[SHORT VERSION] How To Read a Book #learnGermanWithBooks

  • 5 months ago
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"Severe Tire Damage" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
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#learnGermanWithBooks #AuthenticGermanLearning #germanLearning #learnGermanOnline #Untertitel #subtitles
00:00Hello, dear German learners and bookworms!
00:04I'm Marco and today I would like to present to you this fantastic book.
00:14It's called ”How to Read a Book” and I want to teach you German while
00:26you watch this video, so you can combine two great things: books and learning German.
00:50Before we begin, I want you to go to the following website: AuthenticGermanLearning.com/sachbuch1
01:06There, I have written a very detailed review of this book.
01:14If you skim the article before you watch this video
01:20and after you watch this video, you will better understand the content.
01:30”The mind can atrophy, like the muscles, if it is not used.”
01:36This is a quote from the book and I think it is a very appropriate quote.
01:42This book is a practical guide to read a book in order to understand it,
01:51to analyze it and to make one's own judgment.
02:00At what level are you reading?
02:06There are four ways to read a book.
02:11The first type is the elementary reading.
02:17Elementary reading is about understand the words.
02:24The second way to read a book, is inspectional reading.
02:30This is the best possible way to read a book if one has limited time.
02:38I can cross read by, for example, looking at the table of contents, by
02:47leafing through the the book and trying to find the most important words.
02:56And so I can learn a lot about a book in a limited time.
03:03And possibly I could even convince you that I have read the book.
03:13The third way to read a book, is to read it analytically.
03:20In this way we read a book when we have unlimited time.
03:25Francis Bacon once said: ”Some books are to be tasted, others to be
03:36swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.”
03:42When we read analytically, then we chew and digest a book.
03:49The fourth and final way to read books, is syntopical reading.
03:58During syntopical reading, I not only read a book, I read several books.
04:06During syntopical reading, I can compare several books.
04:12Let's talk about the five most important ideas, I have learned while reading this book.
04:22Idea number one: Read with awareness!
04:29An essential part of reading is to be perplexed and know it
04:40It is very important to be aware iif you do not understand something.
04:49And in order to read with awareness, I can use tools.
04:56When I write with a pencil in the book
05:00- always when I do not understand something or if I find something interesting or
05:08when I am confused, then the pencil is practically a sign
05:17that I am aware.
05:19I highlight important paragraphs in orange or yellow.
05:27So I only miss very few important passages.
05:32When I read the book again, then find I these passages again quickly.
05:39Idea number two: Judge fairly.
05:44So on the one hand, it is important that you first understand the arguments
05:51before you make a judgment.
05:53When I made a judgment that a certain action is good or a certain
06:01action is bad for my goals - only then I can change my behavior.
06:11Idea number three: Read stories quickly.
06:17I was skeptical when I heard this proposal, but it makes sense.
06:25But the goal that we often have, when we read a story, is
06:33to get the experience, that the author wanted to convey to us.
06:41And that is why the authors advise to read a story as quickly as possible
06:49and with as few interruptions as possible
06:55and like this, Goethe, Schiller and Shakespeare can be fun.
07:03Idea number four: Dare to read difficult books.
07:11Dare to read all the great novels and also dare to seek out books,
07:20which will help you in your life.
07:24You'll get a lot out of these books.
07:28Read them - if need be, even several times.
07:33Idea number five: Act!
07:38A book can only help you to solve your problems.
07:45You have to act yourself.
07:48These were the five ideas that I got from this book.
07:55I would like to briefly tell you about analytical reading.
08:01The rules or the guidelines of analytical reading are divided into three stages.
08:13Stage number one: What is the book about?
08:21Stage number two: What is said in detail and how is it being said?
08:31And stage number three is finally the question: Is it true?
08:41And if it is true, what follows from it - what happens if it's true?
08:53These were the three stages of analytical reading.
08:58Finally, I still want to tell you, what
09:02I personally think about this book.
09:05Through this book I have learned, to read books more actively and thoroughly.
09:15And I have also improved my ability to transform acquired knowledge into action.
09:23What I liked as well is that the authors really
09:28have a dedication to rationality and for intellectual growth.
09:37I liked the book very much and I can very much recommend it.
09:42If I have piqued your interest and you want to know more, then have a look over
09:50at AuthenticGermanLearning.com/sachbuch1, where I have written a long review.
10:02I hope you enjoyed this video. I hope you have learned a lot
10:08and we both see each other tomorrow. Bye!
