• last year
Meet the Blackpool woman who changed her name to include the names of her favourite band members and see how they react!


00:00 [AUDIO OUT]
00:23 --isn't being-- because it's the boys' 20th anniversary,
00:27 I thought I had to do something that would last forever for me.
00:31 And I thought, well, can I do a tattoo now?
00:35 Got a new number plate as well.
00:37 But I thought, no, I'm going to do something
00:40 so I change my name to their names,
00:44 just so it's there forever.
00:48 And when did Mike and Jonathan-- when did you find out about that?
00:52 Well, we got a WhatsApp a few weeks back.
00:55 Yeah, was it like 10 days?
00:57 We were in the middle of our rehearsals.
00:58 I remember it being last week, the horse track of the day.
01:00 That one it was.
01:00 It was a couple of weeks ago.
01:02 Couple of weeks ago.
01:03 Right, couple of weeks, yeah.
01:04 It came through to us, and our jaws fell off.
01:07 We were definitely taken aback.
01:10 You've caught us out with that one.
01:11 We've got a number of people with G4 tattoos and autographs
01:15 and various faces and things embedded in ink indefinitely.
01:20 But to have a name change is an extra step forward.
01:23 And it shows real support for the band.
01:25 And yeah, it's a mad thing, but good for you.
01:28 No, honestly, I couldn't think of anything else
01:32 that would last forever and would--
01:36 hopefully you will last forever.
01:38 And no, it's just my way of--
01:41 I'll never, ever not be a fan of any of your--
01:46 of all your names.
01:48 But what made you come up with the idea to do that?
01:51 Because as John was saying, you know,
01:52 you've had-- we've had tattoos done and whatever.
01:56 And I'm just thinking, we've always had stars named after us
01:59 and things like that.
02:00 So people do come up with all these original ideas.
02:02 In fact, I've got one just here.
02:03 That's a Hollywood Walk of Fame star that I've got here.
02:08 But what made you think of the name?
02:10 Because that is totally original to us.
02:12 We've never come across it.
02:15 No, I just thought something different,
02:18 something that no one else has done,
02:19 not that I'm aware of anyway.
02:21 And I just-- it's set in stone now.
02:26 Your name will always be with me forever
02:29 because you're in my name now.
02:31 So-- and the way I worded it, I was going to put--
02:35 I'd probably put your two surnames because of Mike
02:38 and John, but it could be anybody.
02:40 So I thought, no, everybody knows Christy and Ansel.
02:43 And Duncan and Jai, if I put their surnames,
02:47 it would have sounded like a firm of visitors.
02:49 So I put them as Duncan and Jai.
02:54 But no, I love the new name.
02:57 Changed it anyway.
02:58 I'm just waiting for my driving license
03:00 to come back with it on now.
03:01 Can't wait to see that.
03:02 20 years.
03:10 Since the Monarchs happened.
03:11 I remember the first gig.
03:13 Yeah.
03:13 I voted for the Monarchs fighter and everything.
03:16 And then as soon as they started touring,
03:18 I went to see about three or four.
03:20 I went up to Edinburgh, saw them in Blackpool.
03:25 I think one was Halifax.
03:26 I'm not sure.
03:27 But no, I've followed them for 20 years.
03:29 I've been listening to their music for 20 years.
03:31 Oh, yeah, many times.
03:37 Would you say that Christine's your biggest fan, boys?
03:44 She's up there.
03:45 You are--
03:46 I think after what she's done--
03:47 A lot of the shows.
03:48 Exactly.
03:50 The only thing I'm wondering is obviously you're doing this.
03:55 Other fans are going to be thinking, right,
03:56 what can I come up with that's going to be original?
03:59 So I'm sort of slightly intrigued, slightly excited
04:01 to think what other people are going to come up with that
04:04 will blow our minds as well that we haven't even thought about.
04:09 Yeah, I thought--
04:09 I didn't know if anybody else had done this.
04:11 I'd never heard of anybody doing it.
04:14 And I thought, this is different.
04:15 This is totally different.
04:18 No, I can't think of anything else.
04:21 Most of us have got your G4 number plates, obviously.
04:25 And it's like, well, what more can you do?
