In a whirlwind of political developments, Haryana's CM Manohar Lal Khattar resigned alongside JJP's ouster. The BJP's Central Election Committee finalized approximately 90 candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, including Khattar from Karnal. With stalwarts like Piyush Goyal and Nitin Gadkari among the contenders, the BJP advances towards its goal of 400 parliamentary seats, as PM Modi's ambitious vision looms.
#Haryana #BJP #BJPSecondList #ManoharLalKhattar #JJP #NitinGadkari #PiyushGoyal #Politics #Indianews #LokSabhaElections #Oneindia #Oneindianews
#Haryana #BJP #BJPSecondList #ManoharLalKhattar #JJP #NitinGadkari #PiyushGoyal #Politics #Indianews #LokSabhaElections #Oneindia #Oneindianews