• last year


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00:06:54 I've heard from friends that Yang is prostituting again.
00:06:58 [birds chirping]
00:07:04 You know, the whole thing between Yang and me was never a big deal.
00:07:12 If you never cared for Yang, how did this ever happen?
00:07:18 [chime]
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00:07:38 I wasn't a fan, Sasha.
00:07:42 I tried to help him. I gave him a place to stay.
00:07:46 He took money from you. It was that simple. And you were not the only one.
00:07:51 [door creaking]
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00:08:09 Well, I've got to get back to work.
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00:18:42 More than $100 million.
00:18:44 Can you believe it?
00:18:46 The Red Sox paid more than $100 million for Matsuzaka.
00:18:50 Dear, I don't care what you say.
00:18:52 Nobody cares about baseball anymore.
00:18:54 That's exactly wrong.
00:18:56 The Americans care, the Japanese care,
00:18:59 and I'm sure that Matsuzaka himself cares.
00:19:03 OK, this is what I'm saying.
00:19:05 In 20 years, there is going to be 1.5 billion people in China,
00:19:11 and 1.5 billion Chinese will care.
00:19:15 Well, I just got back from Shanghai,
00:19:17 and the brother of a customer of mine,
00:19:19 the guy's 30 years old, and he can't find a wife
00:19:21 because of the one-child policy.
00:19:23 His parents are desperate.
00:19:25 They're going all the way to Vietnam
00:19:26 just so that he could get married.
00:19:28 You know, that's really just the tip of the iceberg
00:19:31 because I've read where in 10 years
00:19:34 there's going to be something like 30 million Chinese men
00:19:37 who won't be able to find a Chinese woman to marry.
00:19:41 And what's really ironic about that is, historically,
00:19:45 it's always been the Chinese male baby
00:19:47 that's been the most valued.
00:19:49 And pretty soon, it's going to be the reverse.
00:19:52 It's going to be the young Chinese girl baby.
00:19:55 I'll tell you, it's certainly not going to be 10 years.
00:19:57 I mean, that's going on already.
00:19:59 Young Chinese women nowadays,
00:20:01 they're looking for the rich overseas Chinese,
00:20:05 the Westerners, they're looking to get out of China.
00:20:08 I was recently speaking to some 20-year-old female students
00:20:12 from Beidou, and I asked them about the Tiananmen Square
00:20:15 incident with the tank men, and they knew nothing about it.
00:20:19 Isn't that amazing?
00:20:20 Sasha, do you remember the tank man?
00:20:23 I heard a little from my grandmother.
00:20:26 So Sasha, you're a friend of Boxuan's?
00:20:29 No. I don't really know him.
00:20:32 [laughter]
00:20:35 In Beijing, we share the same preference in men.
00:20:40 [laughter]
00:20:43 Boxuan, please, tell us more.
00:20:45 Yes.
00:20:47 We met through a mutual friend.
00:20:49 Boxuan, we heard you were an activist of some kind,
00:20:52 an AIDS activist?
00:20:53 No, no, not an AIDS activist.
00:20:55 I just was helping a BBC reporter
00:20:57 who was doing a project on AIDS.
00:20:59 Sasha, what do you do?
00:21:02 Precisely what you think.
00:21:04 That is?
00:21:05 Nothing.
00:21:06 Nothing? Tell us, what does that mean?
00:21:08 My chair owned business.
00:21:10 [laughter]
00:21:16 You guys know nothing about China.
00:21:18 You guys are not even Chinese.
00:21:24 You know, when I was in Beijing,
00:21:26 I found the place with the most unusual jiaozi.
00:21:28 It was a little bit like this ravioli.
00:21:30 They had cheese inside.
00:21:32 They were really, really good.
00:21:35 [door closes]
00:21:37 [chewing]
00:21:47 [chewing]
00:21:57 [chewing]
00:22:10 Sasha.
00:22:13 Who do you think you are, Paris Hilton?
00:22:16 I like her, so what?
00:22:19 People give her shit.
00:22:20 She just does what she wants.
00:22:22 You are embarrassing me down there.
00:22:24 [speaking Chinese]
00:22:53 I think you better go through with your plans for tomorrow
00:22:55 by yourself.
00:23:00 [footsteps]
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00:26:20 Mmm.
00:26:26 You got a light?
00:26:32 Hey, you know...
00:26:35 [chewing]
00:26:47 Chinese?
00:26:52 [speaking Chinese]
00:27:06 I just want to go around, look around the city.
00:27:10 [speaking Chinese]
00:27:14 It's fucking Chinatown.
00:27:42 [speaking Chinese]
00:27:55 What's your name?
00:27:56 Sasha.
00:27:57 Sasha?
00:27:58 Who's paying for these drinks?
00:28:01 I am.
00:28:03 [speaking Chinese]
00:28:05 What do you want to do?
00:28:09 I want him to fuck off.
00:28:11 [speaking Chinese]
00:28:12 Okay.
00:28:13 [speaking Chinese]
00:28:15 Nice meeting you, Gene.
00:28:17 My name is not Gene.
00:28:19 Yeah, his name is Genghis Khan.
00:28:27 So?
00:28:31 What brings you to our little Mongolia?
00:28:37 Nothing.
00:28:40 Just want to go look around the city.
00:28:43 But it's no better than Oma.
00:28:46 [speaking Chinese]
00:28:48 It's in Nebraska.
00:28:50 [speaking Chinese]
00:28:59 It's where I go to school, sort of.
00:29:04 [speaking Chinese]
00:29:23 [speaking Chinese]
00:29:37 [speaking Chinese]
00:29:40 [speaking Chinese]
00:29:43 [speaking Chinese]
00:29:55 [singing in Chinese]
00:30:24 [singing in Chinese]
00:30:50 [speaking Chinese]
00:30:55 Who's your friend?
00:30:57 Sasha.
00:30:58 Sasha?
00:30:59 True new friend.
00:31:00 [chanting]
00:31:02 New friend!
00:31:04 And true old friend.
00:31:06 [chanting]
00:31:08 [speaking Chinese]
00:31:10 [speaking Chinese]
00:31:24 Sasha?
00:31:25 James.
00:31:26 [singing in Chinese]
00:31:36 [singing in Chinese]
00:31:45 [speaking Chinese]
00:31:47 [cheering]
00:31:50 [music]
00:32:00 [singing in Chinese]
00:32:17 For everything that you've done for me.
00:32:20 Of course, we didn't expect it to go this way.
00:32:23 But the accountant has always left
00:32:26 with blood in his hands.
00:32:29 Still, you didn't give him anything.
00:32:32 When they pressed you, you said nothing.
00:32:37 Thank you.
00:32:39 [music]
00:32:42 [singing in Chinese]
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00:32:52 [singing in Chinese]
00:32:57 [singing in Chinese]
00:33:02 [singing in Chinese]
00:33:07 [music]
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00:33:24 [speaking Chinese]
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00:35:52 [coughing]
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00:36:14 [water running]
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00:36:40 [music]
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00:37:20 [speaking Chinese]
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00:47:00 [silence]
00:47:16 Is Sasha a Russian name?
00:47:20 I don't think so.
00:47:23 I think it's the name of a heroine in my mother's favorite book.
00:47:29 I wish she was Russian.
00:47:31 Sasha, Sasha, the princess of Russia.
00:47:36 [silence]
00:47:41 Come with me.
00:47:43 You could be the prince and princess of Nebraska.
00:47:47 [silence]
00:47:57 [silence]
00:48:07 [silence]
00:48:25 [speaking Chinese]
00:48:33 [silence]
00:48:43 [speaking Chinese]
00:48:53 [speaking Chinese]
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00:49:13 [speaking Chinese]
00:49:23 [speaking Chinese]
00:49:33 [speaking Chinese]
00:49:38 [speaking Chinese]
00:49:48 [speaking Chinese]
00:49:58 [silence]
00:50:08 [speaking Chinese]
00:50:18 [silence]
00:50:28 [speaking Chinese]
00:50:38 I will show you my Nebraska.
00:50:41 I used to go L.A., London, New York.
00:50:48 [speaking Chinese]
00:50:54 Every night I play these roles for these fucking men in the bars.
00:50:58 Do you know what I do for them besides pouring them beer?
00:51:06 I'm sick and tired of acting out other people's tragedies.
00:51:13 [sigh]
00:51:15 [silence]
00:51:25 I look just like my mother.
00:51:32 She must have been beautiful.
00:51:36 She was.
00:51:39 She was from Beijing, too.
00:51:43 Just like you.
00:51:48 My mother got sent to Mongolia in 1972 for labor re-education.
00:51:54 She got stuck in the grassland after having me.
00:51:59 I didn't have any legal residency in Beijing.
00:52:04 So she had to stay with me.
00:52:10 My mother said that she never regretted having me.
00:52:16 That I gave her life purpose, a place to be,
00:52:22 even if it was not the best place.
00:52:29 [music]
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00:54:19 [laughter]
00:54:29 [speaking Chinese]
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01:09:19 [speaking Chinese]
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01:09:39 [speaking Chinese]
01:09:49 [speaking Chinese]
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01:10:09 [speaking Chinese]
01:10:19 [speaking Chinese]
01:10:29 [speaking Chinese]
01:10:39 [speaking Chinese]
01:10:49 [speaking Chinese]
01:10:59 [speaking Chinese]
01:11:09 [speaking Chinese]
01:11:19 [singing]
01:11:29 Hope there's someone who'll take care of me
01:11:33 When I die, will I go?
01:11:39 Hope there's someone who'll set my heart free
01:11:46 Nice to hold when I'm tired
01:11:53 There's a ghost on my eyes, oh
01:11:58 When I go to bed
01:12:05 Hugging of all I sleep at night
01:12:10 Oh Lord, raise my head
01:12:17 Oh I'm scared of the middle place
01:12:22 Between life and nowhere
01:12:29 I don't want to be the one
01:12:33 Left in there, left in there
01:12:43 There's a man on the rise, oh
01:12:48 Wish that I go to bed
01:12:55 If I fall to his feet, oh no
01:13:00 Will the Lord rest my heart?
01:13:07 So it's hoping I will not drown
01:13:12 Or paralyze in life
01:13:19 And God's saying I don't want to go
01:13:24 To the sea or to shed
01:13:31 Hope there's someone who'll take care of me
01:13:36 When I die, will I go?
01:13:43 Hope there's someone who'll set my heart free
01:13:48 Nice to hold when I'm tired
01:13:55 (Instrumental)
01:14:24 (Instrumental)
01:14:53 (Instrumental)
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01:18:28 (Instrumental)
01:18:57 (Instrumental)
01:19:26 (Instrumental)
