• last year
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) ditutup turun 0,18% atau 13 poin ke level 7.304 pada perdagangan sesi pertama Senin (20/5/2024).

Siang ini, total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 11,06 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp6,96 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 784.467 kali. Sebanyak 253 saham harganya terkoreksi, 278 saham harganya naik dan 237 saham lainnya stagnan.


00:00Yes, from the information we asked for, we went to the index of joint stock prices where it was monitored at the beginning of the trading session, especially in the first session, the ISG was still moving in the red zone, which recorded a weakness of 0.18%.
00:11The ISG was able to strengthen to level 7374.547 at the beginning of the trading session 2, but the ISG was unable to survive and only managed to end at level 7304.73.
00:25As a result, the transaction value reached 6.96 trillion rupiah, 253 shares weakened, 278 shares strengthened, and 237 other shares moved in the red zone.
00:35Year-to-date, the ISG strengthens by 0.43%.
00:39However, from the US dollar exchange rate, it is monitored to strengthen to 15,952 or weakening by 0.01%.
00:50And if we look at the data from the first trading session, are there any shares that are still trying to lift the ISG further?
01:00Next, we will discuss together from top gainers, top losers, and sectoral movements.
01:06From the top gainers, there are a number of stocks such as Inco or Vale Indonesia, then there is also Aman Mineral, IMMN, which rose by 3.66%, Inco by 7.52%, MDKA by 3.65%, and Pegas which rose by 3.96% to 1,575.
01:27Meanwhile, for top losers, there is BRPT, which is an ISG supporter, which fell by 4.85% to 1,275.
01:35There is also BMRI, which was corrected by 3.04% to 6,375.
01:40There is also BBNI, which fell by 2.9%, and there is Samatla, which was corrected by 38.84% to Rp101 per share.
01:49Meanwhile, from the sectoral movement, the energy sector grew by 1.42%, the stock market grew by 1.38%, while the financial sector fell by 1.33%, and logistical transportation fell by 0.99%.
