• last year
Experience the uproarious animated escapade of "Bwana Magoo" (1958) featuring the unforgettable Mr. Magoo and his nephew, Waldo, in a side-splitting African adventure. Watch as Magoo's nearsighted misadventures lead to uproarious encounters with alligators and hyenas, leaving audiences in stitches with his unintentional antics.

When Magoo mistakes a lion with a thorn for his nephew, hilarity ensues as he unwittingly befriends the lion and embarks on a series of misadventures. Directed by the talented Tom McDonald and voiced by the incomparable Jim Backus, "Bwana Magoo" delivers timeless humor and charm, with a screenplay penned by Pete Burness, Dick Kinney, and Dick Shaw.

As Magoo's antics unfold, parents and viewers alike will be treated to Jim Backus's expert voice work, bringing the iconic character to life with his trademark mutterings. While some may find certain elements of the film dated, its heartwarming humor remains as endearing as ever.

With a team of skilled animators and sound designers, "Bwana Magoo" bursts to life with vibrant colors and captivating sound effects, ensuring a visually stunning and entertaining experience for audiences of all ages.

Join Mr. Magoo and Waldo on a safari adventure like no other, filled with laughter, mishaps, and the timeless charm of one of animation's most beloved characters. "Bwana Magoo" promises an enchanting journey that will leave viewers smiling and reminiscing about the enduring humor of Mr. Magoo.