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Video Information: 18.07.2022, BITS Pilani, Goa

What is the source of subjective opinions and beliefs?
How has science led to a rise in materialism?
How to be free of biased opinions and beliefs?
How does science lead to ego boost?
Why is it a challenge to be scientific and yet spiritual?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00 Pranam Acharya ji. My question to you is about misconceptions. So often in society we see
00:11 that there are a lot of misconceptions on religion.
00:16 So see we want to be together and since the time is limited we want it to be quite joyful.
00:25 So come up with whatever really matters to you. All right. You don't really need to keep
00:33 up to a standard. You need to come from where you are. Okay. And only then we'll have something
00:41 that keeps us spirited here. Right. All right.
00:46 So we see a lot of misconceptions in society on religion and there is a lot of stupidity
00:53 that goes on. We are taught so many things in the name of fear and we just accept it.
00:58 Like right now I'll give an example on festivals. We don't care about what the actual meaning
01:05 of the festival. All it is to youngsters is about planning this. And even when you talked
01:13 about vibrations. So I was having a conversation in which I heard if you go out during the
01:20 solar eclipse there are negative energies negative vibrations and I was like what negative
01:27 vibrations transverse vibrations what what is that scientific term you are talking about.
01:32 So there are so many misconceptions. There is so many stupidity in the society that goes
01:38 on and sometimes I hear about stories where it results in violence and I'm disturbed by
01:45 that. So I wanted to ask how do we avoid all that.
01:50 I think the first step has to be to make science compulsory till class 12th. I really cringe
02:01 when I hear somebody talking of positive negative vibrations and positive negative energies
02:07 and such things. The thing is that this fellow didn't take physics seriously even till class
02:13 10th. Otherwise how can you talk of negative vibrations. What exactly does that mean. And
02:20 from that comes the word vibes. Everybody is talking of vibrations continuously. This
02:27 fellow came in and the moment he entered the room I experienced negative vibrations. What
02:32 do you mean by that? Negative vibrations. If there are vibrations let there be an instrument
02:39 to capture them, record them and tell me the intensity. There has to be a waveform. I want
02:44 to see that waveform on paper and then I want to accord an equation to it. What vibrations?
02:54 But there is an entire cult, huge cult of vibrations. What's going on? What's going
03:00 on? The problem is illiteracy at both levels, scientific and spiritual. We do not know science.
03:09 And we do not know spirituality. So anything goes. But we have heard of these terms because
03:18 they have become commonplace. The blessing of science is that it has given even the scientifically
03:27 illiterate people the fruits of technology. You might not know science at all. Yet the
03:33 various fruits of technology like the mobile phone are easily accessible to you. In fact
03:39 you might be someone who is contemptuous towards science. So many people are. Aren't they?
03:45 For example somebody would say, "Oh, Covid is just a hoax. The virus does not exist at
03:49 all." Even if you display to him the entire structure of the virus, "This is the virus."
03:55 He'll say, "No, it does not exist." Even this kind of a person will be happily roaming
04:01 about with a mobile phone. If you have so much contempt towards science, why are you
04:07 using the products of technology? Why are you using the products of technology? So,
04:17 that's the thing you see I keep emphasizing wherever I go including in campuses. When
04:23 I came here I just said, "Please keep inner education compulsory. Have one course per
04:28 semester or at least every odd semester." Otherwise, in spite of being scientifically
04:37 literate the fellow might still turn up superstitious and that's possible. I have seen eminent scientists
04:45 deeply superstitious, not just in ISRO but even in other agencies, NASA. Very eminent
04:53 scientists often of the status of a director and the fellow is still superstitious. Why?
05:01 Because he did not have inner education. You require both in tandem. You require science
05:07 and you require spirituality. You require the outer education that Vedanta calls as
05:13 avidya and you require the inner education that Vedanta calls as vidya. If you lack in
05:19 either of them, then you will be just roaming around in ignorance of all kinds. Of these
05:27 two obviously the inner ignorance is more fatal. Sir, even not only misconceptions about
05:37 science but also misconceptions about religious concepts and spirituality. That's true. That's
05:43 very true. See, we just believe. The fundamental attitude is of belief, not inquiry. We don't
05:50 want to know. We just want to take in anything. That's inner laziness. Spirituality you call
05:57 that as a tamsa. You just want to take in anything and you don't want to go into it.
06:01 The spirit of exploration, inquiry, investigation is not there. It's not a part of our culture
06:07 as such. It's not a part of most of the cultures. Even in the West it is not really very prominent.
06:12 So, when it comes to science, we believe in anything and when it comes to spirituality,
06:20 there also we believe in anything. We do not know a thing about the objective world. We
06:24 also do not know a thing about our religions. So, we do not know why festivals exist. There
06:30 might be a very important reason why the institution of a festival has been wisely constructed
06:37 but that reason is lost on us. We have no idea at all. We just celebrate. So, Diwali
06:42 is just about crackers and lights and sweets and gifts and such things. What actually does
06:49 Diwali stand for? Very few people know. When you do not know, how can you celebrate Diwali
06:54 in its true spirit? The spirit is also gone. Any festival. You just had Bakrid and it has
07:02 become to the vast majority of Muslims a day of slaughter. What is this? Are festivals
07:10 about such things? What is Holi? The day when you throw balloons at all kinds of people,
07:18 especially girls. That's Holi. What are we doing? Christmas is all about consumerism,
07:27 shopping. You go shop, that's Christmas. You shop right till the New Year, Eve. These two
07:38 are one. Just as we do not know what's going on in the universe, we also do not know what
07:44 is going on within us. So, somebody comes up and says, "Oh, you see, this particular
07:53 pic has been taken by NASA on the Diwali night. It's a pic showing the map of India on Diwali
08:04 night and it goes viral on WhatsApp. Everybody is sharing it. And India is resplendent in
08:13 that pic. Lightened up. And those lights are visible 6000 km up in the space. And we are
08:23 so proud. We are so proud. See, NASA has sent us this pic. Entire India is illuminated.
08:31 And you have pics of Ram Setu. See, NASA has again sent this pic. And Ram Setu is visible
08:36 between India and Lanka. The level of scientific literacy is so low, we tend to believe in
08:45 just about anything. We believe in anything in the world and we believe in anything in
08:52 the inner world. So, somebody tells you inside there are waves, positive vibrations. You
08:59 will believe it. Somebody tells you inside there is some kind of a roof or a soul. And
09:07 if you sleep with your mouth open, it's likely to escape. So, you better keep things locked
09:15 and tight over here. And you will believe it. Take it from me, there are 40 times more
09:28 ridiculous kinds of beliefs circulating and people are damn serious about them. And I
09:35 won't be amazed, unfortunately, if even a few in the audience here subscribe to those
09:41 beliefs. Sir, I think a major reason for all of this
09:47 is our media and what we are shown. So, I was hearing about…
09:52 There was no media a thousand years back. But you still thought that eclipses can mean
10:03 evil to you. Was it the media's doing? No. Who did it then? You go to tribal societies
10:12 and they are mired in superstition. Are they victims of media work? They don't have any
10:20 access to media. Why are they still so terribly superstitious? Please tell me then where does
10:28 it come from? Where does it come from? Where does it come from? The real culprit is so
10:49 close to you, you can't put a finger on it. Where does it come from? Superstition existed
11:03 then, superstition exists now. Superstition exists in illiterate people, superstition
11:08 exists in PhDs and scientists. Where does then superstition really come from? Superstition
11:17 exists in the field of religion, superstition exists even in science. Superstition percolates
11:28 every dimension of our being, our thought. Where does it come from?
11:34 What do you mean by us? Deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper. You are close. No, no. Where does
11:51 it come from? What do you mean by the mind? It comes from this, the body. That's the way
11:58 our bodies are. It comes from our tissues, our cells, our DNA. That's the way human beings
12:05 genetically are. That's where superstition comes from. Biologically, we are not created
12:14 to really know. We are created to believe. Knowing is dangerous for the biological self.
12:27 Tell me why? Because a lot of things that please the biological self show up their real
12:42 and ugly face when you know. So your prakritic nature, your biological nature is to not to
12:52 know and just to believe. Knowing is dangerous. Knowing is dangerous. Have you experienced
13:02 that? How dangerous knowledge can be? It can shatter your entire identity. Therefore, people
13:09 prefer to live in ignorance. Even if the option to really know and understand and realize
13:16 is available, they would rather not exercise that option. Once you know of your inner darkness,
13:24 it is terrible and humiliating and also then it puts a responsibility on you. If you know
13:29 there is a lot of dirt inside, then you have to become responsible to clean it up. Who
13:35 wants to own that responsibility? Who wants to put in that effort? It is far more easier,
13:43 comfortable to just let the dirt and the darkness remain and you can comfortably sleep. Are
13:54 you getting it? So we are not designed to know. We are designed to remain ignorant and
14:02 belief assists ignorance. Just believe. Somebody has told you something. Trust. Believe. Do
14:13 not know. Now you know why knowing requires so much effort whereas believing comes so
14:22 easy. Would you voluntarily want to do something that requires effort? Difficult. Right? What
14:33 would happen? There is an option to go for something that is so easy. You can sleep and
14:39 it still gets done and then there is something that requires continuous work, diligence.
14:48 How many people choose the latter option? That is the reason why knowledge is precious
14:55 but difficult and wisdom is even rarer. Knowledge is about knowing this, wisdom is about knowing
15:04 this plus this. So we have to be very cautious of ourselves. A real enemy sits within here
15:18 in the body itself, in the DNA itself. We do not need external enemies. We already have
15:27 an in-house one and you can't really get rid of it. It will continue to sit next to you
15:36 as long as you are embodied. You see we are in a difficult position to be born, is to
15:49 be born in a difficult state. To be born is to be born along with an enemy. The two of
15:58 you are born together, you and your enemy. You are consciousness and the very old primitive
16:06 tendencies are your enemy, the body. But these two have to co-exist. So they are tied together,
16:14 they are wedded together. It's a difficult marriage that has to last the entire life.
16:21 A difficult marriage where the two are antagonists. In spirituality you call consciousness as
16:32 Purush, the body as Prakriti. The task of the Purush is to be with Prakriti and yet
16:44 not get allured. Be with her and yet not allow her to dominate you.
16:54 So following up a question to what you just answered, let's get an example. Let's say
16:59 I am a 7 year old kid who goes to school and learns something that is non-superstitious.
17:03 Let's say my parents are superstitious and when I come back home they say what you learned
17:09 at school was wrong and you have to learn this superstitious thing. Now according to
17:13 me my parents are more important to me because they have given me birth and all those things.
17:18 So while getting these two conflict ideas, I may go to the wrong idea because that person
17:25 was important to me. So how do you remove this factor of importance of people and getting
17:31 into the importance of idea? You should utter the word I or me with great
17:37 care because it's quite possible that something alien that you have absorbed within is speaking
17:49 as I. It is not really I, it is not internal, it is actually external, alien. But in your
17:57 subconscious state, in your sleep, you just happened to take it in and now it has come
18:04 in and is masquerading as, pretending to be the I. So when you say I believe that my parents
18:15 are more, what my parents say is more education, is more important than what my teachers say,
18:22 that's not what you believe in. That's what you have been taught to believe in. So don't
18:27 say it is my belief that parents' word is more important. Even this belief that parents
18:35 are more important than let's say books is coming from the parents. What else would they
18:41 tell you? What else would they tell you? So it's not your belief. Even the belief that
18:48 parents are sacrosanct is a belief given to you by parents. What else do you expect them
18:54 to do? So be very careful what is really your own. That's not your own. That's a cultural
19:01 belief. That's a familial thing and those cultural beliefs vary from land to land and
19:06 time to time, don't they? The kind of importance you give to parents in India is very different
19:11 from what you give to them in the US, let's say. The kind of importance you give to marriage
19:18 is very difficult, is very different from country to country, even community to community,
19:25 age to age. Then how can it be something internal to you? It's a function of time, culture,
19:31 society, norms, it's not yours and that's the freedom a young man should seek. To not
19:38 to be a victim of cultural norms, of what goes around and that is true religiosity.
19:48 That is true spirituality. True spirituality is not about beliefs. Beliefs are bondages.
19:54 True spirituality is about freedom. Freedom from all beliefs, your commitment, your allegiance
19:58 has to be solely to the truth, nothing else. I am not obliged to honour anything except
20:06 the truth. You get this? You are not obliged. Rid yourself of all other obligations and
20:16 promises. No, you are not obliged. Your only responsibility, your only commitment is towards
20:22 the truth. All else is dispensable. All else can be given up if it's proven to be untrue,
20:32 including the things that you are taught to hold as sacred. Sacredness is not higher than
20:42 truthfulness because only the truth is sacred. If something that you hold as sacred is not
20:51 the truth or truthful, how exactly is it sacred in the first place? Only, am I making sense?
21:02 Convince me you are with me. Am I making sense? Alright. Only the truth is sacred. What is
21:09 sacred? Something that you unconditionally honour. Something that you never want to breach
21:17 or violate or disrespect. Right? That's sacredness. Something that you take as beyond yourself.
21:26 Something that you take as transcending yourself. So you always bow down to it. That's sacredness.
21:33 Only the truth is sacred. No belief, no relationship, no experience. Nothing in life is sacred except
21:42 the one. And if you can see that and if you can practice that, then you will experience
21:49 a great freedom in life, which actually is a birthright. A birthright that is denied
21:56 to most of us unfortunately. Getting it. So like when we say that we are free to believe
22:07 what we want to believe, no like from our side, we have to believe the truth and we
22:13 are not obliged to anything. Wait, wait, wait. There is a problem here. When you say you
22:20 are free to want anything or believe in anything, that's not freedom at all. Freedom does not
22:27 rush after wants or desires or beliefs. They are all one. They come from your darkness.
22:33 Freedom questions everything because freedom wants to accept only the real. Freedom has
22:40 a great distaste for fakeness. Do you want or like fake stuff? How many of you? To not
22:49 to like fakeness is freedom. What if your desires themselves are fake? What is fake?
22:55 That which is second-handed. Somebody installs a desire inside you. Why do you want to call
23:03 it your desire? Please tell me. Please tell me. A clever marketer comes here for example
23:15 and in some cunning way starts advertising, let's say a new mobile phone to you without
23:26 even explicitly saying that he is here to advertise. And because he is advertising his
23:33 stuff, you develop a desire for it. That's what advertising does. Does it not? What happens
23:40 when you watch an ad? You become desirous and then you call that desire as your desire.
23:51 How is it your desire? Please tell me. So how is it freedom then to rush after an imported
23:57 desire? Somebody has installed a desire in you and now you are investing your time and
24:06 energy and life in fulfilling that desire. Is that a wise thing to do? So that's not
24:12 freedom. That's bondage. Freedom is not about doing what you want to do. As young people,
24:20 please get that right out of your mind. Because that's the popular notion of freedom young
24:27 people love to have. I am free to do whatever I want to do. If you are free to do whatever
24:32 you want to do, then you are a terrible slave, not a free man. Because all desires, all desires,
24:43 remember this, are external impositions that you take in, in your ignorance, you do not
24:51 realize they are external things. Desires come either from your body or from your sensual
25:02 experience or a combination of the two. Are you getting it? Food for example. The fundamental
25:10 urge arises from the body but you might not be according it much weightage and then somebody
25:20 brings a platter of something delicious in front of you and there is the tempting aroma
25:25 and what do you find? You find desire rising with all its force. The two have combined.
25:32 The basic urge was bodily, the body was saying I am hungry and then there was an external
25:39 stimulus, the sight and the smell and the result was deep desire. That's the anatomy
25:48 of desire. That's how it arises. Now do you want to really call it your own? And food
25:54 is a fundamental bodily thing. So it's alright if you have that desire. Think of the several
26:00 other things. I said desire makes you a terrible slave. Why? Because everybody knows how to
26:11 excite you. If you have some money in your pocket and if I come and snatch it, I would
26:19 be called a thief and a robber. You would launch an FIR, right? What if I just tempt
26:26 you and you give that money to me? Now the transaction is legal and acceptable but the
26:33 same thing has happened. The robber has just grown clever. Instead of snatching it from
26:39 you, he advertised something useless to you and you bought it and you gave the money.
26:48 It's just robbery and you are very happy that you have fulfilled your desire. No, it's
26:56 not your desire you have fulfilled. If anything it was probably the robber's desire you have
27:02 fulfilled. Have you not? It's not your desire. Whenever desire arises, ask yourself, how
27:11 is it mine? How really is it mine? It is either the body's thing or the senses thing. When
27:18 you are in a state to discount these two kinds of desires, the bodily one and the external
27:26 social one, then you will be faced with something very very important. Once these two desires
27:35 are discounted, then you are left with your deepest pure original desire. And the wise
27:46 ones have told us that the purpose of life is to fulfill that one deepest desire, not
27:53 the thousand shallow miscellaneous ones. If you spend your life fulfilling the various
28:02 miscellaneous desires, that's just wastage of life. But beneath the thousand shallow
28:09 desires, the real one deep desire remains hidden. You never come to know of it. When
28:16 you don't come to know of it, there is no possibility of fulfilling it. First of all,
28:23 keep the false desires aside so that you can see the real desire. And once you see the
28:29 real desire, it's so fascinating to try to fulfill it. That real desire is denoted by
28:38 a better word. It's called love. It's no more a desire then. It's love. And then what you
28:45 get is a life spent in love. Not love of the kind you watch on the screens. Real love.
28:53 Not love of the kind that necessarily includes a person mostly of the other gender. No. Love
29:01 of the real kind. Love that brings life to life. That's the kind of life you all deserve
29:12 to live. But you'll squander the opportunity if you think that you want to buy a t-shirt
29:20 and that's what you want. Or you want to attend a rock concert and that's what you want. All
29:26 these are little things, petty desires. You can't invest too much in them.
29:37 Sir, I want to know that how do we explore what's inside of us? Like in the starting
29:45 of the session you said that what sees through our eyes or what listens through these ears.
29:50 So how do we explore what that is? Or if we Google this out, so there's so many religions,
29:56 they all have different methods of doing that. So how do I know what's right for me?
30:02 Start by discounting. That's the way. You will probably never come to know the perfect
30:09 answer. But I said that you should be grateful if you can discount the gross imperfections.
30:18 That's the way. If you keep waiting for the perfect one or perfect thing or perfect answer,
30:25 you'll keep waiting. Don't wait. Start by rejecting, negating, discounting. Have the
30:34 heart to disown and be detached. Keep things aside. The moment you honestly know that they
30:42 are not what you must value, keep them aside. Is all this sounding very dry? No, it is not.
31:01 It's just that we have been trained in the wrong kind of juices. What I am talking of
31:10 is actually something very lively, very exciting. It's just that you need to experiment a bit,
31:22 need to try it out and you need to hold on for a while. There would be the initial resistance.
31:33 Don't go down to it. Stand firm for a while and then you'll start seeing that this way
31:43 of living in true freedom is actually very enticing. And once you get the taste of it,
31:54 the hang of it, you'll forget all about the usual juvenile stuff. You'll laugh at it,
32:01 you'll not look at it, you'll discard it. This is so enticing. You'll need to begin,
32:08 you'll need to try things out.
32:10 You said two things, one is body and other is consciousness. Body has a shape and we
32:19 can feel it. What about consciousness? How do you…
32:24 Pure consciousness is formless, attributeless, nameless. The senses cannot perceive it, the
32:30 mind cannot think of it. But our consciousness definitely has a shape. For example, if you
32:36 are body identified, then your consciousness has the shape of the body. If I am greatly
32:43 enamoured by this mug, then my consciousness takes almost the shape of this mug. I become
32:50 this. Have you seen? When you are very fascinated by something, you lose sense of everything
32:58 else and your entire mind is focused on that one thing itself. So consciousness as we have
33:05 it is an adulterated thing and is intertwined with one object or the other. But pure consciousness,
33:15 no shape, nothing. And that's what its purity is all about. To be free of everything that
33:20 has shape and form and name. That's why it is called pure. Pure of shapes, norms.
33:37 [music]
