La televisión cubana hizo público el aumento de casos de droga en Cuba y admitió que la edad del consumo ha bajado hasta 13 y 14 años.
00:00 I have a summary here and there is one that is worrying.
00:04 You talk about a decrease in ages, right?
00:08 It is one of the trends that is happening.
00:10 It is universal, but in our country it has not happened.
00:13 That has been happening for a long time in other places, but in Cuba it was not frequent.
00:16 However, in the last 4 or 5 years, the consumption has decreased markedly in the early age.
00:22 Generally between 13 and 14 years.
00:24 And there have been cases of children between 12 and 13 years who have consumed.
00:27 It does not mean that they are already sick, but they start to consume.
00:30 And that is a danger because in a short period of time they can become sick.
00:33 Vice-Minister, 12 or 13 years? Are they in school? What are you doing?
00:37 It is a complex phenomenon, Humberto.