Cirque du Soleil Luna Petunia S03 E001 - A Big Stretch Learning to Fly

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00 [musique]
00:10 - Wow !
00:11 [musique]
00:36 - Yeah !
00:37 [musique]
00:38 - Je suis de retour à Amazia !
00:39 [musique]
00:42 - Hi, everybody !
00:43 [musique]
00:45 - Bunny ?
00:46 [musique]
00:49 - Ok, I'll follow you !
00:51 I know, I'll do the bunny hop !
00:53 [musique]
00:54 [rires]
00:55 [musique]
00:59 [rires]
01:00 [musique]
01:10 - Yeah !
01:11 - Hi, everybody !
01:12 [rires]
01:13 - I mean, everybody !
01:16 - Luna ! We're so glad you're here !
01:19 [musique]
01:20 - Huggles !
01:21 - Now that you're here, I can start my super bonga bonga...
01:25 - That means great !
01:26 - Magic show !
01:27 - Any magician can pull a rabbit out of a hat,
01:30 but only I, the stupendous Sammy, can pull a hat out of a rabbit !
01:35 [musique]
01:39 - That was wonderful !
01:40 - Great, Sammy !
01:41 - Good trick !
01:42 - Thank you, thank you !
01:44 [musique]
01:46 - And now for my next trick, I, the stupendous Sammy, shall...
01:50 [musique]
01:56 - Boomshine ! Are you okay ?
01:58 - No, I was doing a new trick and your house got in the way,
02:02 but I'll get it this time !
02:04 [musique]
02:07 - Oh ! Oh ! Oh !
02:09 - Help me !
02:11 - Oh ! Oh !
02:13 - Oh !
02:14 - I'm stuck !
02:17 - This is a job for Sa-Sa-Sa-Sammy !
02:20 - Time for a little stretch and fetch !
02:23 [musique]
02:28 - Stretch !
02:32 - Oh !
02:33 - Look at that !
02:35 - Fetch !
02:37 [musique]
02:42 - Oh, thanks !
02:43 And in the future, if you can keep those pesky trees out of my way,
02:46 I'd be much obliged !
02:49 [rires]
02:54 - Bye-bye !
02:56 - Ah, yikes !
02:58 [soupir]
02:59 [musique]
03:02 - Sammy, stretch seems to be having a little trouble unstretching !
03:07 - Maybe you just need a little help, Sammy.
03:10 Come on, guys, let's push Sammy back into shape !
03:14 [musique]
03:19 - Oh !
03:20 [musique]
03:22 - Wow !
03:23 - Sammy's still all floppy !
03:25 - Okay, no worries, I'm fine, this is no big deal !
03:28 Look, I'll do another magic trick !
03:31 [musique]
03:33 Let me just... Okay, nope, not that way.
03:35 Oh, let's see...
03:37 Could someone please give me a hand with my hands ?
03:41 - Sure thing, Sammy !
03:43 [musique]
03:47 - Ah !
03:48 [musique]
03:50 - It's hard to untangle you now that you're so floppy !
03:53 [musique]
03:56 - There !
03:57 - Ah, thanks !
03:58 Okay, show's over ! Nothing to see here, folks !
04:01 - Sammy, where are you going ?
04:03 - To hide, that's where !
04:04 Sammy stretches, now Sammy can't stretch !
04:07 Oh, how embarrassing !
04:09 [musique]
04:11 - Oh, hey now !
04:12 I've got to do something to help Sammy !
04:14 Let me check my amaziest scrapbook !
04:17 Oh, the racket people !
04:19 Maybe they can whack Sammy back into shape !
04:22 Gently...
04:23 - Let's find Sammy !
04:25 [musique]
04:27 - Wait !
04:28 Oh, look !
04:29 - The mood willow tree !
04:30 It's blushing bright red !
04:32 - For embarrassment !
04:34 I have a feeling I know who might be under it !
04:38 - Hmm...
04:40 [musique]
04:41 - Sammy !
04:42 [musique]
04:43 We might know how to help you !
04:45 We think the racket people in Jelly Jungle
04:48 might be able to whack you back into shape !
04:51 [musique]
04:52 - Hmm...
04:53 Well, as my pop always says,
04:55 "Whackadoo !"
04:56 Which roughly translates to,
04:58 "Worth a shot !"
04:59 - Look at the mood willow tree !
05:01 [musique]
05:03 Now it's yellow !
05:04 - For help, Paul !
05:06 - Now Karoo very hungry for bananas !
05:09 - Hmm... Bananas !
05:11 Off we go !
05:13 Follow the bubbles !
05:15 [musique]
05:16 [rires]
05:17 [musique]
05:35 - Oh !
05:36 [musique]
05:38 - Oh !
05:39 [cri]
05:40 [musique]
05:41 - Sorry everyone !
05:43 [musique]
05:44 [cri]
05:45 [musique]
05:46 - Oh !
05:47 [cri]
05:48 [musique]
05:49 - Oh !
05:50 Sorry again !
05:51 I'll try to be more careful !
05:53 Bad arms, bad legs !
05:55 [musique]
05:59 Oh !
06:00 I'm nothing but trouble now !
06:02 [musique]
06:05 - Oh boy !
06:06 That's not good !
06:08 - Oh !
06:09 - That is the lean and mean deep ravine !
06:12 Now we can't get to the other side !
06:14 What are we going to do ?
06:16 - Hmm...
06:17 Might as well make my long body useful !
06:20 [cri]
06:21 [musique]
06:24 Walk on me my friends !
06:26 [musique]
06:30 This is my life now !
06:32 I'm so long, I can be a bridge !
06:34 - Oh ! Thank you !
06:35 - Thanks Sammy !
06:36 - Thank you !
06:37 [musique]
06:38 - You can bridge !
06:39 - Ok !
06:40 [cri]
06:41 [cri]
06:42 [cri]
06:43 [cri]
06:44 [cri]
06:45 [cri]
06:46 [musique]
06:52 - Oh !
06:53 [musique]
06:59 - Oh hello !
07:00 Haven't seen you in a while !
07:02 - Oh !
07:03 Sorry if our noise disturb you !
07:05 It's hard for us to play without making a racket !
07:08 [cri]
07:09 [musique]
07:10 [cri]
07:11 [cri]
07:12 [cri]
07:13 [cri]
07:14 - What brings you all the way into the jelly jungle ?
07:17 - We're here for our friend Sammy Stretch !
07:19 - Um...
07:20 Hi !
07:21 Could you please whack me back into shape ?
07:23 I long to be long no longer !
07:25 - We'd be happy to take a whack at it !
07:28 - Don't worry !
07:29 We're good at this !
07:30 It won't hurt a bit !
07:32 Whack away !
07:33 [musique]
07:40 - That's it !
07:41 It doesn't hurt a bit !
07:42 [musique]
07:45 - It worked !
07:46 [musique]
07:48 - Uh-oh !
07:49 - Oh !
07:50 Thanks for trying !
07:52 I guess I'll have to be big and floppy and goofy looking for the rest of my life !
07:58 - Oh !
07:59 You still look good to us Sammy !
08:01 - I know !
08:02 You all head back !
08:04 I'm gonna find a nice small corner of the jungle to live in !
08:08 - What ?
08:09 Why would you do that ?
08:10 - Well, so I can't trip you or...
08:12 or tangle you up or splatter you with mud !
08:14 Besides, look at me !
08:16 I'm a flippity-floppity embarrassment !
08:19 - That's not true Sammy !
08:20 We love you for who you are inside !
08:23 Not what you look like !
08:24 - Luna's right !
08:25 You're an Incredibubble guy !
08:28 - You rescued Boomshine without even thinking if you'd be safe !
08:31 - Yeah !
08:32 And you let us walk all over you to cross the ravine !
08:35 So I'm sure you can do amazing things looking this new way too !
08:39 - No ! No ! No ! No !
08:41 It's impossible !
08:43 - You can make the impossible possible !
08:45 I've between you promise !
08:47 You just have to stop, breathe and believe !
08:50 Take a deep breath...
08:52 [breath]
08:56 And believe in yourself !
08:58 You can do anything Sammy !
09:00 I know it !
09:02 - Sammy, hello !
09:04 - Wow !
09:14 You were right !
09:18 I just had to believe in myself !
09:20 Oh, thanks guys !
09:22 - Sammy stretches back !
09:24 - Yeah !
09:26 - Now let's head home !
09:28 I've got a magic show to finish !
09:30 - Wow !
09:40 - Amazing !
09:46 - Incredibubble !
09:48 - Oh !
09:49 When you know your friends love you no matter what, anything's possible !
09:54 [laughter]
09:58 - Bye everyone !
10:09 - Bye !
10:10 - See you later !
10:11 - Bye !
10:12 - Bye !
10:13 - I had so much fun in Amazia today !
10:19 Sammy stretched too far and he couldn't unstretch !
10:22 He became embarrassed about his jiggly arms and legs !
10:25 But he's an Incredibubble guy !
10:27 It doesn't matter what he looks like !
10:29 When he believed in himself again, he went back to normal !
10:32 It's who you are inside that matters !
10:34 I wanna go back to Amazia to see all my friends again, right now !
10:39 It's wonderfully wonderful to be back in my favorite place, Amazia !
10:49 [music]
10:51 [laughter]
10:53 - We're so glad you're here !
10:59 - We're playing with marshmallows !
11:03 - They just bloomed all over Amazia !
11:07 - Wow !
11:09 These are amazing !
11:11 - It's Amazia !
11:13 [laughter]
11:18 - Oh boy ! I have marshmallow head !
11:21 - Hi Penelope !
11:25 Wanna play marshmallows with us ?
11:27 - I wish I could Luna !
11:29 But I'm off to the Jelly Jungle to hibernate with the other kittybats !
11:32 - Hiber-what now ?
11:34 - Hibernate !
11:36 That means we go to sleep for the winter !
11:38 To give us energy for the rest of the year !
11:40 But I'll be back in the spring !
11:42 - We'll miss you lots !
11:46 - Oh ! I'll miss you guys too !
11:48 - See you later !
11:50 - Bye !
11:51 - So long !
11:52 - Sleep well !
11:53 - Oops ! Something crash-bank ?
11:57 - It's a kittybat ! Like Penelope !
12:03 - Aww ! He's adorable !
12:07 What's your name little fella ?
12:09 - Dembar !
12:11 I'm trying to hibernate with the other kittybats !
12:14 - Do you know how to get to the Jelly Jungle ?
12:16 - We'll take you there !
12:18 Follow the bubbles !
12:20 Welcome to the Jelly Jungle !
12:30 - I don't see any kittybats !
12:34 - Ah ha ! Kittybats ! That way !
12:37 - Come on ! Let's catch up to them !
12:42 - There they are !
12:43 Fly up to them Dembar !
12:44 - Fly ? Yes ! Right !
12:46 - Whoops !
12:50 - Oh no ! My pajamas were in that suitcase !
12:53 I cannot fly off to hibernate until I find it !
12:56 - Here it is !
12:59 Oh ! Right on a giant jellyfruit !
13:01 - Allow me !
13:03 - Everyone pull !
13:08 - Here we go !
13:09 - Thanks everyone !
13:14 - Now you can fly up too !
13:16 Kittybats go bye-bye !
13:18 - And just when I got my suitcase back !
13:21 Oh well !
13:22 - Don't worry !
13:23 We'll find the kittybats again Dembar !
13:25 Follow me !
13:26 - There they are !
13:32 - Oh ! They're so cute !
13:34 - I'm so happy !
13:35 - There they are !
13:36 - Hurry Dembar !
13:39 You don't want to miss your chance again !
13:41 Fly !
13:42 - Oh ! My tummy !
13:46 - Oh no ! What's wrong ?
13:49 - Can we help ?
13:50 - Oh !
13:51 - Oh ! Huggles always make tummy feel better !
13:56 - Oh no !
13:57 The kittybats are gone again !
13:59 - Wow ! I suddenly feel much better !
14:02 Thank you everyone !
14:04 - It's kind of curious how Dembar felt better right after the kittybats went away.
14:08 Isn't it ?
14:10 - Hmm...
14:11 - Come on everyone !
14:13 After those kittybats !
14:14 - Negative !
14:20 - No !
14:21 - Nuh-uh !
14:22 - Nopers !
14:23 Karoo just see tree with kittybats shaped leaves !
14:25 - Those are the kittybats !
14:28 - That must be where they're hibernating !
14:30 Come on !
14:32 - Oh !
14:33 - Okay !
14:35 Not a problem !
14:37 You can just fly over to your friends Dembar !
14:40 - I can't fly !
14:46 - Why didn't you tell us before ?
14:49 - I was too embarrassed !
14:51 Kittybats are supposed to fly !
14:53 But every time I try, I crash !
14:56 I'll just fly over !
15:00 - I'll just hibernate right on this big rock !
15:03 - What if we help you fly ?
15:07 - That would be great !
15:10 But how ?
15:11 - With flying lessons of course !
15:13 [Musique]
15:43 [Musique]
16:04 - I think we need to bring in a flying expert !
16:09 [Musique]
16:13 - Up ! Down ! Zoom !
16:15 - Zoom !
16:16 - Thanks for coming so fast sunshine !
16:19 - Well, I am the fastest flyer in all of Amazia !
16:23 - Dembar needs help learning to fly !
16:25 - Well, you called the right person !
16:27 I'm also the best flyer in all of Amazia !
16:30 Have I mentioned that ?
16:32 - Uh-huh !
16:33 - And left wing !
16:36 Right wing !
16:37 Double time !
16:38 Wing jack !
16:40 [Musique]
16:44 - Good, good, good !
16:45 Now, I'll show you how to take off !
16:48 Run !
16:49 And tuck those legs !
16:51 See ? Now you've tried !
16:55 Run !
16:59 And tuck those legs !
17:01 Dembar, you're doing it !
17:04 [Musique]
17:08 - Oh !
17:09 - Hmm...
17:11 - That should have worked !
17:12 - See ? I just can't fly !
17:15 I always go off to the left and crash !
17:18 - Off to the left...
17:20 Hmm...
17:21 - Bibi, can you show us an instant bubble replay ?
17:24 - On it !
17:25 - Oh look !
17:29 Your head is tilted to the left when you fly !
17:31 Maybe that's why you keep crashing !
17:34 - You may be right !
17:35 I'll try again !
17:38 [Musique]
17:41 - Ha ha ha !
17:43 [Musique]
17:53 - Wow !
17:54 - Hey !
17:55 - I'm flying !
17:59 I'm really flying !
18:01 [Cris de joie]
18:06 - That's awesome !
18:07 - I did it !
18:09 [Cris de joie]
18:12 - Now, you just have to fly over the big giant chasm !
18:16 - Oh well...
18:19 We tried !
18:20 Back to the rock !
18:22 - Dembar, what's wrong ?
18:27 - Flying over the ground was easy,
18:29 but flying over a lot of not ground is scary !
18:32 There's no way I can do that, it's impossible !
18:35 - Then we have to make the impossible possible !
18:38 Just stop, breathe and believe !
18:42 First stop and take a deep breath !
18:45 [Bruit de respiration]
18:48 Good !
18:49 Now close your eyes and see yourself flying happily over the chasm,
18:54 and landing safely in the trees !
18:56 Do you see it ?
18:58 - Yeah, I do !
18:59 - Then believe that you can do it for real !
19:03 [Bruit de la neige]
19:07 Stop, breathe and believe !
19:11 [Bruit de la respiration]
19:13 - Go Dembar !
19:18 [Cris de joie]
19:20 - I made it !
19:23 Thanks for not letting me give up !
19:25 - You're welcome !
19:27 - Thanks again for helping me learn how to fly !
19:30 - See you in the spring !
19:32 - Goodbye Dembar, see you later !
19:34 - Thanks so much for stopping by !
19:36 - See you later !
19:38 - Have a nice dream !
19:40 [Bruit de la neige]
19:42 - And now, Marshmallow time !
19:57 Yeah !
19:59 [Rires]
20:01 - Bye everyone !
20:17 - Bye !
20:18 - See you later !
20:19 - Bye !
20:20 - Weee !
20:21 - It was another amazing day in the Mésia !
20:28 Nous avons essayé de faire Dembar s'en aller à l'autre chouette.
20:31 Il n'a pas l'air de vouloir s'en aller, mais il a admis qu'il ne pouvait pas voler.
20:35 Avec les cours de vol de Zoomshine, notre encouragement et beaucoup de tentatives, il a enfin réussi !
20:41 La seule façon de apprendre est d'admettre ce que tu ne sais pas.
20:44 Je ne peux pas attendre de retourner à Mésia pour ma prochaine aventure avec mes amis !
20:49 [Musique]
20:52 [Musique]
20:54 [Musique]
21:13 [Musique]
21:15 [Musique]
21:17 [Musique]
21:19 [Musique]
21:22 [Musique]
