IHSG Menguat ke Level 7.283 di Sesi I (05/04/2024)

  • 5 months ago
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) menguat pada penutupan perdagangan sesi pertama, Jumat (5/4/2024). Indeks naik 0,40% atau 29,04 poin ke level 7.283.

Total volume saham yang diperdagangkan hingga siang ini sebanyak 11,43 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp7,78 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 470.099 kali.


00:00 We will now go to the data of the ISG's closing in the first phase of trading.
00:05 So far, ISG has been closed in the green zone with 0.4% strength at level 7283.440.
00:13 And ISG opened in the morning at level 7254.399.
00:18 It touched the highest level at 7296.470.
00:22 Then it touched the lowest level at level 7239.274.
00:28 With 246 strength, 316 weak shares and 211 non-moving or stagnant shares.
00:36 And year-on-year, ISG has been strengthened by 6.41%.
00:41 And year-to-date, ISG has been strengthened by 0.15%.
00:45 Meanwhile, the next stock is the top gainers in the first trading session.
00:49 Viewers can see the top gainers on the television screen.
00:53 In the first trading session, there is a brand, Sido, BRPT, then SSIA.
00:57 With 17.02% strength, 6.06%, 5.15% and 2.04%.
01:05 Top losers in the closing of the first trading session are BBRI, TCPI, TINZ and also GOTO.
01:10 With 1.32% weakness, 1.64%, 2.16% and 2.9%.
01:17 In the sectoral movement, two sectors are leading the strengthening.
01:28 In the first trading session, infrastructure strengthened by 1.49%, health strengthened by 0.84%.
01:30 Meanwhile, the technology and property sectors are leading the weakening.
01:33 With 1.21% and 0.58% weakness.
01:37 Thank you for your attention. We will be back soon.
01:45 [Music]