Trasporti, De Gregorio (Ente Autonomo Volturno): "80 cantieri aperti, 6 miliardi di euro di investimenti”

  • 5 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “I principi guida debbono essere quello della sostenibilità ambientale ed economica e quindi dell’equilibrio tra le fasce più deboli e le fasce più sviluppate del nostro paese. Gli investimenti sono corposi, abbiamo 80 cantieri aperti in particolare sulle linee ferroviarie per circa 6 miliardi di euro di lavori e riguardano sia nuove linee metropolitane sia il raddoppio delle linee esistenti in particolari della linea circumvesuviana oltre il rinnovo del parco rotabile”. Lo ha detto il presidente di Ente Autonomo Volturno srl di Napoli, Umberto De Gregorio, a margine del XVIII Convegno Nazionale di Asstra tenutosi a Roma.


00:00What are the guiding principles of sustainable development?
00:04The guiding principles must be those of environmental and economic sustainability,
00:10and therefore of the balance between the weakest and most developed branches of our country.
00:17Therefore, the principle of solidarity must be taken into account,
00:24as prescribed by our Constitution,
00:26and we must try to keep companies that have had difficulties with COVID-19 alive
00:33and that still have difficulties in operational management.
00:38Eav is a transport company with a single partner in the Campania region,
00:42which transports on iron, railways, both ordinary and reduced discharging,
00:48and rubber services in the area of the metropolitan city of Naples,
00:51which is the most populous and most complicated in Italy.
00:55The investments are substantial.
00:57We have 80 open quarries, in particular on railway lines,
01:00for about 6 billion euros of work to be done,
01:04and they concern both new metropolitan lines and the doubling of existing lines,
01:09in particular those of the Circon Vesuviana line and the Cuman line.
01:12In addition to the renewal of the roundabout,
01:15which sees 150 new trains, of which only 100 on the Vesuviana line.
