"La Route" en BD par Manu Larcenet, sombre et intense

  • 7 months ago
Le célèbre roman post-apocalyptique "La Route" de Cormac McCarthy n'était pas assez sombre selon le dessinateur Manu Larcenet, qui l'a adapté en bande dessinée en éliminant méthodiquement tout espoir.

Publiée aux éditions Dargaud vendredi, la BD impressionne déjà la critique.
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00:00 The famous post-apocalyptic novel "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy was not dark enough, according to the cartoonist Manu Larcenet,
00:06 who adapted it into a comic strip by methodically eliminating all hope.
00:10 Published at the Argo publishing house on Friday, the comic already impressed the critics.
00:15 Perfect according to France Culture, dazzling according to La Croix, fabulous according to the Luxembourgish newspaper L'Avenir.
00:22 All of them owe the power of a meticulous drawing and a breathtaking dramaturgy.
00:27 It was a monument that Larcenet attacked, an American novel from 2006 among the most commented and appreciated of the century,
00:33 Pulitzer Prize 2007, already adapted for cinema.
00:37 A year and a half of hard work, every day, on digital tablets, to represent details that, on paper, are sometimes barely visible.
00:46 Tiring as possible, the author confided to the AFP.
00:50 "I treated each image like a drawing. The story is simple.
00:54 In an America where our civilization, our technology, fauna, flora and light of the sun have been swept away by an unnamed disaster,
01:02 a man and his young son are trying to survive by walking south, perhaps less hostile.
01:07 They speak little, this world is disheveled and violent, is badly preparing for the splinters. "
01:12 Manu Larcenet, who had adapted the report of Brodeck, by Philippe Claudel, in 2015 to 2016, came to this novel in the late afternoon.
01:20 And he found it, in use, less dark than his reputation suggests.
01:25 "MacCarty is strong enough, he put some touching little things in the middle of a sea of ​​horror.
01:31 There is a little hope in the novel, which I took on, he said.
01:36 I like this idea that there is no more to it than 'P.N. +', no hope.
01:41 I also removed the very last scene, where the little one joins a group where there are women and children.
01:46 I had drawn it at the beginning. And then it was Hollywood. Read each drawing.
01:52 It is a book without morals other than that of Hobbes, "Man is a wolf for man", without any other philosophy than the law of the strongest, the survival of the fittest.
02:00 Manu Larcenet makes radical choices, I removed the firemen.
02:04 At one point in the book, the little one says "we will be the firemen +".
02:09 And that has a messianic side, which does not go at all with the atmosphere.
02:13 Discreetly, everything that touches God, I cleared it.
02:17 As MacCarty is American, he still puts a little, and I think it's not going.
02:22 Another scene, the father, probably thinking that his son is going to die, shoots him a firework.
02:28 So I draw it. Firework, I give it to myself, the thing of a cartoonist.
02:34 I reread the passage and I say to myself, wait, it's been 200 pages that he's hiding, that he's not making any noise, that he's walking with haystacks.
02:42 And there, he's going to shoot a firework in the middle of the night.
02:46 Les Editions du Seuil republie en même temps le roman, avec pour illustration des cases muettes de la BD.
02:52 Elle rappelle celles de Jules Ferrat, sur les romans de ses contemporains Victor Hugo, Jules Verne ou Émile Zola.
02:58 "Ce n'est pas un hasard", explique Larcenet, "pas de possibilité de texte".
03:03 Pas de possibilité de reprendre les mots de MacCarty, à part quelques dialogues.
03:08 C'est là où j'ai décidé de regarder les graveurs, durées et d'autres, pour qu'on puisse lire chaque dessin à la place des mots.
