• last year
Delve into the amusing world of "Magoo's Puddle Jumper" (1956), an animated short featuring the beloved Mr. Magoo. Directed by Pete Burness, the story follows Magoo's misadventures as he unwittingly purchases a decrepit car from a dubious salesman.

With a witty screenplay by Dick Shaw, Magoo's nearsightedness leads to hilarious misunderstandings, mistaking underwater scenes for everyday settings. Jim Backus delivers a captivating performance as the voice of Mr. Magoo, while Daws Butler adds to the comedic brilliance with additional character voices.

"Magoo's Puddle Jumper" (1956) is a prime example of classic animation, blending humor and heartwarming moments. Join Mr. Magoo on his underwater journey filled with laughter and enjoyment. Experience the enduring charm of this timeless character in "Magoo's Puddle Jumper."

