• last year
In the charming animated short "Matador Magoo" (1957), the beloved Mr. Magoo embarks on another hilarious adventure, this time finding himself in a bullring in Mexico. Mistaking the arena for a highway, Magoo's nearsighted antics lead to chaos and laughter, especially from the bull!

Directed by Pete Burness, "Matador Magoo" epitomizes the timeless humor of Mr. Magoo, with a witty screenplay by Dick Shaw adding to the amusement. Jim Backus's exceptional voice work brings Magoo to life, complemented by Jerry Hausner's contribution to the cast.

This classic animation captures hearts with its humor and endearing characters, offering an entertaining escapade as Magoo navigates the bullring with his signature myopic charm. With its clever storyline and exceptional voice acting, "Matador Magoo" promises laughs for audiences of all ages.

