• last year
Credit: SWNS / Bethany Burgoyne

A woman who spent £51k removing her body and facial hair has now embraced it – despite being mistaken for a man.

Bethany Burgoyne, 33, started waxing and shaving when she was just 10 years old – after feeling self-conscious and says she was encouraged to do so.

As she grew up, Bethany struggled with thick dark hair growing on her stomach, chin and nipples and would spend around £250-a-month waxing, epilating and bleaching to remove it for 17 years.

She began saving up for laser hair removal aged 27 – which at the time cost around £1k to £2k a go – before she realised she could put the money towards travelling.

Slowly Bethany found the confidence to stop shaving and now feels “confident” embracing her “beautiful” body hair.
00:00 Hello sunshines, I'm here to talk to you about my body hair!
00:04 If you hadn't noticed already, I am a happy bearded cis woman and this fluffiness goes from head to toe.
00:16 [Music]
00:39 It wasn't all plain sailing and it sure as hell came with a lot of people questioning my gender.
00:44 But I am here to remind you, your hair can look sexy!
00:50 [Music]
01:13 Here's my sassy advice about how you can start feeling good with your body hair and your facial hair too.
01:19 Number one, override the negative thoughts.
01:22 For years I was told that I had to remove my hair to feel attractive about myself.
01:26 Everything in media said that I was wrong, something went wrong with me if I had body hair or facial hair.
01:32 Well honey, you can change that narrative.
01:34 Two, follow people or look at people who you can look up to who look like you, who you can admire.
01:40 It was by seeing so many other women with beards that I was finally in a place to accept my own.
01:45 And number three, take your sweet time.
01:49 These things aren't easy to override, especially when the world is semi against you.
01:53 So, maybe you're just going to let your armpits grow a little bit longer for one more week.
01:58 Maybe you pluck your left eyebrow and not your right.
02:01 At your own pace.
02:02 [Music]
02:17 I've got hair everywhere and I don't care.
02:21 Here's some of my favourite sassy comments I've received.
02:25 As a beautiful bearded babe.
02:29 Oh my god, your beard looks amazing.
02:33 Your beard is growing and it looks beautiful.
02:36 You suit a beard so well.
02:39 I wish I had a beard like you.
02:41 Oh my god, you have a beard too?
02:43 Oh babe.
02:45 So go on honeys, go give a bearded beauty a gorgeous compliment.
02:51 [Music]
