Non-Fiction Book #1: How To Read a Book [Long]

  • 5 months ago
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#AuthenticGermanLearning #germanLanguageLearning #Deutschlernen #German #learnGerman #Deutsch #learnGermanWithBooks #Untertitel #subtitles
00:00Huh? Huh? Oh!
00:08Hello, dear German learners and bookworms!
00:15I'm Marco and today I would like to present to you this fantastic book.
00:24It's called ”How to Read a Book” and I want to teach you German while
00:36you watch this video, so you can combine two great things: books and learning German.
01:00There is so much that I can tell you about this book,
01:06but I will try to keep it as brief as possible.
01:14I'll tell you why I think that this book is very, very helpful.
01:24Then I'm going make you familiar with the four types of reading .
01:32I'll give you five important tips I have learned from this book.
01:44I will briefly talk about analytical reading.
01:52Finally, I'll tell you what I found particularly great in this book.
02:01Before we begin, I want you to go to the following website:
02:18There, I have written a very detailed article for you.
02:26I have written a very detailed review of this book.
02:33You can read it if you want.
02:36But if it's too long for you, then a skimming is sufficient.
02:43If you skim the article before you watch this video
02:49and after you watch this video, you will better understand the content.
02:59The website is, like I said:
03:09”The mind can atrophy, like the muscles, if it is not used.”
03:15This is a quote from the book and I think it is a very appropriate quote.
03:21I think reading books is a good way to keep the mind awake.
03:33For this purpose, it is also important that we read the book well
03:40and not just slide the eye over the text.
03:45For me, it used to be that quickly forgot what I have read and I found it
03:56difficult to summarize a book and it was hard for me to really capture the content
04:07of a book.
04:09I think that's why this is such a great Book.
04:15This book is a practical guide to read a book in order to understand it,
04:24to analyze it and to make one's own judgment.
04:32This book has helped me a lot to read books the book I read better and
04:42also to be more inspired by the books, to be more entertained by the books
04:51and also to train my ability to transform knowledge into action.
04:59At what level are you reading?
05:05There are four ways to read a book.
05:11The first type is the elementary reading.
05:17We learn that in elementary school or we learn that when we learn a foreign language
05:26- like you do now.
05:29Elementary reading is about understand the words.
05:37It's about knowing what a sentence actually means.
05:44The second way to read a book, is inspectional reading.
05:50This is the best possible way to read a book if one has limited time.
05:59If I, for example, only have one hour, then I can by skimming
06:07get a lot out of this book.
06:12I can cross read by, for example, looking at the table of contents, by
06:21leafing through the the book and trying to find the most important words.
06:30You soon realizes what a book is about when you skim it and your eye
06:44slides over the pages.
06:48Certain words practically jump out at you. Certain words strike at you.
06:58And if I want, I can at read some passages while reading inspectionally.
07:05And so I can learn a lot about a book in a limited time.
07:12And if I have inspectionally read a book for half an hour or a whole hour, then I can tell you
07:20already quite a lot about this book.
07:24And possibly I could even convince you that I have read the book.
07:34And perhaps you might even think, I have read the whole book.
07:41The third way to read a book, is to read it analytically.
07:48In this way we read a book when we have unlimited time.
07:53If we have enough time, to really spend time with a book
07:59and to read it thoroughly, then we read it analytically.
08:06And there is the metaphor of a meal by Francis Bacon.
08:15One can compare a book with a meal: When we read a book analytically
08:23then we digest it and a good book takes time.
08:32We need a while until we have digested a book well.
08:38Francis Bacon once said: ”Some books are to be tasted, others to be
08:48swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.”
08:55When we read analytically, then we chew and digest a book.
09:02Some books take a long time to digest.
09:08The fourth and final way to read books, is syntopical reading.
09:17During syntopical reading, I not only read a book, I read several books.
09:25I'm reading up on a topic.
09:29The topic is the focus, not a (single) book.
09:34During syntopical reading, I can compare several books.
09:41I can compare the ideas and opinions of various authors.
09:51I thereby see the dialogue that these authors carry out.
10:01Let's talk about the five most important ideas, I have learned while reading this book.
10:11Idea number one: Read with awareness!
10:18You can do that by skimming the book like I said
10:25or read the table of contents attentively.
10:30An essential part of reading is to be perplexed and know it
10:42It is very important to be aware iif you do not understand something.
10:51And in order to read with awareness, I can use tools.
10:58I can, for example, take a notebook and write down the propositions of the book in my own
11:11words and I can also write things on the margin with the pencil.
11:21Many people shy away from writing in a book;
11:26but I think, it is very, very important.
11:30When I write with a pencil in the book
11:34- always when I do not understand something or if I find something interesting or
11:43when I am confused, then the pencil is practically a sign
11:51that I am aware.
11:54If I haven't used the pencil for a while, then I hopefully notice that
12:00and I think, ”Oh! Maybe I was not paying attention just now.”
12:05Therefore, it is good to write things on the margin.
12:09All the thoughts that you have - feel free to write them into the book.
12:15I myself also use highlighters.
12:19So I make sure that I don't miss any important passages.
12:25I highlight important paragraphs in orange or yellow.
12:33So I only miss very few important passages.
12:39When I read the book again, then find I these passages again quickly.
12:46Idea number two: Judge fairly.
12:51So on the one hand, it is important that you first understand the arguments
12:57before you make a judgment.
13:00That is very important - reading books and also in everyday life.
13:07Only if we have understood an argument, we can make a judgment about it
13:17and if we understand the argument, it's important to make a judgment,
13:28in my view.
13:29Because I think only until we form an opinion, we can participate in the discussion
13:36and we can take action.
13:40If I have formed an opinion, then I can transform it also into action.
13:50When I made a judgment that a certain action is good or a certain
13:58action is bad for my goals - only then I can change my behavior.
14:07Idea number three: Read stories quickly.
14:14I was skeptical when I heard this proposal, but it makes sense.
14:23The authors believe that one of the reasons why Shakespeare, for example,
14:30is not fun for many people, is because some teachers force their students,
14:38to constantly make interruptions.
14:41After each scene there is a discussion, after every tricky (after every difficult)
14:54Word there is an interruption to look up that word.
15:01And thus you completely get out of the story!
15:07But the goal that we often have, when we read a story, is
15:15to get the experience, that the author wanted to convey to us.
15:23Unlike a non-fiction book
15:27a story does not convey knowledge, but an experience.
15:33And to get this experience, it is important that we immerse ourselves in the story.
15:40It is important that we in a sense make friends with the protagonist
15:50or with the characters.
15:54It is very, very great, to read a story and to feel like
16:01experiencing this story yourself.
16:05And that is why the authors advice to read a story as quickly as possible
16:14and with as few interruptions as possible
16:19and like this, Goethe, Schiller and Shakespeare can be fun.
16:28Idea number four: Dare to read difficult books.
16:35Dare to read all the great novels and also dare to seek out books,
16:44which will help you in your life.
16:48I recommend Goodreads for this, if you want to research books.
16:56That is practically a social network about books.
17:01After you have done a search on the internet, in libraries or in bookstores,
17:11which books you want to read, then get get these books and do not let them gather dust.
17:23Read the books! Books are meant to be read.
17:29You'll get a lot out of these books.
17:34Read them - if need be, even several times.
17:39Idea number five: Act!
17:45If you read something and you're convinced of the arguments of the author
17:57then you can start acting. You can change your life accordingly.
18:02A book can only help you to solve your problems.
18:09You have to act yourself.
18:13Suppose that the following things happened: You want to achieve a goal;
18:20the author argues for performing a certain action
18:27in order to achieve this goal and the reasoning of the author is logical and consistent.
18:41Then you have no other choice but to follow just this advice.
18:50If you do not follow the advice, then that means one of three things do not apply.
18:59Either you don't want to achieve the goal or the author speaks of a different goal
19:11or his argument has not convinced you.
19:16These were the five ideas that I got from this book -
19:22the five things I've learned.
19:25I would like to briefly tell you about analytical reading.
19:33The rules or the guidelines of analytical reading are divided into three stages.
19:45Stage number one: What is the book about?
19:53There are several questions, you can ask yourself,
19:56to figure out what the book is about.
20:01More on this in my article:
20:10Stage number two: What is said in detail and how is it being said?
20:21Again, there are several questions you can ask yourself to answer this question.
20:29And stage number three is finally the question: Is it true?
20:39And if it is true, what follows from it - what happens if it's true?
20:51These were the three stages of analytical reading.
20:57Finally, I still want to tell you, what
21:00I personally think about this book.
21:04I have learned a lot from this book.
21:08Here there is really hidden a wealth of knowledge.
21:14There are so many things that I could tell you, but we all have limited time
21:23and in the article are, like I said, much more information.
21:28Through this book I have learned, to read books more actively and thoroughly.
21:38And I have also improved my ability to transform acquired knowledge into action.
21:47The fact that I make the effort to write book reviews and to mark the book and
21:59to write notes on the margin - by doing this I memorize a lot from the book
22:07and that has helped me a lot.
22:11Finally, what I liked as well is that the authors really
22:18have a dedication to rationality and for intellectual growth.
22:27They have written in this book in my opinion many, many things that I found very wise.
22:36And that is why I give this book five stars.
22:42I've really learned a lot from it.
22:45I liked the book very much and I can very much recommend it.
22:50I find this book highly recommendable.
22:53If I have piqued your interest and you want to know more, then have a look over
23:02at, where I have written a long review.
23:15And if you then want to know more, get a copy! :D
23:23There are a few links on the website - if you could click them, that would be excellent.
23:29I hope you enjoyed this video. I hope you have learned a lot
23:35and we both see each other tomorrow. Bye!
