(Adnkronos) - "Tezepelumab è il primo biologico anti-Tslp approvato nel nostro Paese. Questo conferma l’impegno di AstraZeneca nell'ambito respiratorio e in particolare nell’asma grave". Sono le parole di Raffaela Fede, direttore medico di AstraZeneca Italia, a margine della conferenza stampa organizzata oggi a Milano dall’azienda biofarmaceutica globale AstraZeneca per annunciare il via libera dell’Agenzia italiana del farmaco alla rimborsabilità dell’anticorpo monoclonale tezepelumab per il trattamento dell’asma grave non controllata.
00:00 [Music]
00:04 Tezepelumab is the first biological anti-TSLP approved in our country.
00:10 This confirms our great commitment in the respiratory field,
00:14 in particular in severe asthma.
00:17 Severe asthma represents 10% of the subjects in our country
00:21 affected by asthma, of which there are about 300,000 patients.
00:29 Patients range from all ages, so adults, teenagers, but also children.
00:36 This means that there is still a great clinical need,
00:42 not yet satisfied, to which we hope Tezepelumab can respond.
00:48 Certainly its innovative action mechanism can make it possible
00:53 that subjects with multiple disease drivers can benefit from it
00:57 and therefore bring an improvement not only in the reacotization,
01:02 but in the quality of life in all these subjects.
01:05 This is in line with our commitment in this area,
01:09 which is to guarantee the remission of these subjects.