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"SNL" is the gold standard when it comes to impressions of politicians. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most entertaining and hilarious impressions from the political sphere.


00:00 [Applause]
00:06 Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the most entertaining and
00:11 hilarious impressions from the political sphere on Saturday Night Live.
00:15 "You people don't quit now, do ya? Now!"
00:19 Number 30. John Lovitz as Michael Dukakis
00:22 When coming up against Dana Carvey's George H.W. Bush, John Lovitz decided to compete
00:27 with his co-star by using subtlety.
00:28 "Do you think you have the necessary passion to lead this country?"
00:32 "Well Sam, that kind of aspersion on my character quite frankly makes me, well there's no other
00:42 word for it, enraged."
00:46 His underrated take on the presidential candidate doesn't steal the spotlight, but he does have
00:51 an enjoyable way of staying cool. This comes out in a funny debate and the entertaining
00:55 Dukakis After Dark sketch.
00:57 "You were going to raise taxes, weren't you?"
01:00 "You bet I was. Through the roof."
01:06 He also gets to deliver the occasional one-liner that's both accurate and hilarious. When he's
01:11 not revealing his amazing language skills, Lovitz also employs some killer eyebrows.
01:16 While this actor usually plays broad comedy, this version of Governor Dukakis lets him
01:21 show off his subdued acting abilities.
01:23 "Ladies and gentlemen, I think the choice is obvious. Thank you very much."
01:29 Number 29. Daryl Hammond as Al Gore
01:32 Some might have argued that Al Gore wasn't an easy impression, but Daryl Hammond easily
01:37 defied the odds with this performance.
01:39 "In his plan, the wealthiest 1% of Americans would receive nearly 50% of the benefits."
01:53 He practically disappears into the vice president with his Southern accent. After watching his
01:57 take on Gore at the first debate, you might come away laughing and muttering the word
02:01 "lockbox" to yourself.
02:03 "Jim, could I just add that in my plan, the lockbox would be used only for Social Security
02:12 and Medicare. It would have two different locks."
02:17 He combines these catchphrases with crazy and outlandish sketches. Competing with Will
02:22 Farrell's George W. Bush, Hammond delivers the goods as a long-winded version of the
02:26 politician.
02:27 The comedian battles Farrell with a surprisingly goofy presence of his own, as he even sings
02:32 with his co-star.
02:33 "Babe, I got you babe. I got you babe."
02:42 Number 28. Cecily Strong as Marjorie Taylor Greene
02:46 In the hands of a versatile comedian like Cecily Strong, this political figure really
02:51 comes alive.
02:52 "I know, you know what they're calling me Congress' new 'it girl.'"
02:55 "Oh, 'it' like the new thing?"
02:57 "No, 'it' like the evil clown that preys on children."
03:00 Marjorie Taylor Greene is not exactly the most guarded individual, and the performer
03:05 really makes that known. You could even call this impersonation crazy, down to everything
03:10 from her love of guns to her hilarious sneezes.
03:13 "Sorry, Colin, I have to sneeze. Sorry."
03:18 Strong's take on Greene delves into scientific issues and hot topics with a funny twist.
03:23 You could also call her a fighter, getting aggressive about almost anything in an entertaining
03:28 way. She even visits Sesame Street armed to the teeth in one sketch.
03:33 "Today's episode is brought to you by Q, not the letter the man. He will tell us when JFK
03:38 Jr., who is alive, will reveal himself and help President Trump proclaim his rightful
03:42 throne."
03:43 The impression doesn't let up, with memorable and opinionated rants that'll have you laughing.
03:48 27. Chris Redd as Cory Booker
03:50 Even if this senator isn't the most obvious target, he has a few qualities that Chris
03:55 Redd utilizes for comedic effect.
03:57 "I'm blessed to be here."
03:59 The actor leads with his eyes in order to steal the debate spotlight. Trying to stay
04:04 hip, this Cory Booker works through his desperation in increasingly funny ways. Redd's take on
04:09 Booker looks like a deer in the headlights as he tries to make his limited time count.
04:13 "And I should point out that we're limiting the amount of time you can speak based on
04:17 how well you're doing in the polls, so Cory, you get five words."
04:21 "Um, impeach Trump now because trouble?"
04:25 Capturing the comedy of a politician who can't win, the comedian does an impressive job of
04:30 earning laughs in only a few lines. The performer also plays him at committee hearings as he
04:35 hopes to impress people. If this leader runs for president again, SNL should invite the
04:40 actor back to talk about Rosario Dawson.
04:42 "Rosario and I were discussing this very issue just the other day. Rosario Dawson."
04:47 Number 26. Bill Hader as Jim Jordan
04:50 As one of the best impressionists in SNL history, Bill Hader is more than prepared to take on
04:55 Jim Jordan.
04:56 "Mr. Chairman, a good afternoon to you, you lying piece of human trash!"
05:02 The congressman tries to question Michael Cohen without completely losing his mind.
05:06 While turning up the volume, Hader makes this politician into a hilarious and hot-headed
05:11 caricature. They even find time to make fun of the target's wardrobe.
05:14 "I'm so angry I couldn't even wear a jacket today!"
05:19 With the other committee members giving him more time, Jordan keeps digging a hole for
05:23 himself in amusing rants. The frequent mistakes and dead-end questioning allow the comedian
05:28 to shine. Opposite Ben Stiller's Cohen, the performer turns up the heat as the buffoonish
05:33 character that can't catch a break.
05:35 "Mr. Cohen has pled guilty to a smorgishboard of fraudulent activity."
05:40 "Yeah, and then right after that it says, 'At the direction of President Trump.' It
05:44 does? Aw, damn it!"
05:47 Number 25. Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton
05:50 Leading up to the 2008 election season, Amy Poehler found the comedy in Hillary Clinton.
05:55 Her concept for the character revolves around her failed attempts to become president.
05:59 "A few nights ago you lost badly to Senator Obama in Wisconsin. In theory, isn't that
06:04 a state you should have won?"
06:06 "Not at all, John."
06:09 Poehler also dials up Clinton's passive aggression for some amazing confrontations, the latter
06:14 of which includes an amazing sketch with Tina Fey.
06:17 "Can you believe it, Hillary?"
06:22 "I cannot!"
06:26 Whether she's talking to the Alaska governor or debating Barack Obama, this character has
06:30 some hilarious reactions to her defeats. The comedian plays the politician's emotions like
06:34 a high-wire act of hilarity. You don't know whether this Clinton will laugh, scream, or
06:40 cry at any moment. This all adds up to a wonderful piece of comedic acting, giving the actress
06:46 one of her best impersonations.
06:49 "Do I really laugh like that?"
06:54 "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah."
06:55 Number 24. Chris Farley as Newt Gingrich
06:58 When the great Chris Farley did anything, he never gave anything less than 100 percent.
07:04 This is especially true in the case of his off-the-wall Newt Gingrich impression.
07:09 "Mr. Spaker, Mr. DeLay of Texas, I propose that the Democrats only be allowed to speak
07:13 for eight seconds at a time. Fine, all in favor?"
07:17 "Aye!"
07:18 "Motion passes!"
07:19 Infusing his explosive energy into every line, Farley couldn't help but make the politician
07:23 more hyper. His performance as the Speaker of the House features some brilliant comic
07:28 timing and lots of gavel-banging. The comedian even plays Gingrich against his mother, seeing
07:33 his more personal side with surprising results.
07:36 "Do you understand?"
07:37 "Yes, Newtie."
07:38 "All right. I love you, Mom!"
07:42 It's a funny and manic twist on the 1990s political figure. Through it all, the legendary
07:46 performer never lets up with his wildly entertaining spin.
07:50 "Okay, H.R. 590, the proposal that lied from New York, it's Saturday night!"
07:58 23. Darrell Hammond as Bill Clinton
08:01 As a go-to impressionist from his era, Darrell Hammond strikes again with one of his signature
08:06 roles.
08:07 "Now once again, I don't know what my position is. And then I thought about it, and I remembered
08:13 my position. I don't have one."
08:17 Hammond had huge shoes to fill taking on the U.S. president for the 1990s and early 2000s.
08:23 His interpretation allowed him to be playful, mischievous, and charismatic all at the same
08:28 time. The result was a fabulous send-up of Bill Clinton's highs and lows, giving the
08:33 Commander-in-Chief a humorous edge.
08:35 "What? Yeah, I just bit my lip and did the thumb thing. How'd you like that?"
08:40 Hammond's performance plays with the charisma of the politician, as well as the scandals
08:44 of his later presidency. Even with all of the serious topics surrounding him, this Clinton
08:49 flashes his smile and trademark mannerisms to get audiences laughing.
08:53 "God bless you, America, and Colin, thank you."
08:56 22. James Austin Johnson as Donald Trump
08:59 In a long history of great Donald Trump impressions, James Austin Johnson might just be the most
09:04 accurate.
09:05 "You know what? Sleepy Joe Biden is such a disaster. We're coming back. We're coming
09:09 back in 2024. We're doing the reboot, okay? Everyone loves reboots. People loved it before,
09:14 they're gonna like it again."
09:15 His vocal impersonation is so spot-on that it's both scary and funny in equal measure.
09:20 Along with getting the voice right, Johnson can also go on a trademark ramble as the politician.
09:26 The stream-of-consciousness delivery makes for some truly hilarious segments that reference
09:30 pop culture.
09:31 "Speaking of white people, John Mayer."
09:33 The performer plays up the real man's complexities while also creating a character that's completely
09:38 absurd in every way. Thankfully, the impressionist finds enough comedy here to poke fun at the
09:44 headlines and create his own stamp on the man.
09:47 "And Grinch was very bad when he stole Christmas. But I got it back. I brokered a historic deal
09:53 with Grinch and Netanyahu, and we decided that no Christmas would ever be stolen again."
09:59 21. Maya Rudolph as Kamala Harris
10:02 With the bubbly energy of Maya Rudolph, this Kamala Harris impression truly comes alive.
10:07 "The font is back, baby! America's fun aunt! I'm also America's cool aunt. The co- you
10:15 know what?"
10:17 It's arguably the closest anyone has come to nailing the essence of the vice president.
10:21 The key to this impersonation is the leader's insistence on being relevant. Using memes
10:26 and internet slang, Rudolph's version tries desperately to play with the younger crowds.
10:30 "There have been two black women elected to the Senate, and that second black woman, it
10:36 me."
10:41 It's also impressive to see a new take on a much newer public figure that goes beyond
10:45 the usual vocals. From Harris' family life to her debates with Mike Pence, Rudolph captures
10:50 the politician with physical and verbal comedy. The comedian lights up any appearance as the
10:55 VP, walking the line between authentic and wonderfully campy.
11:00 "And I'm just, I'm just gonna play a quick song on my phone."
11:06 20. Matt Damon as Brett Kavanaugh
11:08 Sure, this may have been a one-off impression, but Matt Damon surprised everyone with how
11:15 well he nailed Judge Brett Kavanaugh's defense demeanor during his high-profile misconduct
11:20 hearing in 2018.
11:28 The cold open sequence was certainly an ensemble piece, but the whole thing hinged upon how
11:32 well Damon could deliver an impression of someone who was growing more and more irritated
11:36 at a line of questioning.
11:41 Eventually, the performance reached the crescendo of Damon shotgunning a beer before starting
11:49 the show proper, kicking things off in note-perfect fashion.
11:59 19. Fred Armisen as Michael Bloomberg
12:02 You don't always have to be running at 200% to deliver laughs on the SNL stage. Sometimes,
12:08 a little bit of subtlety goes a long way.
12:12 This was definitely the case when it came to Fred Armisen's portrayal of former New
12:16 York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
12:21 Armisen's low-energy delivery was on purpose and on point. His semi-mumbling inflection
12:30 was perfectly paired with Bobby Moynihan's volatile Chris Christie during a sketch about
12:34 Hurricane Sandy.
12:39 Armisen's return to the character during the 2020 US presidential race was similarly
12:47 spot on.
12:48 18. Will Ferrell as Janet Reno
12:58 Consider this one something of a forgotten gem when it comes to SNL political impressions.
13:07 Former Attorney General Janet Reno wasn't exactly known as the life of the party when
13:13 she served under President Bill Clinton. But you would not know that if you just paid attention
13:17 to Will Ferrell's impersonation.
13:29 It didn't matter that Ferrell wasn't spot on when it came to capturing her on a personal
13:33 level. It was more about the idea of Reno in something as ridiculous as, say, a boxing
13:37 match with Rudy Giuliani that made it funny.
13:43 Plus, Ferrell's deadpan delivery and purse-lipped dialogue delivers giggles on their own.
13:52 17. Beck Bennett as Vladimir Putin
13:55 Sometimes, the easiest, most direct approach is best for comedic impersonations. Or at
14:00 least this seems to be the case when it comes to Beck Bennett, who absolutely nails his
14:04 parody of Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Bennett goes full tilt into James Bond villain mode
14:17 here, portraying him as a devious, confident, and self-obsessed megalomaniac who never wears
14:23 a shirt if he doesn't have to. Of course, it helps that Bennett has the look and facial
14:36 expressions to pull it off. Not to mention nailing Putin's manner of speech to hilarious
14:41 effect.
14:46 16. Norm Macdonald as Bob Dole
14:53 Norm Macdonald is a comedian's comedian, a man who has earned both respect from his
14:58 peers and laughs from the audience. SNL fans were certainly laughing back when Macdonald
15:04 was playing former presidential candidate and senator Bob Dole on the show. Norm made
15:13 it a point to emphasize Dole's habit of referring to himself in the third person,
15:17 while also capturing Dole's pencil-holding, deadpan delivery. Macdonald was surly and
15:29 grumpy yet remarkably charismatic in his performance as Dole. And it's something we're still
15:35 laughing about today.
15:37 15. Kate McKinnon as Jeff Sessions
15:39 You can always count on Kate McKinnon to deliver a great impression. The gifted comedian just
15:50 seems to have honed her talent at commanding accents, as well as her subject's personal
15:54 idiosyncrasies. McKinnon is also just as accomplished a transformation, as evidenced by her multiple
16:05 political impressions of subjects as varied as Kellyanne Conway, Rudy Giuliani, and Ruth
16:10 Bader Ginsburg. It's her take on former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions that had us
16:27 rolling however, thanks to the exaggerated Southern accent, as well as Sessions' reportedly
16:31 sycophantic relationship with President Trump. It didn't matter whether McKinnon was portraying
16:46 Sessions on Weekend Update or parodying Forrest Gump, her impression was always solid gold.
16:58 14. Jim Carrey as Joe Biden
17:14 What can we say? Joe Biden just seemed tailor-made for an SNL political impression, as evidenced
17:19 by the numerous cast members and guest hosts who tried their hand at the former Vice President.
17:28 Jason Sudeikis, Woody Harrelson, and John Mulaney all did killer jobs with their respective
17:33 impersonations. But our pick here is Jim Carrey, who's portrayed Biden in a recurring role.
17:49 Although, not everyone saw the real Biden in Carrey's energetic interpretation, we've
17:54 got to give it up for Carrey's inner monologue during debate sketches with Alec Baldwin's
17:58 Trump. We love the machismo Joe, the exasperated candidate who's down for push-up contests,
18:11 phone calling, and tagging in Kamala Harris to intervene on his behalf.
18:22 13. Chevy Chase as Gerald Ford
18:33 Former President Gerald Ford was always athletic, but all it took was one stumble out of Air
18:38 Force One to earn a reputation for clumsiness. This served as a perfect opportunity for SNL
18:47 to cement their very first iconic political impression with Chevy Chase's classic fan-favorite
18:53 portrayal. Chase took his physical comedy to the very limit, utilizing elaborate pratfalls
19:05 to the point of actual injury, all to get a laugh. It worked, to the point where even
19:18 the President himself was a fan, appearing on the show and even inviting Chase out to
19:23 play golf.
19:24 12. Daryl Hammond as Dick Cheney
19:26 Daryl Hammond is a master of impressions, and successfully tried his luck impersonating
19:31 a number of political figures during his tenure at SNL. However, it's Hammond's take on former
19:36 Vice President Dick Cheney that stands alongside his Bill Clinton as one of the comedian's
19:41 most well-known parodies. Hammond hams it up and does his best to play with Cheney's
19:49 public persona as the evil puppet mastermind behind the George W. Bush administration,
19:55 while getting a lot of laughs in the process. That sneaky snarl, those side-eye glances,
20:10 it's all part of Hammond's hilarious take on a polarizing man.
20:14 11. Jay Pharoah as Barack Obama
20:17 It was Fred Armisen who first took aim at Barack Obama with his unique and slightly
20:21 strange impression, but that performance was certainly improved upon once Jay Pharoah took
20:26 over the role. Pharoah easily ticks all of the boxes when it comes to capturing Obama's
20:40 well-known cadence, phrasing, and manner of speech, while at the same time capturing that
20:45 certain level of political swagger the former president has. Jay Pharoah is a skilled comedian
20:56 and impressionist, but this might be some of his best work.
21:00 10. Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump
21:08 With his recurring impersonation of Donald Trump, guest star Alec Baldwin has become
21:12 a sort of de facto cast member. Alec Baldwin earned rave reviews and laughs when he parodied
21:17 the Donald on the campaign trail, so it made sense that the award-winning actor would return
21:22 to the role once Trump took office. Baldwin nails a funny and exaggerated take on many
21:35 of Trump's well-known personal quirks and mannerisms, and never shies away from tackling
21:40 the more controversial topics that were at the center of news outlets during the president's
21:44 campaign.
21:45 9. Will Ferrell as George W. Bush
21:57 Don't worry, we'll get to Bush Sr. later on the list. Will Ferrell first introduced
22:04 his W impersonation in 1999 to wild reviews. Presenting Bush Jr. as naive, simple, and
22:18 in over his head, Ferrell lampooned the president while also nailing his accent, squint, and
22:24 difficulties with grammar. Once Ferrell left the cast, others tried to
22:33 take on the mantle, but no one quite measured up to Ferrell. In fact, his impersonation
22:38 was so good, he adapted it into the Broadway play "You're Welcome, America," a final
22:42 night with George W. Bush. Ferrell reprised his role a few times on SNL, too, including
22:47 in 2018 with an important message.
22:57 8. Dan Aykroyd as Richard Nixon
23:02 This not-ready-for-prime-time player was notable for a couple of presidential impersonations,
23:07 including a memorable stint as Jimmy Carter during the early seasons of Saturday Night
23:11 Live. Dan Aykroyd also did a very successful impression of Richard Nixon to boot, standing
23:17 out among the myriad of other comics who were taking their shot at the infamous ex-president.
23:27 Copying Nixon's idiosyncratic, hunched-over gait and penchant for waving victory signs
23:31 was the easy part. More challenging was trying to get laughs portraying a man who was so
23:40 disliked and controversial. Aykroyd succeeded, however, going on to portray Nixon a total
23:45 of ten times from 1976 to 1979.
23:52 7. Kate McKinnon as Hillary Clinton
23:55 If Baldwin's Trump was good, then Kate McKinnon's parody of Hillary Clinton was even better.
24:12 McKinnon's place as one of SNL's funniest faces was already secure before she took on
24:17 this role. But if anything, Kate's impression of Hillary has made her even more popular.
24:22 "Gosh, New York has been cold this week, hasn't it? In fact, my head is getting a little chilly.
24:26 I better put on my favorite hat that I've worn so many times over the years."
24:32 Maybe it's McKinnon's ability to tap into Clinton's awkward public persona, or perhaps
24:36 it was the laugh she got portraying how badly Hillary wanted to win the election.
24:41 "I cannot wait to be your next president. If I'm elected, of course. Not getting ahead
24:45 of myself in public. In private, I've been president for 15 years."
24:49 Or maybe it was that somber cold opening in the wake of a Trump victory where, in character,
24:54 McKinnon sang a stirring rendition of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah."
24:57 "The baffled king composing hallelujah."
25:03 Honestly, it was all of that and more. This was a brilliant performance.
25:09 6. Dana Carvey as George H.W. Bush
25:12 "These financial regulations are important to prevent bubbles. We got a lot of bubbles."
25:18 It seems as if SNL icon Dana Carvey can impersonate just about anyone, but it was the world of
25:24 politics that gave us some of the cast members' most memorable bits.
25:27 When it came to his impersonation of George H.W. Bush, Carvey had a lot of material to
25:31 work with during the course of Bush's presidency.
25:33 "You see this election's about who can take the heat. It's hot in there, very hot."
25:39 But it's the comedian's uncanny ability to mimic the former president's voice and mannerisms,
25:44 especially during monologues and debates, that are probably best remembered.
25:49 Oh, and in case you're worried, don't worry. There's more Carvey ahead on the list.
25:53 "Kinda short down in this area down here. Would love to be up here, but I'm down here."
25:59 5. Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer
26:02 We return to another Trump-era SNL impersonation for our next entry.
26:07 "I'll accept one last question, and I'll take this loser."
26:10 Melissa McCarthy surprised everyone in 2017 when she appeared on Saturday Night Live to
26:15 impersonate former White House press secretary Sean Spicer.
26:19 "Cuz I'm not here to be your buddy! I'm here to swallow gum, and I'm here to take names!"
26:26 The comedian's natural affinity for physical comedy and mimicry brought the house down,
26:32 and it wasn't long before McCarthy was making regular appearances as Spicer.
26:35 Her impression was loud, colorful, and boisterous, and we loved every minute of it.
26:41 "Wall Street Journal, are you okay?"
26:44 "I'm just coming."
26:46 Even Sean Spicer admitted that it was, quote, "kinda funny,"
26:49 although he said his boss didn't see it that way.
26:52 4. Larry David as Bernie Sanders
26:54 If there was ever an SNL impersonation that left people wanting more, it was this one.
26:59 "Hello, hello, hello. Enough with the hellos. Let's do this."
27:04 Comedian and Seinfeld co-creator Larry David seemed born to play Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders,
27:09 sliding into the role like a pair of old, comfortable shoes.
27:12 "Millions of people on the streets! And we gotta do something! And we gotta do it now!"
27:20 Any SNL debate sketch was immediately enhanced by David's impression of Sanders' righteous indignation and anger,
27:27 not to mention some good-natured ribbing about the senator's age.
27:30 "You coughed into your hand. Can't shake it after a cough."
27:34 "No, I didn't! Shake my hand!"
27:36 His loud and boisterous freak-outs never failed to get the audience roaring.
27:40 As it turns out, the two were actually distant cousins,
27:43 so maybe David had a bit of a genetic advantage here.
27:46 "Always a bridesmaid. Never the Democratic nominee."
27:50 3. Phil Hartman as Bill Clinton
27:53 Hillary's other half is up next on our list, this time portrayed by the much-missed Phil Hartman.
27:58 "Bye-bye!" "Bye!"
28:00 "Back to work!"
28:02 The SNL legend had already impressed with his smart and satirical take on former President Reagan.
28:09 Yet even that performance was eclipsed by his dead-on impression of William Jefferson Clinton.
28:15 "Well, I just wanna mingle with the American people, talk with some real folks, maybe get a Diet Coke or something."
28:20 "Fine. But please, don't tell Mrs. Clinton."
28:24 "Jim, let me tell you something. There's gonna be a whole bunch of things we don't tell Mrs. Clinton."
28:30 Hartman wasn't one note in his work and did his best to capture everything about Clinton.
28:36 His affable charisma, his Arkansas accent, his taste for fast food, his relationship with Hillary,
28:42 and his role as Commander-in-Chief.
28:44 Above all else, though, it was just funny, a perfect impression from one of SNL's greatest talents.
28:50 "This administration has been more open about its affairs than any previous administration."
28:56 Number 2. Dana Carvey as Ross Perot.
28:58 Former presidential candidate Ross Perot may not exist front and center within the public consciousness much anymore.
29:04 "Live from New York, home of the Yankees, it's Saturday night!"
29:08 But there was a time when this self-made man was everywhere in the news.
29:12 As a result, Perot's fiery third-party campaign for the White House
29:16 made for a perfect SNL parody from veteran cast member Dana Carvey.
29:20 "Well, if I'm a quitter, why am I back in the race? See? Case closed."
29:23 For starters, Carvey nails Perot's memorable laugh, as well as his quick manner of speech,
29:29 strange non-sequiturs, and knack for sidebar colloquialisms.
29:33 "Who told you that the Republican Party is involved in trying to teach dogs to talk?"
29:38 "Well, you know, now we're just playing games here, huh? Just playing football."
29:44 The impression also captures the zeitgeist of the time,
29:46 this feeling that Perot might actually have a chance to lead a third-party candidate
29:50 to the highest seat in American public service.
29:53 "Tomorrow you can interview Superman Dean Cain, he'll be here, but tonight you must focus, please, I beg you."
30:00 It doesn't matter that Perot wasn't successful in his bid, because Carvey's work here remains classic.
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30:19 It's one of the most beloved and most well-known political parodies in SNL history,
30:35 the time Tina Fey took a shot at vice presidential hopeful Sarah Palin.
30:39 "Are there parts of the country that you consider un-American?"
30:42 "Oh, you know, that was just my lame attempt at a joke, but, um, yes, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Delaware, California."
30:53 Fey won a Primetime Emmy Award in 2009 for her portrayal of the former Alaskan governor,
31:00 a nuanced performance that both skewered Palin's political prowess, or lack thereof,
31:05 and lightheartedly poked fun at her beauty queen appearance, accent, and use of colloquialisms.
31:10 "And now I'd like to entertain everybody with some fancy pageant walking."
31:15 It was a smash hit, and Fey would return to the role a number of times for SNL,
31:22 securing the character as a high point in the show's long-running history of political comedy.
31:27 "Thank you, Iowa! Oh, I wanted to take a break from my full-time career of writing things on Facebook!"
31:34 Did we forget another fantastic political impression? Let us know in the comments below.
31:39 "Hey, come here. Back to work!"
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31:54 [music]