Kim Fozzard Dressmaker
00:00 I am Kim Fossard and I'm a dressmaker seamstress. I've always sewn since I was a child. My mother
00:08 worked in the theatre as a wardrobe mistress and I'm from a long line of tailors and dressmakers
00:14 and things so I've always done it but I didn't do it as a career, I kind of drifted into print
00:20 and then a few years ago I decided it was just too difficult working full-time with
00:25 with small children so I applied for the sewing bee which I didn't get on obviously but it was
00:33 a really good springboard for doing what I'm doing now because it got people talking in the playground
00:38 and before I knew I had piles and piles of work that people wanted me to do so and I haven't
00:42 looked back since then. I make, as well as clothing, I do a lot of soft furnishings,
00:51 chair, light upholstery, curtains, blinds, anything you can stick a needle in really.
00:57 I've done boat seats, I've renovated motorhomes and caravans and I've done, clothing wise,
01:05 I do costume, dressmaking, alterations, repairs, pretty much most things. I very rarely say no to
01:12 anything. I make a lot of things for myself, it may be that I've just got a length of fabric that
01:17 I've found a remnant of fabric that I've had in my cupboard and I think oh that'll make a nice
01:22 whatever or I'll see if something in the cut of something's really important to me because
01:29 especially when you get a bit older and your body shape changes where your seam lines are placed
01:35 is really really important so I try and create clothing that's flattering for myself and for
01:41 others as well. I think the two favourites, I've got two, the first one has got to be the David
01:48 Bowie Alexander McQueen Union Jack coat that I made for a tribute act and I've made about three
01:56 coats for him and a couple of shirts and also I did a Madonna Jean Paul Gaultier corset, the
02:05 gold one with the coned bosoms, so I made that for another lady, it was her 50th birthday party so
02:11 really really enjoyed doing those because it's really creative and involves a lot of research
02:16 and behind the scenes work and yeah they're a delight to work on, I like doing those.