Ascendant Infinity - Official Gameplay Trailer

  • 6 bulan yang lalu
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Ascendant Infinity
ASCENDANT.COM is a squad-based, tactical FPS with serious balls. Loaded with game-changing events, this adrenaline-fueled shooter throws you into the heart of chaos and mixes things up every time you think you’ve got it figured out.

Set in a dynamic biopunk world where everything wants to kill you, fight to extract limited resources, and get out with more than just your dignity.

Adapt is the name of the game (well, not technically, but you get the idea). Like life, nothing in this world stays the same. The map, the tactics, the teams, the strategies, the events, they’re all different every time you step out.

One day rooms are open and you’re good to go. The next day they’re closed and your team is sucking on poison gas. Get used to it, because you have a snowball’s chance in hell of making it out with a biocore if your team doesn’t keep their heads on a swivel.
