think that
05:21then looking at the other two I mean there's more than enough space why can't
05:25you fit all three in there? The problem with it though is that there seems to be
05:29something on the bottom of the quiver not allowing the arrows to go completely
05:33in. I don't know if there's actually holes I've tried to take myself a little
05:36lamp light a little flashlight see if I got shine in there see if there's
05:39actually holes dedicated for each of the arrows but it definitely seems like
05:42there's something obstructing the arrows from going all the way in there if
05:45anything I can usually get two of the arrows in and even if you can even see
05:50the way I'm fighting get those in there but then always seems to be the case
05:53with the third arrow that I have the hardest time to get it in there it just
05:56doesn't seem to fit in there you could also granted have this also displayed in
06:00his hand but I think that I mean obviously you'd want to have all the
06:03arrows in there and it just seems like I'm fighting with it I really don't
06:07want to break really any of the arrows anyways but I just feel like I'm having
06:10to fight to get the arrows actually in there as mentioned the figure does like
06:14I said also come in clear with the bow the bow does actually have if I can
06:18grab the proper hand a hand for holding this so if you wanted to have the rope
06:22the threading of the bow fit in between his fingers you could have him drawing
06:26back the bow if you're displaying him on the shelf like that the figure also as
06:30well comes included with a hand for holding my guess is this the shurikens
06:35are throwing stars as you can see with the fingers so close to the thumb like
06:38this they fit very perfectly the shurikens and again you probably could
06:41only be able to hold just the one the figure also as well comes in clear with
06:45a couple of karate chopping hands it's probably the easiest thing I could way
06:48to describe those and then he also comes in clear with a couple of sparring
06:52hands also by the way he already has in his sockets of his forms right now
06:57close this we're gonna be changing those out shortly the figure also comes
07:01included with a pair of nunchuck it only has really one pair I mean would
07:05it still be a pair I guess it would only just be one nunchuck even though it has
07:08two handles connected to the handles that you can see there's a real working
07:11chain nice nunchuck the figure also comes included with another hand I can't
07:16help but leave that off I almost left it off in fact actually he comes in clue
07:20with this hand as well also good for holding the swords and the figure also
07:24comes included with an alternate arm that can swap out with this arm that's
07:28over here that happens to have as well the Arashikaji symbol on the top there
07:31don't have any plans at all to really display the figure with this the one
07:36other thing that he also comes included with more referencing to an episode in
07:39GI Joe is that he comes with the original Excalibur I love the fact
07:44that they actually included this I believe from what I remember it's a sword
07:47that basically can slice through pretty much anything it's a neat looking weapon
07:50and again a nice little reference to the original GI Joe real American hero
07:53series you know as again I take a bit of a pause to kind of compose my thoughts
07:58I guess one of the things I could talk about is the fact that figure comes
08:01included as well with a sniper rifle not too bothered about that but the fact
08:04that the figure also comes in clue with an alternate head sculpt which happens
08:07to be this one here which I think it's just a storm shower that has like a mate
08:11a gas mask face mask over top of his face I'm sure it is referenced in an
08:15episode of GI Joe I just can't quite recall it at the time what I can
08:18overhaul is that I first of all I have no plans at all to ever display the
08:21figure with this why would you buy yourself a storm shadow not that I'm
08:24gonna be pointing my finger at people that decide that they want to do this
08:27but why would you want to pick up a storm shadow and then display the figure
08:30with a mask that you probably only see in one episode of the entire series I
08:34would have likely saved the plastic on this and although granted it would be a
08:40little bit bigger I would have loved if they could have included in fact the
08:43satellites there's an episode of GI Joe with him and spirits they go to a
08:47primitive tribe of kind of cavemen people and there's a satellite that
08:51crashes down and they they treat it essentially as a god they paint the
08:54front of the the satellites front of its I guess the main body of the satellite
08:58to kind of get a somewhat of face and an eyes because it's the part that's
09:01actually glowing but the fact that I wish that they could have included that
09:04that would be more likely something I would display with storm shadow I would
09:08be very less likely to display the figure with this gas mask face by the
09:13way this can't just be swapped out with the head that he has right now you could
09:16also swap that arm out it's just a case of popping off the arm on this side make
09:20sure of course you got the face in the right way and then that could just fit
09:22on that side also as well but that's being said let's go ahead and remove the
09:26arrows that's also as well remove the West Akaika waka sashi waka sashi sword
09:32and we'll also put the katana we'll just put that off to the side let's also
09:35remove the tanto sword and we'll put that off to the side just to kind of
09:37free up everything so it'd be a lot easier to move the figure around while I
09:41stumbled to say waka sashi the thing I want to also point out too is the way
09:46they've attached also the the quivers and the this the holsters to hold the
09:50sword I'm drawing a blank scabbard is it the scabbard it's gonna come to me
09:55it's gonna come to me a little bit later but either way all of these are attached
09:58as one piece the thing about it though is it barely attaches onto the back of
10:01his bandolier you can see really how loose this is technically really the
10:04quiver is a separate piece from the scabbards and all of them actually
10:08attached by what only seems to be one little peg it's only about this big and
10:12I don't know if you guys can actually see it or not it sits extremely loose I
10:17don't know if the intended idea in mind is that you could remove it if you
10:20wanted to the only thing I have worries with that though is if it is something
10:23that is removable I don't know if you guys can see there is a peg right there
10:27if it does fit through the bandolier which I'm assuming it does I would
10:31imagine that probably could do damage then to to try to put it back if you
10:34ever change your mind down the road I just wish that this was more permanently
10:37attached not that I really would enforce the idea of gluing anything but I just
10:41think that if this was glued properly on the back of his body maybe they made
10:44it deliberately loose so you'd be able to move his body around but like his
10:47torso joint is technically further down so it wouldn't really necessarily
10:51obstruct anything if they took the the holsters if they took of course the
10:55scabbard and the quiver and they just permanently attached onto the back of
10:58Storm Shadow's body just made it glued just glue it in place that's all it
11:01really needed to do with all those weapons and all the other things aside
11:04let's get a closer look at Storm Shadow here nice-looking figure was a big fan
11:08of Storm Shadow the original series I didn't have the original real American
11:12hero Storm Shadow as a toy as a kid but I did have the one where he becomes a
11:15good guy and essentially he becomes a Joe and he has it has himself the hood
11:18not that I don't think we're probably gonna be getting that figure down the
11:22road even though I think that Storm Shadow also debuted in the Deke GI Joe
11:26series quite an inferior animated series if you ask me like the look of Storm
11:30Shadow though I mean he's all cast in basically white plastic the sash on the
11:33belt definitely again has those little shurikens those are permanently attached
11:36so you can't remove these they are softer plastic this and as well as the
11:40belt is softer plastic just to again accommodate the tanto and again he does
11:44also have the little bandolier belt there on the front nice painted Cobra
11:47logo there on the side I don't know if we spent really a lot of time talking
11:50about his face but the face I have no problems with at all where they I feel
11:53dropped the ball really when it came to Flint Lady J especially Flint and Lady J
11:58were the most disappointing ones and those are the ones I was really the most
12:01interested in getting those have dropped the ball certainly when it came to paint
12:04bareness at that time as well that was really inferior looking a bareness but I
12:08gotta say like to the credit of Super 7 while they have missed the mark on some
12:12of their figures we just recently had a look at one of their Simpsons ultimate
12:16figures the devil Flanders I go to extensive links to talk about my
12:20concerns with that figure if you haven't already checked out that review but you
12:23know I feel like with GI Joe they've done things well with the figures all
12:26the figures lately have been really good they've been painted decently Zartan was
12:30a little questionable I think with his head sculpt probably could have used a
12:33little bit more paint but I feel like storm show picks the spare up and then
12:36proceeds to knock down all the rest of the pins I think he actually does the
12:39figure pretty good I mean I think they've done the figure pretty good not
12:42again a lot of paint but I think the paint that they've at least afforded
12:45this figure has been pretty well done now for the figures articulation storm
12:49shadows head is gonna be on a ball joint it does allow the head to rotate all the
12:52way around it looks up about that far and looks down that far I know it for a
12:57second it looked like I may have missed it that far or that far that far down
13:01basically it's just his neutral expression or neutral angle of his head
13:05sculpt and also rocks slightly back and forth as well that's it as for the arms
13:10they do a much better job of being able to hinge you can bring those easily out
13:13at 90 degrees you can take those arms and rotate them all the way around and
13:17the figure also has as well the bicep swivel of course the single hinge on the
13:20elbow I know that kind of bothers a lot of collectors like why when these
13:23figures have more than one it's single a single hinge really I feel don't
13:26doesn't really cut it especially you want to have the figures displayed
13:29especially as a ninja you'd really like to think that they could have added
13:32double hinges on their elbows but I think it's kind of started the trend
13:35with Lionel Lionel from like the Maddy collector days when they were doing the
13:39Thunder cats then super 7 picked up the property they still retained only the
13:43single hinge kind of basing it more I feel from the Mass Universe classics and
13:46I just feel like super 7 have followed suit with every figure after that every
13:50other figure every ever every other license has all basically had single
13:53hinges in the elbows single hinges in the knees I don't want to think that I'm
13:57gonna be blaming it all on Thundercats Lionel but maybe that's the figure that
14:01started it all single again hinges on the elbows the hand to rotate all the
14:04way around notably though when you do decide you want to change the hand so if
14:07you want to just pop that out for example and let's just pop this one in
14:10instead I just find that you really have to put a lot of pressure to get the
14:14hands in there and even then they feel like they still sit pretty loose the
14:18upper torso is gonna be again on that crunch you can rotate the torso back and
14:21forth I'm a little worried about clipping this but again like at least
14:25they're softer plastic that even if I do clip them I don't feel like I'm gonna
14:28necessarily be breaking off the ninja stars legs do split out there on ball
14:31joints or hinge joints I really should say the legs split out forward or move
14:36forward and back there's a slight swivel at the top of the thigh single hinge
14:39again only on the knee nothing in the rotational here down below in the lower
14:42calf but at least his lower legs where his feet basically begin actually do
14:46rotate all the way around there is the ankle pivot and an ankle rocker back and
14:50forth as well like a look of storm shadow you know again like even though I
14:54don't know if we are gonna be getting ourselves oh I really hope that we are
14:57gonna be getting ourselves as spirit at some point because again like I know a
15:00lot of people fandom wise really like to pair the two of storm shadow and snake
15:04guys together but really they didn't have a lot of screen time in the original
15:07Sun bow series a lot of times it was more so spirit spirit was always the
15:10foil to storm shadow and I do hope at one point we do get ourselves a spirits
15:14if whatever longevity we have left in the GI Joe ultimates line the idea that
15:19storm shadow would actually come in clue with episode specific accessory as cool
15:22as Excalibur definitely be displaying the figure with that not only on the
15:25turntable but moving forward as well the neat thing though also about storm
15:29shadow is that he has some pretty decent weapon storage I've got the figure
15:32displayed on the back of his body and only with the waka sashi I may have said
15:36that completely wrong in the review so sorry for that the katana the tanto I've
15:40got displayed holster on the front of his sash belt and then I've also got as
15:43well the in the quiver a couple of arrows not all three unfortunately it's
15:46the one thing I fight with trying to get the third arrow in there I just said you
15:50know what I'm just gonna leave it off all together but also around the side of
15:53his quiver there seemed to be like a little contoured groove that you can't
15:56actually take the bow and fit it around there as well so check check check tanto
16:01yes katana yes waka sashi said it completely wrong in this review and a
16:06couple of arrows all go on to storm shadows back of his body the only thing
16:09really left off though is one arrow a couple of shurikens nunchuck and also
16:13his sniper rifle probably have no idea of just probably not have no plan of
16:16displaying the figure with the sniper rifle the things I feel are just waste I
16:20feel now again only my personal opinion take it with a grain of salt the things
16:23I feel are wasted here plastic wise are the Arishikaji symbol arm that he comes
16:27included with never gonna see myself displaying the figure with that and as
16:31well the gas mask mask the gas mask mask the gas mask mask head sculpt that he
16:35has as well whether that is episode specific or not I just feel like it was
16:39an unnecessary included accessory I don't even think really storm shadow
16:43needed an alternate head sculpt maybe one was surprised eyes that's about it I
16:47mean you other than really just seeing his eyes there's not much going on with
16:50storm shadows head sculpt and I really think he didn't necessarily need that I
16:53think if I if I was working for super 7 not that I was but I probably would have
16:57saved the plastic on creating the extra arm maybe even left off the sniper rifle
17:01and not included the secondary head sculpt and pulled all that plastic
17:04together and give them the God's satellite that GI Joe and Cobra have to
17:08go and retrieve that's off in the middle of the primitive wildlife but what do
17:12you guys think of the figure let me know down below in the comment section
17:14what things would you have included with storm shadow and what would have been
17:17the things you would have left off let me know down below in the comment
17:20section also if you guys are interested would like to get this one for yourself
17:23I did grab this one at entertainment earth I'll provide the link down below
17:27in the video description I think the guy is still available and using as well
17:30that link will save you 10% on anything that's currently in stock if you guys
17:35did enjoy this video one hit it with like if you guys are loving the content
17:37you guys are seeing and would like to stick around for more but we may be
17:40wrapping up things right now for GI Joe I've got another GI Joe on the way right
17:44now from entertainment earth so we will be looking at that one in upcoming
17:46review but yes making sure you're coming back here on a regular basis is always
17:49the most important thing to ensure that you're not missing out the content
17:52that's always going up regularly as always guys thanks for watching see you
17:56guys next time