• l’année dernière


00:00 *musique*
00:18 Oh !
00:19 *musique*
00:21 Oh !
00:22 *musique*
00:23 Oh !
00:24 *musique*
00:34 Oh !
00:35 *musique*
00:42 *bruit de pet*
00:43 *bruit de pet*
00:44 *bruit de pet*
00:45 "Power cut is when there is no electricity."
00:48 "What's electricity?"
00:50 "Electricity is what makes everything in our house work."
00:55 "Will electricity come back again?"
00:58 "Yes, but in the meantime, we need to find a torch."
01:02 "I think there's a torch in the cellar."
01:04 "OK, I'll go and get it."
01:07 "Will you be OK, Daddy?"
01:09 "I'll be fine. I can see very well in the dark."
01:15 "Who put that there?"
01:17 "Daddy, are you OK?"
01:20 "Yes, it's just a bit dark down here."
01:23 "Oh, I just remembered. I think the torch is in the kitchen."
01:30 "Mummy Pig has found the torch."
01:36 "Can I hold the torch, Mummy?"
01:38 "OK."
01:39 "George, look at me."
01:43 "Peppa is making a funny face."
01:46 "Don't worry, George. It's only Peppa."
01:50 "Oh, we'd better tell Daddy we found the torch."
01:56 "Daddy is still in the cellar, looking for the torch."
02:00 "I'm sure it's here somewhere."
02:02 "Daddy, we found the torch!"
02:07 "Luckily, it was in the kitchen all the time."
02:10 "What a stroke of luck!"
02:13 "Now, we just have to wait until the electricity comes back."
02:18 "How long will that be, exactly?"
02:22 "I would say exactly a long time."
02:26 "But George and I want to do some dancing."
02:34 "I know what we can do. We can watch some television."
02:39 "Oh, it won't go on."
02:42 "The TV needs electricity, too."
02:46 "Does it?"
02:47 "Yes."
02:48 "Oh, now what are we going to do?"
02:52 "In the olden days, when there was no television, children would have to make up their own games."
02:58 "I know! I need a cardboard box."
03:02 "What is Peppa doing?"
03:04 "Mummy, will you cut a hole in this box for me?"
03:08 "What for?"
03:09 "You'll see!"
03:11 "Mummy Pig is cutting a hole in the cardboard box."
03:15 "There you are, Peppa."
03:17 "Thank you. Now you'll have to sit down there."
03:21 "And George, you have to point this torch at me."
03:30 "Welcome to Peppa Pig News with me, Peppa Pig."
03:36 "Today, the whole world stopped working when there was a power cut."
03:45 "And all the electricity was lost."
03:48 "Daddy Pig says that the electricity won't be back for a long, long time."
03:59 "The electricity is back!"
04:01 "I haven't finished yet. Switch the lights off."
04:07 "OK, Peppa."
04:08 "Good."
04:10 "I have some very important news."
04:14 "The Queen has just found some more electricity and says that everyone can now be happy again."
04:23 "Very good, Peppa."
04:27 "Let's start!"
04:29 "Peppa quite enjoyed the power cut."
04:34 "But she's happy the electricity is back again."
04:37 *Bruit de la bouche*