• 2 months ago
Get ready for some serious laughs as we dive into the world of spot-on impressions! We're counting down the most hilarious and unwavering SNL impersonations that never break character. From political figures to celebrities, these comedic geniuses bring their A-game to every sketch, leaving audiences in stitches without ever cracking a smile themselves.
00:00Riding on a pony calling macaroni
00:03Wow, what the hell was that?
00:05Welcome to Ms. Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the best
00:10impersonations that never broke up or flubbed a line on SNL
00:14Wembley Stadium
00:17We was with posh spies, scary spies, stinky spies
00:23Number 10 Larry David as Bernie Sanders
00:30I'm good
00:33I'm hungry, but I'm good
00:36Not only are they distant cousins
00:38But these two are also linked in a comedic way Larry David's impersonation is impressive while being a fun
00:44Remix of the politician with the ability to use elements of his personal and professional life
00:50David blends his public persona his curb character and political jokes all into one guy
00:56We've had some good times you and I yeah, it's true
01:00Remember remember when I told everyone to stop talking about your damn email
01:12He can do it in such a casual way without losing sight of the great writing the comedian is so comfortable doing the impression
01:19He easily blends into every debate skit at some points
01:23You might forget that it's not the real senator with the actors locked in performance. I'll tell you how to get money
01:30Here's what you do when you go to a gas station and you see that take a penny leave a penny
01:35You always take a penny
01:37That's how I bought my first house
01:41Number nine Andy Samberg as Mark Wahlberg. Hey donkey. What's going on?
01:46You're a donkey. I like that
01:48You eat apples, right? I produce entourage
01:52Poking fun at the action star Andy Samberg took his life into his own hands here
01:58He decided to put the actor next to animals for a hilarious sketch along with getting laughs
02:03Samberg stays focused as he delivers greetings to barnyard creatures
02:08It even prompted Mark Wahlberg to confront Samberg on an episode of SNL with the real man making a cameo
02:15The comedian once again holds his own in a ridiculous encounter. Yes, I did
02:20And I got to tell you I'm very upset about this imitation you did with the animals. I mean, what is that?
02:24Yeah, it was just a stupid thing. We did it was stupid. Well, I gotta be honest with you, buddy
02:29I've been thinking about breaking that big beautiful nose of yours. Sure. Sure
02:33It's big and beautiful the Lonely Island performer gives his all to an impersonation
02:37That's both simple and goofy in the best possible way
02:41He gave the same kind of passion to his take on Nicolas Cage going head-to-head with another cinematic powerhouse
02:48My dream as an actor is to appear in every film ever released
02:53However until now I've only been able to muster a measly 90%
02:58bringing shame upon my dojo
03:02Sure, of course number eight Kenan Thompson as Steve Harvey like every day is my cheat day, you know what I mean?
03:10Annoyingly relatable
03:12While playing the host of Family Feud Kenan Thompson has to deal with so many oddball contestants
03:18He also has a hilarious running commentary all the while the SNL veteran remains a consummate professional
03:26Thompson does a fantastic send-up of Steve Harvey's high energy and constant ad-libs
03:32You know, I got a question about that last scene in your movie where the white guy teaches the black guy how to eat fried chicken
03:38That wasn't the last scene Steve. It was for me
03:43While up against eccentric celebs this version of the host never fails to entertain with a quick joke
03:50It's a tricky role that the comedian juggles without any struggle in a long list of memorable characters
03:56This comedy pro knows his way around a game show sketch
04:02Because we both wear long ties, yeah neck to nuts
04:09President Trump's lovely wife Melania. Oh
04:13It's so strange I I could have sworn she was standing right beside me about two years ago number seven Kate McKinnon as Hillary Clinton
04:23You're finally going to announce that you're running for president
04:29I'm scared. I'm kidding. Let's do this
04:34A wide variety of sketches Kate McKinnon developed her own unique take on Hillary Clinton
04:40It demanded a wide mix of acting and comedic talent to pull off
04:44Throughout all of these scenes the actress pushes this character to the limit
04:48She can be subtle wild and even sing songs with supreme confidence
05:02McKinnon always plays into the impersonation with a bit of desperation with all the comic
05:08Exaggeration going on the performer remains calm against Alec Baldwin's Donald Trump
05:13The 2016 election cycle would not have been the same without the comedians pointed and reliable work
05:28I'm made of steel. This is nothing. Hi girls
05:32Number six Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer
05:46Taking a big swing Melissa McCarthy bounces off the wall as the White House press secretary
05:51It's a hilarious take full of outrageous lines and physical comedy
05:56McCarthy revs up to
05:58Catastrophic levels of energy never stopping on her way to comedic glory
06:02Facing down the press and using plenty of props. The comedian takes her exaggerated role as seriously as an Oscar-winning drama
06:20This kind of intensity makes for even more enjoyable skits that never include any breaks
06:25She turns her version of Spicer into a violent man who messes with reporters in absurd ways
06:31Nothing phases the bridesmaid star as she flies through each scene like a veteran with no mistakes
06:37I'm looking at the real numbers here and they directly contradict everything
06:47Number five Daryl Hammond as Sean Connery
06:56Oh, well, that's the sound your mother made last night
07:03For one of his greatest impressions Daryl Hammond busts out a Scottish accent
07:08The result is one of the highlights of the celebrity Jeopardy sketches
07:12The comedian's character stops at nothing to make fun of Alex Trebek seeing the most ridiculous putdowns ever
07:26With all of the insane jokes a lesser performer might trip up over the dialogue
07:31Hammond is a rare comic actor who completely disappears into a role and catches anything writers throw at him
07:38You're amazed that the fights between Connery and Will Ferrell's Trebek don't cause more laughs amongst the co-stars
07:45On the other hand this verbal standoff between two unflinching comedians makes for a plus work
07:52Put that in your straw and suck it. Yes, I know
07:56Yes, well suck it. I hear you
07:59Number four Dana Carvey as Ross Perot
08:02Two years ago in the middle of the night at my home in Dallas. I was awakened by a disturbance
08:07Outside on my lawn, so I went outside and engaged in hand-to-hand combat with a four men and a small dog
08:14Now I took the four men out and was about to tie up the dog when it looked up at me and said, aren't you Ross Perot?
08:22As one of the finest impersonators in SNL history
08:25Dana Carvey gives Ross Perot as much time and attention as any of his other caricatures
08:31This version of the southern politician strikes at the heart of his entertaining personality
08:36Carvey is able to say anything as Perot
08:38But he's also careful not to mess up any of these wonderful stories or metaphors
08:43See the deficit's like some crazy aunt living down in the basement
08:46Everyone knows she's there, but no one wants to talk about her
08:49Now, now if you don't deal with her, she's just gonna get on rear and stinkier
08:53His many scenes work best when he can get all of the intricate dialogue out for the audience to hear
08:59If the comedian lost it at any moment, the intricate writing and political satire would be lost
09:04This makes this kind of impression a tightrope walk that the performer executes with tremendous skill
09:11Now when I was 17, I was pumping gas, serving the United States Navy
09:14You got an egg beater on your head begging for some candy
09:16See, that's the difference, I'm an American, proud and strong
09:19You three are a bunch of freaks, goodbye
09:23Number three, Will Ferrell as Harry Carey
09:26Well it makes me hungry
09:28Because one time I named a sandwich Linda
09:31Because one time I named a sandwich Linda
09:34It was a beautiful sandwich
09:36And guess what kind of sandwich it was
09:39I don't know, ham?
09:41I guess, I don't know
09:45You don't need to know anything about this sports broadcaster to enjoy Will Ferrell's impression of him
09:50In fact, the impersonation flies in the face of convention and logic at almost every turn
09:55Ferrell's version of Carey hosts a science show
09:58And talks with an incredible voice
10:00He even finds ways to break up his guests
10:03Opposite the likes of Jeff Goldblum, the cast member can stay in character despite his scene partner's reactions
10:10Why would you think that?
10:11I guess I'm just a worrier
10:15That's why my friends call me Whiskers
10:22It's a magnificent feat to watch the comedian embody such a silly part
10:26Get big laughs
10:28And do it all with absolute dedication
10:31We're not sure how well we would hold up under the same circumstances
10:35What about those hot dogs they serve at Yankee Stadium?
10:38Aren't they delicious?
10:40Yeah, sure, yeah
10:41I love them so much I once ordered twelve
10:45Twelve hot dogs?
10:46Yeah, I only ate two
10:48I don't know what I was thinking
10:51To this day I still laugh at the idea that I thought I could eat twelve hot dogs
10:56You can't do it, Norm, you can't
11:03I believe global warming is caused by man
11:06And I believe it's just God hugging us closer
11:11Among the more famous impressions of the 2008 election season
11:15Tina Fey's take on Sarah Palin might be one of her most popular characters
11:19She turns the VP candidate's personality into comedic gold
11:23All the while, Tina Fey throws her all into every single script
11:28The actress has a perfect and natural way of delivering funny lines without breaking
11:33You don't have any lifelines
11:35Well in that case I'm just gonna have to get back to ya
11:42Forgive me, Mrs. Palin
11:44Mrs. Palin, but it seems to me that when cornered, you become increasingly adorable
11:50Is that fair to say?
11:52I don't know, is it?
11:56It's always entertaining to watch Fey's impersonation of the Alaskan governor
12:00Giving knockout performances whenever she appears
12:03There was even a time when the real politician showed up
12:06But it didn't stop the comedian from nailing the sketch
12:09With that episode in mind, it's even more amazing that she's never lost control
12:13I would now like to give each of you a chance to make a closing statement
12:19Are we not doing the talent portion?
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12:50Thank you, it's me, hi, I'm the problem
12:53It's me
12:55Well folks, it happened, I got indicted or as I spell it, indicated
13:00One of the more recent Donald Trump impersonators
13:03James Austin Johnson had his work cut out for him
13:06He more than delivers in one of the more accurate versions of the politician
13:10Despite all of the rants and ravings, Johnson's take never seems to break character
13:15The comedian stays serious while saying some of the goofiest lines any political leader could say
13:21Get out of here
13:23That's right, it's Easter, the time of year when I compare myself to Jesus Christ
13:29That's just a thing I do now and people seem to be okay with it, I'm gonna keep doing
13:34His Trump loves to ramble about pop culture and his many rivals
13:38But nothing seems to trip up the gifted performer
13:41The comedian creates such a strong impression that not even a muscle suit or Dana Carvey's Joe Biden can faze him
13:48Yeah, get a load of me, instead of being rude and crazy like usual, I'm doing quiet and serene
13:54Which in many ways is a lot scarier
13:58Did we forget another impersonator who stayed in character? Let us know in the comments
14:03Jim, what you just heard from my opponent is an attack on my integrity and my character
14:10But I will not reply in kind
14:13Instead, I will take those remarks and put them away
14:17Away in a tiny lockbox
14:21Where all bad thoughts go
14:24Do you agree with our picks? Check out this other recent clip from MsMojo
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