The national government will acquire 4000 acres of the Chakama Ranch where the Shakahola deaths occurred to put up a memorial.
00:00 We are very grateful to the county government of Kilifi,
00:05 who have sacrificially supported our law enforcement agencies,
00:12 the investigating team, and the prosecution team
00:16 by preserving those bodies for more than a year now.
00:19 We are very grateful to the governor of Kilifi County
00:23 and the county government for going out of their way
00:27 to contribute to this national matter,
00:31 even if it's beyond their mandate.
00:36 As you know, security is not a devolved function.
00:39 We are very grateful.
00:41 We are particularly grateful because, again,
00:43 the county government has decided to waive
00:48 all the charges and fees for the mortuary for all that period,
00:53 and again, we are grateful.
00:55 The national government will support the families
00:58 that are unable to transport their loved ones
01:03 so that they can bury the remains decently.
01:08 We will support them to be able to transport their loved ones,
01:11 and I have directed the county security team
01:15 to work with the county government
01:18 so that we can identify families that require support.
01:21 As you are aware, Chakama Ranch, particularly,
01:27 part of it where the principal suspect concentrated
01:32 on his activities, remains a scene of crime.
01:36 And therefore, last week the government has degazetted
01:45 the rest of the Chakama Ranch.
01:48 You know it's a 50,000-acre ranch,
01:51 so about 46,000 acres are gazetted,
01:55 and we have made sure that we don't have
01:59 any possible grave sites there.
02:04 But the 4,000 acres around where the principal suspect
02:08 concentrated his crime remains a scene of crime
02:12 and is not available for any public activities.
02:17 We shall be fencing off that area.
02:20 It will be available in the long term
02:23 because the investigating team and the prosecution team
02:27 will require that scene of crime
02:30 to be able to prosecute and get justice,
02:33 and the court may need site visits
02:36 so that they can be able to put together the evidence
02:39 and the material that they will have received
02:41 from the prosecution.
02:43 So that area now remains out of bounds.
02:47 It's not available.
02:49 And because of the defilement and the discretion
02:52 that was done on that scene of crime,
02:56 the government has decided that that parcel, the 4,000,
03:03 will become partially taken by government,
03:08 and it is going to be used to, first of all,
03:12 arrest any of our brothers and sisters
03:16 or our children who lost their lives,
03:19 but either they cannot be identified for whatever reason
03:23 or maybe they have not been claimed,
03:25 or if a family voluntarily agrees,
03:29 we are going to lay them in a dignified manner
03:33 on that parcel,
03:34 and the government will also construct
03:38 a memorial on that property
03:42 so that it remains a permanent remainder
03:45 of what happened in our country.
03:48 [ Silence ]