FTS 12:30 06/03: Biden and Trump move closer to presidential nomination

  • 6 months ago
FTS 12:30

* Palestinian youth condemn Israeli genocide in Gaza
* Gunmen attack Haiti's national police academy

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00:03 In Palestine, Palestinian youth rioted in Raffa
00:11 to mark the 150th day of the Israeli genocide in Gaza.
00:15 In the United States, Donald Trump and incumbent Joe Biden
00:25 move forward with their candidacy for the White House
00:27 after Super Tuesday.
00:31 In Haiti, several armed criminal groups
00:33 attacked the National Police Academy in Port-au-Prince
00:36 amidst a sharp escalation of violence.
00:38 Hello, welcome from the South.
00:44 I'm Luis Alberto Matos from the ESO studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:48 We begin with the news.
00:56 West of the city of Raffa, a group of Palestinian youth
01:09 and volunteers staged an event to mark the 150th day
01:12 of the genocide in the Gaza Strip.
01:14 The event was attended by several children and women
01:17 who raised banners calling for an end to the conflict
01:20 in the Palestinian enclave.
01:21 The Israeli bombardment of Gaza has
01:23 displaced 85% of the population amidst
01:25 of a severe shortage of food, drinking water, and medicine,
01:29 causing the death of more than 30,000 people
01:32 and around 70,000 wounded.
01:39 I came as a volunteer to tell the world
01:41 not to stop talking about Gaza and not to stop sending aid.
01:45 I want to tell you how our lives have been turned upside down.
01:50 We used to live a somehow dignified life.
01:52 Now we live in camps and fight for a piece of bread
01:56 and drinking water.
01:57 This is something we have never experienced before.
02:01 We are not dreaming.
02:02 This is a real nightmare.
02:05 The United Nations Relief and Works Agency
02:07 for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
02:09 has described the food shortages in Gaza
02:11 as a nutritional crisis and part of a wider humanitarian
02:14 catastrophe.
02:15 UNRWA spokeswoman, Tamara Al-Rifaei,
02:18 said from Cairo that the situation is so dire
02:20 and desperation is so high that any truck crossing becomes
02:25 an attraction for the hungry.
02:27 According to Al-Rifaei, 90% of the population in Gaza
02:29 today faces a high level of acute food insecurity.
02:32 This said, access to northern Gaza has been a real challenge.
02:36 UNRWA spokeswoman added that Israeli authorities have
02:38 rejected more than half of the UN's requests
02:40 to bring food, medical supplies, and clean water to the north
02:44 and that UNRWA has not been allowed to reach
02:46 the area since January 23rd.
02:48 At least 30,717 Palestinians have been killed
02:51 and 72,156 wounded in Israeli attacks in Gaza
02:56 since October 7th.
02:57 President Mahmoud Abbas met on Tuesday
03:04 with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan
03:06 at the presidential palace in Ankara
03:08 as part of an official visit to Turkey
03:10 during which they discussed the latest developments
03:12 in the Palestinian arena.
03:14 During the meeting, President Abbas
03:15 reviewed the latest developments
03:16 in the Palestinian arena, the ongoing contacts
03:19 with all parties to immediately stop the Israeli aggression
03:21 against the Palestinian people, and the introduction
03:24 of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip,
03:26 especially to the north, which is
03:27 suffering from a real and unprecedented famine.
03:31 President Abbas thanked his Turkish counterpart
03:33 for his unwavering positions in support of the Palestinian
03:36 people and efforts to advocate their just cause
03:39 in the International Court of Justice
03:41 and at all international forums.
03:43 For his part, the Turkish president
03:45 reiterated his country's firm support
03:47 for the Palestinian people and their right to freedom,
03:49 independence, and the establishment
03:51 of their independent state on their national territory.
03:54 In this context, the president of Turkey
04:01 declared that the Israeli settlers
04:03 are the biggest obstacle to solving the conflict.
04:07 Those who are falsely called settlers
04:09 but actually encroach upon the lands of the Palestinians
04:12 are the biggest obstacles to the solution.
04:17 In the context of the upcoming month of Ramadan,
04:20 we are conveying our message regarding
04:21 the necessity of preventing provocations
04:23 to the relevant authorities.
04:24 The demands of radical Israeli politicians
04:29 to restrict Muslims' entry to Madjid al-Haram
04:32 are absolutely absurd.
04:34 Hamas officials said on Tuesday that talks seeking a pause
04:37 in this conflict with Israel cannot go on indefinitely.
04:40 The statement came after US President Joe Biden
04:43 called on the group to accept a ceasefire deal.
04:48 The enemy will not obtain through the negotiating table
04:50 what it has failed to obtain on the battlefield.
04:53 The security and the safety of our people
04:59 will not be achieved except with permanent ceasefire,
05:01 the end of the aggression,
05:03 and withdrawal from every inch of the Gaza Strip,
05:06 providing urgent and appropriate shelter
05:08 and bringing aid to our people.
05:10 And people in Gaza is the highest priority,
05:12 and any exchange process cannot take place
05:14 before all of this is achieved.
05:17 Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us
05:19 on TikTok at @TelesforEnglish,
05:21 where you will find news in different formats,
05:23 news updates, and much more.
05:25 Other stories coming up. Stay with us.
05:49 Welcome back from the South.
05:51 Former US President Donald Trump and incumbent Joe Biden
05:54 are advancing their candidacies for the White House
05:56 after Super Tuesday,
05:57 when more than 15 states participated in the primaries
06:00 to define the Democratic and Republican candidacies.
06:02 Both Trump and Biden won important delegates
06:04 in state socials California, Virginia,
06:06 North Carolina, and Iowa.
06:08 On the Republican side, Trump prevails
06:10 with around 1,051 delegates
06:12 compared to 86 for Nikki Haley, his closest contender,
06:16 while President Joe Biden accumulates 1,568 delegates
06:19 after winning in all Democratic races,
06:22 except for the territory of Samoa.
06:24 Both politicians are advancing in their nominations
06:26 despite the judicial measures against Trump
06:29 for his participation in the assault on the Capitol
06:31 on January 6, 2021,
06:33 and the popular rejection of Biden's administration's support
06:37 to the Israeli genocide against Palestine.
06:39 On Wednesday, the special Summit of Australia
06:45 and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
06:47 concluded in Melbourne.
06:49 Participants called for stability in the South China Sea.
06:52 A statement issued by the summit
06:53 called on all countries of the world
06:55 to avoid any unilateral action
06:57 that endangers the peace, security,
06:58 and stability of the region.
07:00 For his part, the Australian Prime Minister,
07:02 Anthony Albanese, declared that any activity
07:04 in the South China Sea should ease any kind of tension.
07:07 In another context, the summit took the opportunity
07:09 to condemn Israel's actions against the Palestinian people
07:13 in the Gaza Strip and called for a permanent ceasefire.
07:15 China surpassed 8.4 billion cross-regional travels
07:23 during the Lunar New Year holidays,
07:26 the largest annual migration in the world.
07:28 The Transportation Ministry reported
07:30 the country's railroad lines made approximately
07:32 480 million trips,
07:34 while the highways reached 7.83 billion trips.
07:38 Chinese authorities highlighted the improvement
07:41 in organization, transportation, and security
07:43 amid the first massive celebrations
07:45 since China lifted restrictions
07:47 used during the COVID-19 pandemic.
07:49 The Lunar New Year 2024 holidays, known as Xiongyun,
07:53 ended on March 5th and lasted for 40 days.
07:56 In Russia, at least 18 people were injured
08:04 and three are missing after a fire
08:06 at the Chagunar thermoelectric power plant
08:08 in southern Siberia.
08:10 Once at the accident site,
08:11 the governor of the Republic of Tuva, Vladislav Jovalik,
08:14 declared the fire under control
08:16 and revised the casualty figure of war.
08:19 Jovalik informed that a total of 18 people were hospitalized,
08:22 among them six seriously
08:23 and nine of minimum consideration.
08:25 He also pointed out that three people,
08:27 out of a total of 21 who were on duty,
08:29 are currently missing.
08:31 The regional government specified
08:33 that there was no damage to the four boilers
08:35 of the thermoelectric power plant
08:37 and they are still operational.
08:39 However, they had to turn off the central heating
08:41 in the city for a moment.
08:42 Russia celebrates the 2024 World Youth Festival
08:50 with the participation of some 20,000 people
08:53 from at least 180 countries in the city of Sochi.
08:56 It is considered the world's largest youth gathering.
08:59 The festival began this March 1st
09:01 after an opening speech by Russian President Vladimir Putin
09:04 in which he specified that the event received
09:06 some 300,000 requests for participation
09:09 from 190 countries.
09:11 The meeting is scheduled to be held until March 7th,
09:14 hosts leaders of youth organizations,
09:17 diplomats, young scientists,
09:19 journalists and businessmen.
09:20 The appointment proposes the discussion on a future
09:23 free of Western neocolonialism,
09:26 respect for each nation and the end of inequalities.
09:29 The great crisis of climate change,
09:35 biodiversity loss and pollution
09:37 are consequences of the way natural resources are extracted.
09:41 Scientific studies reiterate the need
09:43 to immediately address the transformation
09:45 of the global economy to achieve sustainable production
09:48 and consumption of global resources.
09:50 Let's watch more details in the following report
09:52 by our correspondent Oscar Epelde.
09:54 The United Nations Environment Assembly
09:59 has adopted some resolutions to promote resource efficiency
10:02 and a circular economy,
10:06 which could be considered a step forward
10:08 in promoting the transition
10:09 towards the Sustainable Development Goals.
10:11 But it would be difficult to argue that member states
10:16 have made more serious commitments
10:18 than at the sixth session of ONEA so far.
10:20 We feel a sudden complacency.
10:25 We feel that what has already been seen is being done.
10:28 In any case, the RDC's demand is commitment.
10:31 Commitment.
10:32 The new global resources study presented by the UN programme
10:38 leaves no room for doubt.
10:40 If the waste of materials and injustice continues,
10:43 there is no future.
10:46 In the experience we learned from the COVID-19,
10:49 we were serious.
10:50 However, on climate change and the environmental crisis,
10:53 we are not yet serious enough.
10:55 Scientists call for addressing the root causes
10:59 of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution,
11:02 the material footprint.
11:04 We projected to grow from approximately
11:08 100 billion tons in 2020 to 160 billion tons in 2060.
11:14 We need a fundamental and systematic change
11:16 in the way we use resources,
11:18 away from linear and wasteful systems
11:20 of production and consumption,
11:22 towards circular and resource-efficient societies,
11:25 optimising well-being for all.
11:27 We will change either by design or by disaster,
11:33 and I prefer by design.
11:35 The report reveals that high-income countries
11:39 use six times more materials per capita,
11:42 and it calls for the elimination of unsustainable activities
11:45 and a focus on reducing global inequalities.
11:47 We must go to the essence of what an economy is.
11:53 It's about connecting supply and demand
11:56 to human needs and well-being.
11:57 The press has asked them to assess the reasons
12:02 why the movement towards circularity in the economy
12:05 continues to be so limited,
12:06 despite the previous alarms sounded years ago.
12:09 The experts' answer is that we are still manipulated,
12:12 acting as if we were not part of nature.
12:14 All of nature is a circular economy.
12:20 Nothing is lost and everything participates,
12:23 so it is really important that we understand
12:25 that we humans are part of nature and behave accordingly.
12:28 The message of the scientific community
12:33 calls for balance in human relations
12:35 with the rest of nature.
12:38 Policies that implement change in energy,
12:41 food, transport and construction.
12:43 It is about protecting the interests and well-being of all,
12:47 including future generations.
12:49 They say it's possible, but urgent.
12:51 We have a final short break coming up,
12:59 but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
13:02 for our English-speaking audience,
13:03 you can scan the QR code on screen to join directly
13:06 and share the link to reach more people.
13:08 Constant news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean,
13:10 as well as the rest of the world.
13:12 Stay connected and informed with Telesur.
13:15 Final short break. Don't go away.
13:38 Welcome back to From the South.
13:40 Haiti's multidimensional crisis worsens by the hour
13:42 as parliamentary groups control over 80% of the capital
13:46 and prevent Prime Minister Henri Henry,
13:48 currently in Puerto Rico, from returning to the country.
13:50 The Prime Minister hopes to return to India
13:52 as flights to Haiti are currently banned.
13:54 In late February, Henry left the nation to travel to Guyana
13:58 for a CARICOM summit,
14:00 where he announced general elections for August 2025.
14:03 From there, the Prime Minister traveled to Kenya,
14:06 where he signed with President William Bruton
14:07 an agreement to send 1,000 police to Haiti.
14:11 However, since last Thursday, the crisis has worsened,
14:13 with the report of several shootings in Port-au-Prince
14:15 and the release of thousands of inmates.
14:18 The violence has caused the displacement
14:19 of more than 15,000 people.
14:22 On Sunday, government authorities declared a curfew
14:24 and a state of emergency.
14:26 The head of armed criminal groups in Haiti,
14:28 Jimmy Cherichier, also known as "Barbecue,"
14:31 threatened a bloody civil war
14:32 if the Prime Minister does not resign.
14:37 We will fight Ariel until the last drop of blood.
14:42 We will fight Ariel Henry until he resigns.
14:45 I am ready to make an alliance with the devil,
14:48 ready to sleep in the same bed as the devil.
14:52 The U.N. Security Council is holding an emergency meeting
14:55 Wednesday on the situation in Haiti ravaged by gang violence
14:58 that threatens civil war unless Prime Minister Henry resigns.
15:02 U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres this week
15:04 called for urgent action,
15:05 in particular by providing financial assistance
15:08 to the Multinational Security Force support mission.
15:11 U.N. representative in Haiti, Maria Isabel Salvador,
15:14 will brief the Security Council on development remotely
15:17 at its closed-door meeting scheduled
15:19 for Wednesday afternoon.
15:21 Armed gangs which control large parts of Haiti
15:23 announced last week a joint effort to overthrow Henry,
15:27 and since then, the airport, prisons, police stations,
15:30 and other strategic targets in the capital Port-au-Prince
15:32 have come under attack.
15:35 I've been working in and on around Haiti for 30 years now
15:39 and I've never ever seen it this bad.
15:41 It's absolutely catastrophic.
15:43 It being the human rights situation,
15:45 the humanitarian situation,
15:47 the lack of any kind of political anything,
15:50 discussions, negotiations.
15:52 In this context, uncertainty grows among citizens
15:54 who do not feel secure and do not believe
15:56 that the situation is going to get better.
16:00 Now it's a gang struggle.
16:02 Now it's the gangs that control the country.
16:05 They can become precedent because this situation
16:08 is not good at all.
16:11 In Peru, Alberto Oterola,
16:13 president of the Minister's Council,
16:15 tendered his resignation after a preliminary investigation
16:17 was opened, accusing him of corruption and wrongful hiring.
16:21 The resignation of the Peruvian diplomat
16:23 takes place after the release of a voice recording
16:25 from a phone call held by Oterola
16:28 that allegedly features him using his influence
16:31 to help his love interest get government contracts.
16:34 The 25-year-old woman also was hired by the defense ministry.
16:38 Announcing his resignation,
16:40 Oterola told reporters in Lima
16:42 he had been framed by political opponents.
16:44 He claimed that his rivals had manipulated
16:46 and edited the recordings.
16:48 However, he said on X that he was resigning
16:51 to give peace of mind to the president
16:53 and recompose the cabinet.
16:59 The T-Shirts Association of Uruguay
17:01 holds a strike in several localities of the capital city
17:04 to reject a cut in the education budget.
17:06 At least 110 elementary and high schools
17:09 remain closed due to the T-Shirts strike
17:12 ordered by the T-Shirts Association.
17:14 Some T-Shirts denounce the withholding of salaries
17:16 of some colleagues allegedly accused
17:18 of violating the separation of church and state.
17:21 It is estimated that the T-Shirts strike
17:23 will continue in the next few days
17:25 and will extend to different parts of the Uruguayan capital
17:27 until they receive answers from the national government.
17:34 Venezuela's National Electoral Council
17:36 announced Tuesday that the presidential elections
17:38 in the Bolivarian nation will be held on July 28, 2024.
17:42 The announcement was made by the president
17:44 of the electoral authority, Elvis Amoroso,
17:47 who also said the electoral registration
17:49 will be from March 18 to April 16
17:52 and that the presentation of candidates
17:54 will take place from March 21 to March 25.
17:57 Amoroso also informed that the electoral campaign
17:59 will begin on July 4 and will end on the 25.
18:03 The National Electoral Council's announcement
18:05 comes after signed agreements following large-scale
18:08 consultations throughout the political spectrum of the country.
18:14 We have come to the end of this news brief.
18:16 You can find these and many other stories
18:18 on our website at www.telecineenglish.net.
18:20 You can also join us on our social media
18:22 @telecineenglish, @telecineenglish_x,
18:24 Instagram Telegram and TikTok.
18:26 For TELESTORY English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
18:28 Thank you for watching.
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18:36 (upbeat music)
18:38 you
