• last year
MARRIED, SUPERHERO,Minecraft, aphmau
00:00 Guys, stop! This isn't funny, I just-
00:02 It's on now.
00:03 Why are you guys doing this anyway?
00:04 I dunno, willpower's what-
00:05 Now, where do you keep your treasure?
00:07 Oh, like I would tell you.
00:08 Over here.
00:09 Huh?
00:10 Please, stop! My house!
00:12 Get out of my house now!
00:15 Why, you think that can hurt me?
00:18 My only weakness is fire, so unless you've got a flamethrower, you might as well give it up.
00:23 What?
00:26 Why'd you tell me? I have flint and steel.
00:27 Wait, what?
00:28 Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
00:30 AHHHHHH!
00:31 Oww!
00:32 It's shaking!
00:33 Oh, look, he's on fire!
00:35 I'm not sorry!
00:36 Don't worry about that.
00:37 Don't spread it around my house!
00:38 At least he's gone.
00:41 Let's go over here.
00:42 I gotta fix this.
00:44 What's the matter, Aphmau?
00:45 A little shock?
00:46 Oh, annoying!
00:47 Do I just become a villain too?
00:49 Oh no, this is bad.
00:50 I gotta get out of here.
00:51 Can't he keep up with my frequency?
00:53 I gotta hide.
00:55 I gotta hide.
00:56 I gotta hide.
00:57 Getting a little off the grid there.
00:58 Annoying!
01:00 I didn't think you could do this, but you've turned to the dark side!
01:02 Trees and a lightning storm?
01:05 Don't you know that's not safe?
01:07 Okay, I should be good here.
01:11 I just need to stay here, stay out of sight.
01:13 Ian's gone, and I should be able to rebuild my house, maybe.
01:16 Or maybe I'll have to move--
01:17 Oh my gosh!
01:18 Looks like you hit the end of the line, Aphmau.
01:22 Actually, I hit the top of the tree, but--
01:23 Whoa!
01:25 Hey, weirdo!
01:26 How about you stop picking on innocent people?
01:29 Whoa!
01:30 Whoa, I didn't think you'd go that far.
01:34 Wow, that was amazing! Thanks!
01:36 I think you should be safe now, but can you try to stay out of trouble, please?
01:39 Excuse me, I managed to defeat Ian.
01:42 You saw me light him on fire, I had a flint and steel, and then I charged him with a sword,
01:45 and yeah, Noi got me, but that doesn't count, okay?
01:47 I think I had it.
01:48 I have no doubt that you're a very capable girl, but these guys are absolute weirdos,
01:52 so just, you know, stay away from them, alright?
01:53 Yeah, well, what if I want to put myself in danger, then what, huh?
01:56 Well, then maybe I don't have to save you.
01:58 Well, then maybe you don't, but if you do, maybe you can give me a communicator so I can call you.
02:01 Fine, fine.
02:02 Wait, what? Wait, right now?
02:04 Oh, it's a communication bracelet.
02:05 I thought you were asking me something else.
02:06 Do you always talk this much?
02:07 Oh, what the--
02:08 Whatever.
02:09 Hey!
02:10 I'm taking you home, alright?
02:11 Take me home? Why are you carrying me like this?
02:12 Can I have a ring?
02:13 Alright, this is your house, right?
02:14 I can't believe this, we're moving so fast!
02:15 What are you talking about?
02:16 I mean, you gave me a ring and you're carrying me through the door?
02:18 Oh my gosh!
02:20 What the-- Lady, have you hit your head or something?
02:22 No, I did not, okay? That's not possible.
02:24 I'm just saying that you're a superhero and I'd like to say--
02:27 Listen, you're actually really cute, but--
02:28 OMG!
02:30 Huh? What the-- Kim?
02:31 Half-no, you married a superhero?
02:33 See, I'm not crazy, she thinks the same thing!
02:35 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, I just-- actually, I just met her, alright, so--
02:37 He saved me before, but he says it's not like that.
02:39 Yeah, right, he just carried you through the door!
02:41 Well, yeah, I know.
02:42 And he gave you a ring!
02:43 I know, girl, right?
02:45 But it's a bracelet, apparently, I think.
02:47 Well, I hate to cut you both off, but I feel like my job here is done, so I'm gonna get going now.
02:51 Whoa, hey, where you going, bug boy?
02:53 Oh, Kim, what are you doing? This is my wedding day.
02:56 Look, with all these supervillain players running around, it would be nice if we had some powers of our own.
03:01 So-- What is that?
03:02 With your new hubby here, I can whip something up in no time.
03:05 Excuse me?
03:06 Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing with that?
03:07 Hey, get back here, you're making me go--
03:08 Wait, wait, Kim!
03:09 No, no, no, I hate needles, no, no!
03:11 Stop, stop, stop! Stop! Knock it off!
03:13 Hey!
03:14 That's my man's! And you can't keep trying to stab people, that's not nice!
03:17 Right?
03:18 Oh, what? Where'd he go?
03:20 I mean, um--
03:21 Oh, I see how it is! First you take the superhero off for yourself, and now you're keeping all the powers, too!
03:25 I am not keeping all the powers, okay? I'm married then.
03:27 You know what? I don't need your spider hubby to help me get superpowers, don't you? Watch!
03:31 Kim, we're not married! I-- I'm so confused. Oh my gosh, my emotions are everywhere!
03:35 But for real--
03:36 Ah, no!
03:37 Huh? What the--
03:38 Oh, Zane.
03:39 All right, he's gonna get involved.
03:41 I just can't tell him what's gonna--
03:42 What? How did all of this happen? Aphmau, you are too young to be marrying costume vigilantes!
03:47 Excuse me? You're not my father, and besides, who told you?
03:50 Wait a minute.
03:51 What?
03:52 I won't marry the super guy, he won't show any superpowers?
03:54 Oh!
03:55 I will not let you marry someone in footie pajamas!
03:58 Excuse me? You run around in footie pajamas yourself, mister!
04:00 I told you that in confidence! How could you just--
04:03 With great pajamas comes great responsibility, Aphmau!
04:05 Zane, I don't wanna hear that line! You know, what if my new hubby sees this and comes to get you?
04:09 See what? Me rescuing you from a life full of cobwebs?
04:11 Why do I look like you're rescuing me? I look like you're kidnapping me!
04:13 I don't know, you be the judge on what it looks like!
04:15 Oh my gosh.
04:16 See, and?
04:17 Yeah, this kind of looks like kidnapping or taking me to the basement. I'm just putting that out there, Zane.
04:20 Now, you are going to sit there and think about what you did.
04:23 What did I do? I'm a mature, independent young lady! You're not putting me in timeout!
04:28 Oh, yes I am!
04:29 Oh, apparently you can. I always underestimate you. I'm gonna find a way out, though.
04:32 Oh, no, no, no, I don't think so. I am not going to sit back and watch you waste your life.
04:36 Waste my life? I could waste my life however I want, plus we're not married, really.
04:39 Huh?
04:40 Also, you're wasting your life in the basement making experiments and not hanging out with people.
04:43 This is not a waste! It's none of your business, that's what it is!
04:47 Yeah, and so that's none of your business, who I married!
04:49 Funny thing, you know, saving people usually ends up being my business.
04:51 Oh, Spider-Guy! Oh my gosh, he's here!
04:53 Oh, would you look! I thought you didn't need any of my help!
04:55 Oh, I mean, um, you're right, I, um...
04:57 No, no, no, she doesn't need anything from you. She is a good girl and is able to make her own decisions.
05:02 You're right!
05:03 I'm too much talking from you!
05:06 Oh, better. And for good measure!
05:08 Please! I mean, um...
05:10 You, lady, that was a new record.
05:12 What was it, five minutes before you needed me to rescue you again?
05:14 Excuse me? Zane put me in this situation.
05:16 Yeah, uh-huh.
05:17 Can you break me out already?
05:18 There you go.
05:19 Thank you. Look, your way was a lot faster. I was just coming with a plan at a slower pace.
05:22 Sure, okay. Well, how about we get out of here before, you know, he does whatever he does.
05:26 That's true. Bye, Zane! Have fun in the basement! Don't waste your life, bye!
05:29 I'll get out of here!
05:30 Okay, seriously this time, can you stay out of trouble?
05:32 You know, only married people care this much about each other, so...
05:35 Oh, no, no, not more of that.
05:36 Aphmau!
05:37 Oh, hey.
05:38 Already?
05:39 How'd you get up that hat?
05:40 Aphmau, get behind me! You are a menace! You think marrying this girl makes her safer?
05:43 What?
05:44 No, no, I never said I--
05:45 You never said that!
05:46 I didn't think of that? Yeah, I figured. But you're not gonna put her in danger anymore!
05:50 Me? Dude, you literally kidnapped her!
05:52 What?
05:53 Both of you, chill! I am good, okay?
05:56 What?
05:57 I feel like hanging out with him means something's wrong.
05:58 What are you talking about?
05:59 Oh my gosh, are you my mom? No, you're not, okay?
06:02 I can do what I want and I'm gonna walk this way 'cause I want to.
06:04 Aph, I wouldn't go that way if I were you.
06:06 Aph, you know the ravine's that way, right?
06:08 Maybe, I wanna go down the ravine!
06:09 No!
06:10 Ugh, can't believe them, thinking I--
06:12 Wait, what the-- Huh?
06:13 Oh my gosh, what's happening over there?
06:15 Oh no, puppies! And spiders are fighting?
06:17 I've never seen this before.
06:18 Stop it! Stop! Stop spiders! Stop!
06:20 I don't know who started this, but I'm taking out the spiders 'cause I don't like spiders.
06:23 Sorry, spiders.
06:24 If you were a jumping spider, I would leave you alone, but--
06:26 Oh.
06:27 Hey, are you guys alright?
06:29 Oh, thank goodness you're all okay.
06:30 Um, you're not tamed or anything.
06:33 I've never seen wolves do that in the wild. Interesting.
06:36 Oh, what the-- Hey!
06:37 What? Huh?
06:38 Get out of here, spider!
06:39 Spider-- Oh my gosh.
06:41 Ugh.
06:42 Wait, what the-- Huh?
06:44 Why am I glowing?
06:45 Oh my gosh.
06:46 Was there venom in that spider?
06:48 Oh.
06:49 Oh.
06:50 I guess I'm all good.
06:51 Doesn't really matter, huh?
06:52 But look! I can protect myself from a spider!
06:54 I can kill my own spider, and I don't need no one to kill my spider for me!
06:58 Bye, puppies! I'll see you later.
07:00 I'm super capable and can kill my own spiders.
07:02 Don't need no one to kill my spider for me.
07:04 Not even my mom.
07:05 Hey, Zane! Guess who just killed her own spider?
07:08 Uh, what is happening here?
07:11 Oh my gosh.
07:12 Um, Zane?
07:14 What's going on?
07:15 Guys?
07:17 Oh no.
07:18 I know that laugh anywhere.
07:20 Hello?
07:21 Well, well, well.
07:22 You look lost.
07:23 Huh?
07:24 Wait.
07:25 Where are you?
07:26 Hello?
07:27 Oh, don't worry about that.
07:29 Do you like the new residence?
07:31 Uh, new residence?
07:33 What the-- Oh my gosh!
07:34 That is a-- Oh, Warned!
07:35 Okay.
07:36 Um, I gotta get out of here.
07:37 Why?
07:38 Spider-- Spider-Man!
07:39 Spider-Man, where are you?
07:41 I need help.
07:42 Like, for real.
07:43 Oh, now you need me.
07:44 Spider-Man!
07:45 Just call me Spider-Guy, alright?
07:46 Okay, Spider-Guy.
07:47 Uh, I need help.
07:48 You might wanna run, though.
07:49 Run? Oh, jeez!
07:50 Ah! What the--
07:51 Hey, Warned!
07:52 Huh?
07:53 You should've kept your ugly face in the deep dark!
07:54 Ow! Your back!
07:55 [grunting]
07:56 Oh, you're big!
07:57 But that actually didn't hurt me as much.
07:58 I should've died, right?
07:59 Wait.
08:00 Let's see.
08:01 Maybe I can actually help now.
08:02 Ah!
08:03 Oh, so much for picking on someone your own size.
08:04 Got him!
08:05 Jeez, it--
08:06 Wow, you're pretty good with that sword.
08:07 I've got this.
08:08 Don't worry.
08:09 I've got this.
08:10 I can do this.
08:11 Just--
08:12 Hey!
08:13 That was pretty good.
08:14 Kill my own spider, kill my own warden.
08:15 Wait, what the--
08:16 A drone?
08:17 Hey, I got a--
08:18 Wardens don't drop this, do they?
08:19 They're supposed to, but--
08:20 Oh, wait, another one!
08:21 Oh, okay.
08:22 Wait, huh?
08:23 Wait, was that some kind of illusion, or--
08:24 Wait, what?
08:25 What the--
08:26 [laughing]
08:27 And not just any illusion.
08:28 A simple toy made by the master of illusions.
08:29 You don't happen to have an illusion for a better costume, do you?
08:30 That's really--
08:31 Stop it!
08:32 Why are you--
08:33 I told you this would happen if you married a superhero.
08:34 Wait, what?
08:35 Don't worry about him.
08:36 Just get out of here, all right?
08:37 Wait.
08:38 Huh?
08:39 You know, wait.
08:40 Uh, okay, I guess I can get out of here.
08:41 I'm gonna go get my costume.
08:42 I'm gonna go get my costume.
08:43 I'm gonna go get my costume.
08:44 I'm gonna go get my costume.
08:46 Huh?
08:47 You know, wait.
08:48 Uh, okay, I guess I can get out of here.
08:49 What the--
08:50 Hey, Fishbowl, over here.
08:51 Huh?
08:52 It's not a fishbowl.
08:53 It is a--
08:54 Huh?
08:55 Whatever.
08:56 Evil one night!
08:57 Dude, it's just a fishbowl.
08:58 Wait, why did I shot web?
08:59 Web shot?
09:00 What the--
09:01 Wait, why do I have powers?
09:02 Oh, this is what happens when I get married to a superhero?
09:05 [gasps]
09:06 Okay, um, I need to learn how to control this.
09:09 [laughing]
09:10 All righty.
09:11 Let's see.
09:12 So, I actually have powers.
09:13 I can shoot the web like this.
09:15 And I can shoot the web like that.
09:17 That's pretty cool.
09:18 I can make a mess faster now.
09:20 That means I have to clean up my room more.
09:22 But at least I have these powers to protect me.
09:24 All right.
09:25 Now not only can I kill my own spiders, I can kill bigger spiders.
09:28 [laughing]
09:29 All right.
09:30 Let's see.
09:31 This is actually fun swinging around with the web.
09:33 I should get more taller trees in the hub.
09:35 Hmm.
09:36 Let's see.
09:37 Maybe that spider won't bug me--
09:38 Oh.
09:39 Huh.
09:40 What is he up to?
09:42 Hmm.
09:43 Huh?
09:44 Oh, wait.
09:45 Invisible-- I get invisible?
09:46 [gasps]
09:47 Okay, I'm like so OP now.
09:48 This is insane.
09:49 All right.
09:50 Um, let's see.
09:51 Let's go check out what Spider-Guy is up to.
09:54 Where did he go?
09:56 This never gets easier.
09:57 One more villain pops up.
09:58 I--
09:59 Great.
10:00 Is this thing broken again?
10:01 All right.
10:02 All right.
10:03 What the--
10:04 Uh.
10:05 Huh?
10:06 What the--
10:07 Oh, wait.
10:08 Wait, who's there?
10:09 Oh, caught up in your own web I see.
10:10 Need help?
10:11 Wait, what?
10:12 How did you get powers?
10:13 Oh, you know, just bought some spiders and--
10:15 [grunts]
10:16 Oh.
10:17 Hey, you're not supposed to break that.
10:18 Please.
10:19 I've been doing this for way longer than you.
10:20 Oh, really, huh?
10:21 Maybe you could teach me something, huh?
10:23 What are you up to, by the way?
10:24 Well, you know, if you could keep a secret, I'll show you something.
10:27 Huh?
10:28 What do you mean?
10:29 Just watch.
10:30 Just watch.
10:31 [grunts]
10:32 Oh.
10:33 Wow.
10:34 Like I said, right this way.
10:35 This is so cool.
10:36 Do you really need a control pad that big, though?
10:38 It's a work in progress, all right?
10:40 Wow.
10:41 Yeah, I've been working on this for a while now.
10:43 This is awesome.
10:44 Oh, wait, you think so, or--
10:45 I love the colors.
10:46 I mean, actually, it's OK.
10:47 You know, I can build this myself.
10:49 Uh-huh.
10:50 Yeah, sure you could.
10:51 Anyways, I brought you down here to give you something.
10:52 Oh, yeah?
10:53 What is it?
10:54 Trust me, it's not another bracelet.
10:55 Oh, my gosh.
10:56 What is that?
10:57 Is that a--
10:58 [gasps]
10:59 Marshmallow?
11:00 Oh, wait.
11:01 It's a ghost spider.
11:02 It's a-- what is it?
11:03 Why don't you try it on and see for yourself?
11:05 It's a-- really?
11:06 OK, it's a marshmallow.
11:07 I-- oh.
11:08 Oh.
11:09 I get my own outfit.
11:12 I love it.
11:13 Just remember, all right, with great power comes--
11:15 I know, I know, responsibility.
11:17 My mom already talks about it.
11:18 I know.
11:19 I got to do my chores.
11:20 Just don't forget saving the world, all right?
11:22 Oh, yeah, that too.
11:23 With great power comes great responsibility.
11:25 And my job is to clean up the hub.
11:26 But it's not my responsibility, so I ain't doing it.
11:28 But I do need a new shirt.
11:29 Oh.
11:30 [screams]
11:31 Somebody save me.
11:32 Huh?
11:33 This is happening against my will.
11:34 I'm being kidnapped.
11:35 Oh, yeah, that's probably what kidnapped means.
11:37 But I will come over here.
11:38 Please, baby.
11:39 I will sneak up.
11:40 Let's see.
11:41 Why is this going to Kim's house?
11:43 Let's go inside and see what's going on.
11:45 Pierce?
11:46 Pierce?
11:47 Scream if you can hear me.
11:48 What the-- oh.
11:50 Oh, man, Spidey says it's going to kick in sooner.
11:52 Ugh.
11:53 What is this, server lag?
11:54 [laughs]
11:55 Huh?
11:56 [laughs]
11:57 Now you've fallen into my clever trap.
12:00 Not very clever.
12:01 Kind of basic, if you ask me my opinion.
12:03 Well, no one asked your opinion.
12:04 You've got to help me.
12:05 There's this really cool supervillain running around
12:07 the server.
12:08 What the--
12:09 And his costume's amazing.
12:10 It's definitely not wearing a fishbowl on his head.
12:12 Wait, what?
12:13 Pierce, you were just kidnapped.
12:14 I saw you.
12:15 He was dragging you by your foot.
12:16 Huh?
12:17 What kind of supervillain are you?
12:18 [laughs]
12:19 Huh?
12:20 What the--
12:21 Oh, and it's more than just a cage that you're in.
12:22 What?
12:23 I'm the master of illusions.
12:24 I can make you see whatever I want.
12:25 Really?
12:26 [laughs]
12:27 Oh, no.
12:28 Like the streaming services.
12:29 [gasps]
12:30 And then I--
12:31 Why are you doing this in the first place?
12:32 What's your problem?
12:33 You know what?
12:34 Fine.
12:35 Who cares if I spend three hours on this speech.
12:36 Sure, let's just move this along.
12:37 Kim!
12:38 Huh?
12:39 Kim?
12:40 I thought--
12:41 I thought--
12:42 Wait.
12:43 What?
12:44 I thought you were--
12:45 What's going on here?
12:46 --Kim, but it's an illusion?
12:47 I'm so confused.
12:48 It's me, Aphmau.
12:49 You need to help me.
12:50 This isn't what I told you to get.
12:51 You were supposed to get that spider guy, not Aphmau.
12:52 What the--
12:53 Dummy.
12:54 What's the difference?
12:55 They're both spider people.
12:56 Wait.
12:57 [sighs]
12:58 Kim, you--
12:59 Wait, you hired Zane?
13:00 Yeah, but not to catch you.
13:01 He was supposed to catch the other bug.
13:02 How am I supposed to get powers from you?
13:03 You're supposed to get for hiring a guy who wears a fishbowl.
13:04 It's not a fishbowl.
13:05 You know what?
13:06 I don't need this.
13:07 I'm leaving.
13:08 Take my drone, and I'm out.
13:09 Let me out of here.
13:10 I'm keeping me safe, you know?
13:11 Well, I tried, but you didn't listen.
13:12 Maybe now you'll see that I was right.
13:13 You're the one who put me in this situation in the first place, bro.
13:14 Okey dokey.
13:15 I guess we're going with plan B.
13:16 Kimmy's homemade super potion.
13:17 You're right.
13:18 What do you mean?
13:19 Here goes nothing.
13:20 What are you--
13:21 Oh, yeah.
13:22 Is that time?
13:23 I can feel it.
13:24 Oh.
13:25 The power.
13:26 Oh.
13:27 [roars]
13:28 Oh, my gosh.
13:30 All right.
13:31 Time to see what Kimmy Timberlake can do.
13:33 Are you a turtle or a lizard?
13:34 I can't really tell.
13:35 But you need to let me out of here.
13:36 Come on.
13:37 You're right.
13:38 I'm gross.
13:39 I'm supposed to be super power, not super ugly.
13:40 Well, if it's an after-after, I guess Spider-Man.
13:42 It's his fault anyway when I get my claws on him.
13:44 Fine.
13:45 Kim, I'm sorry.
13:46 I can't let you be evil.
13:47 Hey.
13:48 What?
13:49 You have powers, too?
13:50 And you just let me turn myself into a gecko?
13:52 What the heck, Afro?
13:53 [growls]
13:54 Kim, let me on.
13:55 We can talk about this.
13:56 Talk about what?
13:57 How you gave yourself powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
13:58 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
13:59 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
14:00 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
14:01 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
14:02 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
14:03 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
14:04 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
14:05 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
14:06 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
14:07 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
14:08 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
14:09 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
14:10 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
14:11 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
14:12 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
14:13 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
14:34 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
15:00 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
15:29 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
15:30 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
15:31 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
15:32 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
15:33 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
15:34 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
15:35 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
15:36 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
15:37 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
15:38 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
15:39 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
15:40 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
15:41 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
15:42 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
15:43 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
15:44 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
16:05 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
16:29 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?
16:58 You have powers even though you knew it wasn't true?