• 6 months ago
00:00 - I noticed that you were like on social,
00:03 you posted a video where you had a sweatshirt
00:05 that said humble over hype.
00:06 And it stood out to me because obviously
00:08 you've had a lot of hype coming into the league.
00:11 How have you sort of managed everybody talking about you
00:14 and sort of keeping yourself even-keeled?
00:17 - Yeah, well, I think what helps for me is my family.
00:22 My family's not too big on, you know,
00:27 the hype and whatnot.
00:28 It's more so just being a good son for them.
00:32 And a lot of the times when I do come home, you know,
00:36 and I talk to my parents on the phone,
00:38 I mean, they don't really necessarily want to know
00:40 about how football went.
00:41 They just want to know how everything is
00:43 with me as a person, just how my day was
00:46 and things like that.
00:48 But I think what also helps me too is the coaches here
00:51 and my teammates, you know, you get joked on and whatnot,
00:56 you know, and just the competition you have
00:58 with the guys at the facility.
01:01 So I don't think anyone here at this organization
01:05 can kind of get too caught up in any of the hype.
01:09 Everyone's just so focused on what they got to do
01:12 to help the team be successful.
